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元代西南彝族地区创立的土司制度,以其深厚的彝族社会历史状况为基础,以元王朝治理中国西南的总政策为背景。元王朝以战争为主要手段,统一西南,征剿彝族根深蒂固的地方政权势力,降服之后即委以各种职衔,规定任命、承袭、赏罚、贡赋等内容,渐次推行土司制度。在社会政治大变革中,彝族土司叛服无常,反抗不断,终元之世,确立影响深远的彝族地区土司制度,值得再探索。  相似文献   

自2004年5月乔舒亚·库珀·雷默发表题为<北京共识>的研究报告以来,中国模式受到世界的广泛关注和热烈讨论.但是,时至今日,什么是"中国模式",其基本特征是什么,存在什么不足和需要吸收的教训,未来的发展趋势如何?目前都还没有一个准确全面的科学解答.通过尝试对尚在不断深入推进的"中国模式"研究进行一个阶段性的梳理和归纳,...  相似文献   

中国是世界上的人口大国,妇女的人口数也很多,中国妇女在中国和世界的作用不容忽视,让妇女了解自己、让政府了解妇女、让世界了解中国妇女,《国家妇女地图集》在其中将发挥重要作用。出版《国家妇女地图集》将会遇到许多问题,本文旨在论证编制《国家妇女地图集》的必要性和可行性,初步设计出《国家妇女地图集》的指标体系和内容结构,希望能引起广泛关注,有更多的有识之士参与研究和讨论,使《国家妇女地图集》早日出版。  相似文献   

Yan Xuetong 《当代中国》2001,10(26):33-39
The rise of China will create a huge market that will eventually make substantial contributions to scientific progress. The rise of China will benefit the Chinese as well as the rest of the world. Economic globalization makes it impossible for any country to keep its scientific and technological achievements from benefiting others. Every rich country inevitably invests largely abroad and imports many products from others. During the process of economic globalization, the rise of China will inevitably stimulate world economic growth by more inventions, investment, and importation. It is natural that there will be different views about the rise of China. Despite this, everyone agrees that China will increasingly play an important role in global affairs as China's modernization has a major impact on the world.  相似文献   

蔡胜  吴春梅 《中国发展》2010,10(6):34-40
抗战前夕广东洋米免税风潮是广东省米谷歉收和积谷备荒、国外和外省米源减少、广东币值下降等多种因素综合演变的结果。这次风潮经历了三个阶段,从国米输粤到100万担洋米半税,再到400万担洋米谷完全免税,一波三折。免税风潮集中反映了粮食产销间的矛盾,以及国民政府在协调冲突时的两难境遇,也留下了宝贵的经验教训。  相似文献   

正Wu Tianyi, an 86-year-old medical expert and Communist Party of China(CPC) member, has lived and worked on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for over half a century. The plateau, the highest in the world known as the "third pole of the world," covers the entire Tibet Autonomous Region and parts of other surrounding administrative areas. Wu, the founding father of China’s altitude sickness medication, has dedicated his professional life to the research on this particular type of sickness.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,西南联大的内迁,使其成为中国彝学研究的重要基地,以南开大学边疆人文研究室陶云逵、高华年、黎宗瓛和北京大学文科研究所罗常培、马学良以及西南联大袁家骅、曾昭抡等为代表的西南联大学者,在艰难困苦的条件下,对川、滇、康等西南诸省的彝区进行广泛的田野调查,取得了一批重要的研究成果,培养了一批年轻的彝学研究者,为中国彝学的发展作出了历史性贡献。  相似文献   

正The renowned American philosopher and scholar John Dewey completed a two-year sojourn to China a century ago, a critical turning point in his life at a time when China, too, stood at a crossroads. Dewey entered China in 1919, the year of the transformative May Fourth Movement, and left in 1921, coincidentally the year the Communist Party of China was founded.  相似文献   

Despite disruptions triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries has continued at an accelerated pace, former Chilean President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle said at the Fourth Dialogue Between the Civilizations of China and Latin America and the Caribbean on October 22. He was echoed by Ma Peihua, former Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who stressed that in a complex and volatile world, it is never a sustainable solution for countries to detach themselves from the interna-tional community. Developing countries, including China and LAC nations, need to work together, support one another, and conduct cooperation and exchanges.  相似文献   

ON April 22 and 23,the Biden administration invited 40 world leaders to a virtual climate summit with the hope that other countries would follow the American example of an-nouncing new and expanded commitments to achiev-ing net global carbon neutrality by 2050.But while all of the right elements seemed to be aligned,including planning the opening day of the virtual conference to coincide with the Earth Day,the results of the summit were mixed.However,history is likely to be a fierce judge of the Leaders Summit on Climate.Either the summit will have been another Munich moment of failure and false hope or it will have been a bridge to meaningful climate action at the next UN climate change conference in November.China has the oppor-tunity to greatly influence that verdict.  相似文献   

