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国际社会的整体利益与国际犯罪   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文的目的是以各国在国际法领域承担义务的形式,对构成“国际犯罪”的要件以及国际犯罪与国际法的“一级规则”和“二级规则”具有·哪些内在的联系进行探讨,以阐明国际社会的整体利益与国际犯罪的关系,并进一步说明建立和完善责任制度是现代国际法发展的一种必然趋势。国际法,是“国家之间的法”。①其渊源主要是条约和习惯。在国际法领域,各国具有应有的权利并承担应有的义务。其作用是调整主体之间的关系以保护“国际社会(全人类)的整体利益”。那么,什么是“国际社会的整体利益”呢?关于这个问题,可以说,有许许多多见仁见智…  相似文献   

朱文奇 《中国法学》2012,(4):176-190
北非中东一些国家的形势突变,反映了西方国家正在努力构建有利于己方价值观的世界格局,也表明在构建国际秩序方面,除了经济、政治及军事因素以外,还有"人道"和"人权"的考量。联合国安理会关于利比亚问题的决议与国际法的新走向,反映了国际关系中新的价值取向。然而,国际法规则存在于多个领域,有多种视角和原则。在这些领域,不同的规则有不同的的考量:基于一定价值理念的"人权"或"人道",与国家主权原则等国际法其他规则之间存在冲突。当今国际社会对是否要对叙利亚局势予以干涉的博弈,反映了国际法规则在国际秩序形成过程中的重要性。所以它不仅事关叙利亚国家和人民,也关乎整个世界局势的走向与发展。中国在联合国安理会合理运用国际法,体现了她作为大国对国际责任的坚持。  相似文献   

世界范围内的水资源短缺导致国家之间的"水冲突",尤其是因国际河流的利用导致的冲突时有发生。除了政治和外交努力之外,运用国际法的手段来解决国际河流冲突成为各国的共识。本文试图梳理现有国际河流的国际规则,分析国际河流开发过程中的各种国际利益冲突,为国际河流开发提出一个新的框架——建立在多边协定根本原则基础上的区域合作机制,以期通过国际法的手段预防和解决国际河流开发引发的国际冲突。  相似文献   

国际法具有一定的社会功能与规范功能,前者是利用各个国家直接的协调理念,为该国统治阶层在国际中的交往需求进行有效服务;后者则是做引导、教育、评价、预测以及强制等工作。国际法在内容方面、主体以及客体方面,都存在较多问题,如果在其他国家使用国际法,会受到该国国内法的诸多制约,也正是由于这些不同因素的影响,推动了国际法的发展。而国际秩序则是国际行为的一种保障机制,包括国际协议、国际规则以及国际组织等等。本文就将针对国际法在国际秩序中的作用展开进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

江河 《法商研究》2012,(4):42-49
在某一特定背景下,国际社会中实力悬殊的两个或两类国家因对国际法核心价值定位不同,或显性或隐性地游离于国际法之外;而当双方之间的外交博弈陷入困境时,现行国际争端解决机制不能有效发挥作用,国际社会也面临着战争一触即发的危险,朝核危机即为实例。为此,必须找到新的方法或路径,规范双方的外交手段,促进双方建立互信,并在区域或多边谈判机制的协调下指引双方走出外交博弈的困境,使其回归到国际法治框架中,并充分利用联合国安理会的决议为相关协议提供法律保证,以保障相关协议的法律性和可实现性。我国对于在国际关系中所面临的显性或隐性的法外国家也应适时调整外交策略,充分利用大国政治和国际法规则维护自身的利益。  相似文献   

1.国际法的定义是什么?国际法是否有阶级性? 国际法是主要调整国与国之间关系的有拘束力的原则、规则和规章、制度的总体。这里说“主要”,是因为在国家之外,还有类似国家的政治实体以及国家组成的国际组织,它们在一定条件下和在一定范围内,是国际法的主体,它们之间的关系也受国际法原则、规则和规章、制度的拘束。这些原则、规则和规章、制度反映了各国统治阶级妥协的意志。国际法与其他法律一样,具有阶级性并属于上层建筑,但它并不表现任何特定国家统治阶级的意志。它以协定或经过一段时间形成的惯例的形式,表现若干国家或大多数国家妥协的意志。  相似文献   

陈贻健 《法学评论》2023,(4):172-185
在政治博弈和体系化的平衡中发展,是国际气候变化法演变的现实路径。尽管国际气候变化法因政治博弈的影响在规范形式上经常呈现出阶段性妥协的特征,但长期而言,体系化才是其发展和完善遵循的内在逻辑。通过政府间气候变化专门委员会的评估结论为气候变化的规范调整提供科学基础,借助人类共同关切事项将气候变化议题纳入规范体系,国际气候变化法初步形成了包含目标、原则和规则等要素在内的体系化框架。为进一步促进国际气候变化法的体系化,应通过目标体系的具体化、配套实施规则的完善以及气候变化诉讼的功能补充,增强目标体系的刚性;对以公平原则为基础的法律原则进行实质解释,将公平原则下位的共同但有区别的责任原则视为责任分配原则,将各自能力原则视为责任履行原则,并通过国家自主贡献的评审促进具有可比性公平标准的建立;平衡各类规则的配置,适度提升适应规则、确定性规则的比重,促进《公约》框架下内部规则与外部规则之间的衔接。国际气候条约的缔约方会议作为整体机制“自上而下”的推动与各缔约方“自下而上”的国家实践结合,将逐步推动国际气候变化法体系化的进一步完善。  相似文献   

