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印度与不丹关系剖析王鸿余不丹位于印度与中国之间,战略位置重要。印度与不丹的关系可以追溯到英国侵略南亚时起。不丹与库奇比哈尔发生冲突后,19世纪70和80年代东印度公司的印度总督沃伦·黑斯廷斯开始向不丹派遣几批使命团。1770年,东印度公司统治的孟加拉...  相似文献   

印度存在严重的水安全问题,牵涉到极为复杂的国际因素.印度北方有恒河、布拉马普特拉河等大江大河从中国、尼泊尔、不丹等流人印度境内,水资源对外依存度高达30.52%.印度每年的出境水流量更大,达到1.385万亿立方米,分别流入缅甸、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国等邻国.①印方与上述六国中的四国均有现实或潜在的水争端,仅与缅甸无大的分歧,与不丹保持了良好合作.印度水危机趋于恶化可能加剧已有争端,激活潜在争端,加剧地区动荡,需要持续关注.  相似文献   

一1986年11月16—17日,印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔、不丹、马尔代夫等七国在班加罗尔如期举行了“南亚联盟”的第二次首脑会议。“南亚联盟”七个成员国的领导人:孟加拉国总统艾尔沙德,不丹国王旺楚克,印度总理拉·甘地,马尔代夫总统加尧姆,尼泊尔国王比兰德拉,巴基斯坦总理居内久和斯里兰卡总统贾亚瓦德纳出席了会议。上届会议主席,孟加拉国总统艾尔沙德和本届会议主席,印度总理拉吉夫·甘地先后在开幕式上讲了话。艾尔沙德总统说,本届首脑会议将回顾和评价联盟开展的活动,并根据当  相似文献   

进展今年5月12日——14日,由孟加拉国、不丹、印度、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡七国组成的南亚地区合作联盟在马尔代夫首都马累召开第9次首脑会议,就地区合作的有关问题进行了卓有成效的会谈。与会的各国领导人就消除南亚地区普遍存在的贫困、扩大经济贸易合作、建立贸易自由区等各个领域的问题进行了广泛的磋商,取得了重要共识。会议期间,印度和巴基斯坦这两个南亚地区最大的国家还举行了总理级会谈,双方  相似文献   

通过测算南亚六国进口来源地和出口目的地中中国和印度各自所占比例,发现:总体上,在南亚六国进口方面,印度对不丹、马尔代夫、尼泊尔和斯里兰卡有着较高的影响力,中国则对孟加拉国和巴基斯坦有着较高的影响力;在出口方面,印度对孟加拉国、不丹、马尔代夫、尼泊尔和斯里兰卡有着较高的影响力,中国则对巴基斯坦有着较高的影响力。通过测度竞争态势指标,发现:在南亚六国进口方面,印度对不丹、尼泊尔、马尔代夫和斯里兰卡的影响力较高,而中国则对孟加拉国和巴基斯坦的影响力较高;在出口方面,印度对尼泊尔和斯里兰卡的影响力较高,而中国则对巴基斯坦的影响力较高。最后,基于结论得到一些启示。  相似文献   

云南应当背靠大西南 ,发挥大西南的整体优势与印度开展合作。西南六省区市七方经济协调会为云南背靠大西南与印度开展合作提供了现实运行机制 ,云南与西南其它省区市已经形成的区域合作为云南背靠大西南与印度开展合作创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

新世纪里,印度把宗教作为外交手段,改善形象,扩大影响,以求提高其软实力。除在东亚、东南亚国家大力推进佛教外交外,又在"喜马拉雅带"开展藏传佛教外交,目的是巩固对其西北部、东北部边境地区及其藏传佛教教徒以及居住在这一地区的流亡藏胞的控制,进而扩大对我西藏地区和不丹等邻国的影响。但是,印度要达到目的还需解决诸多难题。  相似文献   

吕昭义 《东南亚》2009,(4):37-42
印度东北地区是印度经济欠发达的贫困地区,也是与印度内地联系薄弱的边疆地区,在20世纪90年代印度提出“东向政策”以后,印度政府对这一地区的发展战略逐步走向开放。但由于该地区的特定历史、地缘政治、民族文化等因素,印度对发展该地区存在诸多疑虑,如何增进互信、开展沟通与合作是云南省与印度东北部开展合作的重要议题。  相似文献   

