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独立设置的成人高校中 ,成人学习问题具有一定的研究价值。研究的内容包括 :成人学员的学习动机和学习优势 ,成人院校的作用 ,如何开发成人学习的潜力和提高成人学习的效益。研究的目的是把握成人学习的规律 ,探讨适应成人学习的教育方式  相似文献   

This article argues that at a point in time when feminism (in a variety of its forms) has re-entered political culture and civil society, there is, as though to hold this threat of new feminism at bay, an amplification of control of women, mostly by corporeal means, so as to ensure the maintenance of existing power relations. However the importance of ensuring male dominance is carefully disguised through the dispositif which takes the form of feminine self-regulation. The ‘perfect’ emerges as a horizon of expectation, through which young women are persuaded to seek self-definition. Feminism, at the same time, is made compatible with an individualising project and is also made to fit with the idea of competition. With competition as a key component of contemporary neoliberalism, (pace Foucault) the article construes the violent underpinnings of the perfect, arguing that it acts to stifle the possibility of an expansive feminist movement. It recaptures dissenting voices by legitimating and giving space in popular culture to a relatively manicured and celebrity-driven idea of imperfection or ‘failure’.  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》及其实施条例的颁布和实施在维护劳动者权益方面有了长足进步,但仍然存在全面性、明确性、操作性、合理性等四个方面的明显不足,需今后加以完善,以强化劳动者权益保护,构建新型劳动关系。  相似文献   

新形势下,要从思想上提高对全心全意依靠工人阶级极端重要性的认识;从政治上保障工人的主人翁地位和权利;从劳动经济权益上维护工人阶级合法权益;从组织上充分发挥工会的作用。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(3):269-286
Since Carl Bridenbaugh published The Colonial Craftsman in 1950, historians have asserted that artisans supported the pre-Revolutionary nonimportation movements largely because these trade stoppages benefited artisans economically. This article summarizes the historiography of this argument, highlights weaknesses in it, and offers evidence which demonstrates that most artisans were negatively impacted by the boycotts. Finally, it highlights the need for further research into the transition that urban artisans faced as they moved from their early dual roles as husbandmen and artisans to a near-exclusive reliance on their trades for sustenance.  相似文献   

随着中国社会发生的深刻变化 ,法学领域的理论研究也在不断地深入 ,对我国的改革起到了保驾护航的作用 ,对完善我国法律体系、丰富法学理论起到了积极的促进作用  相似文献   

推动“工资共决”,建立集体协商机制已经成为目前中国实现职工工资正常增长的主要途径和重要制度保障,并上升到了国家战略的高度.工资集体协商面临历史的发展机遇.但是,由于在实践这一制度的过程中,认识、主体、配套制度等方面存在的不足,产生一些“瓶颈”问题,如果不结合我国国情认真加以研究解决,将会影响全面推动建立工资集体协商机制...  相似文献   

新生代农民工及其市民化研究述评与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生代农民工及其市民化是学界重点关注的问题之一。现有研究内容丰富,研究方法趋于全面,实证调研分析显著增加。然而,有关新生代农民工及其市民化的研究也存在不足,研究内容有待进一步拓展,研究方法有待进一步完善。今后应从更广的学科范围、充分利用定性与定量相结合的综合性研究方法研究新生代农民工问题,研究重点包括:结合新生代农民工融入城市的宏观背景进行深入、综合性的理论研究;对于新生代农民工相关的现行政策进行评估研究;农民工市民化的战略定位和制度设计的前瞻性、统一性问题研究;新生代农民工与其他群体之间及新生代农民工内部的比较研究。  相似文献   

人类历史、人类文明,究竟由贵族或上层精英来推进,还是人民大众来推进?中国革命究竟由共产党领导才能获得成功,还是由资产阶级代表人物和改良派来领导才能成功?应用历史唯物主义的态度来对待.马克思主义者认为,人类历史、人类文明,由人民大众来推进.中国革命必须由中国共产党领导,采取武装斗争方式才能取得最后胜利.对于中国革命的基本理论与实践问题,应该坚持党的一贯的、并为革命实践检验是正确的观点.  相似文献   

A social-learning model [R. C. Akers, M. D. Krohn, L. Lanza-Koduce, and M. Radosevich (1979), Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory,American Sociology Review, 44: 636–655] was tested for its ability to explain why adolescents drive under the influence of alcohol and ride with drinking drivers. Data were gathered from a survey of 1,082 high school students. Findings indicate that all five subsets of the model are significant determinants of adolescent driving under the influence and riding with drinking drivers. The study demonstrates that if adolescent drinking and driving is to be prevented, careful attention must be paid to ways that it is learned and maintained.Received his Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University. Research interests include child and adolescent behavior and clinical practice issues.  相似文献   

当代大学生思想道德状况问卷分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为深入了解新世纪、新形势下大学生的思想道德状况,研究大学生思想道德发展变化的规律,唐山师范学院社科部以问卷调查为主,并辅之以座谈和个别访谈的形式,对2004级学生进行调查,得出的结论之一是:学生的思想主流是积极健康向上的,关注国家利益和民族尊严。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,农村劳动力转移为中国经济增长贡献了重要力量,但近年来愈演愈烈的"民工荒"现象也反映出农村劳动力转移后劲不足的问题。因此,分析农村劳动力转移的影响因素,为农村劳动力转移扫除路径障碍具有重要的现实意义。基于扩充化的推拉理论,可将农村劳动力转移的影响因素划分为源自农村的推力、源自城镇的拉力和源自制度的摩擦力等三个方面,据此使用最小二乘法(OLS)和Praise-Winsten AR(1)方法进行计量回归,实证结果表明:农村收入水平提升、农业生产力水平提升、农地资源水平下降构成了源自农村的推力;城镇收入水平提升、非农化水平提升、城镇基础设施水平提升构成了源自城镇的拉力;但以劳动力价格扭曲为表现的制度摩擦力,也对农村劳动力转移产生了显著的阻碍。  相似文献   

