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正When my Chinese fiance and I decided to get married, there was no question about it: We would get our wedding portraits taken at one of the Chinese wedding studios that came with quaint names like "Paris," "Rome," "Golden Ladies," or "Mona Lisa. " "Are you going for the typical Chinese look? Vaseline on the lens, the works?" a British friend asked, in, shall we say, "amused" fashion.It was a Chinese tradition I would come to love; in the West, wedding photos are usually taken only during the ceremony and reception.  相似文献   

一、欢迎您来到埃及,首先我们希望了解您此次访问埃及的原因?以及您将同埃及领导人讨论的主要议题?很高兴在新年伊始访问埃及,这也是我2020年首次岀访的第一站。中埃都是文明古国,两国友谊源远流长。埃及是第一个同新中国建交的阿拉伯和非洲国家。建交60多年来,两国人民始终相互理解、相互信任、相互支持,中埃关系经受住了国际风云变幻的考验,成为发展中国家关系的典范。中国一贯高度重视同兄弟国家埃及的传统友谊和互利合作。  相似文献   

本文认为,美国学者贺萧(GailB.Hershatter)的《危险的愉悦——20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性》把娼妓问题置于上海现代化的复杂环境中进行研究,将焦点集中在有关妓女的历史记忆和知识形成的研究上,勾勒妓女肖像,并通过妓女这个媒介探索有关性、社会性别、政治权力、文化转型、民族主义、殖民主义、消费主义如何通过异常的女人身体中介获得表现。这正是贺萧著作的独特之处,是她对中国妓女研究的贡献,但同时也具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

中国画源远流长,己有2000多年的历史。中国画发源于古代陶器表面图案鱼、鸟、兽等,线条简单而明快;中国画在春秋战国时期出现帛画、庙堂圣贤画像、宫廷壁画、佛像,至隋唐趋向全盛;两宋及元明,水墨文人画逐渐占据主流;清及民国,西画渐近,传统绘画日趋衰落。近代中国画在摹古与创新的碰撞中艰难前行。溯源探流仅为当代在传统绘画的传承有所下降的情况下,立足东方绘画传统,吸收西方绘画精粹,走东西方融合之路,让中国画得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

正July 1,2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).Under its leadership,China has achieved remarkable progress.What makes China different from other socialist countries?And how should China respond to its current challenges from the U.S.and the West?  相似文献   

本文讨论了我的个人经历、我们之中与印第安纳大学政治理论与政策分析研究所相关的许多人的努力,即研究在不同背景下,制度是如何影响行动和后果的。首先,我回顾了我作为年轻学子的经历和我的早期职业生涯,旨在激励那些面对难题的人们。然后,我讨论了我们的制度分析和我们对于都市治理和公共池塘资源的研究,这些研究帮助我逐步发展了分析复杂制度的较为一般的框架。这一框架已经能够使我们发掘和分析制度结构、行为和后果,做出和检验内在一致的预测,并且建立更好的理论。最后,我就未来学术发展方向,与大家分享了一些看法。  相似文献   

伍庆玲 《思想战线》2000,26(1):122-126
20世纪早期,埃及伊斯兰改革主义和民族主义推动了女权运动的兴起,伊斯兰传统文化制约着女权主义的内涵,第一代女权主义者的才智和奋斗精神,推动着埃及社会的进步.  相似文献   

明清时期长三角地区方志中的遇虎孝女给人以女德化身的印象。然而细细考量,可以发现虽然国家话语体系认同此孝,但因为统治阶层(男性)对典范女性的塑成寄予更多期待,女孝的边界亦随之延展。本文通过对相关文献的钩沉与梳理,着重分析女性遇虎行孝的数量、类型及对象,进而对这一特殊女孝文本所隐涵的教化目的与性别含义进行探讨。文章指出,兼具凶猛和灵性的"山兽之君"不过是检验女德的一剂良方,以身代亲的行为不仅被着上了道德和功利的双重色彩,而且被用来移孝作忠、移孝守节甚至是移孝替孝,女性只能也必须依赖自己在家庭中所扮演的角色获得更多的道德肯定。  相似文献   

