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俄罗斯与乌克兰的经贸合作关系问题,是研究俄乌两国关系的重要方面,也是在独联体问题上被关注的焦点之一.本文以翔实的资料为基础,在简要回顾俄乌经贸合作关系的发展历程以及分析两国经贸合作关系的发展现状与问题的基础上,着重分析研究了俄乌两国经贸合作关系的发展趋势与前景,并对一些具体合作领域的未来发展作了展望和判断.认为俄罗斯与乌克兰今后仍将是互为最重要的经济合作伙伴,两国经贸合作关系的发展前景依然总体看好.  相似文献   

2009年初,俄罗斯与乌克兰之间的天然气争端硝烟再起,并再次发生"断气"事件,致使严重依赖俄天然气供应的欧洲18个国家不同程度地受到影响.经过艰苦谈判,欧盟、俄罗斯、乌克兰三方在1月12日签署天然气过境供应监测协议,俄乌两国并于1月19日签署2009-2019年天然气购销合同,1月20日俄罗斯正式恢复经乌克兰管道向欧洲供应天然气.由于诱发双方纷争的根源依然存在,俄乌矛盾不会因一纸协议彻底解决,两国围绕能源问题的博弈将成为常态.  相似文献   

乌克兰是一个"具有两种文化的割裂的国家",东部乌克兰属于东正教文明,而西部属于西方天主教-新教文明。在乌克兰与俄罗斯关系中,东正教文明和西方天主教-新教文明同时在起作用,两种文明博弈的结果决定了乌克兰对外政策的制定,也决定了乌俄关系的走向。乌克兰最大可能仍将是一个统一的、充满裂痕的、独立的国家,乌俄关系总体上仍将保持密切合作。  相似文献   

独立后,乌克兰历届政府均实施了“去俄罗斯化”语言政策,主要表现在通过语言立法降低俄语地位、缩小俄语使用范围以及改造乌语等方面。究其原因,乌当局将打压俄语作为矫正历史上语言强权的工具、缓解国家认同危机的途径以及乌俄关系中外交博弈的手段。由于乌境内俄语居民众多、俄语地位在乌俄关系中扮演重要角色、语言政策受到国际组织监察等因素的影响,乌克兰未来语言政策的去俄罗斯化将不会有更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

冷战结束以来,原苏联的主要东欧盟国已经被纳入欧盟—北约体系,后苏联空间的部分地区也已经被计划纳入欧盟—北约体系。乌克兰作为欧盟北约和俄罗斯的"共同邻国",俄乌关系不可避免地具有了欧洲政治属性。欧洲政治的目标就是要把乌克兰纳入欧盟北约体系,这同俄罗斯的利益产生尖锐的矛盾。要缓解俄乌关系必须从调整俄欧关系入手。  相似文献   

1954年,为纪念乌克兰与俄罗斯合并300周年,苏联最高苏维埃主席团决定将克里米亚作为“礼物”赠送给乌克兰,以示俄乌之间的亲密关系。但这一决定,却为后来双方的争吵埋下了祸根。苏联解体后,克里米亚争端伴随着俄乌之间一系列冲突的发生很快浮出水面,成为90年代初困扰俄乌关系发展的一大障碍。经过多回合的较量、妥协与各种力量的分化组合,克里米亚争端在1997年基本得到了解决,也给我们留下了一些值得思考的问题和启示。  相似文献   

2014年克里米亚危机爆发后,美国在乌克兰问题上进行了威慑战略布局,提出了旨在威慑俄罗斯的战略倡议,并强化了与乌克兰的安全合作,提升了乌克兰的威慑能力。2021年11月,俄乌关系再次恶化后,美国反复向俄罗斯发出大规模经济制裁威胁。不断公布俄罗斯军事行动的情报,强化在东欧的军事存在,加大对乌克兰的军事援助,试图吓阻俄罗斯采取军事行动。尽管这一努力失败了,但是美国借助对俄罗斯的空前制裁和向乌克兰提供大规模军事援助,形成了更大范围的威慑效用。  相似文献   

美国在乌克兰实现无核化目标后,对乌政策的本质就是支持乌克兰的独立,遏制俄罗斯的崛起。其表现有三:一是坚决维护乌克兰主权领土完整,二是推动乌克兰加入美国主导的大西洋一体化,三是帮助乌克兰摆脱对俄罗斯的经济能源依赖。乌克兰危机后美国的种种举措是这一政策在特殊时期下的更鲜明体现。美国的对鸟政策从属于对俄政策这一根本特点,决定了美俄在乌克兰的对抗更多是一场战略意志的比拼,而非战略利益的较量。未来美俄以某种方式化解危机走出对抗的可能是存在的,乌克兰陷入内战后美国的新做法也在一定程度上印证了这一点。  相似文献   

在一个相互依赖日益强化的世界里,地缘经济冲突和地缘经济力量已经成为影响国家间关系的重要因素。苏联解体后,俄罗斯与乌克兰毗邻的现状以及历史上形成的经济联系,并没有因为边界和关税的存在而消失。俄乌经济关系的互补性和经济联系的紧密性,不能不对俄乌两国关系的走向产生影响,在某种程度上还是很重要的影响。俄乌之间的经济关系和政治关系的发展是成正比例关系的。地缘经济因素成为影响俄乌关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

