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重罪轻罪的划分及其意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据犯罪行为的社会危害性大小或者应受刑罚轻重的不同,而对犯罪作出重罪、轻罪或违警罪等不同等级的划分,是国外刑事立法的普遍做法。这种分类方式在刑事实体、诉讼程序和刑事政策方面均有着积极的意义。我国刑事立法有必要借鉴这一立法模式。  相似文献   

论刑法中重罪与轻罪的划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑法将犯罪划分为重罪与轻罪是罪责刑相称原则的必然要求,它使得立法更为科学、严谨,并将其固有的评价、引导、威慑功能进一步增强。同时也是刑事一体化思想的切实贯彻,对刑事实体法、程序法的适用产生直接的影响,使司法机关能够在对刑事案件在准确定罪量刑的基础上进行分流和快速处理,提高司法效益,兼顾公正与效益两个目标,具有重要的刑事政策意义。我国应当采用自由刑的刑期作为重罪与轻罪的划分标准,具体以3年有期徒刑作为分界线为宜。  相似文献   

犯罪分层的标准与模式新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪分层理论的关键是犯罪分层标准和犯罪分层模式.现有的标准均是实体性标准,弊大于利。分层标准应兼容实体法和程序法内容,主要是法定刑和刑事强制措施,分别代表立法和司法中的应然与实然分层。分层模式要考虑现有的立法、司法解释等.主要是有期徒刑的刑期数字,轻微罪、轻罪(次轻罪、轻罪)、重罪(最严重的犯罪、次严重的犯罪、一般重罪)的三模式具有合理性,以此实现分层模式与强制措施适用的合理关系。另外.具体个罪也有分层模式.  相似文献   

我国刑法中轻罪与重罪若干问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄开诚 《现代法学》2006,28(2):98-106
我国刑法中轻罪与重罪的划分,仅指轻罪行与重罪行的划分。在学术界关于区分轻罪和重罪的四种观点中,以一定法定刑为标准认定罪行的轻重具有充分的依据。认定轻罪和重罪法定刑的分界线当以有期徒刑3年为限,即凡法定最低刑为3年或3年以上有期徒刑的罪行都是重罪,反之便是轻罪。我国刑法存在若干轻罪与重罪界限不明的条文,需调整其罪刑关系。犯罪的未完成形态只存在于重罪之中。  相似文献   

徐岱  刘佩 《北方法学》2010,4(5):87-93
犯罪分层是纵向的犯罪分类,一般分为轻罪、重罪。宽严相济刑事政策是贯穿刑事立法、刑事司法和刑事执法全过程的根本性、全局性和总括性的刑事政策。宽严相济刑事政策要求犯罪分层理论的立法明确化,并要求在立法时采取以刑罚为基础的形式标准和抽象的思考方式。但就现阶段而言,我国实现犯罪分层理论的立法明确化,存在着刑法典罪刑不相应、研究不充分等立法障碍。所以,犯罪分层的立法明确化对于贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策具有重大的意义,但犯罪分层的立法实现则是一项艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

美国轻罪治理体系作为两极化刑事政策中的一极,不仅基于对诉讼效率的追求,开拓了与重罪不同的速决式诉讼机制,还以非刑罚化、刑罚社会化为基本导向,通过多元刑罚处遇实现特别预防和行为规训,修正了传统的刑事处罚模式。轻罪制度在缓解轻罪数量过多与司法资源有限的供需矛盾的同时,也因入罪门槛过低、程序任意性过度,以及罪刑不均而酿生刑法治理危机,其制度设计和缺陷可以给我国提供启示。轻罪化的刑事立法和以轻罪为主体的刑事司法已然成为我国目前刑事法治的重要面向,加快轻罪立法步伐、创建中国特色轻罪治理体系,正成为犯罪治理的关键策略,应进行全面的配套制度跟进,实现犯罪治理的精细化、科学化。  相似文献   

晓理 《广东法学》2002,(3):29-34
我国刑事立法中不存在轻罪、重罪的明确划分,“死罪”也只是对立法与司法实践中适用死刑的犯罪的一种约定俗成的说法与概括。在理论研究上,一方面主要地是从刑事政策、刑罚适用的意义、角度上研究死刑的立法与司法裁量问题,只是在死刑的适用范围上涉及到“死刑罪名”,在死刑的限制与扩张的争论中探讨死刑罪名削减与增加。  相似文献   