IN my life I have made many friends, both Chinese and foreign, quite a number of them intimate to the extent that I can repose in them my full confidence. Israel Epstein, known as Eppy to his friends, is one of the most outstanding. In appearance he is foreign, but emotionally he is Chinese, having taken Chinese citizenship in 1957. Those who have heard and read his analyses of Chinese issues are impressed with his deep insight. Epstein, who turns 90 on April 20, is a living witness to the radical changes that have  相似文献   

On February 25, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, the National Committee on United States-China Relations and the Committee of 100 co-hosted an event, both online and offline, marking the 50 th anniversary of the signing of the Shanghai Communiqué. Seasoned diplomats including Dr. Henry Kissinger as well as other public figures examined how China-U.S. relations should evolve over the next 50 years building upon the legacy of the landmark document.  相似文献   

文在寅总统,安倍晋三首相:欢迎你们来到成都出席第八次中日韩领导人会议。成都是一个古老而现代的城市,不仅拥有着深厚的历史文化积淀,而且是中国西南地区创新和开放重镇。《三国演义》里蜀国的精彩故事、旅居成都多年的唐代“诗圣”杜甫在韩、日为人熟知,韩、日两国僧侣也曾在这里留下求法修行的足迹。  相似文献   

The author recounts his life and how it led to a career as an activist community psychology practitioner with a focus on issues of social justice. He tells of his upbringing, family and education as the background to a series of positions in various systems. The story shows an evolution from working with individuals to working with whole communities; and from working on issues of remediation and treatment to working on prevention and finally empowerment, social change, and social justice. The story of his life parallels the social issues of the time. Throughout the accounting of his life the author raises the questions that he was struggling with. The sequence of those questions is as follows: Can I emerge as a community leader? What do I do with that leadership? Can my work in psychology have any relationship to the larger social issues? Can my politics, social action and beliefs in social justice, be integrated with my mental health job? Can I find a setting that will tolerate and permit me to do work to create social change and reduce oppression? Can we build competent helping systems with partners from many sectors? Can we mobilize whole communities around community crises? Can we use coalition building to make a difference in quality of life? And finally: How can our spirituality inform our work for social change and how can our social change work to inform our spirituality?  相似文献   

人体形象在原始社会一问世 ,就表现为巫、性、美的价值统一。在以后的发展中 ,三元素的价值结构呈现出纷纭复杂的组合形态 ,人体形象随之出现质的差异。古希腊雕塑以美为价值核心 ,性与巫参与其中 ,成为美的对象。古埃及人体以巫为核心 ,兼容性与美 ,成为独特的艺术现象。欧洲中世纪基督教人像 ,在强调巫的同时 ,极力诋毁性与美 ;印度教人体在显现巫的同时 ,既强化性 ,也不乏美 :两种宗教艺术异彩纷呈。淫秽人体 ,唯性为尊 ,别无它求 ,当然在扫荡之列。研究巫、性、美在历时性结构中的丰富形态 ,是把握人体形象的起源及其演变的一把钥匙。  相似文献   


School violence has many faces and many casualties. In varying degrees it touches students, parents, educators and communities of every school world wide. At the local level, communities are seen as playing a significant role in violence prevention. Generally, community-based violence prevention approaches involve the assessment of local problems, identification of target issues, selection of a range of interventions, and the encouragement of collaboration among civic groups, the juvenile justice system, local leaders, and young people themselves. These programs are generally judged as successful if they are able to address risk factors effectively for individual youths, strengthen those factors that provide protection and enhance resiliency, provide sufficient support and effective supervision, and increase pro-social attitudes by providing youth with a sense of having an increased stake in their local communities. Although too few educators are aware of its impact, the women's community has been involved in this work for decades. In this paper I discuss the results of interviews with members of the women's community in Atlantic Canada who have developed proactive violence prevention initiatives. I will concentrate on their efforts to bring those programs into the schools and their experiences of the successes and challenges they encounter.  相似文献   

