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In this introduction to this special issue of the Asian Journal of Criminology, we pay special attention to public participation and involvement in the criminal justice system in Asia. Public support, participation, and involvement in various forms are crucial to normal functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Given the centralized and often non-democratic nature of the legal system in many Asian nations, studies in this field have lagged behind their Western counterparts. Based on empirical and theoretical studies from China, India, Japan, Macao, and South Korea, papers in this special issue address several key aspects of public participation and involvement in these Asian nations and regions, including the public’s role in crime reduction and prevention, the public’s fear of crime, the public’s involvement with the police in dealing with juvenile delinquencies, the police’s perception of civilian oversight of police work, public opinion on criminal trial procedures, and a comprehensive crime prevention strategy.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the criminal justice system in Russia from historical and contemporary perspectives. The realities of greater liberalization and the dissolution of the Central Soviet Government will have a significant impact of the future criminal justice program. Based on a criminal justice delegation including meetings with Soviet criminal justice participants, it is argued that the Soviet will likely lean toward incorporating a more continental crime reduction ideology instead of a Western-style Common Law that emphasizes legal process rather than crime reduction.  相似文献   

恢复性司法应当缓行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李震 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):120-127
恢复性司法是当前时代的一个热门话题,它以其全新的司法理念引起人们的广泛关注.但是应当看到恢复性司法本身有其固有的理论缺陷:它虽名为司法,实为非司法;它不能真正实现正义;它不仅颠覆了传统的犯罪本质观,而且违反了刑法的罪刑法定原则、罪责刑相适应原则、刑法面前人人平等原则和刑事诉讼法的无罪推定原则.如果把其引入我国,它会遇到法律文化、国家本位价值观、不能有效预防犯罪以及不利于消除司法腐败等本土性障碍,所以,恢复性司法目前在我国不具有适用的土壤,应当缓行.  相似文献   

This paper opens with a brief discussion of the traditional role of the victim in the criminal justice system and the changes which have been made in the Netherlands in order to improve the position of victims of crime. In addition, the author discusses the arguments put forward by policymakers and examines the implementation of victim policy. Next, procedural justice is introduced as a theory from which one could consider the possible impact of victims' experiences in the criminal justice system on their relationship with the justice system. The author goes on to present research which examines the impact of procedural justice on victims' attitudes towards legal authorities. The paper closes with a discussion of the importance of procedural justice issues for criminal justice policymakers and legal practitioners.  相似文献   

Procedural quality is an important aspect of crime victims' experiences in criminal proceedings and consists of different dimensions. Two of these dimensions are procedural justice (voice) and interpersonal justice (respectful treatment). Social psychological research has suggested that both voice and respectful treatment are moderated by the impact of outcomes of justice procedures on individuals' reactions. To add to this research, we extend this assertion to the criminal justice context, examining the interaction between the assessment of procedural quality and outcome favorability with victim's trust in the legal system and self-esteem. Hierarchical regression analyses reveal that voice, respectful treatment and outcome favorability are predictive of trust in the legal system and self-esteem. Further investigation reveals that being treated with respect is only related to trust in the legal system when outcome favorability is high.  相似文献   

李波 《政法论丛》2011,(6):107-112
犯罪控制并非程序正义的对立面,其目的之一即是对公民人权的保障。但是,犯罪控制的"度"把握不好就会有害于程序正义的实现。因此,有必要对犯罪控制进行"度"的控制,刑事诉讼监督即为方式之一,其关注点是人权与正义。新时期实施刑事诉讼监督,应坚持宽严相济刑事政策,吸取情境预防的经验,理顺法律监督内外部关系。  相似文献   

Most criminal justice curricula are limited to crime and the criminal justice system. Such programs could profit from evolution into a curriculum covering all means by which behavior is controlled in society. Subject areas of such a social control curriculum would include: sources and nature of behavior; selection of behaviors for social control; criminal justice systems; non-criminal justice, legal, social control systems; and nonlegal, social control systems. Crime and criminal justice would remain major topics, but would be complemented by and blended with the topics of noncriminal behavior and non-criminal justice system controls on behavior. However, the focus would remain on social control of behavior and would not be expanded to include all community interaction.  相似文献   