员工的工作幸福感不仅对提高组织绩效至关重要,更有助于经济和社会的可持续发展。研究从依恋理论、社会学习理论等视角,构建并验证了真实型领导影响员工幸福感的链式中介模型,具体包括:自我效能感在真实型领导与员工幸福感之间的中介作用,工作和家庭真实性在真实型领导与员工幸福感之间的中介作用,以及自我效能感与工作和家庭真实性在真实型领导与员工幸福感之间的链式中介。研究发现:真实型领导正向影响员工幸福感;自我效能感、工作和家庭真实性在真实型领导与员工幸福感之间的中介作用显著;自我效能感分别与工作真实性和家庭真实性在真实型领导与员工幸福感之间的链式中介作用显著。  相似文献   

全面二孩政策的实施,是中国生育政策的一次重大调整,研究该政策的实施对劳动力供给的影响具有十分重要的意义。本研究利用2010年的人口普查数据,设置全面二孩政策实施后生育水平可能的变化方案,并在此基础上对全面二孩政策的实施对我国未来劳动力供给规模的影响进行测算。研究结果表明,无论生育政策是否调整,我国未来劳动力供给都将呈现出2030年前缓慢下降、2030年后快速下降的趋势。全面二孩政策的实施在一定程度上增加了2030年后劳动力的供给规模,对减缓劳动力快速下滑的势头起到了积极的作用,但总趋势无法扭转。因此,未来生育政策的进一步调整应当更多地从人口结构、养老保障、育龄妇女的生育意愿等其他社会经济因素方面加以考虑。  相似文献   

互联网的发展加剧了咨询业的竞争,因此采用绩效薪酬成为咨询公司激励员工提高工作绩效的 重要手段。然而,以往的研究较少关注绩效薪酬感知,为此,我们以咨询业知识型员工为样本,运用层次回归 分析探讨风险态度和自我效能感在绩效薪酬感知对工作绩效影响中的调节作用。研究结果表明:绩效薪酬感知 在职位等级、绩效薪酬强度和企业性质上表现出显著差异;绩效薪酬感知对任务绩效和周边绩效有显著正向影响; 风险态度和自我效能感分别在绩效薪酬感知与任务绩效和周边绩效两组关系中起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

本文首先分析世纪之交的世界发展趋势 ,提出 2 1世纪需要创新人才 ,之后分析了创新人才的类别 ,接着阐述了创新人才的基本素质和能力及创新人才的培养 ,最后提出了创新人才所在单位应对创新人才采取的激励措施  相似文献   

A collected volume on The Peasantries of Europe: From the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries, edited by Tom Scott, is reviewed. It contains an Introduction by Scott; papers on France (Jonathan Dewald and Liana Vardi), Iberia (Teofilo F. Ruiz), Italy (S.R. Epstein), Western Germany (Thomas Robisheaux), East‐Elbian Germany and Poland (William W. Hagen), the Austrian Empire (Hermann Rebel), Russia (Edgar Melton), the Ottoman Empire (Fikret Adanir), Scandinavia (David Gaunt) and England (Richard M. Smith); and a concluding essay (John Langton). The volume's scope and the claims made on its behalf, as a work of major historiographic importance, are noted; the theoretical/ methodological intent and the authors’ remit identified; and the individual papers considered critically. It provides a useful depiction of the specificities of a wide range of European peasantries. It is, however, in several ways, analytically defective. This is so, it is argued, inasmuch as the authors’ quest for diversity turns out to be unhelpful; it is structured by an inadequate political economy, seen in an absence, or deficient treatment, of various crucial themes — most notably sharecropping, differential land productivity, social differentiation, and the state; and the volume has major shortcomings in terms of comparative history (including a curious neglect of the influential work of Robert Brenner).

The Peasantries of Europe: From the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries, edited by Tom Scott. London and New York: Longman. 1998. Pp.xi + 416. £44 (hardback); £19.99 (paperback). ISBN 0 582 10132 8 and 10131 X  相似文献   

Feminism has long been committed to a critique of stereotypic examples of women in patriarchal discourse and has been keen to see what it could offer by way of alternatives. Yet to suggest that alternatives are possible raises the question of whether feminism itself can altogether avoid the trap of turning women into stereotypes, turning the specific example of woman into a universal model, in its own efforts to represent women. Communication demands the particular; it is not possible to refer to everything at once. At the same time, judgements that arise from the use of those particulars are always to some extent faulty - inaccurate or incomplete, too particular or too general. This applies as much to aesthetics (models of beauty) as it does to politics (another matter of representation). What is at issue here is the entire problematic of inclusion and exclusion, whether in politics or aesthetics. Focusing on the significance of Kant's reliance on woman as an example in the Critique of Judgement , Elam argues that it would be a mistake to dismiss all aesthetic discourses of beauty as ploys on the part of patriarchy to keep women for men's eyes only. The Critique of Judgement stands to be useful to feminism because it demonstrates that the problem of the example cannot be solved by striving for the perfect representation of woman - either an inclusive aesthetics or a fully representational politics - or even by overcoming the use of examples altogether. Rather, taking 'woman' as an example stages both aesthetic and political questions about representation that call attention to the challenges feminism faces in its attempt to form political communities.  相似文献   

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