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随着社会经济的发展,环境破坏愈发严重,环境保护刻不容缓。人与自然的矛盾愈发激烈,正确地处理人与自然的关系有利于人与自然的和谐相处。立法者只有站在可持续发展的角度立法,才能实现环境法立法的根本目的。  相似文献   

我国环境保护基本法的基本理念和原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,面对严重的环境问题,我国现行《环境保护法》从理念、原则到内容已显露出诸多缺陷和不足,修订《环境保护法》基础上制定环境保护基本法成为解决问题的一个有效途径。环境保护基本法需要在适应我国长期发展状况的理念和原则下进行制定。文章通过研究我国现行《环境保护法》的基本理念和原则,以探究我国环境保护基本法的基本理念,并具体提出环境保护基本法的基本原则的立法建议,推动环境法律的持续发展。  相似文献   

中国需要环境基本法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
吕忠梅 《法商研究》2004,21(6):40-46
现行的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》存在价值目标的局限、立法理念的偏差、制度体系的失衡、协调机制的缺失、法律保障的不足等问题。但废除该法并非可取之策 ,因为环境保护基本法具有宣示可持续发展战略、明确“权力 -权利”配置原则、建立双重协调的法律机制、构筑权利保障体系之功能。因此 ,应该修改《中华人民共和国环境保护法》 ,提升其法律地位 ,完善法律制度 ,以使其真正起到基本法的作用。  相似文献   

针对人类发展与生态保护之间的矛盾日益凸显这一问题,世界各国纷纷提出可持续发展的战略.可持续发展原则是由国内法与国际法所确认的保护环境的重要原则,目标在于实现人与自然环境的和谐相处.我国在依法治国基本方略的指导下,深入贯彻落实可持续发展战略,应当首先正确界定该原则的法律地位,辨析其法理基础.文章主要从可持续发展原则的内涵、可持续发展的法律观念基础和可持续发展的法律价值基础等方面对可持续发展进行法理分析,从而为该原则的具体实践提供理论基础.  相似文献   

循环经济是一种新的、先进的经济发展模式,是目前实现人与自然和谐发展的最佳途径。循环经济以系统论为理论基础,具有层次性和开放性等特点。发展循环经济是当前中国环境保护和可持续发展的必然选择,循环经济立法是循环经济发展的保障,我国应借鉴日本和欧美一些国家的先进立法经验,从宏观和微观两个层面上来完善我国的循环经济立法。发展循环经济就坚持以科学发展观为指导,建立完善的循环经济立法和制度支撑体系,以促进循环经济的发展及循环型社会的建立,最终实现人与自然的和谐发展。  相似文献   

我国可持续发展法律制度之构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谭玲 《现代法学》2003,25(2):63-67
可持续发展是人类未来的共同发展战略 ,它将人类社会发展与资源开发和环境保护结合起来 ,是当前最新的一种发展理念 ,并正在成为我国立法的一项指导原则。然而 ,能否在这一原则之下制定我国专门的可持续发展法律制度 ,以及可持续发展法律制度在现有法律体系和法律部门中如何定位和构建等 ,是法学界颇有争议的问题。本文认为 ,我国应当建立符合可持续发展内在要求的可持续发展法律制度 ,并应将其纳入我国社会主义市场经济法律体系之中予以规范。  相似文献   

论中国可持续发展立法构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可持续发展立法是可持续发展战略的定型化、制度化的基础,建立和完善可持续发展法律体系包括两个过程:一是从可持续发展观念出发,对现行法律、法规进行全面地评价,推动其向可持续发展法律制度的变迁;二是按照可持续发展战略要求,进行可持续发展法律制度创新。联合国《21世纪议程》规定:“为了有效地将环境与发展纳入每个国家的政策和实践中,必须发展和执行综合的、可实施的和有效的法律规范,这些法律法规是以周全的社会、生态、经济和科学原理为基础的”①。同样,由世界自然保护同盟、联合国环境规划署和世界野生生物基金会编的…  相似文献   

