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商品房预售合同转让法律性质及条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商品房预售合同转让是指商品房预购人将购买的未竣工的预售商品房再行转让他人的行为。这种转让只变更预售合同的主体,预售合同的内容不发生变化,由商品房预购人将原预售合同的债权或权利义务转让给第三人,使第三人与预售人之间设立新的民事法律关系。预售合同转让属于房地产的二手交易,即通常所称的三级市场。我国《城市房地产管理法》第45条规定:“商品房预售的,商品房预购人将购买的未竣工的预售商品房再行转让的问题,由国务院规定。”这一规定实际上是对商品房的预售合同转让的认可。事实上,我国商品房预售合同转让在房地产市场中大量…  相似文献   

预售商品房转让是否有效?这一模棱两可的法律问题是由于对预售商品房的模糊认识造成的,进而造成了司法实践的混乱。本文认为:预售商品房是一个模糊概念,在法律上应该进一步划分为具有相对独立法律地位的预售房、交付房、产权房;目前的法律框架下预售商品房中的预售房转让合同有效、交付房转让合同无效。本文澄清了预售商品房转让及其效力在理论上的模糊认识,并提出完善预售商品房法律制度的建议。  相似文献   

市人民政府决定,对《上海市房地产转让办法》作如下修改: 一、第四十条修改为: 关于预购人将预售商品房转让的问题,由市房地资源局根据房地产市场的变动情况提出意见,市人民政府视调控需要作出决定。 按照市人民政府的有关决定,预购人转让预售商品房的,其转让行为按照下列规定实施: (一)尚未付清预售商品房总价款的,预购人应当在征得房地产开发企业同意后,与受让人订立预售商品房转让的合同; (二)已经付清预售商品房总价款的,预购人可以与受让人订立预售商品房转让的合同,并书面通知房地产开发企业。  相似文献   

刘会民 《法制与经济》2010,(16):102-103,107
作为现代房地产业开发、销售方面的重要制度,预售商品房再转让被许多国家广泛应用,但在目前实践中也存在诸多问题值得探讨。在我国,由于法律在此方面规定很模糊,各地对预售商品房再转让行为的具体规定也不一致,学界对此也有不同的看法。本文从法律依据和法理两个方面分析了预售商品房再转让的合理性。同时,为了保护交易当事人的利益,维护房地产市场以及资本市场的健康运行,笔者认为应对其作出一定限制,并提出了立法建议。  相似文献   

商品房预售在我国起步较晚。但作为促进房地产转让经营的一种形式或手段,因其具有可广筹资金、弥补开发资金不足,可加快和促进市场资金与商品的流转,迅速改善居民住房条件。降低风险等优势而被房地产经营者普遍采用,同时也被购房广泛接受。但是田于我国目前市场机制尚不完善。与此相关的法律、法规、政策不配套,加之经营者经声不善,预售方和预购方均缺乏相应的有关法律知识,此外还存在商品房预售自身所存在一定的风险等等,因而引起诸多纠纷案件。如何认识商品房预售这一新上书物并上确适用法律,及时审理商品房预售纠纷案件就成为人…  相似文献   

商品房预售是我国房地产市场销售中一种主要模式,国家为加强对商品房预售市场的规范,设立了我国商售登记备案制度。本文从我国商品房预售登记备案的法律基础、内涵谈起,分析了商品房预售登记备案的法律性质和并探讨了商品房预售登记备案的不足与完善。  相似文献   

谈商品房预售中的登记问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓商品房预售.是指房地产经营企业,将正在建设中的房屋预先出售给承购入,由承购人支付定金或房价款的行为。其重要法律特征是预售人用预购人的预购款开发建设预售的商品房,这种商品房是正在建设中的、尚未竣工的商品房,预售行为的合法、有效不以实际交付标的物和办理产权登记手续为必要条件。预售商品房在现实生活中已司空见惯,但其登记问题不同于现房买卖登记。它是商品房买卖登记的极端特殊形态,因为商品房预售或者签定预售合同、预售转让合同,交易的商品房均未竣工,没有明确产权,预售人对此商品房只享有合法占有权.预购人享…  相似文献   

由于预售商品房转让缺乏统一明确的法律依据,现实生活中极易滋生纠纷,本文从其定义、转让的理论依据、转让行为的法律性质及法律规制入手,分析了转让行为的合理性,明确了转让的性质(债权转让),并对转让的条件做出了可操作性的规定。笔者认为,加强对此类问题的研究和探讨,有助于完善房地产市场的良性运转。  相似文献   

商品房预售合同是伴随着近几年我国房地产市场的发展而出现的新鲜事物。由于我国相关的法律规制滞后,现实生活中人们对商品房预售合同存在很多模糊认识,商品房预售纠纷大量出现。本文对商品房预售合同纠纷的特点、原因加以叙述并做出了对策分析。  相似文献   

对于预售商品房转让问题,我国尚无明确立法,各界对于禁止预售商品转让褒贬不一。笔者认为应承认预售商品房转让的合理性,明确其合法地位并将其纳入经济调整范畴,引导其健康发展,为构建社会主义和谐社会服务。  相似文献   