刑法第四条就适用刑法人人平等作了明确的规定,但关于平等在刑法中处于什么位置一直备受争议。关于平等在刑法中的地位,主要涉及三个问题,即:平等是法律原则还是法律权利;平等是否能为刑法的基本原则;刑法平等原则与罪刑法定原则、罪责刑相适应原则之间是什么关系。  相似文献   

States have responded to the public's outrage at rising juvenile crime by revising their transfer statutes to make it easier to transfer juvenile offenders for trial and sentencing in criminal court and possible incarceration in adult prisons. These changing trends in juvenile justice raise three questions about what actually happens to juveniles once they are in the adult criminal justice system. To what extent does trial in adult court and/or incarceration in adult prisons promote or retard community protection, juvenile offenders' accountability, and the development of competencies in juvenile offenders? This article discusses state transfer laws and the legal consequences of criminal court prosecution, and analyzes current research on deterrence effects of transfer laws, conviction and sentencing in juvenile versus criminal court, recidivism rates in juvenile versus criminal court, and conditions and programming in juvenile versus adult correctional facilities. The research findings have two important implications for juvenile justice policy: the number of juvenile cases transferred to criminal court should be minimized, and imprisonment of juveniles in adult facilities should be avoided whenever possible. These implications are discussed, and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

将法律解释概念作狭义理解 ,具有方法论上的重要意义 ;如此 ,则法律解释方法中并不存在“类推解释”。从“法无明文规定不处罚”的基本要求和“法律解释必须在文义所及的范围内为之”这一命题出发 ,可以认为罪刑法定原则其实不排斥任何一种解释方法。事实上 ,“类推”在刑法领域是被作为法律续造的方法加以禁止的 ,而并非是被作为一种法律解释方法加以禁止。从维护法律确定性和司法统一性的要求出发 ,一切形式的类推在刑事司法中都应当被禁止 ;但是 ,这种主张显然源自于形式意义的罪刑法定和刑法技术主义的绝对观念。在实质意义的罪刑法定原则之下 ,有利于被告的类推应当被允许 ,这是克服刑法形式侧面的缺陷、实现刑法正义的需要。  相似文献   

China's criminal justice system has, for decades, been consistently notorious as one of the world's most punitive. Recent reform of the nation's decades‐long harsh criminal justice policy to instead balance severity with greater leniency has given reformist‐minded judges and legal experts some cause for optimism. However, it has also created a judicial dilemma in determining how to apply this more lenient ethos in sentencing some capital crimes. This is particularly the case for the capital crime of transporting drugs, which is the focus of this article. This article reveals how reform can be achieved through skillful legal maneuvering for a crime category that is caught between two contesting views of the social benefits of punishment.  相似文献   

犯罪构成理论结构比较论略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大体相当的法律结构基础上,因文化的差异,德日、英美和中俄三个不同法系的犯罪构成理论结构显著不同。三者的外在形态、逻辑结构和文化特点差异颇大,但其基本功能大体相当,各有其道理。我国的犯罪构成四要件理论经过长期的理论建构与实践检验,具有相对的合理性。我国不宜全盘移植德日三阶层要件模式或英美双层次要件模式。进一步理顺和完善犯罪构成四要件模式的内在理论结构,是我国当前相关理论争议的合理出路。推进我国刑事法治,有必要注重刑法机制之刑事一体化理论知识形态。  相似文献   

It is well-established that victims of crime have numerous preferences when encountering the criminal justice system. Often, research examines these preferences in terms of procedural justice, asserting that elements such as voice, respect, and fair treatment may lead to greater satisfaction and more positive experiences. Positive experiences also entail preventing secondary victimization by the legal system. Much of the research surrounding this topic, however, discusses victims of crime as a single entity. The current research examines if differences among crime victims, namely whether they suffered sexual or non-sexual victimizations, influence their legal preferences. Victims of sexual assault have undergone particularly traumatic and stigmatizing experiences that may warrant a greater need for expression and understanding of their harm. It is hypothesized that for victims of sexual assault, there will be a stronger association between procedural justice and negative psychological effects of criminal proceedings. Therefore, type of offense is examined as a moderator variable of this relationship. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that there is in fact an interaction effect for procedural justice and psychological effects, suggesting that these preferences are more desired by victims of sexual assault.  相似文献   

