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刘远山 《河北法学》2004,22(8):6-11
国际恐怖(主义)犯罪是目前日炽的一种国际犯罪,国际社会非常重视对恐怖(主义)犯罪的惩治、预防和打击,缔结了一系列反恐多边条约。反恐多边条约的实施主要是缔约国的实施(即国内层面上的实施),可以分为直接实施和间接实施两种模式。反恐多边条约的国内实施于惩治和预防国际恐怖主义犯罪发挥了重要作用。反恐多边条约在我国得到了很好的实施,但在实施过程中仍存在某些弊端或不足,亟须完善,关键是要尽快制定一部专门的反恐特别法。  相似文献   

Global terrorist networks are dependent on receiving financial support from a variety of sources, including individuals, charities and corporations. Also known as terrorist financing, the potential of terrorism finance to resemble a global threat has been recognised and also its closeness to other international crimes such as money laundering and organized crime. As a result, possible responses have to constitute co-ordinated, multi-lateral and multi faceted actions under the umbrella of a wide range of international stakeholders such as the United Nations Security Council and the Financial Action Task Force. Combating terrorism requires a ??holistic?? approach which allows for a mix of possible responses. Besides ??kinetic?? security operations (such as targeted killings) and the adoption of criminal prosecution measures another possible response could be the use of US styled transnational civil litigation by victims of terrorism against both, terrorist groups and their sponsors. Corporations, both profit and non profit, such as banks and other legal entities, as well as individuals, are often complicit in international terrorism in a role of aiders and abettors by providing financial assistance to the perpetrators (cf. UN Al-Qaida Sanctions List: The List established and maintained by the 1267 Committee with respect to individuals, groups, undertakings and other entities associated with Al-Qaida). Such collusion in acts of terrorism gains additional importance against the background of so called ??Hybrid Threats??, NATO??s new concept of identifying and countering new threats arising from multi-level threat scenarios. This article discusses the potential impact of US terrorism lawsuits for the global fight against terrorism.  相似文献   

殷炳华 《政法学刊》2009,26(4):86-90
国际恐怖主义犯罪是威胁当今国际社会安全的非传统安全因素,近年来,国际恐怖组织、个人,以及境内外“东突”恐怖势力、“藏独”恐怖势力、邪教恐怖势力,尤其是境内外“东突”及“藏独”势力的恐怖主义犯罪已经对我国构成了现实威胁。针对威胁,公安机关应积极推动我国反恐立法,完善反恐工作机制,参与国际反恐合作,重视情报、舆论引导和群众工作,加强安全防范和预案演练,以有效遏制和消除国际恐怖主义犯罪。  相似文献   

International cooperation among prosecution services is an urgent necessity and cooperation mechanisms are evolving rapidly to keep pace with new technologies. Their evolution over the last decade or so reflects the new determination of States to work more closely with each other to face the growing threats of organized crime, corruption and terrorism. Because of the dynamic nature of these crimes, Member States must constantly refine and perfect their strategies. Yet, in spite of the considerable progress achieved at the bilateral, regional, and international levels, international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of serious crimes still needs considerable strengthening. This paper reviews some key issues, trends, and innovative practices with respect to both formal and informal international cooperation in criminal matters. It considers some of the practical issues that have recently emerged during the implementation of these measures and strategies as well as some of the solutions that are being advanced.  相似文献   

我国当前面临最大的恐怖主义威胁是具有恐怖主义、宗教极端主义及民族分裂主义特征的“三股势力”,影响新疆社会稳定的因素主要是“东突”等恐怖组织策动的以民族分裂为宗旨的暴力恐怖犯罪活动.暴力恐怖犯罪危害极大,反恐防暴斗争形势十分严峻,打击和遏制新疆地区暴力恐怖犯罪活动,是一项长期而艰巨的任务.本文着重阐述“东突”暴力恐怖犯罪的新特点,分析其发展态势,并在此基础上提出防范此类暴力恐怖犯罪的对策.  相似文献   

转化犯基本问题探究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张小虎 《现代法学》2003,25(6):67-72
转化犯 ,是指行为在成立基础犯罪之后又具备了另一密切相关的更为严重的犯罪构成要件或者其他事实特征 ,刑法明文规定按后一较重的犯罪论处的犯罪形态。转化犯有如下特征 :基础行为必须构成犯罪 ;基础犯罪与转化犯罪性质不同 ,并且后者重于前者 ;转化条件的发生紧接于基础行为之后 ,或者在基础行为持续期间 ;转化条件独立符合转化犯罪的构成要件 ,或者基础犯罪并转化条件符合或者大致符合转化犯罪的构成要件 ;转化犯是法定的一罪 ,以刑法规定为限。转化犯包括典型转化犯与准型转化犯。我国《刑法》有 10个条文规定了转化犯 ,其中有些立法值得考究  相似文献   