可持续发展战略与我国环境资源立法的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可持续发展是联合国环境与发展大会确立的未来共同发展战略 ,《中国 2 1世纪议程———中国 2 1世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》提出了我国的可持续发展战略、对策及行动方案。虽然在环境资源方面我国基本上建立了环境与资源法的法律体系 ,但尚未将可持续发展作为环境与资源立法的指导思想。因此 ,修改我国《宪法》、《环境保护法》及有关环境与资源的法律、法规 ,并制定统一的《自然资源保护法》、《环境污染税法》、《环境保护投资法》和《环境与资源教育法》 ,已成为我国实施可持续发展战略的当务之急。  相似文献   

赵旭东  黄静 《河北法学》2000,(6):130-132
本文认为现行我国环境法“协调发展”原则实质即经济发展优先.环境保护只是在发展经济时应考虑的外部制约因素,通过对俄罗斯“环境保护优先性”原则的简单介绍,对传统的“协调发展”原则反思与改进.主张在立法中确定新“协调发展”原则.  相似文献   

现代能源安全具有能源节约、能源效率和能源可持续发展的综合意义内涵。如何制定和实行我国新时期的能源安全战略,科学、合理地开发利用能源资源、节约能源和提高效能,能源立法起着十分重要的规范和保障作用。我国在全面落实以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展的科学发展观的和谐社会构建中,应当坚持正确的能源安全战略,构建以《能源法》为核心的能源法律法规体系,为能源稳定供应和能源使用安全提供法律保障。保障能源安全的立法原则应当包括:可持续性发展原则、以人为本原则、政府管制与市场化有机结合原则、能源与环境保护相结合原则。  相似文献   

伍麟 《金陵法律评论》2005,16(5):96-100
可持续发展是当今时代主题,也是当代环境心理学开展研究的主旨.应对多元化、复杂化的环境问题的挑战,实现人与环境的和谐,当代环境心理学需要在价值取向上,扬弃人类中心主义与技术乐观主义,转向人与自然和谐统一与多学科共同努力;在理论构建上坚持宽阔的理论视野、跨领域的理论互补以及在实证研究中发展和深化理论;在方法论上,从个体主义取向转向组织与文化取向,从封闭性、单一化研究转向开放性、国际化研究.  相似文献   


The notion of sustainable development has become, over the last fifteen years, an integral part of international environmental law and policy. It is recognition that environmental issues do not exist in a vacuum, but rather arc part of much wider structural issues involving both economic and social dimensions. However, does this concern for sustainable development now mean that protecting the natural environment is no longer about ecological conservation per se, but rather is simply abour ensuring an adequate environment to maintain economic development? And if so, what of those environments where the economic value is a secondary consideration? Or where human activity has a disproportionate effect? Can sustainable development be interpreted in a way that reconciles these seemingly opposite demands? This paper examines these issues from the perspective of the 1991 Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty. It will suggest that sustainable development is a broader concept than one that simply requires an instrumental approach to environmental protection. In fact, the paper will conclude that sustainable development is a relatively meaningless notion if it docs not also contain a strong element of environmental conservation, and not only in such ecologically important areas as Antarctica.  相似文献   

Since 1992, the tension between environmental and developmental concerns has been a central element in the international law-making process which has resulted in the adoption of various treaties and international instruments in the field of sustainable development. These instruments show that reconciliation between environment and development has not been easy to achieve. The balance seems to tip in favour of the protection of the environment. This paper explores how some of the "well-established" principles and concepts of international environmental law, as well as some new developments in this field, may have contributed to the tendency of excluding conditionality and equitable considerations from the elaboration and application of an increasing number of obligations taken by States in the field of environmental protection. It is contended here that environmental protection has developed to a certain extent at the expense of international economic law relating to development. This has been an incidental consequence of, at least, three elements: the movement toward more participation of transnational civil society in the international environmental law-making process; the use of a rights and duties language which helps to mask the developmental aspects sometimes involved in the prevention of environmental damage; and, the attractiveness of the establishment of a right to a healthy environmental.  相似文献   