本文以辨章学术,考镜源流的方法,详细勾勒了自宋元迄民国贵州地方志各阶段发展的具体面相,认为贵州方志的远源可追溯至《华阳国志》,正式出现则在宋代。元代继续发展,明代基本定型,清代鼎盛而有所提高,民国出现新的转型性变化。大量的地方志乘的修纂,既体现了传统史学顽强保存文化记忆的历史性特征,同时也为我们建构了一个地方性知识的文本世界。除了方志自身内部的发展理路外,行政理性力量的介入推动,地方文化意识的自我觉醒,传统士大夫立言不朽的价值诉求,都促进了志乘事业的发展。作为地方性知识宝库的志书文本,其所涉及的内容极为广泛,举凡政治之隆替,文化之盛衰,经济之荣瘁,民生之忧戚,均可依据相应的方隅区划考而得之。  相似文献   

With China-Russia ties at their highest level in decades,the two countries are calling for more cooperation on global governance Guilin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,south China,is known in China to have a peerless scenery on the planet.So when Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi hosted his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in the tourist city on March 22-23.  相似文献   

苏礼和 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):7-10
在马克思主义中国化研究过程中,既要坚持将马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实践相结合,创造出符合中国具体实践的理论成果,又要以世界眼光推进马克思主义中国化的发展,将之置于全球视野之中,加强与世界的联系、互动和交流。全球化趋势的发展,当代世界马克思主义研究和非马克思主义研究取得了丰硕理论成果和实践经验,是马克思主义中国化加强世界联系和交流的条件。  相似文献   

High Land Over China Foreign Affairs is a newly published book written by Wang Yizhou, Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The book focuses on China's progress in pushing forward its diplomatic policies in the past 30 years. It discusses the characteristics of Chinese diplomacy, and the opportunities as well as challenges the country will face as it grows in a changing world. It also provides suggestions on how China can provide more p...  相似文献   

我国道路交通事故归责原则经历了三个发展阶段。对各阶段交通事故归责原则进行博弈论分析,可发现我国道路交通法律法规正在不断演进。《道路交通安全法》所确立的归责原则顺应了世界潮流,也是现阶段较为理想的归责模式,但并不完美,有待进一步修正和改进。  相似文献   

论文根据作者多年开展跨境语言研究的经历,特别是跨境语言田野调查的经验,论述了深化跨境语言研究的五个理论问题。认为在研究方法论上必须辩证地看待跨境语言"同"与"异"的关系,必须重视跨境语言调查研究的方法论建设,作者还指出随着我国的实力不断加强,对外开放的不断扩大,新时代的跨境语言研究将有着美好、广阔的前景和繁重、复杂的任务。  相似文献   

海丽  建英 《今日山西》2004,(4):37-38
寺观壁画的产生和发展经历了漫长的历史时期,近年发现的中国少数民族地区原始时代各种狩猎活动、部落征战以及人物、动物图案的岩画,是中国壁画的雏形;秦汉以后,在宫廷宅第、达官显贵墓室发现的奇兽、山灵、海怪以及墓主人生前车骑出行、楼阁宴饮、杂技表演的壁画,奠定了中国古代壁画的基础;而古代壁画大规模的发展是在佛教传入和道教兴起之后,延绵不断,佳作涟涟。特别是寺观壁画作为中国古代壁画艺术的主体,折射出民族艺术更加绚丽的光彩。山西古代建筑的保存占居全国首位,素有中国古代建筑艺术宝库之美誉。而依附于这些建筑上的寺观壁画的…  相似文献   

Stock Market Nightmare A bearish mood dominated the Chinese stock markets in the first half of this year with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index dropping 26.82 percent by June 30.  相似文献   

高劲松 《思想战线》2000,26(5):31-35
蒙元统治时期的西北,民族情况复杂,各民族的迁徙对流频繁,民族间的分化与重组相互交叉,政治上的统一与分裂变化无常,中央政府通过亲王出镇、建立甘肃行中书省和行枢密院、设置站赤、打开交通、开展屯田垦殖等一系列措施,加强了地方与元王朝中央的政治联系,巩固了西部边疆民族地区的统一.  相似文献   

在全球化背景下 ,扩大对外开放、参与世界经济循环已成为我国地区经济发展中的一项不可或缺的对外交往实践。自然也就需要加强对一个地区在我国对外开放中的地位研究 ,为地区的对外开放实践和行为取向提供支持。本文从云南的特色资源、区位优势和综合实力出发 ,阐释了云南在我国对外开放进程中的地位变迁 ,以及云南对世界的贡献  相似文献   

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