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高新华 《河北法学》2005,23(3):65-67
世界贸易组织(WTO)规则是一个庞大的国际行政法体系,其中的许多内容将对我国行政诉讼原告资格制度的发 展产生重大影响。WTO司法最终理念所确立的"不利影响标准"对我国现行的"合法权益标准"提出了更高的要 求;WTO法制统一原则要求行政相对人有资格对更多的行使行政管理职权的行政行为提请司法审查;WTO争端 解决机制则进一步扩大了行政相对人合法权益的保护范围。  相似文献   

Legal principle, which underlies the value of the legal system, is supposed to be the origin and basis of concrete legal rules. It has also resulted from abstracting and summarizing the value and spirit of these legal rules. In light of the universality and hierarchy of legal principle, the principles of the international protection system of intellectual property rights (IPR) can be divided into the following two types: one is the fundamental principles applied to the what, why and how a legal system shall be constructed, such as principles of sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit, joint development, and international cooperation, which also can be expressed as the principles of sovereignty, international coordination and cooperation, fairness and justice. The other type includes those existing in the legal system and capable of being applied directly, such as the principle of national treatment, principle of minimum standard, principle of independence (for industrial property right), principle of independent protection (for copyright), principle of compulsory implementing patent (for patent right) and doctrine of priority (for industrial property right), etc. In my opinion, the principles of the international protection system of IPR shall follow the latter model, indicating that they shall be provided and written in the international conventions on the grounds that they can be applied directly, and that they can be universally applied to the whole international protection system of IPR instead of exclusive application to one certain system. Hereupon, the author believes that principles concerning the international protection system of IPR should include the principles of national treatment, minimum protection standard and public interest.  相似文献   

刑罚许容性原则是世界各国参与国际侦查合作的前提条件之一,具有重要的基础性意义。在对相关的国际公约、双边条约或协定以及国内法进行比较考察的基础上,运用刑事诉讼法学以及刑法学的基本原理,论证和阐释了特定犯罪不合作原则的由来、内涵,刑罚许容性的法律表达与理论分类及其价值功能,并且结合立法与司法实践归纳出刑罚许容性原则的发展趋势。  相似文献   

新加坡是东西方文明的交汇之地,妥善处理不同种族、宗教之间的关系至关重要。在对本国多元宗教、多元民族的基本国情充分认知的基础上,新加坡政府采取了务实的宗教政策。通过宪法和宗教自由法确立了政教分离、宗教自由和平等保护原则,制定了维护宗教和谐法,实现了宗教间的和谐与容忍,为世界各国宗教事务的法律治理树立了典范。  相似文献   

WTO法律体系是在少数发达国家主导下制定的,包含了大量不合理、不公正的规定。WTO法律体系要实现科学发展就必须协同发展,这主要归因于WTO法调整领域、运行机制、区域差异、与其他国际机构的密切合作。WTO法律体系协同发展应当遵循公正原则、科学原则、民主原则以及法治原则,并且要在观念、制度、行为、利益上实现协同。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,既是WTO法律体系不合理、不公正规定的受害者,又是WTO法律体系协同发展的推动者、参与者、捍卫者和实践者。这是中国加入WTO的世界性意义。  相似文献   

全球化浪潮使得商品生产交换条件遍及全球,为法律的共同性因素的增长起到了奠基作用;与此同时,西方资本主义的法律文明,伴随其经济、政治的扩张和“西方中心主义”价值观的推行,逐渐构筑起“法律殖民主义”的巢穴。因此,在全球化现象面前。我们一方面要把握住法律发展的共同性因素,创制顺应全球化社会生活条件的法律制度;另一方面,则应依据主权原则认同国际交往规则,防范“法律殖民主义”陷阱和“法律全球化”思维误区。  相似文献   

International relations scholars have traditionally focused on state-centered accounts of international legal norm development between nations while sociolegal scholars have focused on Weberian notions of occupational authority. This study advances a constructivist sociolegal approach emphasizing activist action as playing a unique role in shaping international norms. Specifically, this study investigates labor activists' intervention in U.S. bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) to examine why labor activists chose to initiate FTA disputes as a social movement tactic and how strategic interaction with international legal systems has helped them institutionalize and proliferate the International Labor Organizations' core labor standards. Through semi-structured interviews with legal, union, and government officials, alongside a content analysis of cases filed under the U.S. FTA system, this study shows the role activists played in advancing “globalized” standards in international law. This study finds that activists spread norms through a gradual mechanism of accretion, which focuses on the creation of standards and international legal standing over the individual outcomes of any given case.  相似文献   