严励  方正 《犯罪研究》2023,(6):9-17
随着我国刑事立法轻罪化趋势渐显,对轻罪犯罪附随后果的规范化治理亟待探赜。通过对轻罪及犯罪附随后果整体观的把握,轻罪的界定应当采取法定刑标准,犯罪附随后果作为行为人因其犯罪所附加的不良后果,应当归入保安处分的范畴。犯罪附随后果对我国刑事立法转向“严而不厉”、轻罪化具有阻碍作用,同时严重侵害了行为人及其近亲属等主体的合法权益。由于轻罪犯罪附随后果具有促进犯罪人改造与弥合信任危机的功用,因而应当对其予以肃正。因此,应当坚持刑法规范说,将犯罪附随后果纳入刑法规范中,并在我国建立轻罪前科消灭制度。  相似文献   

张绍彦 《现代法学》2003,25(2):23-30
轻罪处罚制度的不足是我国刑事立法和刑事司法制度中的一个板块性缺损。中国刑事立法犯罪概念的特点决定了中国刑法上的犯罪实际上是严重或较为严重的犯罪 ,而不包括轻罪 ,因此 ,应当以劳动教养立法为契机建立中国的轻罪处罚体系。轻罪处罚法律制度的建立和完善 ,在理论和实践两个方面都面临一系列必须回答的基本问题。这些问题的解决除了需要立法和司法等方面的客观条件外 ,还需要具有根本性意义的理论创新。这就需要从理论上形成和提出问题 ,并给予科学的说明 ,为轻罪处罚制度提供必需的理论支撑。  相似文献   

我国前科制度存在规范设定随意、惩罚过于严苛、与犯罪关联性不强、牵连无关人员等问题,而轻罪立法降低犯罪门槛、不区分轻重罪的统一立法模式导致犯罪标签泛化,加强了犯罪标签效应,行为人自我评价与社会评价、法律评价严重失衡。解决“轻罪不轻”的重点在于消除轻罪不合理的法律后果,建立轻罪领域的前科消灭制度。原则上被判处3年以下有期徒刑和免于刑事处罚的行为人员均能适用前科消灭制度。立法同时应明确排除严重暴力性犯罪、危害国家安全罪、恐怖活动犯罪、黑社会性质组织犯罪、累犯、再犯等特殊犯罪适用前科消灭制度,并根据宣告刑长短和主观罪过设置不同的考验期限和审查模式,实现轻罪内部的轻重区别处理。  相似文献   

轻罪时代的犯罪治理方略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今中国的犯罪现象正在经历从自然犯到法定犯、从重罪到轻罪的历史转换,犯罪治理的策略也需要与时俱进,顺势而变。具体而言,轻罪时代的犯罪治理应该彻底摈弃严打重刑思维,从宽严相济转向以宽为主的刑事政策,刑罚应整体趋轻,更多关注出刑和制裁多元化,更加注重常态治理和依法治理,刑事程序制度也应更加轻缓与灵活,同时营造更为宽容的社会环境。  相似文献   

There are two problems with regard to the structure of Chinese criminal law. Firstly, the crimes that are defined in the Chinese criminal code are approximately equal to the felonies that are defined in the western criminal codes, while re-education through labor and penalty for administration of public security similar to the misdemeanors and violations in western countries respectively are not included in the Chinese criminal code, and meanwhile the security measures have not been systematized. Secondly, crimes and penalties, except in criminal law, can not be prescribed in administrative laws and economic laws, and such single track system of conviction and sentencing fails to satisfy the current social situation in which the number of mala prohibia has increased so much. The way to reform Chinese criminal law structure: Firstly, it is to establish a double track system, where mala prohibia should be prescribed in the related administrative laws or economic laws; secondly, a comprehensive criminal code should be reformulated in which felonies, misdemeanors, violations and security measures are all included. Liu Renwen, Ph.D, is a senior research fellow at the Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His major works include: A Preliminary Study of Criminal Policy (2004), Economic Analysis in the Integration of Criminal Law (2007), Crimes of Environment and National Resources (2004); and research articles, such as: Reform of the re-education through labor (Criminal Law Review, 2001), Enhance the quality of death penalty cases through the procedure (New Reports in Criminal Law, 2006).  相似文献   

This paper examines the pretrial detention of juveniles in County X located in a northeastern state. The sample (N=642) included Black, White, and Hispanic males and females adjudicated delinquent in the summer of 2000. The following independent variables were analyzed with respect to the dependent variable of pretrial detention: age, sex, address, race, current offense (misdemeanors, violent misdemeanors, felonies, violent felonies, and probation violations), prior offense (misdemeanors, violent misdemeanors, felonies, and violent felonies), and previous dispositions (community or placement). Several variables were found to be significant in increasing the odds of pretrial detention: probation violations, prior misdemeanors, prior residential placements, prior community interventions, age, sex, urban address, felonies, prior violent misdemeanors, and prior violent felonies. It was expected that minority youths would be more likely to be detained, but race was only significant in the absence of the variable of address. Urban youths were more likely to be detained resulting in an over‐representation of minorities in detention, since most of the minority population resides in the urban area. Also included is supplemental material based on interviews with defense lawyers, judges, masters, and juvenile probation officers.  相似文献   

