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医事法论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于医事法律立法的迟滞和理论研究的欠缺 ,应开辟独立的医事法研究领域。医事法具有三个特点 :( 1)缺乏完整的医事法典 ;( 2 )主要内容包括医事主体法、医事行为法 (含医事程序法 )和医事社会法三个方面 ;( 3 )医事法律关系中双方主体权利义务的不完全对等。医事法还具有三条基本原则 ,即先导义务原则 ;最少损害原则 ;生命伦理原则。  相似文献   

医事仲裁员是医事仲裁制度的灵魂和脊梁,是医事仲裁能否顺畅开展的前提,医事仲裁员的素质和仲裁机构对仲裁员的管理直接关系到医事仲裁结果能否起到定纷止争的作用。在现有《仲裁法》的架构下对医事仲裁员准入、继续教育、信息公开、建立考核档案等相关管理问题进行探讨,同时根据医事仲裁的特点,尝试对医事仲裁庭的架构予以创新,必要时可以设置非中立仲裁员、成立混合制仲裁庭。  相似文献   

戴剑波  余宏杰 《证据科学》2001,8(3):125-128
鉴于医事法律立法的迟滞和理论研究的欠缺,应开辟独立的中法研究领域。医事法具有在个特点:(1)缺乏完整的医事法典;(2)主要内容包括医事主体法、 医事行为法(含医事程序法)和医事社会法三个方面;(3)医事法律关系中双方主体权利义务的不完全对等。医事法还具有三条基本原则,即先导义务原则;最少损害原则;生命伦理原则。  相似文献   

鉴于医事法律立法的迟滞和理论研究的欠缺,应开辟独立的医事法研究领域。医事法具有三个特点:(1)缺乏完整的医事法典;(2)主要内容包括医事主体法、医事行为法(含医事程序法)和医事社会法三个方面;(3)医事法律关系中双方主体权利义务的不完全对等。医事法还具有三条基本原则,即先导义务原则;最少损害原则;生命伦理原则。  相似文献   

赵敏 《中国卫生法制》2021,(1):14-20,111
医事法是卫生法的重要组成部分,主要调整个体健康权保障中的法律关系,其基本原则体现医事法的灵魂与独特价值追求,凸显医事法的独特地位(相对独立性),具有重要意义.知情同意、诚信、信赖及患者最佳利益等基本范畴,在医事法中导人了伦理元素或者价值尺度,具有基础性、统率性、概括性等作用,为医事法的制定与适用提供了价值引领,应当成为...  相似文献   

医事卫生法学的创立具有现实和法理的双重依据,是和谐社会发展的现实需要。创立医事卫生法学学科的根据,在于医学与法学之间的密切关系,尤其是二者之间的交叉重叠关系。这种关系为医事卫生法学的创立提供了最坚实的基础。本文拟对这一关系予以初步研究,并进而论证医事卫生法学的学科定位、学科体系、学科意义,以期为医事卫生法学的创立,提供最基本的理论解释。  相似文献   

分析医事法学学科建设存在着模糊的学科定位、复杂的学科特性、弱势的团队建设、复合型人才培养、边缘化学科建设的困境与现状,提出加强构建独立医事法学学科体系,加强医事法学队伍建设、科学研究、卓越复合型人才培养的路径和措施。  相似文献   

"医事刑法"应作为规范化名称加以确立。其研究乃刑事法应然视域,不必超越和游离于现有刑法基本理论体系。当前研究主要应围绕如何在充分运用好既存刑事法律规范的同时,理性检讨并修正其不足,及时确立新型医事刑法法益。对当前医事犯罪刑罚体系尚需进行必要延展,并注重在刑事一体化视域下重构医事刑事鉴定与审判机制。国内医事刑事立法应在坚持中国刑事法品质基础上,理性借鉴我国台湾地区和国外相关立法经验,注意立法的衔接性、动态性、包容性与超前性。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国医事法学的概念处于定义不清、界定不明的状态,常常有专家、学者将卫生法学与医事法学混为一谈,以至于有关医事法学、卫生法学的专著、教材、论文,在法律体系和理论内容上,雷同较多。事实上,医事法学应当是专门研究和探讨与医疗事务相关的法律体系、法律理论和法律制度的法律学科,而卫生法学的概念的外延要远  相似文献   

