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我国已经建立起了直接补贴农业经营者的政策体系,主要包括农民收入补贴、农业生产补贴、农产品价格支持补贴、农业保险补贴、农业金融补贴、基础设施建设补贴以及资源环境保护补贴。农业补贴政策体系建立以来,补贴存量稳定增长,发放时效基本能够满足生产需要,已经形成了多种补贴方式,鼓励了农业领域的投资,在农业增产、农民增收中发挥了重要作用。大样本农户调查表明,现有农业补贴政策执行情况总体较好,广大农民满意度较高。我国的农业补贴政策也存在着细小的经营规模摊薄效果、难以支持农民较大幅度增收、农业增产效果递减、政策协调性不足、对新型经营主体支持不力、聚焦可持续发展不足等问题。在农业供给侧结构性改革进程中,需要明确目标,转变体制,调整思路,拓展农业补贴的对象和范围,创新农业补贴方式,促进农业农村发展新旧动能转换。  相似文献   

土地密集型农产品明显不具比较优势 目前在执行WTO农业协定方面,要求各国遵守农产品贸易规则,重点监督各成员国国内的农业支持和保护政策(主要是对出口商及出口农产品直接的价格补贴)。 加入WTO之后,我国要部分开放农产品市场,而其中受影响较大的是我国大宗农产品生产与贸易。在农产品贸易方面,首先会碰到以下几个问题: ─—将过去的非关税贸易壁垒关税化。在5年的过渡期内将农产品平均名义进口关税从目前的21.2%降至17%,涉及降低进口关税的产品主要有畜禽产品、乳制品、水产品、干鲜果菜及加工品类。 ──在过渡期…  相似文献   

关于政策性农业保险的财政支持政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府财政支持是政策性农业保险发展的基本保障和重要条件.我国政策性农业保险中的财政支持政策主要包括保险费补贴、经营管理支持、风险责任分担与巨灾风险分散机制四方面内容.目前我国政策性农业保险中的财政支持政策存在中央和地方责任划分不合理、保费补贴存在隐忧、经营管理支持不充分、风险分担和分散机制不健全等问题.为此,应明确中央及地方政府在财政支持中的职责划分,逐步完善中央财政支持体系;优化保费补贴政策,适当提高补贴程度,提高参保率;改进对保险经营机构的财政补贴方式;完善风险共担机制;建立农业巨灾风险基金.  相似文献   

2018年3月开始的中国与美国之间的多轮外贸商品关税壁垒活动造成巨大的国际影响,既对中国和美国的经济发展、资本市场、对外直接投资、居民生活和社会生产造成一定的冲击,对世界整体经济和贸易形势也产生一定影响。在此次中美贸易摩擦中,中国既展现出强硬态度予以积极回击,又宣布实施更加开放的财税政策等,得到了国际社会的关注和国民的支持。基于中美贸易摩擦的理论基础和此次贸易摩擦的"前因后果",分析总结了此次中美贸易摩擦的国际影响及中国的应对策略,并对未来中国应对国际贸易争端和冲突提出政策建议,即建立相关贸易摩擦的预警和应对机制、战略性地扩大对外开放和国内市场、提升自身实力和创新能力、促进对外贸易转型升级、参与破解WTO多边贸易体制困境和促进全球贸易合作共赢。  相似文献   

关于农业补贴政策的作用和局限性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业补贴政策有时会成为一些国际谈判争论的焦点。对农业补贴政策实施的必要性和局限性进行理论探讨,结果表明,农业的弱质性、重要性以及世界上提高食品质量和资源环境质量的新趋势表明了实施农业补贴政策的必要性,并且WTO的有关规则也对农业补贴政策的实施有着明确的规定,许多国家在WTO规则的范围内实施了农业补贴政策。但是,农业补贴政策也表现出一定的局限性,对其替代手段进行研究是值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

我国是一个拥有9亿农民的大国,发展极不平衡,东部比较发达,西部非常落后,还有3000万人口没有脱贫。所以面对入世的形势,国家加大对西部农业政策的调整力度,采取有力的支持和保护政策,这不仅是一个经济问题,而且是一个重大的政治问题。一、在保护政策上,由边境措施向国内科学决策转变在国际贸易中,对农业实行保护政策是一个普遍现象。由于一些国家对进口农产品实施高关税和非关税措施,严重扰乱了农产品贸易的正常秩序。所以在乌拉圭回合中达成的《农产品协议》对边境措施进行了严格的限制,对国内补贴也有明确的规定。中国加…  相似文献   