The present paper examines whether there are gender differences in the associations between various dimensions of conduct problems and other problems in adolescence. Other problems studied are both of an externalizing nature (substance use) and an internalizing nature (suicidal behavior and emotional problems). Data stemmed from a large general population sample of Norwegian adolescents (N=9?342). On the basis of earlier studies, conduct problems were decomposed into three dimensions, labeled ‘Theft and vandalism’, ‘School opposition’ and ‘Covert behavior’. The first dimension includes different kinds of stealing and violence against objects, whereas the second includes school-related conduct problems of an overt aggressive kind. The last dimension reflects avoidance of arenas under adult control. Whether or not gender differences were detected, depended on the kind of conduct problems considered. We observed stronger associations between two dimensions of conduct problems, theft and vandalism and school opposition, and other problems among girls than among boys. There were no male/female differences in the associations between covert behavior and other problems.  相似文献   

论哲学化的法理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法理学名称经历了从部门哲学、法哲学、法律哲学、法理学到哲学的法理学的演变过程;法理学学术问题有描述性问题、规范性问题和哲学问题三种基本类型;研究法的哲学问题的法理学实际上就是法的世界观的学问,具有人的实践基础上的科学性和价值性的特征;在当今时代研究法理学哲学问题的最好途径和最好方法是对历史中的法理学进行理解和解释。  相似文献   

Changes in the law, government regulations, socioeconomic changes, increased consumerism, the public's level of awareness—all these and other factors influence the population's demand over time for lawyers'services. This article analyzes the changes over time in the two elements that determine the demand for lawyers: the number of legal problems encountered by the population and the rate of use of lawyers in solving these problems. After showing that sequential occurrences of legal problems are not independent of each other and are age dependent, the author develops a mathematical model that explains the variability in the present number of problems encountered by different age groups. The number of problems is found to result from a relatively mild accumulation with age of legal problems, coupled with a strong increase in the number of problems from generation to generation. The analysis of individual legal problems reveals a variety of patterns from problem to problem in both the level of occurrence and the rate of use of lawyers for such problems. The author concludes that the combined effect of occurrence and utilization will operate toward a continuing increase in the demand for lawyers'services at least for the very near future.  相似文献   

Several issues related to the reliability and validity of self-report delinquency measures are raised and discussed. These include problems associated with the use of internal consistency as the measure of reliability, the level of reliability or precision required for different types of analyses, problems with the content validity of self-report measures, problems of overreporting and underreporting, problems with the use of official records as a validity check on self-reports, and the lack of any good criterion as a major obstacle in assessing the empirical validity of self-report measures. In the light of these problems, some cautions about the use of self-report measures are made.  相似文献   

基于政府采购经济效益的微观经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府采购作为利用国家财政资金和政府借款购买货物、工程和服务的行为,对于我国的经济发展起着重要的作用。在采购活动中,存在着委托代理问题、合作博弈问题以及福利效益不能最大化等问题。本文从微观经济学角度对政府采购中的上述3个问题进行分析,并给出合理的解决方案。  相似文献   

Previous research has produced mixed findings on the role of child and family factors in the genesis of childhood cruelty. The authors examined the relationships of cruelty to animals to a range of child and family factors. First, the authors test the idea that cruelty is a callous aggression that will be more strongly associated with psychopathic (callous or unemotional, CU) traits than general externalizing problems. Second, the authors operationalize family problems as open conflict rather than parenting problems as used earlier. Results indicated that for both genders, CU traits were associated strongly with cruelty. For boys, externalizing problems also added prediction in regression analyses. Family conflict was not associated with cruelty for either. These results suggest that cruelty to animals may be an early manifestation of the subgroup of children developing conduct problems associated with traits of low empathy and callous disregard rather than the more common pathway of externalizing problems and parenting problems.  相似文献   

三农问题的宪法学思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
由于不能解决地方机构臃肿、地方政府腐败和滥权以及地方财政困境,取消农业税的税制改革难以应对“税费反弹”现象,仅仅是暂时缓解农民负担的权宜之计,并不是解决“三农”问题的长久之道。从宪法学角度看,“三农”问题的解决,有赖于完善地方民主与法治,从以行政为主导的中央控制模式转向以司法为主导的权利保障模式。中央干预的目的不在于亲自解决十分具体的问题,而应指向提供解决问题的制度。  相似文献   

Juveniles in secure confinement allegedly suffer from more mental health problems than their peers. This may reflect background and behavioral characteristics commonly found in clients of both mental health and juvenile justice systems. Another explanation is that mental disorders increase the risk of arrest. These interpretations were tested on a sample of Pittsburgh boys (n = 736). Findings indicate that arrested youth exhibit more attention deficit hyperactivity (ADH) problems, oppositional defiant (OD) problems, and nondelinquent externalizing symptoms prior to their first arrests compared to their never‐arrested peers. However, arrested and nonarrested youth score similarly on prior affective and anxiety problems and internalizing symptoms. Net of delinquency, substance use, and other selection factors, internalizing problems lower the risk of subsequent arrest, whereas OD problems and nondelinquent externalizing symptoms increase it. ADH problems have no effect on arrest net of delinquency and substance use. These findings lend only partial support to the criminalization hypothesis. Whereas some mental health symptoms increase the risk of arrest, others elicit more cautious or compassionate official responses.  相似文献   

聚众式裸聊的刑法规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚众式裸聊是当今一种新型的性交流方式.,探讨如何规制度众式裸聊时,不仅遇到了网络犯罪行为认定上的疑难问题,也遇到了网络共犯主观方面和主体认定上的疑难问题.对于这些疑难问题,将裸聊行为认定为淫乱行为具有可行性,网络共同故意符合传统共犯理论要求的犯意双向联络,而网络共犯主体认定问题属于超越我国现有共犯理论逻辑的问题.需要通过改变我国传统共犯理论加以解决.  相似文献   

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