循环经济是符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,发展循环经济是我国实现可持续发展战略的必然选择。因此,循环经济视野下环境法律制度的创新设计必须以科学发展观为指导,以资源利用效率显著提高,促进人与自然的和谐发展为核心。  相似文献   

经济法在可持续发展中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金玄武 《现代法学》2001,23(4):96-99
可持续发展作为现代经济发展新的模式 ,已引起愈来愈广泛的关注。经济法是调整在国家协调和干预经济运行过程中所发生的经济关系的法律规范的总称。本文通过可持续发展的内涵、经济法的本质、可持续发展与经济法的关系探讨了经济法在可持续发展中的作用。  相似文献   

国际贸易中的人权问题——以发展权为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展权是当代人权的核心内容,目前的主要问题是发展中国家的发展问题.国际贸易中劳工标准、产品质量标准、环境保护标准以及药品价格等的确立不仅影响发展中国家许多有关个人的经济、社会和文化权利的实现,而且还影响发展中国家以环境权、可持续发展等为内容的集体人权的发展.国际贸易应坚持非歧视原则,促进发展权的实现.  相似文献   

论可持续发展与经济法的变革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许健 《中国法学》2003,(6):96-101
可持续发展是人类对传统发展模式反思后建立在尊重自然、追求环境与发展相协调基础上的发展观。为实现经济与社会的可持续发展 ,必须对传统的经济法进行变革。其中 ,由社会本位向生态本位的变革是经济法贯彻实施可持续发展战略的关键 ,由调整传统经济发展模式向调整循环型经济发展模式的变革是经济法实施可持续发展战略的核心 ,将部门经济法进行绿色化变革是实现可持续发展的重要保障  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of politics and laws related to sustainable development in China. Sustainable development has been positioned as an economic development strategy many years ago. However, in earlier times, it bore a heavy tint of national strategy, followed by a kind of soft sustainable development with a technological orientation. The recent decade has seen China on track for strong sustainable development. At the present, China is around the turning point of the "Environmental Kuznets Curve," where both domestic and international multiple pressures are forcing the whole country to make new choices for its dimension of sustainable development strategy. Although sustainable development has been recognized by the legal field of environmental resources, it is still not yet fully integrated into other areas of law. The period from weak to strong sustainable transition is accompanied by another transition, more significant in China, from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. Compared to weak sustainable development, the complex and contradictory character of strength has brought more challenges. Sustainable development of dualism and compromise, which corresponds with the actual needs in China, is an important theoretical basis and practical standards for implementing the scientific view of development. Finally, it concludes by noting that ecological civilization is attempting to solve the problems from a more broad perspective, and to pay more attention to public participation, at the same time to cover the shortage of environmental legislation.  相似文献   

The paper points to the significance of some factors of international co-operation in the field of environment and sustainable development as a general framework for understanding of the fundamental goals in international co-operation of the Republic of Serbia (RS). It is especially pointed to the place and importance of the activities that are carried out in the European Union (EU), to the harmonisation of national legislation with EU legislation including regulations in the field of climate change, to the significance of international environmental agreements and various forms of global, regional, subregional and bilateral co-operation as well as to the co-operation with international financial institutions which are important for environment and sustainable development. The paper is based on the thesis that the fundamental goals in international co-operation of RS in the field of environment and sustainable development are mostly determined by the “European perspective” of RS and in accordance with this, with global trends in the contemporary environmental and sustainable development policy and law. Opening the prospect of the EU membership (potential candidate status and the status of the candidate for EU membership) has resulted in the acceleration of the process of harmonisation of national legislation with the EU’s as well as speeding up the process of ratification of the international treaties in the field of the environmental protection.  相似文献   

2012年联合国可持续发展大会确立的RIO+20议程对国际可持续发展的机构改革问题作出了重大调整。虽历经20年的积累,与可持续发展有关的国际法规范松散而总体缺乏约束力。RIO+20后联合国创设了可持续发展高级别政治论坛以取代可持续发展委员会,但未来联合国可持续发展机构改革的方向仍需以环境议题为主,探索不同形式和不同重点的组织模式,以促进国际可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

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