当前,中国农业不仅面临粮食数量安全和质量安全的沉重压力,还面临应对全球气候变化、保护土地自然力可持续性,发展低碳农业的新挑战。因而,梳理国内外农业支持政策方面的相关文献,总结其特点和研究前景,对于在低碳经济视角下,构建适合中国国情的农业支持政策体系会提供良好的思路。  相似文献   

加入WTO将给中国的改革开放进程带来深远的影响,也将会对中国的经济管理体制改革和政府管理体制改革带来巨大的挑战.对国际政治经济学有关贸易与国内政治的研究、国际贸易理论关于贸易政策之形成的研究、国际关系理论和博弈论关于国际谈判的研究进行了评述,并从国际政治经济学的角度提出分析国际贸易谈判的一个初步的分析框架.通过强调国内政治、策略行为和国际规则的重要性,并从公民政策偏好的形成、利益集团集体行动、两国贸易谈判之间的双层博弈、国际规则的制约因素等多方面讨论了如何分析贸易谈判.  相似文献   

加入WTO将给中国的改革开放进程带来深远的影响,也将会对中国的经济管理体制改革和政府管理体制改革带来巨大的挑战。对国际政治经济学有关贸易与国内政治的研究、国际贸易理论关于贸易政策之形成的研究、国际关系理论和博弈论关于国际谈判的研究进行了评述,并从国际政治经济学的角度提出分析国际贸易谈判的一个初步的分析框架。通过强调国内政治、策略行为和国际规则的重要性,并从公民政策偏好的形成、利益集团集体行动、两国贸易谈判之间的双层博弈、国际规则的制约因素等多方面讨论了如何分析贸易谈判。  相似文献   

根据商务部最新发布的数据,截至2010年,中国已经连续16年成为全球遭受反倾销调查最多的国家,连续5年成为全球遭遇反补贴最多的国家。中国已经成为全球反倾销的最大靶子。之所以会出现这种情况,自然跟中国对外贸易的快速发展过程中,国外的贸易保护主义加剧和国内贸易政策或企业行为失当有关。与此同时,对中国的贸易制裁还往往成了一些国家国内政治斗争的一个筹码。  相似文献   

公共政策工具研究的意义、基础与层面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济社会转型、推进经济社会进步的过程中,政府的主要手段之一就是公共政策。而所采取的公共政策的实践效果如何本身就反映出政府的执政能力。从当前各国公共政策的实践和理论来看,关于政策工具的研究已经成为有关公共政策研究的一种发展的潮流。在这方面的理论和实践上的不足,向人们提出了严峻的挑战。论证了在公共政策过程中,关于政策工具的选择、比较以及关于不同政策工具之间存在差异性、互动性的了解,对于取得公共政策的成效来说,有着极为重要的意义;概述了近年来推动公共政策工具研究的学科基础(如经济学、法学和公共管理学等)以及社会实践基础;阐述了值得开展政策工具研究的一些主要的视角和方面,这些方面的研究无论是就理论还是就实践来说均有着重要的价值。  相似文献   

Ho  Lok Sang 《Policy Sciences》2000,33(1):89-100
In this paper, the author argues that wage subsidy is a valuable policy tool in the face of structural changes such as would result from the removal of tariffs, or in the face of a need to assist the disadvantaged or redress distributional inequity. After discussing wage subsidies that target specific segments of the population, which has the potential to improve both static and dynamic efficiency, the author goes on to discuss and contrast his universal wage subsidy proposal with the negative income tax and the minimum wage legislation, all of which are designed mainly for distributional purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines policy arguments for further restricting supply to the Australian General Practice profession by immigration and medical school policies. It uses economic analysis to assess the costs and benefits of supply restrictions. The effects of Medicare and GP income-targeting on policy design are analysed. Restrictions are shown to impose net costs on the community as a whole and on government. Even with Medicare subsidies, the inefficiency costs of the current health system are minimised with liberal policies for accepting foreign- trained GPs.  相似文献   

Cultural and creative industries have exhibited rapid changes in recent years, and public sectors worldwide have expanded interest in policies related to these industries as a means of promoting culture, innovation, and economic vitality. This article argues that the cultural values promoted by and economic significance of cultural and creative sectors are essential to the formation of policy and to the development of new industries. This article offers insight into cultural policy that has governed regional and local development, and addresses academic debates about policy related to cultural and creative industries based on several cultural, economic, and geographical factors. In addition, this article presents the results of analyzing various theories and case studies, based on how the Central Government of Taiwan (CGT) has adopted policies to promote cultural and creative industries. The research results link areas of cultural and economic development with policies enacted by the CGT. Ideas concerning the cultural ministry, industrial development, civic boosterism, subsidies, regional development, creative clusters, tourists and tourism businesses, and export markets are areas of emphasis in this study.  相似文献   

