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The right to peace means that all people have the right to resist aggression,and to safeguard and enjoy peace.As a collective right enjoyed by a country or people,the right to peace has not been clearly established as a legal right by international laws or international conventions.This situation is closely related to the Western countries' long-term control of the individualistic human rights discourse.With the deepening of globalization and the addition of the concept of a community with a shared future for human beings in UN resolutions,peace is the common goal of all countries,and the whole of human society,and the international community is raising an increasingly higher demand for the right to peace based on the rule of law.The right to peace based on the rule of law requires that the international community stipulate the right to peace via international laws and conventions and clarify its connotations,the subjects of the right and their obligations,as the implementing agencies and ways to realize the right.  相似文献   

The significance of including development in the spectrum of human rights lies in the fact that the notion of human rights is thus expanded to include the independence and economic and social development of the third world, instead of being limited to Western philosophical exploration and political experiments. Moreover, in practice, the right to development, as a newly added element of human rights, may correct the traditional idea in some states that the only version of human rights is political freedom, and those states failing to perform well in such freedoms should be criticized or even punished. When the human rights concept and system are examined from the perspective of development, more tolerance and cooperation may be expected in international politics, thus promoting the enrichment and improvement of the whole human rights system.  相似文献   

The practice of international human rights has led to the development of the political notion of human rights in contemporary times and triggered the theoretical reflection on "what are human rights " The natural rights view, which is based on human nature, regards human rights as universal moral rights owned by everyone against all others.holding a different perspective from the natural rights view, Raz, the representative of the political notion of human rights, bases his view on the political function of human rights in restricting national sovereignty in international practice and defines human rights as the legal rights enjoyed by everyone against the country since the end of the World War ii, which should be enforced by fair and reliable international institutions.Unavoidably, Raz's concept of human rights has been subject to questioning and criticism by natural right theorists.The controversy around Raz's concept of human rights shows that: on one hand, the Western academic circle has not readied a basic consensus on the understanding of human rights based on international human rights practice; on the other hand, it deeply reveals the theoretical need for the international community to reach a basic consensus on international human rights practice in the historical context of the changing international legal order.  相似文献   

近年来,公民的维权方式逐渐向极端化、暴力性演变,中国式戾气作为社会矛盾的集中表现引起了社会各界乃至国际社会的关注。当然这一现象的产生有多方面的原因,从行政机关的角度来说,要想有效化解和防范暴戾事件的再次发生,就是要转变执法观念,优化执法方式,由传统上的行政主导的观念转变为以人为本、服务社会的新型执法观念。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的到来,信息网络传播权应运而生,著作权人的财产权利顺理成章地扩张,使得公有领域不断被侵蚀。而法定许可制度恰好以其独特的方式在权利人与公众间建立一个缓冲地带,解决网络环境下出现的海量授权以及作品传播效率低的问题,实现双方的利益平衡。在著作权法修改之际,检视信息网络传播权的法定许可现状,通过明确信息网络传播权的法定许可之独立价值,借鉴外来的相关制度设计,以完善信息网络传播权的法定许可,实现法定许可的价值与著作权法的目的——利益平衡,激励创作,丰富文化。  相似文献   

The literature on human rights in China is dominated by incriminating documentation of abuses and a lack of theoretical consensus. But China's continuing economic reform has meant the need for Western industrialized countries to adjust their human rights policies on China. Emerging is the shift from the “sanction/isolation” approach to what some would call “positive engagement,” which is aimed at improving China's human rights situation through more international contact. In China, human rights development in the early 1990s can be characterized by the increasing use of Chinese law, and within that legal limit, a more open exercise of dissent and free speech as a basic human right, together with its adverse consequences.  相似文献   

The ideal model of human rights law studies shall be one that is open and comprehensive. On the basis of normative legal studies, it shall pay more attention to and respond to political, economic, and social development in a wide range of human rights issues. These studies should attempt to find practical solutions to concrete problems. Human rights law should be a relatively independent legal discipline, and it should be a problem-oriented object of study. Regarding the research methodologies, human rights law could encompass all aspects of legal studies, and go beyond legal them to some extent to encompass the influence of other disciplines.  相似文献   

