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论电子数据鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王俊 《证据科学》2008,16(2):242-249
随着计算机及互联网的普及,计算机与网络犯罪,民事、行政诉讼纠纷中很多证据都以数字形式存在并可通过计算机或网络进行处理、存储和传输。如何认知和证明这些数据的有效性已成为司法界关注的焦点。在此情况下。一种全新的证明方式——电子数据鉴定应运而生。本文从技术层面论证了电子数据鉴定,介绍了常用的电子数据鉴定技术,并针对当前我国电子数据鉴定存在的问题从法律角度提出了一些意见,以期对我国电子数据鉴定的规范化有所裨益。  相似文献   

福建中证电子数据司法鉴定中心,是经司法厅审核批准依法设立的司法鉴定机构,具有全国适用的电子数据司法鉴定资质.并被人民法院纳入法院对外委托鉴定机构名册。主要鉴定内容包括:计算机数据鉴定、网络数据鉴定、电子数据恢复、数据销毁等。  相似文献   

我国立法已将电子数据规定为独立的证据形式,这为电子数据鉴定的发展提供了绝佳契机.由于我国电子数据鉴定实践和理论研究起步较晚,与很多国家存在不小的差距,有许多与电子数据鉴定相关的基础性问题亟待解决.我国电子数据鉴定的发展和完善应厘清和统一基本概念、对电子数据鉴定机构统一管理并逐步中立化以及逐步实现电子数据鉴定的标准化.  相似文献   

2012年修改的《刑事诉讼法》将电子数据首次规定为法定证据种类,但电子数据的相关证据规则仍不够完善。我国现有关于电子数据的研究多集中于电子数据取证、鉴定等技术方法,缺少对电子数据证据能力、证明力及证据规则的研究。从电子数据在司法实践中存在的问题出发,在电子数据的证据属性,电子数据的鉴真、鉴定,非法证据排除规则等几个方面探讨如何加强对电子数据的证据限制问题。  相似文献   

我国电子数据司法鉴定人准入管理存在着审查形式化、准入管理主体和考核方式不统一、知识技能考核要求不明等缺陷.立足我国电子数据司法鉴定人准入管理实际,从技术、程序和法律角度,明确申请从事电子数据司法鉴定人员的知识技能要求,并从制度层面将知识技能考核纳入电子数据司法鉴定人准入考核内容,由司法鉴定行业管理主体牵头,采用考试、案例验证及同行专家评审的准入考核方式,将电子数据司法鉴定人的准入考核置于实质,是解决我国电子数据司法鉴定人准入管理现存问题,提高电子数据司法鉴定行业人员素质,确保电子数据司法鉴定活动科学性和鉴定意见可靠性的必然选择.  相似文献   

电子数据鉴定工作在我国起步较晚,电子证据作为一种新型证据,由于其特有的属性,决定了证据的获取、检验、分析及展示均不同于传统证据,需要建立严密、科学规范的电子数据鉴定体系,保证电子证据的完整性、真实性及证明力。  相似文献   

谨防电子物证提取和检验中的“污染”   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
电子物证是电子技术发展到一定水平的产物,它的出现是以电子技术,特别是计算机技术、网络技术和通信技术发展为前提条件的。今天计算机、网络已经逐渐渗透到人们生活的各个领域,在各类犯罪案件中,包括经济诈骗、恐吓骚扰、敲诈勒索、贩卖毒品、行贿受贿、信用盗窃等,越来越多地涉及到能够证明犯罪事实的电子化数据,通常称为电子物证。与传统的证据相比,电子物证具有表现高新技术性、形式多样性、依赖介质性、易破坏性、时限性等特点。正是由于电子物证具有这些特点,传统的取证和检验方法已经不能适应。必须针对电子物证的特点,对电子物证进…  相似文献   

2013年新实施的《刑事诉讼法》将电子数据规定为法定证据种类,承认了其法定电子数据的法律地位,但与电子数据相关的法律规定却不尽完善,其中以电子数据鉴定存在的问题更为突出.本文分析了电子数据在司法实践中存在的问题,并提出了一些有针对性的建议,以期对我国电子数据鉴定的规范化有所裨益.  相似文献   

一、电子证据的概念及特点。电子证据的概念目前尚无统一定论,笔者认为电子证据是指在计算机或计算机系统以及网络系统运行过程中产生的、以数字形式保存在计算机存储器或外部存储介质中、能够证明案件真实情况的电子数据或信息。需要指出的是.电子证据必须是在计算机或计算机系统及网络系统运行过程中产生的。电子证据较其他类型的证据相比,具有以下特点。  相似文献   