While terrorism has moved into the spotlight of criminological study, including critical criminology, it has yet to be thoroughly explored from a left realist perspective. Left realism addresses four aspects of crime: causes of offending, impact on the victims, and both official and public responses to crime. A left realist approach to terrorism would argue that similar to those who engage in street crimes, many terrorists are socially or economically disenfranchised young men who become involved in terrorism through connections with similarly situated members of the fringe population, and “get tough” policies on terrorism will backfire. Four propositions of left realist theory organized by DeKeseredy and colleagues are presented and addressed through the extant literature, which offers partial support for a left realist explanation of terrorism.  相似文献   

作为司法实践中提出的新的经济犯罪类型,与其他经济犯罪比较而言,涉众型经济犯罪具有侵害对象特殊,行为方式纷繁多变,法律适用问题复杂等特征。公安机关打击、防范涉众型经济犯罪面临罪名界定不清,适用条件不明、刑民交叉等法律规制障碍。当前可选择的对策有:修正非法吸收公众存款罪的法律条款;确认民间融资的合法性,以立法形式引导其公开登记,合规经营;制定涉案赃款处理规则,提供被害人维权的法律依据;对网络经济犯罪立法予以完善和监管。  相似文献   

Seemingly harmless pranks by computer hackers have evolved into major economic crimes and acts of terrorism that appear far different than traditional forms of juvenile delinquency. Nonetheless, because they do not occupy the high status positions that facilitate white-collar crimes, serious computer crimes by juveniles have fallen between the theoretical cracks. A new hybrid category of crime that we label “white-collar delinquency” demonstrates that class does matter in the way illegal activity is conceptualized, and re-ignites debates regarding both white-collar crime and juvenile delinquency. We review conceptual issues that relate to this emergent form of computer-based deviance, and identify questions to be addressed in future theorizing and research. The authors wish to thank Gilbert Geis for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

张莉琼 《北方法学》2017,11(3):75-83
2010年《北京公约》和《北京议定书》首次规定了国际航空犯罪法人责任,法人责任以法人的高级管理人员代表法人实施劫持航空器等国际航空犯罪为要件,法人为此承担刑事、民事或行政责任。公约对法人犯罪及其责任的立法需要转化为国内法才能适用。世界各国国内法对法人犯罪及其责任的态度差别较大,英国、加拿大、法国等国刑法规定有航空犯罪的法人刑事责任,德国国内法规定有航空犯罪的法人行政责任,意大利刑法规定有航空犯罪的法人民事责任,我国仅在个别航空犯罪中规定有法人犯罪及其刑事责任。我国法人犯罪及其刑事责任的立法和理论具有较强的包容性,可在我国刑法中取消法人犯罪法定化限制,全面规定包括航空犯罪在内的法人犯罪及其刑事责任。  相似文献   

面对严重危及社会生存与发展、民众安宁与秩序的一些严重犯罪,"重重"是世界范围内的一种刑事政策选择现实与趋势."重重"绝非一种重刑主义政策,其核心含义与要求是严密法网并严格责任.其基本的理论假定是:既然刑罚的矫治罪犯、回归犯罪人并预防犯罪的目的对有些犯罪与犯罪人难以达到,那么起码有一点能够做到,那就是,让刑罚发挥其能够起到的惩罚犯罪的作用,从而更好地保护社会.  相似文献   

In prior tests of Beckerian rational choice theory, the notion that individuals are responsive to the (dis)incentives associated with crime has been supported. Much of this research has comprised composite scores of perceived rewards and risks of multiple, often disparate, crime types that are then used to predict “general” offending behavior. Although the results of such prior tests are informative, we believe that this tendency has resulted in two shortcomings. First, a central component of mathematical rational choice theory is overlooked, namely, that responsivity to incentives will be crime specific. That is, offenders should prefer crime types that subjectively offer greater rewards and fewer risks relative to other crimes. Second, individual differences in offending specialization are not addressed, of which Clarke and Cornish (1985) and Shover (1996) argued rational choice theories are well suited to explain. Using a sample of serious offenders, we find that in a given time period, individuals are more likely to engage in crime types they viewed as more intrinsically rewarding and less risky compared with other crimes. Furthermore, individuals displayed greater specialization in violence to the extent they view violence as more rewarding and less risky than property offenses  相似文献   

疑罪问题研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
胡云腾  段启俊 《中国法学》2006,9(3):152-165
疑罪是指在刑事诉讼活动中,因证据不足而对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人是否构成犯罪以及罪行轻重、此罪彼罪与一罪数罪等方面难以作出正确判断的情况。疑罪的基本特征是证据不足。疑罪可分为罪与非罪之疑罪、情节轻重之疑罪、此罪彼罪之疑罪和一罪数罪之疑罪。疑罪产生的原因是多方面的。认定疑罪要注意与疑难刑事案件相区别,把握好疑罪的认定标准,掌握好疑罪的处理原则:罪与非罪之疑适用疑罪从无;情节轻重之疑、此罪彼罪之疑和一罪数罪之疑适用疑罪从宽。贯彻好疑罪的处理原则有着重要的理论和实践意义。文章还就刑事诉讼各阶段如何具体贯彻疑罪的处理原则提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