犯罪的边界——我国轻罪制度的立法思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆岸 《河北法学》2012,30(7):169-174
从探寻现行立法意图入手,在分析和考察我国“定性加定量”犯罪概念界定标准的基础上,立足刑法基本理论和司法实践进行理性反思,提出构建我国轻罪法的理论思路,试图彻底解决立法调整对象竞合的制度性弊端.  相似文献   

An apparent decrease in differences between the sexes in criminal behavior and law enforcement outcomes has been attributed to changes in attitudes toward sex roles and increasing female labor force participation. The research reported here addresses two related questions in this area: (1) Have there been changes over time in sex differences in the disposition of police contacts with juveniles and adults? and (2) Do any observed changes account for increases in the female crime rate? Our analysis of data from 10,723 police contacts in a mid-western city during the period 1948–1976 found a trend toward a diminished sex difference in police dispositions of juvenile and adult misdemeanors and adult felonies. There was no evidence for a similar trend for juvenile status offenses or juvenile felonies. The findings also suggest that part of the apparent increase in female crime may be due to changes in official reactions to female offenders.  相似文献   

金成波 《中国法学》2020,(2):220-237
刑事审判实践中,对于轻罪重判是否赔偿,处理结果不一,原因在于对《国家赔偿法》第17条第(三)项以及最高人民法院、最高人民检察院《关于办理刑事赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第6条的不同理解。轻罪重判是对权利的侵害,在加强人权司法保障、强化权力运行制约监督的时代背景下,应该对《国家赔偿法》立法原意予以检讨,对轻罪重判的被告人予以赔偿。制度操作上,可以将轻罪重判的赔偿分为管制的赔偿、有期徒刑改判较短期限的赔偿、重判死刑且已执行的赔偿以及轻罪重判附加刑的赔偿,在此类型化区分的基础上对赔偿的项目、赔偿的方式以及计算标准进行设计。  相似文献   

刑事立法的发展方向   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:43  
张明楷 《中国法学》2006,75(4):18-37
我国今后刑事立法的发展方向应是:(1)分散性:集中性、统一性的刑事立法模式并不现实,应当由刑法典、单行刑法、附属刑法、轻犯罪法分别规定不同性质的犯罪。(2)有效性:刑事立法应当注重犯罪化的有效性,避免无效的犯罪化;合理利用刑罚减免制度,从各个环节上有效地预防和抑止犯罪;善于发挥轻刑的作用,避免无效的重刑化。(3)类型性:刑法分则性条文对各种犯罪应当作类型性的描述,同时注重传统犯罪的类型化;对构成要件的描述应采用例示法,并符合法条的目的。(4)国际性:应当将所缔结的国际条约的内容及其精神转化为国内刑法的具体规定;采用国际社会通行的表述;借鉴发达国家的刑事立法经验。  相似文献   

Using event history analysis, we examine the recidivism patterns of a sample of 38 corporations charged with one or more serious antitrust violations between 1928 and 1981 to see whether sanction experience decreases the likelihood of a firm's reoffending. Specifically, we analyze the effects of procedure type (e.g., civil, criminal, and administrative redress) and proxy measures of corporate deterrence while controlling for changes in antitrust law and the economic conditions of the firm, industry, and general economy. Though not robust, there is some evidence that past guilty verdicts and changes in penalties for lawbreaking from misdemeanors to felonies inhibit recidivism. We note, however, that industry characteristics are stronger by far in their effects on future illegality than formal sanction risk or consequence. The implications of these findings for organizational deterrence and corporate crime control are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent debate on the future of immigration policy in the United States has spawned much discussion on social costs and consequences for immigrants, such as employment, education, health care, and most notably, crime. Although recent Latino immigrants are often portrayed as outsiders in popular media, their successful acculturation into the American way of life may present more crime-related risk rather than less. This study examines arrest records for Latinos in two southwestern American cities to determine the extent to which Latino acculturation is related to arrests and convictions for both misdemeanors and felonies after controlling for certain legal and extra-legal factors. Results indicate that acculturation is consistently and positively associated with all four crime-related outcomes in this sample. Implications for policy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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