长期以来,我国医事法学的概念处于定义不清、界定不明的状态,常常有专家、学者将卫生法学与医事法学混为一谈,以至于有关医事法学、卫生法学的专著、教材、论文,在法律体系和理论内容上,雷同较多。事实上,医事法学应当是专门研究和探讨与医疗事务相关的法律体系、法律理论和法律制度的法律学科,而卫生法学的概念的外延要远大于医事法学,其所涉及的内容不仅包含了医事法学,更包括一系列与人的健康相关的法律体系、法律理论和法律制度。本着这样的区别,本教材在写作过程中立足于我国的医疗实践,针对医疗执业过程中涉及的相关法律理论和法律问题进行探讨,并注重对其他国家和地区的相关研究成果进行介绍和借鉴,以开拓学生的学习视野,启迪学生的科学思维。  相似文献   

张启江 《时代法学》2008,6(1):87-93
在依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的时代背景下,高校《法律基础》课的使命并不仅仅在于对大学生法律知识的教育与传授,而在于法治理念的培养、法的精神与实质的领悟、法律信仰的确立。当前,高校《法律基础》课在教学实践中的法律教育的思路与模式难当此任,应紧扣新课程方案与时代的要求,确立“以法治理念教育及法的信仰培养为主线,以具体法律制度与知识讲授为支撑”的教学思路与模式。  相似文献   

为了提高医学生对医疗损害法律制度的认知水平,对学生进行针对性的医学法学教育。本文以《侵权责任法》医疗损害责任制度及相关卫生法规为切入点,采取专题讲座、开设医学法学选修课、编写《医学生医疗纠纷防范手册》、链接临床案例等综合手段干预学生的认知。结果提示,学生医学法学的认知水平干预前后存在显著差异,P〈0.01。本研究表明,有效的干预手段能极大地提高学生对医疗损害法律制度的认知水平,在学时有限情况下,案例式的医学法学教育、专题讲座、专业课与医学法学课程资源的整合交叉可以达到事半功倍的效果。建议在新一轮专业课教材的编写中,尝试链接相关的法律制度和案例,使学生医学教育与法学教育同步提高。  相似文献   

In undergraduate medical education, the training of post-mortem external examination on dead bodies might evoke strong emotional reactions in medical students that could counteract the intended learning goals. We evaluated student perception of a forensic medicine course, their perceived learning outcome (via self-assessment) and possible tutor-dependent influences on the overall evaluation of the course by a questionnaire-based survey among 150 medical students in Hamburg, Germany. The majority of students identified post-mortem external examination as an important learning objective in undergraduate medical education and did not feel that the dignity of the deceased was offended by the course procedures. After the course, more than 70% of the students felt able to perform an external examination and to fill in a death certificate. Respectful behavior of course tutors towards the deceased entailed better overall course ratings by students (p<0.001). Our findings highlight the importance of factors such as clearly defined learning goals and course standardization (formal curriculum) as well as tutor behavior (informal curriculum) in undergraduate education in forensic medicine. Furthermore, we suggest embedding teaching in forensic medicine in longitudinal curricula on death and dying and on the health consequences of interpersonal violence.  相似文献   

刘鑫 《证据科学》2014,(3):325-345
由于病历在医疗纠纷处理中具有核心证据价值,因而在医疗纠纷愈演愈烈的大背景下,医患双方对病历的证据效力的争执也变得日益复杂。由于法律专业人士不具有医学专业知识,因而对病历的真伪及证据价值的判断显得无能为力,为了正确判断病历的证据价值,为了更好地使用病历作为认定案件事实的依据,因而迫切需要启动病历法律评估。病历法律评价应当坚持全面性、整体性、规范性和不苛求的原则,由有相关专业知识和背景的专业人士依照法定程序,采用专业评估方法,对病历的完整性、规范性和客观性进行评价,并提出专业性的评估意见。  相似文献   

