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法庭科学实验室认可及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了促进国际间的合作与交流,实验室认可活动日益受到各国的重视。在法庭科学领域,通过实验室认可也已成为一种国际潮流,在一些法治比较健全的国家,法庭科学实验室纷纷申请并通过了各自国家实验室认可机构的认可。由于实验室认可活动国际间互认的广泛开展,使得这些法庭科学实验室通过实验室认可活动,既提高了实验室自身的技术能力和质量管理水平,提升了实验室的地位和信誉,又增强了国际间的信任和交流。目前,我国法庭科学实验室认可工作只是刚刚起步,与国际先进水平差距甚远。我们既没有法庭科学实验室认可的国家增补标准,也没有对此进行过…  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA实验室认可与质量控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
法庭科学DNA实验室认可是整个实验室认可活动的一个组成部分,是对法庭科学DNA实验室的质量管理水平和技术能力的一种国家及国际间的正式承认。本文从文件体系建立、测量溯源、方法的确认、能力验证、质量控制等5个方面,对DNA实验室在认可中存在的主要问题进行了分析,对法庭科学DNA实验室认可与质量控制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

量值溯源是法庭科学实验室认可活动的重要内容之一,是法庭科学实验室检测结果可信性的基础,量值溯源的一致性是国际间相互承认测量结果的前提条件。根据ISO/IEC17025准则,申请认可和已经认可的法庭科学实验室所从事的检测活动,必须满足量值溯源的要求。法庭科学实验室在物证检验鉴定中,必须对用于检测的、对检测结果的准确性或有效性有显著影响的设备(包括环境监控设备)在投入使用前进行校准。本文就法庭科学实验室如何进行量值溯源作一阐述。  相似文献   

ISO/IEC17025标准是CNAS对检测和校准实验室能力进行认可的依据。根据国际通行做法,法庭科学实验室认可大多是按照检测实验室标准进行的,如美国FBI、英国FSS等。因此,物证照相专业作为法庭科学实验室的一部分,也应该符合17025标准。深圳市公安局技术处作为全国较早一批整体通过国家实验室认可的单位,笔者参与了物证照相专业实验室认可工作的整个过程,在这个过程中,本人认为ISO/IEC17025标准(即《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》)技术要求中人员、设备、鉴定方法、检材、环境条件这5个方面不仅关系到能否顺利通过CNAS对实验室的评审,而且直接决定了实验室的检测水平,  相似文献   

花锋 《刑事技术》2009,(5):35-38
本文通过对国内外,特别是对先进国家法庭科学实验室认可工作发展变化情况的介绍,分析我国认可工作中存在的不足,并提出改进意见。  相似文献   

我国法庭科学实验室认可工作现状与存在的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
花锋 《刑事技术》2006,(6):9-12
本文介绍了我国法庭科学实验室认可活动的法律环境变迁和开展现状,并对当前认可工作中存在的主要问题进行了深入分析,在此基础上提出7项政策建议。  相似文献   

毒物定量分析测量不确定度评定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着中国在国际的地位不断提升,国内对司法鉴定科学的要求亦在不断提高。为提高法庭科学实验室及科学研究的整体水平及知名度,做到和国际上法庭科学鉴定的尽快接轨,通过中国合格评定国家认可委员会(简称CNAS)实验认可,则成为必走之路。虽然近年来已有不少实验室通过CNAS的认可,但多数实验室及技术人员对其知之尚少。测量不确定度评定是在CNAS认可中必须实施和完成的一项重要指标,为了提高广大司法检验人员对测量不确定度的认知水平和实验能力,使实验室尽快通过CNAS认可。本编部特邀请了有关技术专家对测量不确定度评定有关内容的知识进行讲解和普及,以期对大家有所帮助和启迪。  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA检测飞速发展和广泛应用的同时也面临巨大风险,实验室质量保证能力和质量控制手段的不足已开始影响到法庭科学DNA检测的证据地位。本文对国外法庭科学DNA实验室的有关情况进行初步分析,从中发掘有益的启示,为我国法庭科学DNA检测的改革和发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着DNA分析技术的不断发展,其在刑事案件侦破中的作用越来越重要.目前法庭科学实验室运用的主要方法是分析位于细胞核中的染色体DNA(即核DNA),由于其鉴别能力强,使得核DNA成为法医DNA分析的首选遗传标记.核DNA分析的方法学与统计学已被广泛接受,尤其是以PCR为基础的片段长度多态性分析已被法庭所认可.  相似文献   

本文对法庭科学实验室质量控制活动的历史进行了回顾性分析研究,对国内外现状进行了归纳性综述。通过国内外比较,指出了我国法庭科学实验室质量控制活动的差距与改进建议。  相似文献   