“阿拉伯之春”后,俄罗斯以叙利亚危机为战略着力点,全面介入叙利亚事务,对中东政治产生深刻影响。俄乌冲突爆发导致俄罗斯在中东的战略利益受到挑战,主要表现为俄乌冲突引发中东国家粮食危机,俄对中东地区的政治影响力弱化;俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动,致使俄军事武器销售受阻,其在中东的军事影响力减弱等。一方面,作为世界粮食生产大国,俄罗斯可增加对中东粮食出口,从而避免中东国家因粮食问题引发社会动荡,维护俄罗斯既有的中东利益;另一方面,俄罗斯加强多边外交,积极发展与中东国家的政治、经济关系,并在深化双边关系的基础上,与中东国家协调能源供应,维持高油价。俄罗斯与中东国家加速发展多元化的经贸关系,与扩大俄在中东政治影响力的外交战略完全一致。  相似文献   

The term hybrid warfare was first coined by US military scholars and later widely adopted in the West to refer to Russian military operations in the Ukrainian and Syrian crises.In Russia,it is called "Gerasimovism".Russia adapted the idea of hybrid warfare for its military operations in Ukraine and Syria into a Russian-style hybrid warfare that has seen successful results so far.This model is likely to impact future military developments.  相似文献   


This article analyses two confronting narratives authored by Ukrainian and Russian bloggers who reported the Dutch referendum held on 6 March 2016, and discussed Dutch citizens’ referendum vote on the Ukraine–EU Association Agreement. The considered narratives, addressed to the Ukrainian and Russian audiences respectively, are viewed as strategic because they specifically portray political actors of the referendum “drama” – the Netherlands, the European Union (EU), Ukraine and Russia. These actors are significant participants of European international relations, and their perceptions of one another are important for European security at the present time of critical diplomacy. In this paper, information about the DUTCH REFERENDUM obtained from the new media texts is regarded as a narrative-based political concept (NBPC). It is argued that this concept has different versions, or images that reflect the narrators’ biased perceptions imposed upon the public. Identification and comparison of such images require a particular methodology. Therefore, the objective of this paper is two-fold: to expose the two confronting versions of a strategically relevant political image, and to develop an authentic, interdisciplinary methodology for its analysis. The proposed methodology is informed by the ontology theory employed in cognitive science and cognitive linguistics.  相似文献   

The repercussions of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are reverberating around the world. The multilateral and coordinated response of the international community to Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine was immediate and has been waged on multiple fronts. While the world’s major powers are focused on the best strategies to face the ongoing conflict, international humanitarian law and human rights law are violated every day in Ukraine. Innocent civilians are tortured, killed, or obliged to leave their city or country to avoid the worst atrocities, while civilian buildings and infrastructure are destroyed. This article examines the most relevant decisions adopted at the international level and identifies possible solutions to prosecute and punish international crimes perpetrated in Ukraine. International (criminal) law and cooperation between states and international organizations will play a crucial role in the fight against impunity for those responsible for the worst atrocities against the Ukrainian population.  相似文献   

China has made great progress in recent years in contemporary Russian research. However, because of changes in the two countries’national interests there is much more work to be done. The historical significance of Russia’s recent social transition and the implications for China mean that Russia research should be both wide-ranging and profound. Chinese scholars specializing in Russian studies should focus not only on strategic trends in politics,economics and social development,but also on the minute details of the changes Russia has undergone.New angles and new methodologies are required for Russian studies.  相似文献   


This paper contributes to our understanding of EU-Ukraine relations by examining intersemiotic communication – how words and images, or verbal and photographic semiotic layers and their interaction, combine in the representation of international affairs. The analysis focuses on Ukraine’s perspectives of Self, the EU and Russia as presented in Ukrainian media discourse, namely, in leading Ukrainian social and political newspapers (January-June, 2016). The article presents the results of applying the cognitive theory of perspectives to research the intersemiotic and mental image of Self and Other in four aspects: a vantage point, direction of scanning, perspectival distance, and perspectival mode. Based on that, I explain the main strategic narrative of the Ukrainian press about the EU, how it is sustained, and how the image of the EU becomes pronounced.  相似文献   

在广袤的西伯利亚大地上,诸多北方小民族为世人留下了神秘莫测的精神遗产—萨满教。作为残留于现代文明世界中少有的原始文化遗存,萨满教一直是国际学术界研究的热点。俄国学者从18世纪开始将萨满教置于研究体系中,至苏联解体时,已形成了关于萨满教起源、性质和职能、地位和价值等方面丰富的学术成果,为探索人类文明的宝藏做出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

Ukraine is currently undergoing several large‐scale transitions: political, economic and democratic. At the same time Ukraine is gaining in importance internationally. These facts make Ukraine an important country to understand. This article explores the internal factors that affect Ukraine's foreign policy decision making, with the goal of providing an insight into the Ukrainian government. Internal influences are dividing into five broad categories: military capabilities, economic capabilities, political structure, interest groups, and competing élites. It has been found that economic factors, the presidential administration, and competing élites prove to have the most influence on Ukrainian foreign policy.  相似文献   

19世纪上半叶是俄国社会思潮和文化运动发生多元剧烈变动的重要历史时期。自1836年恰达耶夫发表著名的《哲学书简》并引起俄国思想界的震惊时刻起,就在精英知识分子中间展开了针对俄罗斯命运与前途的民族主义双重话语表述。这种表述的大方向是在短时期内充分学习西方的前提下,确立俄国在欧洲乃至全世界的独特文化身份。期间俄罗斯传统文化...  相似文献   

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