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权利本质上是分配稀缺资源的规则,法律中的产权规范正是伴随着资源稀缺程度的加剧而不断发展演化。户外广告发布权正是在此背景下从所有权的"权利束"中分离出来,并逐步成为一种可独立交易的权利类型。该权利自产生以来就争议不断,它揭示出一个备受关注的理论问题,即权利的初始配置影响资源的利用效率。这是科斯定理的既定结论。法经济学对科斯定理所作的推论,为新生权利的初始配置提供了思路。根据产权配置的"低交易成本规则"和"价高者得规则",依附于私人建筑物的户外广告发布权应当配置给私人建筑物业主所有。此种产权配置方案使得法经济学的产权理论与物权法原理能够实现内在统一。  相似文献   

论动物的权利主体地位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从生命伦理、生态价值角度来看,动物在法律中应具有权利主体地位。动物成为权利主体不仅为国外立法实践所证明,在法理上也是可解释的。坚持动物的权利主体地位有利于经济社会协调发展。动物权利不是单纯的立法问题,贯彻动物权利主体理念要符合国情,不能超越现有经济发展水平和忽视人们的接受程度。  相似文献   

契约伦理与当代中国权利立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晶  强昌文 《法学家》2005,1(6):33-40
在法治文明的现代社会,体现人的主体性的权利主要表现为法定权利,而法定权利的正当性取决于其与道德权利的紧密联系程度.弘扬契约精神、坚持程序中心、注重自由本位、信奉合理利己、强调权利重心是构建当代中国权利立法的法制观念、立法形式、法律模式、价值位阶、动力权衡和资源配置等良性机制的最佳选择.只有与时俱进的不断更新和改善,才能使法律权利有一个良好的发展前景.  相似文献   

论权利实践理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权利实现是主体在一定情景中,选择与其个人情感偏好和睿智相吻合的行为方式,将法律性权利转化为权利事实的实践过程,受主体认识能力和心理素质的影响,理性和非理性方式是权利实践理性的两个基本范式,其价值性在于一方面它是权利实践生动活泼的形式,凸显权利实践过程中权利的主体性;另一方面,它对法律的背反具有批判性,推动法律制度以合理性为价值取向不断完善,形成具有时代特征的权利制度和权利文化。  相似文献   

权利失效是大陆法系基于民事诚信原则,创设于权利观念和制度较发达时代的一项民事法律制度,对防止权利滥用,平衡民事主体间的利益起到调整作用。然此制度在国内尚缺专门性研究,基于此,本文介绍了引入权利失效的必要性,并分析其基本理论框架,侧重对其构成要件、适用范围及法律效果进行探讨,以期对我国民事立法有所借鉴。  相似文献   

现阶段我国的法律制度对于胎儿权利的保护还相当薄弱,可是侵害胎儿权利的案件却屡见不鲜。因此,本文认为我国应采取概括式的保护主义的立法模式,从胎儿的健康权、身份权、继承权、生命权等四个方面来全面保护胎儿的权利,完善我国的相关立法。  相似文献   

动物"权利主体论"质疑   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许健  沈展昌 《河北法学》2004,22(1):136-140
动物的权利主体地位论使传统的法学理论面临严峻的挑战。对动物的道德关怀并不能必然导致动物成为权利主体。从立法目的、法律关系、法律逻辑的角度分析,这一论断不能成立。  相似文献   

叶立周 《河北法学》2007,25(6):61-66
在我国法学界,关于权利的逻辑构成的研究是随着权利研究和权利实践的发展而发生和发展的.首先,概括了自己关于权利的逻辑构成的观点,即权利由主体、利益、行为和正当性四要件构成,继而指出这一观点合理性的基础并进行了论证.  相似文献   