Over cups of chai, a conversation between U.S. law professors and Tibetan exiles about the formation of a new democratic Tibetan government under the Dalai Lama goes awry. This article investigates why the misunderstandings occurred by presenting the context of the Tibetan and U. S. concepts of sacredness and secularity. The former Tibetan government and legal system are explained in some derail as well as the Tibetan wiew of the sacred and secular spheres in society. The deistic origins of the U.S. Constitution and the pervasive religious cosmology of the Framers are then described. These two similar positions are contrasted with the current modern and postmodern positions of an all-encompassing secular sphere that defines and contains religion. The author argues that "sacred" and "secular" have changed positions, with secularity now having an unmarked positive value and being viewed by U.S. law professors as a necessity for a democratic political and legal system. As the conversation with the Tibetans demonstrates, the richness and power of an integrated sacred perspective is difficult to comprehend from a hegemonic secular public space. Reformulating this "inarticulate debate" will be necessary for a coherent conversation to take place.  相似文献   

法律移植问题探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
法律移植概念为舶来语 ,应理解为对外来法的继受。法律移植是自古贯今人类法制史上的普遍现象。有六种因素影响法律移植 :经济因素、政治因素、民族因素、地理因素、社会因素、宗教因素。当代世界法律移植有两个新趋向 :法律走向国际统一化和以经济法律移植为主。在我国移植外来法中应注意 :优先考虑法学理论的移植 ,移植先进的法制 ,移植周密完善的法制。  相似文献   

“9.11”事件以来,国际社会更加注重国际反恐怖的合作机制。国际反恐怖的复杂性与艰巨性是人类历史上最严峻的挑战,国际反恐怖的各国实践是建立国际反恐怖合作法律机制的政治、经济和法律基础。只有在国际反恐怖合作的法律原则——包括国家主权平等原则,政治、经济与法律等相结合的原则,在联合国框架下的利益协调一致原则——的基础上,建立国际、区际法律合作途径,加强国际反恐怖的司法协助与技术合作,才能取得国际反恐怖的最终胜利。  相似文献   

目的财产学说,兼具解释与建构的价值。在我国民事法制现代化的历史和现实中,宗教财产立法都没有能够摆脱目的财产学说的影响。在民初的近代私法转型中,目的财产说成为屡次寺庙财产立法的主流学说。在当前的宗教财产立法中,《民法通则》所规定的社会团体(宗教团体)所有说已经被《物权法》和《宗教事务条例》所抛弃。《物权法》对宗教财产规制的策略性回避立场,为对宗教财产法制的整体反思与建构提供了充分的时间和空间。《宗教事务条例》开创的宗教财产的法制正在沿着目的财产学说的轨迹运动。  相似文献   

我国国民待遇制度的现状及发展前景探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国民待遇原则是国际社会普遍适用的一项基本原则。我国的国民待遇制度的立法主要涉及一般民事权利、投资权、对外贸易、税收、知识产权、法律诉讼等方面。目前我国的国民待遇制度还存在一些缺陷 ,如“超国民”待遇、“次国民”待遇的存在。因此 ,我国一方面要淡化优惠 ,另一方面要减少限制 ,建立“对内、对外统一”的法律体系。  相似文献   

张力 《河北法学》2008,26(2):82-89
基督教之社团财产法,在调和教会信仰的"纯洁性"与教会支配财产的"世俗性"之间矛盾的过程中,形成了独特的技术结构——教会目的财产说——相对于法人实体说与法人拟制说而言,是法人制度实践的进一步深入。但用于维持教会财产目的性的主要机制——信仰的力量——本身的不可靠,致使教会财产制在短暂成为"反封建"的革新力量以后,很快站到历史发展的对立面。这说明昭示法人制度未来的"目的财产说"还只是一种有益的"理想",以单纯的"信仰"为保障目的的实现,将导致对法人管理人做"性善论"假设,最终是善恶混淆的"自然状态"的复萌,这对以信仰立国的我国尤有警示意义。  相似文献   