The current status of forensic science laboratory accreditation in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forensic science is gaining some solid ground in the area of effective crime prevention, especially in the areas where more sophisticated use of available technology is prevalent. All it takes is high-level cooperation among nations that can help them deal with criminality that adopts a cross-border nature more and more. It is apparent that cooperation will not be enough on its own and this development will require a network of qualified forensic laboratories spread over Europe. It is argued in this paper that forensic science laboratories play an important role in the fight against crime. Another, complimentary argument is that forensic science laboratories need to be better involved in the fight against crime. For this to be achieved, a good level of cooperation should be established and maintained. It is also noted that harmonization is required for such cooperation and seeking accreditation according to an internationally acceptable standard, such as ISO/IEC 17025, will eventually bring harmonization as an end result. Because, ISO/IEC 17025 as an international standard, has been a tool that helps forensic science laboratories in the current trend towards accreditation that can be observed not only in Europe, but also in the rest of the world of forensic science. In the introduction part, ISO/IEC 17025 states that "the acceptance of testing and calibration results between countries should be facilitated if laboratories comply with this international standard and if they obtain accreditation from bodies which have entered into mutual recognition agreements with equivalent bodies in other countries using this international standard." Furthermore, it is emphasized that the use of this international standard will assist in the harmonization of standards and procedures. The background of forensic science cooperation in Europe will be explained by using an existing European forensic science network, i.e. ENFSI, in order to understand the current status of forensic science in Europe better. The Council of Europe and the European Union approaches to forensic science will also be discussed by looking at the legal instruments and documents published by these two European organizations. Data collected from 52 European forensic science laboratories will be examined and findings will be evaluated from a quality assurance and accreditation point of view. The need for harmonization and accreditation in forensic science will be emphasized. The steps that should be taken at the European level for increasing and strengthening the role of European forensic science laboratories in the fight against crime will be given as recommendations in the conclusion.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):506-514
In April 2021, the Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021 received Royal Assent, providing new statutory powers for the Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) of England and Wales. These powers are intended to enable the FSR to compel forensic science providers (FSPs) comply with quality standard requirements. The FSR has until now relied upon ‘soft power’ and arguments of benefits to be gained if FSPs achieve accreditation and adhere to the Code of Practice. Reaching the limits of persuasive powers, the FSR Act now introduces powers to penalise FSPs who remain unaccredited or fall below published standards. To gauge the potential impact, forensic scientists were asked to anticipate effects of the Act. Practitioners indicated that the new statutory powers could instil a sense of urgency among police force forensic science units in particular, in prioritising quality and investing in accreditation. However, there are significant capacity limitations which may hamper more widespread and sustainable change, such as financial pressures faced by FSPs, as well as resource constraints within the FSR role. Changing from a regulatory approach focussed upon voluntary cooperation, support and encouraging intrinsic motivations (i.e ‘carrots’), for one reliant upon deterrence in the forms of threats of sanctions and punishment (‘sticks’), could prevent real improvements in quality and undermine the achievement of regulatory aims. The FSR Act is unable to address problems with forensic science provision, that militate against the quality of forensic science services. Thus, benefits accrued from swapping carrots for sticks may be illusory and may ultimately prove counterproductive.  相似文献   

文件鉴定技术标准刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文件鉴定技术标准不是新课题,上世纪50年代就开始规范程序和方法。进入21世纪以来,一批刑事技术和司法鉴定机构,通过了中国合格评定国家认可委员会的国家实验室认可,大大推动了文件鉴定技术标准化的进程。制定文件鉴定技术标准化的意义、条件、标准的内容及相关问题,是对标准制定者有启发和指导作用的。  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2005,2(2):137-146
A prominent banking institution in the United States has submitted an application to have its Computer Forensics unit inspected as the first step towards attaining accreditation. Several other corporations and businesses that operate Computer Forensics units are also considering submitting their applications. This is in response to the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board's (ASCLD/LAB) accreditation program which began offering accreditation in the Digital Evidence Discipline in 2003. As defined in the ASCLD/LAB accreditation manual, any laboratory conducting forensic analysis in any of the four sub-disciplines of Digital Evidence (Audio Analysis, Computer Forensics, Digital Imaging Analysis, or Video Analysis) can apply for accreditation. This information is widely known in the forensic crime laboratory community, but most executives and examiners in the corporate and business sector are not aware that they also can apply for accreditation in the Digital Evidence discipline.  相似文献   

The debate in forensic science concentrates on issues such as standardisation, accreditation and de-contextualisation, in a legal and economical context, in order to ensure the scientific objectivity and efficiency that must guide the process of collecting, analysing, interpreting and reporting forensic evidence. At the same time, it is recognised that forensic case data is still poorly integrated into the investigation and the crime analysis process, despite evidence of its great potential in various situations and studies. A change of attitude is needed in order to accept an extended role for forensic science that goes beyond the production of evidence for the court. To stimulate and guide this development, a long-term intensive modelling activity of the investigative and crime analysis process that crosses the boundaries of different disciplines has been initiated. A framework that fully integrates forensic case data shows through examples the capital accumulated that may be put to use systematically.  相似文献   

世界各国物证鉴定实验室组织结构有多种形式。本文综述了物证鉴定实验室的内部组织、上级组织和服务体系模式 ,分析讨论各种模式的特性和优缺点。物证鉴定实验室组织形式由多种因素决定 ,没有最佳模式  相似文献   

物证鉴定的能力验证   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
能力验证是物证鉴定质量保障体系的重要组成部分,可以非常有效的评估、监控和提高实验室物证鉴定能力和质量。本文论述了物证鉴定能力验证的主要方法、形式、类型和特点,以及在物证鉴定实验室质量管理中的具体应用,介绍了国外物证鉴定实验室参加能力验证活动的历史和现状,并提出在我国物证鉴定实验室广泛开展能力验证活动的思考。  相似文献   

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