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李佳 《思想战线》2011,(Z2):373-374
Code-switching in the English as a foreign language(EFL) classroom is a disputable subject in the academic area. There are two main schools of thought toward English-Chinese code-switching. One holds an opinion that the code switching as a barrier for the first language may produce interference and negative transfer, while another argues code-switching as a facilitator for the first language may provide the most effective meanings of learning. The focus of the argument is to use or not use the mother tongue. In this paper, an attempt has been made to investigate whether it is necessary to use code-switching in the college English class from the perspective of English learners. By doing so, a questionnaire has been made to reveal the expectations of students with different English proficiency toward code-switching. And then the paper has provided suggestions on the way of using appropriate code-switching strategies in class to facilitate EFL learning.  相似文献   

<正>Investment Destination China remains one of the most attractive destinations for investment with more companies planning to reinvest in the country this year,according to a report released by the American Chamber of Commerce in South China(AmCham South China)on February 27.The chamber’s annual white paper on China’s business environment is seen as a window for observing the country’s business environment through the eyes of foreign-funded enterprises.  相似文献   

The essence of equal rights to employment on the part of women university and junior college graduates is the right to indiscrimination. It has become more and more difficult for university and junior college graduates to get jobs. It has  相似文献   

PROMOTING employment by encouraging college graduates to start a business is government policy" said Chert Guang, deputy director-general of the National Association of Vocational Education of China."In developed countries and countries with a better employment environment,the proportion of college graduates who undertake to be self-employed is 20-30 percent. But in China, it is only 1 percent. The discrepancy is huge."  相似文献   

"Employment For college graduates is a matter of supreme importance. It decides an individual's future and the nation's economic development as well," Premier Wen Jiabao remarked during a visit to the Human Resources Center of Lianhu District, Xi'an City on June 5. Surrounded by college graduates coming to the center to look for jobs, the premier assured them that the government is taking all possible measures to get them employed. Statistics from the Ministry oi Human Resources and Social Security show that approximately 4.8 million college graduates from the previous two years have strayed out of employed status. Last July over 6 million more graduates left their campuses, further straining a labor market already blighted by the global economic meltdown. It's predicted that the job outlook will remain grim for China's college graduates for several years.  相似文献   

正High school graduates embrace more choices for undergraduate studies as more are considering foreign institutions China's national college entrance examination has for decades been compared to a stampede of thousands of soldiers and horses across a single log bridge and long heralded as a symbol of fairness in selecting bright young people.However,the attraction of this exam is declining.  相似文献   

Sometimes,foreign teachers struggle to find a unique voice in the Chinese classroom.They want to help as much as they can and pass along a beneficial skill or language,occasionally one we feel our own country might take for granted.However,when faced with students'requests for classroom"entertain- ment"that seems trivial and/or childish, our first impulse is to dismiss and move on. The truth of the matter is that this student  相似文献   

Debating whether China's yuan is undervalued is a hot topic of conversation between China and its major trading partners, particularly the United States, which has a large trade deficit with China. Soon after the Second Meeting of the China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue focused on this topic in May, some U.S. senators proposed a bill that is widely recog- nized as aiming to force the acceleration of appreciation of the yuan. But Professor Liu Zhibiao, Dean of the School of Economics of Nanjing University, points out one salient fact: With the increase of foreign invest- ment and rising level of trade openness, China is contributing more and more to the world's economic growth, with the benefits of this growth being shared by the whole world. Therefore, the cost of sharp appreciation in the value of the Chinese currency will exert impact on the whole world, he says.  相似文献   