论香港打击黑社会有组织犯罪的立法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港《有组织及严重罪行条例》为打击香港地区有组织犯罪提供了重要的法律依据。香港地区在实施加重刑罚、打击洗黑钱犯罪及要求披露犯罪财富等方面的司法实践亦已趋于灵活,并在防止、侦查和打击有组织犯罪的各环节上都已渐见成效。但香港打击黑社会有组织犯罪的立法仍有值得改进的空间,主要是应当提高立法的预防性、前瞻性、完备性和针对性。具体而言,可以从打击黑社会主要犯罪、增设黑社会犯罪新罪名、修改刑法中对黑社会的定义以及考虑充公黑社会财富的特别立法等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

我国刑法对诽谤罪采取自诉为主、公诉为补充的双轨制模式。由于刑法但书“严重危害社会秩序和国家利益”的公诉依据具有模糊性,同时司法解释本身缺乏解释力和可操作性,存在同义解释、近义解释等问题,加剧了公诉诽谤罪和其他罪名之间的冲突和竞合,特别是当被害人为地方领导干部时,诽谤罪的公诉权在实务中存在被滥用风险,部分限制公诉权的要件在实务中被淡化甚至忽略。从相对狭义的角度看,“严重危害社会秩序和国家利益”只有在行为人对侵犯个体法益具备主观故意,但对侵犯社会法益或国家法益不具备主观故意(或无法证明其具备故意)的情形下,才有其独特的法律适用价值并不与刑法其他罪名相冲突。为妥善处理和平衡诽谤犯罪中惩治犯罪和保障人权的关系,适应互联网时代的内外部变化,建议通过修改我国刑法,将诽谤罪区分为情节不严重、情节严重、情节特别严重的三种形态,为充分保障宪法权利,情节不严重的不作为犯罪处罚;为充分保障自诉权,情节严重的为绝对告诉乃论;为依法惩治犯罪,对符合特定形式要件和实质要件,情节特别严重的诽谤犯罪可以依法公诉,以维护网络信息秩序。  相似文献   

The social disorganization perspective assumes that social interaction among neighbors is a central element in the control of community crime. Moreover, social interaction among neighbors that occurs frequently, such as every day, is assumed to be most effective. This analysis tests that assumption by exploring the consequences of frequent and infrequent interaction. I construct 10 alternative measures of social interaction and separately examine the effect of each on the rates of three serious crimes across 60 urban neighborhoods. Findings suggest that type of interaction matters. Getting together once a year or more with neighbors has the most consistent and generally strongest effect on burglary, motor vehicle theft, and robbery. Further this form of interaction mediates a significant proportion of the effect of ecological characteristics on community crime. Implications for community crime research are discussed.  相似文献   

One way to analyze the effect of tourism on crime is to include the average number of visitors in the denominator used to calculate community crime rates. Modified crime rates were computed for 7 new casino jurisdictions and compared with traditional crime rates based on the resident population. A preand postcasino comparison indicates a minority of Part I crimes increased significantly regardless of which crime rate was used. While a majority of Part II crimes rose significantly when using the traditional crime rate, fewer than half the modified crime rates displayed any gains. It appears that a large concentration of casinos with a concomitant increase in tourism leads to an increase in Part II crimes. This project was supported by Grant No. 98-IJ-CX-0037 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

集资诈骗罪的认定问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
集资诈骗作为严重影响社会经济发展的犯罪行为应当从"非法占有目的"、"欺骗手段"、"诈骗对象"和"犯罪数额"几个犯罪构成要件上与其他类似罪予以区分。同时由于集资诈骗罪的涉众性,我们应当根据《刑法》中的共犯原理对涉及集资诈骗的其他人员一并予以处罚。  相似文献   

澳大利亚反恐怖主义立法述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜邈 《河北法学》2006,24(10):170-175
为应对日益严重的恐怖主义威胁,澳大利亚加快了反恐怖主义立法的进程,澳大利亚反恐怖主义法对基础性概念进行界定,增设了恐怖主义犯罪罪名,完善恐怖主义犯罪的诉讼程序,对有关部门进行特殊授权,并且严格了对澳大利亚本土的防范措施.澳大利亚反恐怖主义立法采用附属式的立法模式,并涉及预防、处置及制裁等多重内容,体现了普通法系的"程序优先"的特征,极大地扩张了国家行政权力.随着反恐斗争的开展,普通法系国家愈加重视制定法的作用.但是,反恐怖主义立法引发的人权问题、民族问题和宗教问题也是值得深思的.  相似文献   

黎宏 《法律科学》2003,(4):124-封三
最高人民法院的有关司法解释修改了现行刑法中的交通肇事罪的成立要件.交通肇事罪中,具有共同犯罪的形式;责任的认定,应从刑法处罚的立场出发;"交通肇事后逃逸"不仅是定罪情节,也是量刑情节;交通肇事后逃逸行为中,包括对他人死亡有认识的情况;肇事后将被害人带离现场的行为是作为形式的故意杀人行为.  相似文献   

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