Since the Chinese Constitution does not stipulate the status of international treaties in the domestic legal system,the question of whether the domestic court can apply international human rights treaties keeps obscure all the time.China's official statement and academic opinions generally believe that the domestic court couldn 't resort to the human rights treaties.In recent years,however,several cases have come out involving direct reference to human rights treaties by the court.The following factors contribute together to the direct reference:the inward-looking nature of international human rights treaties,specific requirements of human rights treaties,and the possible institutional room in Chinas' s current legal system.Take the view off ulfilling international human rights obligations,the practice of judicial application should be fully affirmed.Nevertheless,it should also be noted that relevant practice is still in its infancy,there are some problems such as inconsistent understanding and non-standard application.From the perspective of top-level design,it is necessary to provide a normative basis for the practice of the court,so as to make the international human rights treaties play their due role.  相似文献   

自从权利概念在现代出现以后,个人权利就在个人生命价值的实现中占据重要地位,比如健康权。健康权作为个人权利首先是人的道德权利,然后被法律所承认和创造而成为法律权利,前者是其得以成立的根据,后者则是其得以实施的条件,因而在个人生命价值的实现过程中具有至关重要性。  相似文献   

对作品标题的法律保护,世界上大多数国家做法不一,或用著作权法保护,或用商标法保护,或用反不正当竞争法保护。而关于此项制度我国还存在较大的缺陷。我们应借鉴他国的做法,特别是德国的“标识树’制度,以完善我国的作品标题保护制度。  相似文献   

地役权制度在整个物权体系中是不可或缺的,但作为我国物权法上的新制度,以不动产解释地役权,导致了人们对其理解的歧义。我们认为无论从历史、现实的多维视角,还是从法律概念的自身的逻辑解释以及《物权法》的整体,地役权的适用范围只能是土地。在我国土地为国家所有的情况,要想发挥地役权的作用,就应当在维护国家利益的前提下,借鉴国外的经验,适当放宽土地使用权等用益物权的边界,以充分利用有限的土地资源,实现物尽其用。  相似文献   

Based on the guardianship system in the General Principles of the Civil Law, the General Provisions of the Civil Law establish the three concepts of respecting the true will of the ward, benefiting the ward to the greatest extent, and moderate intervention of public power in guardianship. The three concepts are embodied in the specific provisions of the guardianship system, highlighting respect for and protection of human rights under the spirit of the Constitution as well as the human rights concept of protecting the interests of this vulnerable group, improving the scope of protecting the human rights of minors, the disabled and the elderly in the Chinese guardianship system. The General Provisions of the Civil Law expand the functions and types of the guardianship system, enrich and perfect the guardianship system for minors, and clearly stipulate the conditions and means for disqualifying guardians, and arranging temporary custody and state custody. They expand the scope of guardianship for minors, respond to the reality of increasing guardianship needs and the aging of Chinese society, dovetail with the international community's concept of respecting and safeguarding the rights of the elderly and adults with disabilities, and reflect the law moving with the times. The Specific Provisions on Marriage and Family under the General Provisions of the Civil Law now being compiled should refine and enrich the guardianship system under the framework of the guardianship system in the General Provisions, so that they become the rules of conduct that is practically feasible and enforceable in judgments.  相似文献   

国家对外国船舶和飞机的海洋行政执法权是国际法确认或赋予的国家在不同海域进行行政管辖的权能及其权限划分。国家在不同海域享有的权益,是其行使海洋行政执法权的基础,界定了其立法、司法、执法的权限范围。海洋行政执法权的实施具有常规性维权执法的效果。我国应根据国际法赋予沿海国海洋维权的行政执法权,全面行使立法权和司法权,常规性实施执法权。  相似文献   

少数民族民事习惯法治化既是中国法治建设的重要组成部分,也是地方法治建设的重要工程,关系着中国整体法治建设事业能否最终取得成功。因此,论文从立法和司法两个法治化的中心环节上对民事习惯的立法化、司法化路径进行了深入的探析,以期尽快实现少数民族民事习惯与国家民事法制的无缝对接与融合,加快民族地区国家统一法治建设进程。  相似文献   

