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2010年2月1日,中央一号文件首次明确提出"新生代农民工"的概念,旨在当今现实条件下努力促进新生代农民工的市民化。改革开放至今,农民工已步入第二代,即"新生代农民工",他们在促进城市经济发展过程中发挥了重要作用,但新生代农民工犯罪问题也成了社会的顽疾。本文在研究这一群体特点、犯罪情况的基础上,从社会根源、社会原因以及个人因素等方面进行综合分析,在社会不公平竞争视角下对新生代农民工犯罪生存空间进行探索,研究不公平竞争与其犯罪的关联,以期发展三元协调促进的防控理论,并寻求消除不公平竞争机制,铲除新生代农民工犯罪土壤的对策。  相似文献   

尚红利 《法制与社会》2012,(10):245-246
随着青少年网络犯罪案件的总量的不断攀升,不仅青少年群体的健康发展受到威胁,并且加剧了家庭与社会的不稳定性,给国家造成巨大的损失.为了有效防控青少年网络犯罪,就必须分析其成因,以求有的放矢、对症下药.引发青少年网络犯罪的原因主要有青少年自身原因、家庭原因、学校原因、网络原因和法律原因.  相似文献   

薛静  韩丽莎 《河北法学》2006,24(8):148-151
青少年犯罪日趋严重已是不争的客观现实.透过犯罪现象的表面,折射的是青少年犯罪防控机制组织形式、运作方式、规范体系以及社会价值等方面存在的弊端和缺陷.在经济社会全面快速发展的今天,认真审视这些弊端和缺陷,对于促进社会的和谐文明稳定发展,顺利实现"十一五规划纲要"目标,有着十分重要的意义.根据社会政治、经济、思想、文化等条件的新变化,对如何正确认识和处理控制青少年犯罪与政治体制改革、经济体制改革、改革发展稳定等相关问题进行理论探讨.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪问题日显严峻,青少年犯罪的防控工作是一个复杂的系统的社会工程。本文拟从社区的概念出发,重视社区在预防和控制青少年犯罪中的功用,加快社区对青少年犯罪防控作用的模式构建,以便使社区防控模式更加具有操作性,并有效地防控青少年犯罪。  相似文献   

白龙 《法制与社会》2012,(29):69-70
青少年特别是未成年人是社会的一个特殊群体,不论是从思想、生理、心理等各个方面,都处在成长阶段,在当前社会变迁和急剧转型的大背景下,未成年人犯罪大幅上升已是我们必须要面对的事实.随着未成年人犯罪数量的大幅上升,未成年人犯罪问题已日趋引起社会各界的广泛关注,笔者深入诸城市人民检察院对该市近四年来未成年人犯罪情况进行了调研,并就对未成年人犯罪的特点、成因及如何发挥检察职能做好预防未成年人犯罪工作等作了粗浅的探讨,以期对解决当前未成年人犯罪问题有所裨益.  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展和经济发展模式的转变,大批农村劳动力进城务工,子女成为留守青少年.农村留守青少年这一群体的犯罪问题日益突出,引起了社会的高度关注.如何使其健康成长,预防其违法犯罪,成为一个重要课题.本文着重探讨该问题的现实、原因以及预防对策.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪是从犯罪主体方面对这一特殊群体的犯罪所做的一种类型化的区分。我国无论从理论层面还是制度层面都承认青少年由于年龄、智力、可塑性等方面的原因,对其犯罪行为做特殊处理,使之尽快复归社会的合理性。本文从青少年犯罪非监禁化的角度来阐述如何架设一条使其复归社会的桥梁。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,伴随我国市场经济的发展、城市化进程的加快,新生代农民工作为一个特殊的群体大量涌入城市,为改革开放和社会主义现代化建设做出了积极贡献,但伴生的一些消极影响也不容忽视.新生代农民工犯罪问题已然成为影响社会治安与稳定的新的严峻的社会问题.因此,剖析其犯罪原因、探究犯罪特征并给予预防和打击,对维护社会稳定、构建和谐社会具有重要意义.  相似文献   

加强对青少年犯罪的防控对策的研究,预防青少年犯罪,是一项任重道远的工作。本文对当前青少年犯罪现状及原因进行了简述,并从家庭、社区、学校和社会政府等几个方面设计了一个青少年犯罪的预防体系,以期对当今出现的一些问题的解决可以起到参考作用。  相似文献   

魏佳 《法制与社会》2015,(9):290-291
随着网络在我国的逐渐推广,青少年网络犯罪也与之兴起.青少年网络犯罪由于其主体的特殊性,所以有着较坏的影响,有的青少年甚至是葬送了自己和家庭的前途,而且也给社会带来了较多的不稳定因素,严重影响着青少年的健康成长以及社会的和平稳定,严峻的社会形势要求我们要提出较为可行的解决措施对青少年网络犯罪进行防控.  相似文献   

费杰 《行政与法》2010,(11):48-52
农民工市民化是提升城镇化水平,加快现代化建设的必然要求,不仅有利于扩大内需,促进经济发展,而且是解决"三农"问题的重要突破口,也是构建和谐社会、保持社会稳定的客观需要。目前,新生代农民工已成为农民工的主体,渴望融入城市是他们最大的利益诉求。吉林省应从提高城市综合承载能力,进一步降低和细化进城落户条件,完善社会保障措施以及加大培训力度等方面努力促进新生代农民工市民化。  相似文献   

整体治理理论视野下构建农村社区治理机制的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦加庆 《行政与法》2012,(12):68-73
整体性治理理论提出的新理念对于推进农村社区建设具有重要的意义。当前我国农村社区建设表现出明显的过渡性特征,即:城乡分治与"城中村"并存,乡政村治与新型农村治理并存,公共服务错位与缺位并存,宗族治理与民主治理并存。通过促进城乡社会的有机整合与融合,构建聚合多元力量的内生性的新型农村社区组织管理体制,建立公共服务多元合作供给机制,建设农村社区和谐民主文化四位一体的机制的构建,整体治理农村社区,推进农村社会全面转型是构建新型农村社区的必要选择。  相似文献   