当代中国社会主义法治建设的历史画卷不断展开的过程在法律层面的一个显著体现就是各种新兴权利不断展现的过程。新兴权利之新既可以从以时间和空间为核心的形式标准来判定,又可以从权利的主体、客体、内容和情景为核心的实质标准来判定。新兴权利的产生在根本上乃是因应社会的发展而在法律制度需求上的自然反应,而新兴权利与旧有权利之间的冲突和协调不仅始终贯穿于法律权利实践的始终,而且彰显着权利发展的真实样态。  相似文献   

随着认罪认罚从宽制度的逐步完善,被追诉人权利保障机制形成了以审判机关、检察机关、侦查机关和被追诉人四主体为“端点”、主体之间权利(力)关系为“连线”的等边平行四边形关系结构。通过考察发现,被追诉人权利保障机制在权利明确性、量刑协商主体地位、量刑优惠规范和权利救济程序等方面存在结构性缺陷。规范层面对效率至上的片面追求、实践层面中被追诉人诉讼客体认识的残留和法理层面的合理性内在冲突是背后的成因。强化认罪认罚案件被追诉人的权利保障,应以被追诉人权利保障机制为框架,在近期明确完善被追诉人的权利赋予,在远期推进审前阶段司法型程序性救济模式构建、拓展审判阶段权利救济型程序性救济模式,并最终塑造具有现代法治意义的司法救济模式。  相似文献   

论我国户外广告行政立法的缺陷及其完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高轩 《时代法学》2008,6(5):67-72
户外广告的有序发展离不开户外广告的有效管理,户外广告的有效管理必须依据健全的户外广告制度。目前我国的户外广告制度已无法适应户外广告的发展要求,存在诸多的缺陷。结合我国户外广告制度的不足,借鉴国外相关制度建设的经验,提出我国户外广告制度的立法完善途径:重视并有效规范地方立法、明晰户外广告的位置所有权、合理规划户外广告的设置、规范政府行为、加强户外广告的监督管理、建立相应的法律救济机制等。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role and impact of advertising in the French urban planning on citizens’ perception with a close examination of the implications and connections between citizens and outdoor advertising. Significant changes in quantity and form of outdoor advertising have been defined under French regulations. Our knowledge is now mass mediated in public spaces. More and more visible and gargantuan advertising signs surround and even invade our environment for strict commercial benefits. The ‘invasion’ of commercial signs can be compared to a visual pollution affecting our perception, autonomy in thinking and health depending on the part of the population being considered.  相似文献   

聂付生 《金陵法律评论》2005,(3):110-114,119
晚明的插图本,不管梓行数量还是质量都远超前代,具有极高的文本价值和审美价值.加上晚明书商具有一套较为灵活的传播机制,采取诸如聘请名家加盟、更新版式、加大广告宣传力度等措施,极大地推动了插图本的传播速度.书商的这些举措也成为中国传播史上成功的传播范例.  相似文献   

虚假广告罪若干问题探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李希慧  沈元春 《河北法学》2005,23(12):16-18
虚假广告行为是现实生活中司空见惯的现象,但自从1997年被纳入刑法规制以来,被定为虚假广告罪而受刑罚处罚的尚不多见。而虚假广告罪网络虚假广告在理论和实践中还有很多问题值得深入研究,试对虚假广告的界定、本罪的主体和客体以及网络虚假广告等问题略抒浅见。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(21):5387-5393
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is publishing a list of class I devices, subject to certain limitations, that will be exempt from premarket notification requirements on February 19, 1998. FDA is also publishing a list of those class I devices that FDA believes will remain subject to premarket notification requirements because they meet the new statutory criteria for premarket notification requirements. These lists do not include class I devices that have been previously exempted by regulation from the premarket notification requirements. FDA is taking this action in order to meet a requirement of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 (the FDAMA). The agency requests comments on whether the list of class I devices that will remain subject to the premarket notification requirements should be modified.  相似文献   