The present paper critically analyses the essence of legal education in the training of medical professionals in Ghana. It argues that health professionals lack the requisite knowledge in law, especially the legal implications of medical malpractice, and calls for legislative and curricular reforms in institutions engaged in the training of health professionals to reflect a legal education component. The authors opine that the basic medical law curriculum should be focused on the kinds of legal problems that physicians encounter most frequently in practice rather than on sensational cases. The authors are of the view that the curriculum should address the clarification of central concepts in law, the ability to apply the concepts, decision‐making procedures, acquisition of legal knowledge in tortuous and criminal matters relevant to the medical profession. This view sets objectives for teaching medical law to medical students and young doctors.  相似文献   

This is the final article in a series of three that examines the legal role of medical professionals in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity. This article considers the position in Victoria. A review of the law in this State reveals that medical professionals play significant legal roles in these decisions. However, the law is problematic in a number of respects and this is likely to impede medical professionals' legal knowledge in this area. The article examines the level of training that medical professionals receive on issues such as refusal of treatment certificates and substitute decision-making, and the available empirical evidence as to the state of medical professionals' knowledge of the law at the end of life. It concludes that there are gaps in legal knowledge and that law reform is needed in Victoria. The article also draws together themes from the series as a whole, including conclusions about the need for more and better medical education and about law reform generally.  相似文献   

论我国环境法学的课程设置与教材建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境法课程设置应基于理论性与实践性并重原则、现实性与前瞻性兼顾原则和普适性与特色性结合原则进行。基于这些原则,环境法课程的体系应包括环境法、比较环境法、国际环境法、自然资源法、能源法、环境法诊所课程和环境法专题研究课程。在大学本科、双学士、法学硕士研究生、法律硕士研究生和博士研究生等教育阶段,应视情况开设具有不同侧重点、不同内容和不同深度的课程。同时,还应建立与环境法课程体系相呼应的教材体系。  相似文献   

The educational sphere is becoming a major priority in the state policy. The Concept of national security for the Russian Federation regards intellectual impairment as a most serious internal threat to the military security. It declares that the operational efficiency of the armed forces should be based on high-quality education of specialists. The current reform of the military forces in the Russian Federation envisages the modification of the forensic medical expertise and the system of training relevant personnel. The post-diploma education of forensic medical experts encounters difficulties at all levels. In all probability, such education will be performed in the near future through the primary retraining mechanism. In the course of the ongoing reform, the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Military Medical Academy remains the sole facility for the post-diploma education of military forensic medical experts. The teaching staff of the department have sufficient qualification and experience for training highly skilled specialists as stipulated by the reform of the military forces in the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

建国以来,我国幼儿教育领域先后出现了三种主流知识观:一是理性主义知识观,以唯理论为哲学基础,强调知识体系的传授,作为幼儿教育的传统知识观至今仍然具有影响力;二是经验主义知识观,以经验论为哲学基础,主张通过观察、实践从大自然、大社会中归纳知识,自20世纪80年代初兴起,现已处于“自我消失”的边缘;三是建构主义知识观,强调知识不是教师外部的传授,而是儿童主动建构的,起源于皮亚杰的活动建构观,近两年来受到意大利瑞吉欧方案教学的影响,体现了社会交往建构观、个人化知识、后现代知识建构观察等不断丰富的建构主义知识观的核心精神,对幼教改革的深入起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

医患关系认知教育既是破解当前医患关系紧张状况的现实要求,也是医学教育的重要内涵。我国医学生医患关系认知教育尚处于起步阶段,亟需加以完善。改进医学生医患关系认知教育,要实现医患关系认知教育的机制化;梳理教育内容,突出重点抓住关键;构建有机协调的课程体系,发挥出教学的主渠道作用。  相似文献   

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