恢复性司法是一种不同于传统司法模式的新型司法模式,它寻求尽可能利用罪犯、受害者和社区的积极和自愿参与的方式,恢复受犯罪影响的所有当事方的一切权益。我国引入恢复性司法既具有刑事司法实践、刑事观念、刑事制度和社会发展的基础,也与我国当前的刑事诉讼制度存在一定冲突。恢复性司法实践与理念对我国刑事诉讼可能产生的影响,突出表现在刑事观念、诉讼制度和检察机关法律监督方式等诸多方面。  相似文献   

Digitization and open access to governmental data have made criminal justice information incredibly easy to access and disseminate. This study asks how law should govern access to criminal histories on the Internet. Drawing upon interviews with crime website publishers and subjects who have appeared on websites, I use legal consciousness theory to show how social actors interpret, construct, and invoke law in a nascent and unregulated area. The analysis reveals how both parties construct legality in the absence of positive legal restrictions: Website publishers use legal justifications, while those appealing to have their online record cleared resort to personal pleas, as opposed to legal remedy. Ultimately, I show how current data practices reinforce structural inequalities already present in criminal justice institutions in a profoundly public manner, leaving website subjects with little recourse and an inescapable digital trail.  相似文献   

劳动刑法视野下劳动用工违法犯罪的惩治与预防机制对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张勇 《河北法学》2008,26(4):107-110
劳动用工违法犯罪的行为可以分为违法犯罪类型、单纯违法类型和模糊行为类型;劳动刑法应当以保障劳动密集型企业中底层劳动者的合法权益为重心,严厉惩治严重的劳动侵权犯罪;同时关注劳动者和用人单位双方利益的适度平衡;惩治和预防劳动用工违法犯罪,应当构建和完善劳动刑事处罚机制、宽严相济刑事政策机制、劳动法律体系衔接机制、司法协调救济机制等。  相似文献   

The Soviet legal profession occupies a place of honor in the system of government and public organizations whose duty it is to protect the rights and liberties of Soviet citizens and to strengthen socialist legality and order. In performing the function of defense in criminal trials and in providing other legal services to citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations, and by vigorous activity to educate the people with respect to Soviet law, lawyers promote the defense of the rights and legal interests of the citizenry, their training in a spirit of respect for Soviet laws, prevention of crime, strengthening of socialist legality, and proper administration of justice.  相似文献   


Drawing upon feminist research on women in crime and justice, this study examines patterns of female crime in Israel over four decades and the criminal justice response to female offenders over two decades. The data show that crime patterns of Israeli women and the criminal justice response to their transgressions show remarkable resemblance to those discerned in other western countries. The article concludes that feminist insights and explanatory mechanisms suggested in other western countries are congruent with findings about women in crime and justice in Israel.  相似文献   

In the twentieth century, the antinomy of freedom and coercion served as the dominant paradigm for understanding issues of crime and punishment. Roscoe Pound in Criminal Justice in America (1930) and Herbert Packer in The Limits of the Criminal Sanction (1968) described a tension between the values of individual liberty and general security to explain the problems with the justice system and the public's disagreements over their solution. Historians of twentieth‐century criminal law have also adopted this framework to explain causation and change. This essay argues that an antinomic perspective of criminal justice history, while useful, has obscured important historical questions. A focus on social changes, such as the transformations that the automobile brought about in the commission of crimes and police practices, instead of on contrasting values, offers a different account of how proceduralism became inextricably tied to notions of American freedom in the twentieth century. This approach also historicizes the “paradigm of antinomies” and shows how people in the past, like Pound and Packer, mobilized dualistic thinking, which shaped a criminal legal culture based on an antagonism—both real and perceived—between citizens and law enforcement.  相似文献   

In addition to the more conventional approaches of the criminal justice system, this article suggests that there is a need for restorative justice as another method of addressing sexual crime. In support of this view, the present article explores the possibility of a hybrid justice system based on a complementary relationship between restorative justice and the criminal justice system. An analysis of the limits of the criminal justice system and the need for restorative justice in the contentious area of sexual crime will be followed by a detailed examination of key justice considerations when trying to marry both criminal justice and restorative justice perspectives. Such considerations include: the meaning of justice; legislation; sentencing principles; due process; victims’ rights; and the location of restorative justice within/alongside/outside the criminal justice system. The aim of this article is to determine whether it is possible to reconcile two seemingly juxtaposed methods of justice delivery in the context of sexual crime in order to create a hybrid system of justice that best protects and responds to the rights and needs of victims and offenders.  相似文献   

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