欧洲联盟法与一般国际法之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲联盟法与一般国际法之比较凌慧明一、欧洲联盟法是一种特殊的区域性国际法所谓“区域国际法”是指处于世界某个区域的一些国家在它们彼此关系中发展起来的一些原则规则和规章制度。与其他区域性国际法相比,欧洲联盟法是一种特殊的区域性国际法。这种特殊性主要表现在...  相似文献   

一、影响国际法发展的因素 国际法是在国际交往中形成的,用以调整国际关系(主要是国家间关系)的,有法律约束力的各种原则、规则和制度的总称。①从对国际法的定义出发,我们可以看到,国际法的产生和发展,有其特定的社会基础;国际法的理论和实践,与国际社会的存在密切相关。因此,国际法在发展过程中受到很多因素的制约。  相似文献   

法学意义上的国际秩序是指由法律所确认的国家之间的稳定的关系.它以国家为构成单位,由国际法确认并维持,其本质为国家间的权利义务关系.虽然当今的国际社会仍处于一种"无政府"状态,但国际秩序是存在的,其原因在于国际法事实上在确立和维护国家间的权利义务关系方面发挥作用.未来的国际秩序仍需要以国际法作为支撑,未来的国际秩序和国际法仍将以主权作为核心要素,而公正合理的国际秩序的建立将是一个漫长的过程.  相似文献   

This article explains the development of international crime as a legal category. I argue that states’ pursuit of political rights claims empowers international lawyers to develop new legal categories to grant states new tools to pursue their interests. At the same time, lawyers have a stake in defending the autonomy of law from politics, thus pushing for the development of legal norms and institutions that go beyond the original state intent. States’ turn to law thus begets more law, expanding the legal and institutional tools to solve international problems while simultaneously enforcing a commitment to principles of legality. To demonstrate the plausibility of the theory, the article studies the construction of the concept of an international crime in the interwar period (1919–1939). In response to the Allies’ attempt to prosecute the German Emperor, international lawyers sought the codification of international criminal law and drafted enforcement mechanisms. The interwar legal debate not only introduced international crime into the legal and political vocabulary, it also legitimized a new set of institutional responses to violations of international law, namely, international criminal prosecution.  相似文献   


This paper examines the methods which international courts and tribunals (ICTs) employ when using ILC outputs for the purpose of determining rules of international law and their content. Specifically, it identifies common patterns in the ways in which ICTs, first, justify their reliance on ILC outputs and, second, deal with their ambiguities. The paper argues in favour of a consistent methodology for the treatment of ILC outputs in international adjudication. Such a framework is based on the distinction between the identification of the status of a normative proposition contained in these texts and the determination of its content or its interpretation. The identification of the status of a normative proposition requires a critical assessment and reconstruction of the evidence leading up to its development taking also into account that these instruments are not a monolith from the perspective of sources. However, the interpretation of a proposition whose status is uncontested follows a line of inquiry akin to treaty interpretation. This observation has broader implications for the process of interpretation in international law. Specifically, apart from the context of treaty interpretation, international courts or tribunals interpret the normative propositions contained in ILC outputs as a methodological shortcut for the interpretation of rules of customary international law or general principles of law. Conversely, the employment of methods akin to treaty interpretation in this context can constitute evidence of the emergence of common rules, principles, or good practices of interpretation that are also applicable to unwritten international law.


Cosmopolitan Law     
The European Union need not choose between the two options of a federalist constitution or a loose intergovernmental association of states. There is a third possibility. This is described by Kant as an order of perpetual peace, whereby states undertake to one another to be good republics, to join in a federation of peace, and to respect the rights of each other's citizens. For Kant this corresponds to a combination of principles of constitutional law, international law and, a new category, 'cosmopolitan law'. If we adopt Kant's concepts we can see, first, that the international law of human rights has become some kind of cosmopolitan law of the international community and that, second, parts of European Community law can also be seen as cosmopolitan law for its member states. The features of cosmopolitan law are that it does not follow a conventional theory of sources of law, it does not respect traditional state sovereignty and does not require a hierarchy of institutions for its interpretation and application.  相似文献   