网络交易犯罪的智能性、隐秘性和无界性以及电子数据自身复杂易变的特点,在客观上决定了建立电子数据保全制度的该当性.而刑事司法实践中有关电子数据的收集、保管概念复杂纷呈,因而确立统一的电子数据保全制度很有必要.已有的研究和域外既存的制度也为该保全制度的设立提供了可能.在设立网络电子数据的保全制度时,应坚持刑事诉讼基本原则和刑事证明的基本原理这一刑事诉讼和证据制度的共性,并在此基础上探究网络电子数据取证、保全的个性,以克服我国既有的各部门电子数据立法与上位法的《刑事诉讼法》之间相互龃龉的弊端,为网络电子数据领域立法的进一步完善提供必要和正当的学理.  相似文献   

This paper has three complementary aims: to highlight the risks of IT fraud in the workplace and the implication for controls and future investigation; to show how emerging technologies such as the Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) have affected fraud risk; and to indicate some additional fraud risks which arise from the Euro-conversion and Y2K ('the millennium bug') compliance projects, both of which require heavy IT support. Information Technology (IT) fraud can be defined as: Where a financial loss or malicious damage has been sustained by an organisation, which has been facilitated by the use of computers in some way.  相似文献   

Internet Protocol addresses [IP addresses] are central for Internet electronic communications. They individualize computers and their users to make the delivery of data packets possible. IP addresses are also often used to identify websurfers for litigation purposes. In particular, they constitute a key in the fight against online copyright infringement to identify infringers. However, it is a matter of dispute to know if IP addresses are personal data. In a review of relevant case law, the present paper seeks to identify when IP addresses are - or should be - considered as personal data. It suggests a contextual approach to the concept of personal data.  相似文献   

电子数据搜查、扣押的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈永生 《现代法学》2014,36(5):111-127
我国2012年修正的《刑事诉讼法》将电子数据增列为证据的法定种类,这要求我国刑事诉讼法学界对电子数据的相关问题,如电子证据的搜查与扣押,出示与质证,审查判断等问题进行深入研究。与传统证据相比,电子数据具有以下四大特征:存储内容的海量性、形态的易变性、变动的可察觉性以及内容的难以直接感知性。电子数据的以上特征对电子数据的搜查、扣押提出了更加严格的要求:首先,在搜查、扣押之前,侦查机关必须申请司法机关签发令状;在搜查、扣押过程中,无论是对电子设备的搜查、扣押还是此后对电子设备中存储的电子数据的进一步搜查,都必须受到令状原则有关合理根据和特定性要求的约束。其次,侦查机关搜查、扣押电子数据之后,必须允许辩护方对被搜查、扣押的电子数据进行查看、审查和复制,从而防止侦查机关滥用权力,保护辩护方的合法权利。另外,为保障电子数据的客观性和原始性,还必须建立严密的证据保管链制度。我国在以上方面都存在严重问题,在有些方面甚至完全空白,立法机关在未来修正《刑事诉讼法》时必须进行完善与重构。  相似文献   

The shift in socio-economic transactions from real space to cyberspace through the emergence of electronic communications and digital formats has led to a disjuncture between the law and practices relating to electronic transactions. The speed at which information technology has developed require a faster, more reactive and automatic response from the law that is not currently met by the existing law-making framework. This paper suggests the development of special rules to enable Internet custom to form legal norms to fulfill this objective. In Part 2 of this article, I will construct the customary rules to Internet law-making that are applicable to electronic transactions by adapting customary international law rules; apply the suggested rules for determining customary Internet norms and identify some existing practices that may amount to established norms on the Internet, specifically practices relating to the Internet Infrastructure and Electronic Contracting.  相似文献   

Certified mail is the tool of choice in business processes and proceedings to deliver mail items in a secure and susbstantiated way. By returning a receipt, the sender has proof that a document has been delivered to the designated recipient at a certain point in time. Standard electronic communication systems like e-mail do not have the same evidential value as certified mail for traditional postal mail delivery. To benefit from the security advantages of certified mail delivery in the electronic world, in recent years governments have made several certified mail systems available on the Internet. Like postal certified mail delivery of documents in administrative or judicial matters, the certified electronic mail delivery in these systems is regulated by law. With ongoing (digital) globalization and the continuously increasing Digital Single Market in the European Union, there is a strong need for cross-border certified electronic mail. In the past the European Community has started several interoperability initiatives to couple existing certified electronic mail systems. Even if these systems can be made interoperable on a technical level, a harmonized legal basis is still missing. Therefore, the European community is currently working towards a new regulatory framework for trusted services including certified electronic mail. This article sheds light on both aspects and discusses the current state of affairs of cross-border certified electronic mail from both a technical (security) and legal perspective and explains the proposed new regulatory framework.  相似文献   