Continuing increases in flood losses raise a variety of issues, and suggest numerous important research opportunities, from: (1) evidence of persistently incorrect economic analysis of structural flood control; (2) lack of understanding of how subsidies (for navigation, structural versus non-structural mitigation, and parts of agriculture) have defeated or subverted flood policies; and (3) lack of understanding of the distortions of urban form resulting from manipulation of hazard mitigation, induced development and inappropriate incentives for municipalities. Without adequate understanding of these topics, policy will fail to reduce flood losses and improve location of investments, and flood policy will continue to be effectively a legitimating rationale for other purposes. But policy-supportive research in re-analysis, historical analysis, and empirical work awaits only recognition of its value. Failure to do the useful work, however, bodes ill for responses to global change and other threats; the research proposed here would help establish methods badly needed for human dimensions research.  相似文献   


Since 1979, housing reforms in China have been seen as successive state efforts to improve urban governance. The idea is that the state has all along failed to deliver housing efficiently and equitably through the work units and that it is believed that only through the recommodification of housing could the housing problem be ultimately resolved. The housing monetarization policy (HMP) was thus launched in 1998 to replace the long-standing in-kind housing subsidy under the old welfare housing system. The policy aims at providing workers with cash subsidies as part of their wage package to enable them to buy or rent their homes from the market. The purpose of this paper is to explain the implications of the HMP through a neoliberal urbanization perspective. Through the case study of Guiyang, it is argued that while the HMP is successful in improving certain historical housing inequalities, it does not primarily aim at eradicating housing inequalities. HMP has in fact led to more rather than less horizontal inequities. In addition, it is argued here that a market housing system is leading towards increasing urban poverty, greater social polarization and spatial segregation. To improve governance, China needs to keep neoliberal urbanization in check and pay serious attention to its adverse consequences during economic transformation.  相似文献   

In 2001 farmers in the UK seemed besieged both by domestic crises and international pressures for reductions in agricultural subsidies in order to stop trade distortions which harm developing countries. However, since then cutbacks in EU farm subsidies have failed to materialise and the reformed subsidy system is now given political cover by a new alliance with environmentalists. This follows linkage of increasing proportions of farm subsidies to environmental purposes rather than agricultural production. This article questions whether the reforms will achieve cuts in agricultural overproduction. Moreover, environmentalists who have supported the reforms may be sidelining the interests of developing countries in return for environmental gains which are at best superficial and at worse totally illusory. An alternative environmental strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

Uncertainty surrounding climate change has encouraged policy makers to engage in flexible and exploratory policies and forms of policy making. The article examines the potential of experimentation in devising coastal adaptation policies, taking into account its political dimensions. We analysed a multi-level experiment, funded by the French Ministry for the Environment from 2012 to 2015, where coastal municipalities volunteered to simulate the implementation of planned retreat as an adaptation strategy. Using insights from discursive institutionalism, we tracked developments throughout the experiment period. We highlight a combined process of governance experiment, allowing social innovation at local and regional scales, and a more strategic tool for the state, governing and steering local coastal policy with new instruments. We shed light on a particular policy entrepreneur (a public organization dealing with coastal management) playing at the intersection of these two forms, and in the interplay of policy scales. Although the experiment contributed to the innovation of legal and economic instruments and produced policy feedbacks in local planning and governance, learning capacities of the multi-scale architecture are still moderate to make planned retreat a reality in the near future. The conclusion considers performative and interpretive effects of policy experiments as further research questions to explore.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that as China’s consumer credit sector is expanding, the central bank’s role in smoothing economic fluctuation and promoting economic growth becomes more important. We build a general equilibrium model with durable and nondurable goods to analyze how the consumer credit sector affects the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The model finds that an expanding consumer credit sector improves the efficiency of the monetary transmission mechanism. Two policy implications derived suggest China’s central bank should encourage the development of the consumer credit sector and liberalize market-based monetary policy tools such as interest rate tools. Her fields of interest are international economics, monetary policies and economic growth. Guofeng Sun is the deputy director of open market operation office of monetary policy department at People’s Bank of China. His research focus is the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The authors thank two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the People’s Bank of China.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to propose a positive means of encouraging the use of public transit, through the creation and utilization of incentives aimed at stimulating demand. A tax incentive is proposed and examined as a form of revenue source subsidy which can be coupled with a congestion tolllgasoline tax policy to accomplish this demand stimulation, and is examined in light of the associated public policy issues. Taken into account are the typology of subsidy, the justification for subsidy, the sources of subsidy and the impact of different types of subsidy on economic factors, such as price and cost.  相似文献   

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