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在尊重知识,尊重知识分子的今天,提出“重视体力劳动,尊重体力劳动者”,恐怕有些人会认为,这是极“左”思潮的回光返照,是“对着干”。但是,当我们认真地看一看目前有些大学生在对待体力劳动和体力劳动者方面存在的一些片面认识,认真地想一想这些片面认识在大学生的劳动观念形成中所起的消极作用,认真地分析分析大学生劳动观念的形成与我们培养社会主义人才的关系,或许会看到达一问题的提出,有其一定的意义和必要了。一、目前部分大学生对体力劳动和体力劳动者的偏见及其表现  相似文献   

从余暇时间与休闲生活契合、体育运动项目与休闲功能契合、体育运动体验性是休闲目的达成的重要途径、体育运动的行动性与休闲行为形式契合、体育运动自我实现性提升休闲行为的层次五个方面分析体育运动与休闲生活的耦合性;提出小学体育教学应注重体育游戏化教学设计、中学体育教学应强化体育课社会化功能、大学体育教学应引导学生体验休闲乐趣等三个观点。  相似文献   

亢振洲 《民主》2010,(4):54-54
<正>教育的目的是什么?是培养有知识、有文化的社会主义劳动者,劳动当然包括体力劳动和脑力劳动。二者虽然概念不同,但其内涵是一样的,并没有本质差别。  相似文献   

脑力劳动与体力劳动的统一是共产主义实现的条件之一,有必要对两者统一的可能性进行深入研究.黑格尔、索恩-雷特尔和马克思关于脑力劳动与体力劳动的统一有深入论述,且三者之间也有紧密联系.黑格尔通过深入论述主奴辩证法,认为奴隶虽然在主人脑力劳动支配下劳动,但他却能够通过绝对恐惧以及劳动陶冶事物达及对自身自为存在的真理的确认,因而黑格尔将两者的统一建立在抽象的自我意识上.索恩-雷特尔通过对马克思商品形式的分析,提出现实抽象,并进一步阐明了现实抽象向思维抽象过渡的方式,将自然知识等脑力劳动概念的起源定位到了人的劳动行为上.因而,现实抽象是脑力劳动与体力劳动统一的关键.马克思指出脑力劳动与体力劳动的分离是分工发展的结果,并认为在共产主义社会中随着分工的消灭,个人、社会、自然知识概念三个维度的脑力劳动和体力劳动的分离就会消除.与黑格尔、索恩-雷特尔相比,马克思的解决方法是微观与宏观相辩证统一、具体与普遍相辩证统一,同时是辩证唯物的,因而是可以实现的.  相似文献   

读了《青年研究》1986年第7期吴天琪的《目前大学生体力劳动观念管窥》一文,对于作者提出的目前大学生轻视体力劳动和瞧不起体力劳动者的观点,本人实在不敢苟同。笔者也是一青年学生,并做过学生工作,在此提出一些不同看法。 1.大学生并非唯脑力劳动论。吴天琪文章说,当前大学生受“万般皆下品,唯有读书高”的影响,轻视体力劳动和体力劳动者,不关心国家大事,生活能力差。实际上我国恢复高考的时间还不长,科学文化、技术在我国都还很落后,尤其是中央提出的“尊重知识、尊重知识分子”,还没有在每一  相似文献   

宋正凯 《学理论》2012,(6):146-147
纯团体性体育运动在提高大学生身体素质、思想道德素质、心理素质及培养终身体育意识等方面起着极其重要的促进作用。为真正实现纯团体性体育运动在大学生综合素质教育中的载体意义,要进一步加强纯团体性体育运动规范化、制度化建设和管理。  相似文献   

赵小婉 《理论视野》2023,(12):51-56
党纪与国法共同指向法治中国建设,并在不同情境下呈现出不同的关系,主要表现为并行不悖、结构耦合、衔接协调三重关系。并行不悖关系表现为党纪与国法在法治体系内相互独立、遵循不同的运行逻辑并且以党纪“不违反”国法为原则;结构耦合关系表现为党纪与国法共同遵循党的领导、以法治方式制约公权力,约束国家公职人员;党纪与国法衔接协调关系表现在防治腐败、坚持“纪在法前”、证据适用规则等方面。  相似文献   

人们通常都爱用“金字塔”来比喻体育运动的普及与提高的关系。一般来说,体育运动的普及面越广,运动水平就越高,而且还会新人辈出。这早已被世界一些体育强国和中国个别体育强项的事实所证明。 如美国男子篮球运动水平之所以高超,是因为全国有700多支训练有素的大学生男子篮球队做后盾;前苏联体操运动之所以能够不断涌现世界水平的新秀,是因为全国有不下9万名青少年体操运动员可以  相似文献   

高校体育是高等教育的重要组成部分,本研究以完整的人为中心,立足于以人为中心的体育,以全面提升学生身体素质为基础;重视学生体育过程中的情感体验;培养学生体育运动中的体育精神;提升学生体育运动中的审美情趣,在目标上实现从技能训练走向审美愉悦,培养健康的、有个性的、有良好审美能力的完整的人。  相似文献   