Urban neighborhoods are frequently associated with high rates of crime, unemployment, poor educational systems, poor housing conditions, and health related problems. Theories of social disorganization, social isolation, and broken windows all explain how and why social problems develop and persist within urban settings. Drawing on these theories, this study examines how residents perceive local community problems in an East Baltimore neighborhood. Eight focus groups were conducted with participants who live and/or work in the area to identify common neighborhood issues. Problems commonly identified were: the presence of physical disorder, issues related to crime and law enforcement, lack of employment opportunities, and limited youth activities. Embedded under many of these themes was the recognition that the neighborhood lacks collective efficacy to fix community problems and maintain social control. Implications for improving neighborhood disadvantage will be discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to seek a better understanding of the social conditions within Japan which may be related to the increasing rates of juvenile delinquency. This trend is in sharp contrast to their overall crime patterns. In fact, as reported by Ames (1981:1), Japan has the lowest crime rate in the industrialized world, and its crime totals have declined since 1955. Within this article, we discuss youth crime trends, explain the applicability of a role relationship model, discuss the breakdown in informal social control/social relationship areas, and suggest implications for Western societies.  相似文献   

After a decade of high incarceration rates, the Canadian Department of Justice has revised its approach to juvenile justice. Enshrined in the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), the renewed youth justice system stresses the importance and responsibility of community for crime control. While on the surface the state’s appeals to such programmes as restorative justice seem laudable, caution should be exercised in fully endorsing this approach. While community initiatives have been criticized for “widening the net of social control” and intruding state control deeper into social life, their exclusionary potential is perhaps more troubling. Following Derrida’s metaphysics of presence, I suggest that ‘community’ perpetually finds meaning in opposition to the other. In this environment, Aboriginal youth, who are among the most marginalized in Canadian society, will likely be the most unfavourably effected. This paper does not, however, entirely reject the Act’s appeal to community. Nevertheless, I argue that for meaningful challenges to contemporary constructions of community and youth justice to occur the discursive limits forced upon ‘community’ must be fractured and fashioned in ways that renounce homogeneity. We strongly believe the solution to youth crime is in the community. Give the community the ability to deal with it and they will (Canada 1997).  相似文献   

Viewing police as important cultural producers, we ask how police power fashions structures of feeling and social imaginaries of the “war on drugs” in small towns of the rural Midwest. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and a collection of interviews focusing on police officers’ beliefs about the causes of crime and drug use, we locate a narrative of rural decline attributed to the producers and users of methamphetamine. We argue this narrative supports punitive and authoritarian sensibilities and broader narcopolitical projects more generally and ignores long-standing social inequalities observed in rural communities. As such, the cultural work of rural police provides important insight to the shape and direction of late-modern crime control beyond the familiar terrains of the city and its “ghetto.”  相似文献   

城市农民工是城市中的特殊群体。一直以来,由于受制度歧视,社会保障机制不完善等原因的影响,加之自身素质低下,造成了城市农民工的犯罪活动频繁发生,危害了安定的社会秩序,侵害了公民的人身和财产权益,激化了社会矛盾,增添了社会不稳定、不和谐的因素。因此,本文从构建和谐社会的视角着笔,重点分析了当前农民工犯罪的现状及产生原因,并就如何在新的形势下解决农民工犯罪问题提出了自己的看法和观点。  相似文献   



Using a time-series cross-sectional design, we estimated the effects of social disorganization on juvenile property crime rates in a predominately Latino, Texas-Mexico border region.


Eighteen years of data from seven independent sources (Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau, Texas State Demographer, Internal Revenue Service, Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, and Uniform Crime Reports) were examined. Counties were utilized as the unit of analysis, and time-series cross-sectional regression models were estimated.


The analysis showed that per capita income was negatively related to juvenile crime in both rural and urban counties. Ethnic heterogeneity was positively related to the outcome in rural, but not urban, counties; while percent foreign-born was negatively related to juvenile crime in urban, but not rural, counties.


The Latino experience, both native- and foreign-born, is important for improving our understanding how economic and social conditions relate to crime. Comparative analyses between distinct geographical environments, such as rural and urban counties, can yield insight how the local context interacts with social disorganization processes.  相似文献   

New Evidence on the Monetary Value of Saving a High Risk Youth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing interest in crime prevention through early youth interventions; yet, the standard United States response to the crime problem, particularly among juveniles, has been to increase the use and resource allocation allotted toward punishment and incapacitation and away from prevention and treatment. At the same time, longitudinal studies of delinquency and crime have repeatedly documented a strong link between past and future behavior and have identified a small subset of offenders who commit a large share of criminal offenses. These findings suggest that if these offenders can be identified early and correctly and provided with prevention and treatment resources early in the life course, their criminal activity may be curtailed. While researchers have studied these offenders in great detail, little attention has been paid to the costs they exert on society. This paper provides estimates of the cost of crime imposed on society by high risk youth. Our approach follows and builds upon the early framework and basic methodology developed by Cohen (J Quant Criminol 14: 5–33, 1998), by using new estimates of the costs of individual crimes, ones that are more comprehensive and that significantly increased the monetary cost per crime. We also use new estimates on the underlying offending rate for high risk juvenile offenders. We estimate the present value of saving a 14-year-old high risk juvenile from a life of crime to range from $2.6 to $5.3 million. Similarly, saving a high risk youth at birth would save society between $2.6 and $4.4 million.
Mark A. CohenEmail:

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