地理标志是WTO多哈回合谈判中最具争议性的知识产权议题之一。各国对地理标志采取了不同的立法保护方式,并形成了通过商标法保护地理标志和制定地理标志专门法的两种主要保护模式。与此同时,我国学术界针对当前我国对地理标志同时采用商标法和专门立法两种保护模式的做法,也有诸多争议。这些情况都充分表明,各国政府以及学术界对地理标志相关权利及其保护客体的性质尚无统一的认识。从学者提出的各种观点来看,关于地理标志的性质主要存在着公权利说,私权利说和集体权利说等几种学说。从地理标志权的权能归属以及公权与私权的划分标准等角度分析,地理标志权在本质上具有私权属性,并为特定地理区域内合格的生产者所共有。我国的地理标志制度在进一步完善的过程中应当更鲜明地体现地理标志权的私权属性,从而充分发挥地理标志制度的经济效益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the influence of interest groups over news content. In particular, I explore the possibility that political advertising campaigns affect the tenor and framing of newspaper coverage in health policy debates. To do so, I compare newspaper coverage of the Patients' Bill of Rights debate in 1999 in five states that were subject to extensive advertising campaigns with coverage in five comparison states that were not directly exposed to the advocacy campaigns. I find significant differences in coverage depending on the presence or absence of paid advertising campaigns, and conclude that readers were exposed to different perspectives and arguments about managed care regulation if the newspapers they read were published in states targeted by political advertisements. Specifically, newspaper coverage was 17 percent less likely to be supportive of managed care reform in states subject to advertising campaigns designed to foment opposition to the Patients' Bill of Rights. Understanding the ability of organized interests and political actors to successfully promote their preferred issue frames in a dynamic political environment is particularly important in light of the proliferation of interest groups, the prevalence of multimillion-dollar political advertising campaigns, and the health care reform debate under President Barack Obama.  相似文献   

私权的层次划分与体系建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私权的核心与实质是正当利益,利益对主体的重要性与关系紧密性决定了私权的层次性。基础性权利(元权利)、辅助性权利、救济性权利是私权的层次性体现,三者及其内含的各种具体权利成为私法的核心内容并符合逻辑地构成层次分明的私权体系。私权的层次划分与体系建构为研习私权提供了清晰的概念内涵以及新的思考方式。  相似文献   

Many cable television operators routinely refuse to run localDSL advertising on their cable systems. Given that such conductreduces the advertising profits of cable companies, a plausiblepurpose for such discriminatory refusals to deal is to limittheir cable customers' information about competitive alternativesto their cable modem services. By banning local DSL advertisementsplaced on cable television, a cable television operator foreclosesequally efficient rivals (DSL providers) in the broadband Internetaccess market from the most efficient form of advertising abroadband product (television advertising), as I prove here,and thereby impairs rivals' efficiency. To the extent that DSLproviders cannot compete as effectively as they would in theabsence of the ban, the ban allows cable television operatorsto raise the price of cable modem service and thereby reduceconsumer welfare. Using a traditional antitrust analysis, Ipresent evidence that local television advertising can be aseparate product market (when it comes to marketing DSL), andthat cable television providers have market power in that advertisingmarket. I also present evidence that local television advertisingon cable networks is the most efficient form of advertisingfor DSL providers. The potential anticompetitive effect of cable'sban on DSL advertising is to relegate DSL advertising to lessefficient marketing channels, thereby allowing cable operatorsto charge higher prices for cable modem service. Such conductthus raises obvious antitrust issues.  相似文献   


For the first time in two decades, the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled in the 2014–2015 term to review the thorny planning and legal subject of local government regulation of outdoor signs and billboards and the core First Amendment requirement that regulations of speech be ”content neutral“. In basic terms, the content‐neutrality doctrine prohibits the government from regulating a speaker's content or message–including messages on outdoor signs. In Reed v. Town of Gilbert, the Court will be asked to decide whether Gilbert, Arizona's sign code, which distinguishes among several categories of signs, including religious, political, and ideological signs, meets the content neutrality requirement. In so doing, the Court may provide direction on how far local governments can go in regulating speech based on message, and the Court can resolve a longstanding division among the federal appellate courts over the meaning of content neutrality  相似文献   

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