随着经济的迅猛发展,人们的生活水平明显提高,生活压力也增加了,长期处于身体疲劳,心理压抑,情绪焦躁不安的亚健康状态中。当下,符合大众标准的轻体育将传统体育与时尚运动结合一体,有其独特的运动特点,轻体育之优势对改善亚健康状态有重要作用。为此,应大力宣传轻体育运动,增强健身意识;各部门开展轻体育运动,鼓励人们实践参与;营造良好轻体育运动氛围,建立和谐环境。  相似文献   

Throughout the 20th century women have gradually gained access to sporting activities but it is only in recent decades that they have become widely represented in the decision-making bodies of sport. How can we account for this development and the weak position of women in sport? The perspective in this article is historical and three levels of explanation are considered. To what extent can the developments be explained as the result of public policy, the organization and policy of the voluntary associations and federations and by the action or predispositions of (groups of) women themselves. The article presents an overview of the state of the art in the research on women and sport in Scandinavia in the sense that new data have been collected and existing research and writings are being reviewed. By questioning central myths about sport and politics, and about the roles women play, it is shown that the role of women in sports is related bom to gaining access to the sporting activities per se and to the fora where decisions are being made, and that this access has been hampered as well as facilitated by government policies and policies of associations and interest organizations of the sports world. Government policies, however, cannot account for the remarkable changes in physical participation and democratic representation of women in sports which has taken place during the past century. The policies of the voluntary sports associations and federations are of greater importance. But the key to the understanding is found among the women themselves. So it is argued that physical performance and involvement in management and decision-making are dependent not only on formal structures and the policies of governments and interest organizations, but to a large extent upon the way in which women see themselves. This argumentation rests on the available data and a critical reading of the literature and research on women and sport in Scandinavia.  相似文献   


Voluntary sport organizations make up the largest part of voluntary sector in many countries. Yet, in light of the renewed social and political interest in civil society, we do not know very much about how sport organizations operate and function. Accordingly, this article addresses the question of how voluntary sport organizations contribute to social integration through differences in community structures. First a theoretical framework making it possible to distinguish between various forms of community structures—strong, weak, mediated and pragmatic communities—is developed. Then, the first empirical part describes how members in sport organizations belong to such various forms of communities. Next, the article explains differences in social integration through social background, variation in participation in sports and various recruitment channels. Finally, the article explores how differences in community structures matters for the experience of sport activity, for organizational democracy and social capital (trust and political interests).  相似文献   

Grosset  Yoan  Attali  Michael 《Society》2011,48(6):517-525
The institutionalization of sport ethics was kept on the fringes where sports organizations were concerned until the 60’s when it became an important issue and a powerful tool for international sport leadership. Initiated by the French and the International Council of Sport and Physical Education, an organization linked to United Nations for education, science and culture (UNESCO), the International Fair Play Committee (IFPC), created on September 7, 1963, initially kept on the sidelines by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) under the presidency of Avery Brundage. With the election of Lord Killanin then of Juan Antonio Samaranch, new relations spawned between the IOC and UNESCO by way of the IFPC. In 1988, Fair play and more generally sporting education became an integral part of the Olympic ideal, accepted by intergovernmental organizations.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a rich longitudinal data set--the Women's Employment Study (WES)--to investigate whether obesity, which is common among women of low socioeconomic status, is a barrier to employment and earnings for current and former welfare recipients. We find that former welfare recipients who are both White and morbidly obese have been less successful in transitioning from welfare to work. These women are less likely to work at any survey wave, spend a greater percentage of months between waves receiving cash welfare, and have lower monthly earnings at each wave. The magnitude of the difference in labor market outcomes between the morbidly obese and those who are less heavy is in some cases similar in magnitude to the differences in these labor market outcomes between high school dropouts and graduates. In contrast, we find no such labor market differences associated with morbid obesity for African-American respondents. This paper documents the relationship between weight and labor market outcomes for the first time among the welfare population. In addition, it investigates whether the correlation for White females is due to unobserved heterogeneity. We find that after controlling for individual fixed effects, the point estimate of the correlation of morbid obesity and each of the labor market outcomes falls considerably and is no longer statistically significant. These results are consistent with unobserved heterogeneity causing the correlation between morbid obesity and labor market outcomes. Findings are similar after controlling for the respondent's mental and physical health.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的改革和竞技体育的发展,竞技体育比赛中的不正之风,尤其是足球领域的"假赌黑",引起了社会的强烈不满和高层的关注。借助治理理论可以发现,中国竞技体育管理体制未能形成政府、市场和第三部门相互制约、相互合作的有效治理框架,这是导致竞技体育不正之风滋生、蔓延的重要根源和体制原因。治理竞技体育领域的不正之风,应改革现有"政府独大"的管理体制,树立"多元并存、相互制约、分工合作"的治理理念,探索建立具有中国特色的竞技体育治理体制。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):253-278
Sport has historically been an important element of South African popular culture, even though it was divided along racial lines for much of the country's history. In post-apartheid South Africa, sport is seen by politicians, sports officials and many ordinary people as a means to surmount race and class barriers and to forge nationhood. But sport remains a site of acute contestation over what transformation means: ‘merit’ versus ‘affirmative action’, beneficiaries of change, pace of transformation and so on. This conflict reflects the broader tensions over how South African society should be restructured. Change in racial composition at the level of leadership, coaching and players since 1990 has failed to transform cricket into a ‘people's game’. The cricket establishment is following the lead of government in prioritizing the empowerment of a minority. Class privilege has replaced race privilege. At the same time, tensions generated by change are producing further hostility along the fault lines of race and class. There is, for example, a conflict over resources among those previously labelled ‘Black’: Indians, Coloureds and the majority African population. These struggles reveal the fragmented nature of post-apartheid South African society, notwithstanding attempts to define South Africa as a ‘rainbow nation’. The historical, social, economic and cultural legacy of South Africa's conflicting pasts, the impact of globalization—and sport is a principal front of globalization, generating vast economic revenue and creating intolerable pressure to succeed—as well as post-apartheid discrepancies in economic and social conditions are all making it difficult to forge a united national culture, despite the attempt to use sport for the ‘mythic enactment’ of a collective South African identity. The tensions discussed in this article continue to be alive though the ‘patterns of prejudice’ are manifesting themselves in different forms.  相似文献   