国际人权法在中国人权法制建设中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际人权法在我国人权法制建设中具有十分重要的地位和作用。相关实际部门和学术界对此尚缺乏客观、准确、充分和一致的认识。这既不利于我国对国际人权法规则的进一步接受和适用,也不利于我国人权法制的健全和完善。应从国际人权法的自身情况出发,以国际法基本原则为基础,以“尊重和保障人权”的宪法精神和原则为指导,并以有利于我国人权法制建设和人权状况的改善为目标,对国际人权法在我国人权法制建设中的地位和作用加以重新认识,并在此基础上采取一切适当而必要的步骤和措施,健全和完善人权法制,并促进人权状况的进一步改善。  相似文献   

江保国 《政法学刊》2007,24(6):98-101
国际私法主体性可以在本体论意义、认识论意义和价值论意义等三个层面上进行界说,它不仅包含对中国国际私法理论和实践现状的反思,也隐含了对中国国际私法理论和实践现状理想状态的勾勒,以及对理想与现状之间的紧张关系的疏解。主体性缺位正是造成国际私法在立法期未能取得突破的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Facing the dilemma on the recourse for Chinese cultural relics pillaged overseas, China shall get a clear understanding of the international legal situation, strengthen international communication and promote international compromise. Based on this foundation, China shall take rational, beneficial, and moderate legal actions to uphold and protect national rights. The recourse on the ground of international custom has been deemed as a failure by the view of the majority; the recourse in a foreign court will almost certainly encounter numerous obstacles in law that are very difficult to deal with, and the recourse in a national court will not only achieve the expected goals but also raise considerable disadvantages. If China hopes to retrieve the pillaged cultural relics by means of international treaty, it is necessary for China to conclude special agreements with relative states. The latter shall exercise best efforts to recover the cultural relics and return them to China at the expense of Chinese tax payers. On the other hand, there are two choices available if China hopes to settle the problem through general principles of law: One is to make an agreement with relative states, and the other is to authorize certain international tribunals to adjudicate the case according to the general principles of law. If the International Court of Justice (“ICJ”) is chosen, then the relative states can authorize the court to decide the case according to the principle of ex aequo et bono; however, the best way is to conclude an international arbitration agreement and renounce the application of certain general principles of law which might hinder the dispute resolutions. The other choice is to make unilateral legal activities with each other according to relative general principles of law, on condition that certain tacit agreement or understanding had been achieved between relative states. However, whether the above international legal methods can be used for the settlement of the problem, it depends on sufficient negotiation and mutual compromise between China and other relative states; the relative national authorities shall pay more attention to such aspects instead on unilateral declarations or sanctions.  相似文献   

WTO对知识产权国际保护制度的继承和发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵生祥 《现代法学》2000,22(3):130-133
WTO在继承既有知识产权国际公约所规定的基本原则和制度的基础上,从贸易的角度构建知识产权法律体系,对各种知识产权的国际保护作了若干新的规定,并对知识产权保护水平提出了更高的要求,从而丰富了知识产权国际保护制度的内容。  相似文献   

于飞  李蕾 《行政与法》2014,(4):113-117
在国内学术界,关于国际刑法基本原则的研究,一般以传统国内刑法的基本原则为基本框架展开,很少有学者论及"大国一致"原则。在国际政治及联合国机制的共同作用下,国际刑法中罪名的形成可以不受国内刑法中罪刑法定主义、罪刑等价主义、法律不溯及既往、一事不二理等原则的限制,某行为是否入罪、是否审判、管辖权如何分配的依据只是国际社会尤其大国对特定行为的态度表示。本文分析并论述了"大国一致"这一特有原则作为国际刑法基本原则的基本依据、演进脉络及具体作用。  相似文献   

The doctrine of building “a human community with a shared future” (HCSF) is a Chinese diplomatic strategy in the new era moving closer to the center of global affairs. It includes enriched ideas about international law and the essential elements of institutionalization. The emergence and development of modern international law have revealed the critical importance of the ideas about international law as guidance for institutions. It is necessary and possible to institutionalize the HCSF by setting its ideas as principles of international law. The principles of international law for the HCSF are those of durable peace, universal security, common prosperity, coexistence of different civilizations, and sustainable development. The new five principles of the HCSF are integrated with the existing general principles of international law and Chinese proposals for the new era, which is not only the development of Chinese-initiated Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence but also a new contribution to the contemporary international law. It will be the new guidance to advance the profound changes of international relations unseen in a century for the common interest of mankind.  相似文献   

识别是国际私法中的重要制度,是司法机关或仲裁机关处理涉外民商事案件时确定冲突规则从而确定准据法的前提条件。由于各国法律在观念和制度上存在各种差异,识别冲突在所难免。传统观念认为,法官仅是本国法律的执行者,因此识别仅能依据本国法进行。这种观点未站在国际民商事自由交往的角度,实际上对内外国法没有进行平等对待,在个案中也可能无法实现实质的公平正义。在具体涉外民商事案件的审判中,当法官敏锐发觉识别冲突的存在时,应将识别纳入法律适用、个案裁判的全过程,从实现司法终极目标角度进行法律适用,即识别的过程也应体现实质正义的要求。  相似文献   

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