Mingjiang Li 《当代中国》2010,19(64):291-310
Future international relations in East Asia are likely to be largely shaped by the maritime strategies and policies of various actors. This paper examines China's policy and behavior in maritime cooperation in the East Asian region in recent years, a topic that has been insufficiently understood. I suggest that while it is necessary and useful to take into account China's naval power, more attention to Chinese intentions and policy on East Asian maritime issues is warranted to arrive at a more balanced, and arguably more accurate, understanding of China's role in East Asian maritime affairs. This paper takes stock of China's changing perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in maritime cooperation in the region. I describe China's new policy moves in the South China Sea and East China Sea. I also address some of the major Chinese concerns for further maritime cooperation in East Asia. I conclude that while a grand cooperative maritime regime is still not possible from a Chinese perspective, China is likely to agree to more extensive and substantive maritime cooperation in many functional areas, most notably in the non-traditional security arena.  相似文献   

MS.Huang,a Chongqing local,felt an unexpected chill one summer morning."I [instinctively] knew I was going to catch a cold,"she said.Her response was to make an appointment at a health spa called Treasure without Borders for a Tibetan medicinal bath.Huang and her 16-year-old daughter are both regulars at the spa.She believes that many ailments can be eased through the healing properties of a medicinal bath.  相似文献   

IN 2000,when I first arrived in Paris,there were limited French products seen on the Chinese market,and vice versa.Fourteen years later,when I started Bonjour Brand,French products had deeply penetrated the Chinese high-end market.As an organizer,volunteer or visitor,I've participated in many initiatives to promote Chinese culture in France.These include activities involving calligraphy,paint-ing,Chinese opera facial makeup,embroidery,and paper-cutting,all of which are excellent art forms from China.However,despite these cultural promo-tion attempts,when you ask a French person what comes to mind when they think of China,the answer is invariably the Great Wall,made-in-China products,kungfu and pandas.  相似文献   

IN 2000,when I first arrived in Paris,there were limited French products seen on the Chinese market,and vice versa.Fourteen years later,when I started Bonjour Brand,French products had deeply penetrated the Chinese high-end market.As an organizer,volunteer or visitor,I've participated in many initiatives to promote Chinese culture in France.These include activities involving calligraphy,paint-ing,Chinese opera facial makeup,embroidery,and paper-cutting,all of which are excellent art forms from China.However,despite these cultural promo-tion attempts,when you ask a French person what comes to mind when they think of China,the answer is invariably the Great Wall,made-in-China products,kungfu and pandas.  相似文献   

The Soft Link     
An NGO's efforts to promote people-to-people diplomacy between Chinaand the United States It was on Harvard's campus that Liu Xi hit upon the idea to set up a program to bring the real China to more Harvard students.Liu attended a master's program at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) from 2013 to2015.While studying in the U.S.,she realized that many Americans have a biased view of China.  相似文献   

Beijing Review: In your book, you wrote that if both China and the U.S. were to fo-cus on improving their peoples' wellbeing, they would find no contradictions in their long-term strategies. It seems that China has been doing so, but the U.S. seems to be preoccupied with retaining its global domi-nance. What's your take? Kishore Mahbubani: I'm glad you raised a very critical point that I made in my book: the U.S. should not engage in a contest for su-premacy. Yet unfortunately, it would be difficult to change the views of many Americans, because their strategic thinking is still stuck in the 19th and 20th centuries. When you had this zero-sum games between great powers, this was the day when European powers used to fight and go to war with each other. But we no longer live in that world. We now live in a very small, interdependent world where we have many common interests and challenges to deal with.  相似文献   

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