马忠法  葛淼 《河北法学》2020,38(1):2-19
国际秩序建立在国际法律制度基础之上,新格局之下的国际政治经济秩序需要相应的良法善治。以西方宗教文化为精神内核的当代国际法,面对人类当下存在的公共问题,已经难以做出有效应对。构建人类命运共同体之理念正是充分吸取了中国传统“和”文化的有益成分,对现存国际法治基础理论给予了补充和创新,对人类未来国际法治建设给予指导,因为“和”文化完全不同于西方“利”文化,更有助于实现不同文化、文明的和解和共荣。  相似文献   

Kelsen's monistic theory of international law was shaped during his exile in Geneva (1933–1940), but its deep roots are to be found in his Pure Theory of Law, centred on the neo‐Kantian notion of “system.” According to this conception, a legal system can only descend from a single principle. Consequently, Kelsen constructed a monistic theory of law, i.e., a legal system incorporating all norms into a pyramidal structure culminating in a single principle: the fundamental norm. This Kelsenian pyramid must also include international law, considering that if international law were a legal system different from national law (as the dualistic theory assumes), the theoretical construction would need two fundamental norms. This dualism is as incompatible with Kelsen's monistic vision as Schmitt's theory of “Great Spaces,” creating a hierarchical system of international relations. In the Kelsenian pyramid, international law occupies a position superior to national law: The consequences of this assumption are discussed in some documents recently published in German and French.  相似文献   

By juxtaposing religious, legal, and victims'accounts of political violence, this essay identifies and critiques assumptions about agency, the individual, and the smte that derive from liberal theory and that underlie U.S. asylum taw. In the United States, asylum is available to aliens whose gooernments fail to protect them from persecution on the basis of their race, religion, political opinion, nationality, or social group membership. Salvadoran and Guatemalan immigrants have challenged this definition of persecution with their two-decade-long struggle for asylum in the United States. During the 1980s, U.S. religious advocates and solidarity workers took legal action on behalf of what they characterized as victims of oppression in Central America. The asylum claims narrated by the beneficiaries of these legal efforts suggest that repessiwe pactices rendered entire populations politically suspect. To prevail in immigration court, however, victims had to prove that they were individually targeted because of being somehow "different" from the population at large. In other words, to obtain asylum, persecution victims had to explain how and why their actions had placed them at risk, even though persecution obscured the reasons that particular individuals were targeted and thus rendered all politically suspect.  相似文献   

共同但有区别责任原则:演进、属性与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寇丽 《法律科学》2013,(4):95-103
在没有核心性国际法律文件和世界性专门机构引领的情况下,全球环境治理只能凭借一系列的环境原则,其中包括构成维系国际环境合作体系之支柱的共同但有区别责任原则。共同但有区别责任原则并非天生就是国际环境法的基本原则,其首先是一项全球环境治理原则。该原则不仅具有法律属性,同时也具有伦理与政治属性。相应地,共同但有区别原则也就具有了多重功能。只有厘清共同但有区别责任原则的属性和功能,才能避免落入"法律中心主义"的窠臼。  相似文献   

司法独立作为一项人权原则和法治原则 ,已被国际社会广泛接受 ,并且已经形成其国际标准。中国在宪法和法律中 ,也对司法独立作了原则性的确认和规定。但是 ,由于中国司法存在着较为严重的地方保护主义 ,形成了“司法权地方化”的格局 ,破坏了法制的统一和司法独立原则的实施。中国司法地方保护主义有其深厚的体制性根源和思想文化根源。解决中国司法地方保护主义问题就需要彻底地改造形成“司法权地方化”的体制性因素 ,以“司法权国家化”作为司法体制改革的思路 ,并以此进行相应的司法制度设计。  相似文献   

国际公务员与现代国际法的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵劲松 《时代法学》2008,6(5):103-110
国际公务员是国际社会日益组织化的产物,联合国60年来的历程对现代国际法产生了深远的影响,尤其将尚处于起步阶段的国际公务员法律制度向前推进了一大步,从而形成了一项相对独立并且完善的国际公务员法。国际公务员法在国际法主体、外交关系法、国际司法制度和国际组织责任等领域推动了现代国际法的发展。  相似文献   

经过历史发展,个人刑事责任原则的观念逐渐形成,并体现在主要的国际性法律文件以及国际刑事审判活动中,成为国际刑法中的一项重要的基本原则。然而,鉴于多种因素的考量,目前权威国际刑法规范所规定的个人刑事责任原则只体现在自然人实施特定国际犯罪的情形中,并没有确认法人和国家的刑事责任主体地位。  相似文献   

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