“冷战”结束后 ,印度积极开展大国外交以期早日实现强国梦想 ,而对外军事合作则发挥着关键的作用。印度利用美俄法等国在争夺南亚影响和军贸合同的斗争 ,全方位地开展了对外军贸和技术转让合作 ,加速实现武器装备现代化和来源多元化 ;加强以军事演习为重点的大国军事合作 ,树立印度世界一流强国形象。同时 ,以开展国际反恐合作为名 ,大力挤压巴基斯坦国际生存空间  相似文献   

古代印度(包括今天的印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、尼泊尔、不丹、锡金等国)和锡兰(即现在的斯里兰卡)由于地理条件的便利,和东西亚地区接触较早,因而在它们遗留下来的古代著作中,不乏有关东南亚地区的记载。  相似文献   

The EU's strategy for Russia since the end of the cold war has to a large extent failed, and the direct consequences are the currently deadlocked EU-Russia relationship. There are three reasons for this: the EU and Russia's respective strength and status relative to each other have been changing since the beginning of this century; the EU's strategy towards Russia has been more fragmenting in recently years; and the American factor. The EU-Russia relations could continue to be in poor shape in the years to come, and it is very likely sometimes even further worsening. But the two sides would refrain from extreme measures and prevent their relations from sliding into real cold war.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author has made a thorough study over the new generation of American China Watchers. Most of the pages are devoted to a detailed comparison between the old generation and the young generation of American China Watchers regarding to their background, education, and views over China. At the end of the paper, the author also gives some policy suggestions for both the Chinese and U.S. government based on the findings in this study.  相似文献   

1. Introduction
On the morning of April 1st, 2001, a U.S. EP-3 surveillance aircraft was conducting an intelligence flight along the Chinese territorial border in the airspace south-east of China's Hainan Island. Two Chinese fighter jets intercepted the spy plane and followed its flight, as is considered ordinary international practice. For reasons unknown, the EP-3 airplane made a sudden maneuver and crashed into one of the Chinese planes. The Chinese plane dropped into the sea, the pilot missing. The U.S. spy plane was also severely damaged. It intruded into Chinese territorial space and landed on Hainan Island without official permission from the Chinese side. After landing, the spy plane and 24 crew on board were detained by the Chinese authorities. This air collision episode was the first of its kind in the China-U.S. relations and an urgent diplomatic crisis ensued.  相似文献   

the U.S. is directly impacting on the future of the East Asian community. Therefore, finding ways to get along with the U.S. is crucial to the speed, direction, configuration and character of the East Asian community. In this paper, the author has analyzed the interests of the United States in East Asia and its stands towards the East Asian integration. The author concludes that it is to the interest of the United States to make more efforts to further join in the East Asian integration. And East Asia should accept and welcome the American participation.  相似文献   

正At the invitation of Sri Lanka-China Friendship Association(SLCFA)and Sudan Network for National Non-Governmental Organizations,a 5-member delegation led by CAFIU Deputy Secretary-General Liu Kaiyang visited Sri Lanka and attended the Third China-Africa People’s Forum held in Sudan from May 7 to 14,2014.As a member of this delegation,I had the great honor  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),a 10-member NGO delegation composed of representatives from media,think tanks and NGOs from Bangladesh,India and Sri Lanka visited China from April 9 to 18.On the second day of arrival,the delegation visited Xicheng District Administrative Service Center.The center provides such services as  相似文献   

正From June 16 to 18,the 2014"UnderstandingCooperation"Dialogue and Forum on Rethinking Asia,co-hosted by CAFIU and FES and jointly organized with China Foundation for Peace and Development,was held in Tutzing,a beautiful and spacious manor located at 30km southwest of Munich.Nearly 60 delegates from more than 10Asian and European countries participated in the event,including China,Germany,Korea,Japan,  相似文献   

正On September 25-26,2014,CIIS and Hoover Institution,Stanford University jointly held the Second Sino-US Maritime Security Workshop in Beijing.CIIS President Qu Xing and Abraham Sofall,senior research fellow with the Hoover Institution,codelivered the opening remarks.Representatives from China's Ministry of National Defense,  相似文献   

In recent years, the Eurasian Economic Community has developed rapidly. Because of the special relationship between the SCO and the Customs Because Customs Union, the latter will inevitably exert some influence on the development of the former, but they are not fundamentally contradictory. Since the of the establishment of the Customs Union, the trade between China and the Customs Union members grows steadily.  相似文献   

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