干青 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):410-413
In the 21st century,education reforms in China are encouraging,different concepts such as innovation and the introduction of different forms of assessment were introduced to the university.The importance of formative assessment is emphasized.This paper aims to study the teacher’s implementation of formative assessment in English lessons during the teaching practise.Commonly used assessment methods,alignment of learning and assessment activities,student teachers’ intervention after receiving feedback from studentss,difficulties encountered,perception of the teacher on formative assessment and students’ feedback are reported in this study.It is hoped that the study will provide insight into the practice of formative assessment in university classrooms.It is also hoped that the study will regard as one aspect othe professional development of teachers driving by the innovation concept.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高职高专教育规模的不断扩大,毕业生的数量也随之逐年剧增,高职高专学生的就业理念、就业价值观、就业方式及形式等也随之发生了重大的转变.目前,高职高专毕业生的就业方式及就业理念已成为人们不得不思考的问题,针对高职高专毕业生的就业方式及就业理念进行调查分析,旨在完善高职高专毕业生就业辅导机制,以帮助高职高专毕业生实现职业梦想.  相似文献   

Going It Alone     
Faced with a tight employment market, many college graduates are grabbing every chance to start their own business but very few know how to run their companies and get them on their feet.  相似文献   

顾征 《青年论坛》2011,(3):146-148
外语听力焦虑作为语言学习者特有的一种心理现象,对学生的听力学习有着重要的影响。通过调查分析研究,统计分析结果发现,高职院校学生确实普遍存在外语听力焦虑问题;学生使用外语听力策略与外语焦虑程度呈现明显的负相关。因此,英语教师应该重视高职院校学生的听力焦虑问题,通过创造友好和谐的教学环境,加强英语听力学习策略培养等方式,缓解学生的听力焦虑情况。  相似文献   

在文献回顾基础上,文章将女性高校毕业生工作满意度量表分为工作回报、自我发展、工作本身、领导行为、团结合作5个维度。女性高校毕业生在在整体工作满意度、工作回报、自我成就、工作本身3个维度上,与男性高校毕业生没有显著性差异,而在领导行为、团体合作两个维度上所体会到的满意度均显著高于男性。影响女性高校毕业生工作满意度的因素主要涉及工作回报因子、自我发展因子、团结合作因子以及其毕业学校类型。这些因素在专业、学校类型等人口统计学变量上产生了差异性特征。  相似文献   

大学新生在大学英语学习中存在着一定的障碍 ,往往有越学英语水平越差的感觉。本文通过分析大学英语和中学英语在教学目的和教学方法上的差异 ,探索帮助新生由中学英语学习方法向大学英语学习方法转变的途径 ,使学生的英语学习有质的飞跃。  相似文献   

对于商品房买卖预约合同强制履行的问题,理论界在争议过程中基本形成了"强制缔结本约-强制履行本约"的通说。但是该通说无法避免自身的缺陷,而且司法实务中肯定或否定商品房买卖预约合同强制履行的裁判立场并存,该争议并无真正的定论。通过选取样本,统计分析商品房买卖预约合同实务案例中体现出的违约方、违约原因、卖方和卖方的违约比例等,根据利益平衡和保护购房者一方的理念,应仅支持商品房买受人关于商品房买卖预约合同强制履行的主张,而房地产开发企业作为出卖人的情形,不支持其关于强制履行的请求。  相似文献   

国际金融危机的持续蔓延导致世界经济陷入衰退,我国经济增长也呈现周期性的减缓趋势。面对新形势对广西高校毕业生就业造成的压力,如何采取有效措施积极应对,事关广西"四保"目标的实现。文章通过对目前广西高校毕业生就业政策、就业趋势以及政府公共就业服务环境的分析,研究探讨金融危机背景下广西高校毕业生就业工作存在的问题,在此基础上提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

高职院校学生因学生生源与普通本科学生生源的差别,高职院校学生在思想政治教育方面也有其自身独特的特点和自身的规律。加强高职院校学生思想政治教育尤为重要,一方面因为高职院校学生数量相对与本科要多,另一方面,高职院校学生毕业后一般从事着一线的工作,并且高职院校学生思想政治教育的不容乐观之处等的客观存在,迫使思想政治教育工作者必须以适合高职院校学生的方式来进行思想政治教育,必须对高职院校学生思想政治教育的状况有一个常态化的研究工作。  相似文献   

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