The use of computers and digital media in unlawful activities has increased so dramatically that investigation of any criminal activity may nowadays produce electronic evidence. However, the rapid growth in the number of criminal cases involving electronic evidence has all‐too‐often found law enforcement and the judiciary badly prepared to deal with the new issues created by this evidence. The gathering, conservation, communication and presentation of the computer‐derived evidence must fulfil legal requirements with regard to the admissibility of the evidence. Electronic evidence that was gathered in a way that was not in accordance with the law will be declared inadmissible and be ruled out of court. This report aims to briefly present the core principles of the law when handling electronic evidence. Therefore, this paper examines the conditions of admissibility of evidence in four European countries. In order to be complete and to give an interesting pan‐European view on the question, the English law system has been chosen to illustrate the functioning of the rules relating to the evidence in a country ruled by common law.  相似文献   

The developments of technology in communications industry have radically altered the ways in which we communicate and exchange information. Along with the speed, efficiency, and cost-saving benefits of the digital revolution come new challenges to the security and privacy of communications and information traversing the global communications infrastructure. As is with any technology the misuse of technology is noticed similarly the encryption technology. Encryption and other advanced technologies may be used, with direct impact on law enforcement and therefore some restrictions are necessary in the interests of national security. The problem, however, is ensuring that the restriction is legitimate and solely for in the interests of national security, the state not being allowed to interfere and keep a track on individuals' activities and private lives without sufficient cause. The individual needs encryption to protect their personal privacy and confidential data such as medical information, personal financial data, and electronic mail. In a networked environment, such information is increasingly at risk of being stolen or misused. Therefore, encryption is critical to building a secure and trusted global information infrastructure. Digital computers have changed the landscape considerably and the entire issue, at its simplest level, boils down to a form of balancing of interests. The specific legal and rights-related problems arising from the issue of cryptography and privacy in the Indian context are examined in this paper.  相似文献   

试论金融领域计算机犯罪的防范与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代金融运营体系不断创新的背景下,利用计算机与网络从事盗窃、贪污电子资金、实施金融诈骗、破坏金融领域计算机系统等违法犯罪形势日趋严峻,不仅犯罪手段复杂、隐秘,而且呈现出职务犯罪和共同犯罪的特征。其诱因在于金融制度设计自身的漏洞与缺陷,以及计算机应用与管理中存在的致命隐患,监督约束机制的弱化与法律规制的滞后致使犯罪防范与打击乏力。为此必须依靠专门机关、金融部门、社会等多种力量,共同构建快速、高效的侦诉、审判控制工作体系和金融领域内部相互补充、有机统一的预防体系。  相似文献   

The personal ID card is a document carried by most Germans, but rarely used. This could change in the future: According to the new law on identification cards and electronic proof of identity (Gesetz über Personalausweise und den elektronischen Identitätsnachweis, PAuswG), the ID card, with its proof of identity, will gain a new functionality, making it applicable for diverse Internet transactions. Functionally, the electronic proof of identity corresponds to existing non-electronic personal proof of identity guidelines in legal and business connections. However, its concrete, technical application opens up many issues regarding contracts and data privacy laws. On both the legal and the technical level, the German approach departs from other European countries, as it strictly distinguishes the electronic proof of identity from the electronic signature function, which the new ID card also provides. It remains to be seen whether the various projects of the EU Member States will become legally and technically interoperable in the near future.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2014,11(1):20-29
The release of Internet Explorer 10 marks a significant change in how browsing artifacts are stored in the Windows file system, moving away from well-understood Index.dat files to use a high performance database, the Extensible Storage Engine. Researchers have suggested that despite this change there remain forensic opportunities to recover InPrivate browsing records from the new browser. The prospect of recovering such evidence, together with its potential forensic significance, prompts questions including where and when such evidence can be recovered, and if it is possible to prove that a recovered artefact originated from InPrivate browsing. This paper reports the results of experiments which answer these questions, and also provides some explanation of the increasingly complex data structures used to record Internet activity from both the desktop and Windows 8 Applications. We conclude that there is a time window between the private browsing session and the next use of the browser in which browsing records may be carved from database log files, after which it is necessary to carve from other areas of disk. It proved possible to recover a substantial record of a user's InPrivate browsing, and to reliably associate such records with InPrivate browsing.  相似文献   

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