体育游戏对于促进学生智力的发展,促进学生身体的生长发育,培养运动兴趣具有重要意义,对于提高中学体育与健康课的教学质量,顺利完成教学任务,具有积极的作用,体育游戏是进行中学体育与健康课教学的手段之一,是体育与健康课教育的重要方法。根据游戏的特点和价值,结合中学教材内容,正确科学选择游戏并合理组织实施,既能充分调动学生的情趣,又能很好地辅助教学任务的完成。  相似文献   

体育态度会影响人的锻炼行为。本文通过文献资料、问卷调查、数量统计等方法对天津市4所大学252名大学生的体育锻炼态度及影响因素进行了调查。研究结果表明,大学生体育锻炼态度总体上较积极,不同性别、不同年级的大学生在体育锻炼态度上存在差异;促进大学生身体锻炼的因素有身体因素、心理因素、学习方面因素、交流方面因素、习惯因素,阻碍身体锻炼的因素有客观和主观因素。  相似文献   

Among the major transformations affecting Mexican women in recent decades were their growing participation in the labor market and the fertility decline that began in the 1970s with widespread access to contraception. Data from 3 major Mexican fertility surveys, employment surveys, and censuses are used to analyze changes in female employment and their determinants during the years of economic recession in the 1980s. The main characteristics of the Mexican fertility decline are described, and the relationship between fertility and female employment before and during the economic recession is scrutinized for different social sectors. Suggestions for research on the affects of these changes on the social condition of Mexican women are then presented. The proportions of Mexican women over 12 years old who declared themselves economically active increased from 16% in 1970 to 21% in 1979 and 32% in 1987. Until the 1970s the majority of employed women were young and single or childless. But a clear increase occurred between 1976-87 in the economic participation of older women in union. Economic participation of low income and less educated women increased as they sought work or created their own in response to deteriorating living conditions during the recession. Young women with intermediate or higher educational levels did not increase their relative presence in the labor market in the same period. The marked increase in economic participation of less educated women in union with small children was accompanied by a significant increase in manual occupations. Between 1982-87, the proportion of women aged 20-49 in nonsalaried manual occupations rose from 7.6% to 18.5%. Mexico's fertility decline has been well documented. The total fertility rate declined from 6.3 in 1973 to 3.8 in 1986, while the percentage of women in union using a contraceptive method increased from 30.2 in 1976 to 52.7 in 1987. Fertility differentials have been declining but are still considerable. The inhibitory influence of children on female labor force participation in Mexico is clear, but in the years of economic recession the most notable increase in female workers was in women with 3 or more children of whom the youngest was under 3. It appears that the influence of children on women's employment depends on the socioeconomic status of the woman as well as on the dynamism or sluggishness of the labor market. Research is needed on the significance of changes in fertility and female employment for women's status in Mexico. Several recent works have presented results of microsocial analyses of the ways in which women experience changes in their lives resulting from fertility and employment decisions. A methodological strategy for studying these changes and their influence on women's status should focus on comparisons between different generations and birth cohorts, different types of employment, and different socioeconomic statuses. Both macrosocial and microsocial forms of analysis are needed to provide a full picture.  相似文献   

Human rights indicators are tools for monitoring a government's progress in fulfilling its human right obligations. In 2012, the United Nations released a manual of human rights indicators that includes a conceptual framework and illustrative indicators. This article reports on an examination of “right to work” indicators appropriate for use in Taiwan. The review was undertaken under the auspices of the executive branch of the government of Taiwan in consultation with panels of experts, officials of statistical departments, and persons from vulnerable groups, to contextualize the indicators for future implementation. The authors modified several indicators suggested in the manual and created one additional attribute on collective labor rights. Following an analysis of the indicators, the article highlights several issues that require further attention, including the feasibility of disaggregating administrative data, the use of indicators at subnational levels of governments, and the development of human rights indicators for particular groups.  相似文献   

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