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变造是指对既存文书证明事项的本质部分加以改变的行为.变造包括有形变造和无形变造.伪造与变造的区别在于所制作出来的东西与以前文书是否具备同一性.我国刑法中的变造应解读为在于是否对文书的本质部分作了改变.  相似文献   

有价证券诈骗罪的疑难问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑法第197条的伪造、变造的有价证券,仅指伪造、变造的国家发行的债券等资本证券,包括国家发行的彩票;伪造、变造的无客观对应的国家有价证券,属于伪造、变造的国家有价证券;“使用”是指按照有价证券的功能,将伪造、变造的国家有价证券作为真实有效的有价证券行使的行为;“使用”必须具有欺骗性质,将伪造的、变造的国家有价证券出售给知情的对方的,成立倒卖伪造的有价票证罪;金融机构工作人员使用伪造、变造的国家有价证券兑换现金的,应分清不同情形处理;一般主体与金融机构工作人员相勾结使用伪造、变造的国家有价证券,在无受骗者的情况下,应认定为贪污罪或职务侵占罪的共犯。  相似文献   

我国台湾地区伪造变造货币犯罪之立法规定主要见于台湾地区刑法第195、197 条之伪造、变造通货、币券罪及减损通用货币罪。伪造变造货币犯罪的行为客体为通用之货币; 其行为方式表现为伪造、变造及减损份量之行为;对于此类犯罪行为之处罚,似有必要区分伪造与变造行为的不同社会危害性,改变规定相同法定刑之立法例:而对于通用之外国货币,似有必要给予其与本币相同之法律保护。  相似文献   

张志辽 《现代法学》2003,25(6):144-148
票据变造作为票据实践中的突出现象 ,客观上要求对其构成要件、法律效果和付款责任加以清楚的界定。本文通过学说考辨和实务分析 ,明确提出票据变造之二构成要件说 ,并据此详细论述了票据变造的积极效果和消极效果 ,票据变造之付款与损失之负担等相关问题  相似文献   

一、具体票据犯罪的认定(一)关于伪造、变造票据犯罪问题刑法没有将伪造、变造票据行为独立规定为伪造、变造票据罪,而是在第177条中将其纳入伪造、变造金融票证罪中。刑法中的金融票证,除了票据,还包括银行委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单、信用卡、信用证等与...  相似文献   

从变造的法律概念入手,对刑法界和文检界关于变造的基本学说和含义进行了比较分析,在此基础上重新定义了变造文书的概念,强调变造文书的实质是对重要内容和证明事项的改变。根据变造的方法和手段,对变造文书进行重新分类,分析了各类变造文书的重要特点和常见的制作手段,重点提出了判断变造文书的两个依据和认定的两个原则,旨在探索能够运用于文书检验领域的实用性认定标准。  相似文献   

为了正确适用刑法,现对审理变造、倒卖变造邮票案件如何适用法律问题解释如下: 对变造或者倒卖变造的邮票数额较大的,应当依照刑法第二百二十七条第一款的规定定罪处罚。  相似文献   

2013年8月,福建省司法厅与福建省公安厅联合下发了《关于依法查处扰乱公证执业秩序违法犯罪活动的通知》。《通知》明确规定提供虚假的证件、证明文件骗取公证书的;冒用他人居民身份证、使用骗领的居民身份证,或者使用伪造、变造的居民身份证的;伪造、变造或者买卖伪造、变造的公证书、公证机构印章的;使用伪造、变造的公证书实施诈骗的都属于扰乱公证执业秩序的违法犯罪行为。是查处打击的对象。  相似文献   

近几年来,在文件鉴定过程中涉及变造文件鉴定的案件数量呈逐年上升趋势,越来越引起广大文检工作者的重视。文件物证的变造事实不仅具有一定的隐蔽性,发现难度大;而且对变造文件的检验需要进行综合性、系统性分析,检验难度也大。本文作者结合自己多年的检案实践,总结了检验变造文件的一些经验与体会,以期供广大同行共同研究探讨。  相似文献   

打印变造文书的检验流程及要旨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
打印变造文书检验的研究现状反映出以下特点:研究水平受制于专业性、庞杂性的技术知识、无法满足司法鉴定实务需求以及缺乏系统、全面的理论与实务研究成果。在此情势下,本文基于打印变造文书的两大基本类型(单页文书打印添加与多页文书换页变造),对其检验流程进行合理设计,并对其要旨问题进行重点分析。  相似文献   

会计法律责任主要是指编造和提供虚假会计信息。在市场经济的条件下提高对改进会计法律责任的认识,明确会计法律责任的承担,对于会计信息质量的提高有很大的裨益。  相似文献   

False allegations of victimization typically are accompanied by malingered emotional symptomology to corroborate claims. This analog study was designed to compare truthful and fabricated symptom profiles on measures of post-traumatic stress (i.e., Revised Impact of Event Scale, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist, Trauma Symptom Inventory) and levels of symptom consistency over time. Participants (undergraduate students) described their mental health symptoms for both traumas at time 1 (N?=?291), time 2 (N?=?252, 3 month), and time 3 (N?=?181, 6 months). Results indicated that fabricated traumas were associated with inflated symptom profiles. Validity scales were not effective at discerning symptom veracity, although reports could be discriminated somewhat by atypical responding and clinical scales. PTSD symptoms in malingerers also were reported more consistently over time. This research offers applicable information for identifying feigned traumatic stress.  相似文献   

Laser printers and writing instruments are being exploited by the forgers to produce fabricated documents. They often produce such documents by appending genuine signature on a blank sheet and later printing on it. Often these fabricated documents do not contain intersection of strokes and may pose a difficulty to forensic document examiners in analyzing cases related to such documents. Keeping in mind the limited research work done on nonintersecting strokes, the present study has been conducted with an aim to determine the sequence of nonintersecting strokes of gel pens and laser printers. Three hundred samples of nonintersecting strokes of gel pen ink and laser printing were prepared. Of these 300, 150 had laser-printed text below the gel pen strokes and the remaining 150 were prepared with gel pen stokes below the laser-printed text. The samples have been analyzed using Nikon SMZ 800N stereomicroscope. Three micro-conformation features, that is, pattern of toner distribution, ink distribution, and fiber distribution have been observed in the samples. The results demonstrate the successful establishment of sequence of nonintersecting strokes in case of gel pen and laser-printed documents by the determination of micro-conformation features.  相似文献   

介绍了利用数字图象处理技术剪贴伪造文件、变造签名、彩色打印伪造原始印文和签名等三种伪造文件的方法及其特点.数字图象处理技术能够克服许多传统伪造方法的"缺点",使伪造的文件达到较高的逼真度.讨论了数字图象处理技术的滥用引发的新问题.  相似文献   

A reactant volume self-controlled micro-device was presented and applied to the flow injection chemiluminescence (CL) for determination of cyanide in whole blood. A mini distiller was fabricated for cyanide extraction from the blood samples with the extraction efficiencies of cyanide > or = 98%. A fluidic control platform with air driving was fabricated. The described system showed the features of easy fabrication, undiluted sample injection, safe analysis operation, and suitability for automatic cyanide analysis. The calibration curve showed linearity in the cyanide concentration range of 5.0 x 10(-7) to 5.0 x 10(-5) mol l(-1) with the detection limits (3sigma) of 2.3 x 10(-7) mol l(-1). CL peak-height precision was 1.9% R.S.D. (n = 11) at the 1.0 x 10(-6) mol l(-1) cyanide level. The new devices were applied to the analysis of cyanide in rabbit whole blood samples and the results agreed well with those obtained from official method.  相似文献   

This study investigated adults’ judgments of the honesty of children's coached true and fabricated mock testimony. Adults saw video clips of children testifying in a mock court about a true or fabricated event in their lives. They were asked to make an assessment of the truthfulness of the testimony, and respond to questions about their perception of children's credibility. Half of the adults saw children testifying after a competence examination, and the other half saw children testifying without a competence examination. Overall, girls were rated as more competent than boys, and their testimony was more likely to be believed. Younger children were more likely to be rated as incompetent than older children. A factor analysis of adults’ responses revealed six factors which significantly predicted adults’ overall assessment of children's credibility, and their evaluations of children's competence to testify. Adults’ detection accuracy was at chance, with the majority of children rated as truthful. Viewing the competency examination and cross-examination did not improve the adults’ detection accuracy. However, seeing the cross-examination made adults’ less likely to believe children's testimony. The implications of these results for the judicial system are discussed.  相似文献   

李文军 《北方法学》2010,4(5):153-160
法律真实渗透着参与主体的主观因素,具有历史性。在中国古代,司法官员会因鬼神观念而影响自己对事实的认定并据此作出判决;同时为了主流价值观的发扬,他们又会利用民众的鬼神观念,让民众接受他们构造出的"事实",从而接受法官的判决。古代中国这种"法律真实"是社会规则作用下的结果,既有符合司法权运作普遍规律的成分,同时又有自己的特点。  相似文献   

马克思法哲学思想作为当代中国法哲学的指导思想具有重要地位 ,但是马克思法哲学思想同样不是臆造的 ,而是在继承和发展了整个西方法哲学思想传统的基础上形成的。因此探寻马克思法哲学思想的源头 ,进而准确把握马克思法哲学的思想内核 ,在理论上能够澄清人们长期以来的误解 ,在实践中有助于当代中国法治实践  相似文献   

陈安 《现代法学》2011,(6):10-36
近10年来,面对中国逐渐和平崛起的现实,美国某些政客、军人和学者时起时伏地、起劲地鼓吹"中国威胁"论。这种理论似乎言之凿凿,颇有"创新",实则以史为鉴,透过历史的"照妖镜",就不难看出它只不过是19世纪中后期一度甚嚣尘上的俄国沙皇版"黄祸"论和德国皇帝版"黄祸"论在新历史条件下的最新变种,它们之间的DNA是一脉相承的;其对中国数千年来对外交往史实主流的歪曲,其危言耸听和蛊惑人心,为反华、侵华活动进行精神动员和舆论准备的"政治骗术",也是如出一辙的。1840年"鸦片战争"以来中国饱受列强侵略、压迫、掠夺的痛苦经历表明,"黄祸"论——"中国威胁"论在本质上从来就是一种殖民主义、帝国主义口号;同时,中国数千年来对外经济交往的史实及其中蕴含的法理原则也表明,"黄祸"论——"中国威胁"论是严重背离历史真实的。因此,善良的人们切勿对"黄祸"论——"中国威胁"论的实践后果掉以轻心,否则就会出现"居安而不思危"或"居危而不知危"的后果;切勿为美国霸权主义者"火中取栗"!  相似文献   

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