Although the academic community still has some theoretical divergences on whether environmental rights should be a basic human right or a basic constitutional one, there are an increasing number of countries including this right in their constitution. Based on the constitutions in 193 countries, this paper aims to examine the fundamental situation of incorporating environmental rights into a constitution. It has been concluded that environmental protection as a right is written into a constitution in three aspects, namely, as a constitutional right, a civic duty, and a national policy, principle or social goal. Through summarizing these, this paper argues that including environmental rights in a country's constitution is the means by which all citizens shall enjoy a good, healthy, sustainable and harmonious environment suitable for their development, have timely and comprehensive access to reliable information about environment, participate in making public decisions related to the environment, and ask for legal remedies and compensation for any infringement on their environmental rights, or injury or damage to their environmental property. But even after environmental rights are incorporated into a constitution, there may be theoretical and practical difficulties in their implementation.  相似文献   

近年频发的城管暴力执法事件,折射出我国城管违法执法的普遍存在。究其根源,与城管执法以人为本理念缺失密切相关。在执法过程中,应树立以人为本的执法理念,既要实现维护公共利益的执法目的,又要考虑行政相对人基本人权的保障。在重塑执法理念的同时,只有对相关制度予以完善,优化执法队伍、注重柔性执法手段的运用,健全权力监督机制和权利救济机制,才能真正实现城管执法的法治化。  相似文献   

劳动权是宪法赋予公民的一项基本权利。平等就业权是保障人生存权利的一种体现,也是基本人权的一种。我国的法律体系中对于保障劳动者平等就业权的条文并不多,且对于违反平等就业权的行为也仅仅是以有限列举的形式加以规制,且缺乏相应的法律责任。户籍歧视这一被公众所熟知的行为并未在法律中明文规定。"国内户籍歧视第一案"再次将以户籍歧视为代表的就业歧视行为置于公众的视野下,也暴露了我国现有劳动法律的不足,法律的修改和完善刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Accessibility is the basis and prerequisite for persons with disabilities to enjoy and exercise all human rights and fundamental freedoms With the rapid development of the internet, providing and promoting information accessibility is considered an important obligation for the State In the process of transforming international human rights law into domestic law, how to deal with the human rights protection of persons with disabilities and the obligations of the private sector to ensure persons with disabilities receive services and products that meet the requirements and principles of information accessibility has become a development issue in the new era Against the backdrop of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in the context of the booming development of the cause of persons with disabilities in China, legal scholars, persons with disabilities, and organizations have jointly proposed the Beijing Initiative on the Principles of Information Accessibility for Science and Technology Products It clarifies that the private sector should embrace the human rights model advocated by the Convention in terms of information accessibility, and provide equal participation for persons with disabilities in the process of designing, producing and selling scientific and technological products The Initiative also states that the private sector should keep pace with the United Nation's sustainable development goals and the basic national policy of building a well-to-do society in an all round way, ensuring persons with disabilities are included within a moderately well-off society It also provides civil opinions on the formulation and clarification of relevant laws in the future.  相似文献   

我国法学界对明星模仿涉及的法律问题给与了很多讨论,讨论的主题涉及明星模仿的方式、侵权构成要件、法律规制等方面。目前来看,理论界对于明星模仿侵犯了权利人的合法权益并无异议,但对于认定侵权的标准和侵犯了权利人何种权益等问题仍有待进一步讨论。本文试图引进形象权的概念和形象权理论中"附带使用"规则对明星模仿侵权相关理论进行分析。  相似文献   

民族、种族和宗教相互之间具有紧密联系,且对一个国家的和谐与稳定关系重大。我国加入或即将加入的国际人权公约对民族、种族和宗教相关的犯罪行为已经作出了明确规定,我国有必要以国际人权公约的规定为参照检视我国刑法在民族、种族和宗教犯罪上的规定,作出与我国实际相符合、也与国际人权公约相一致的修正。修改现有相关犯罪的构成条件,增加我国刑法没有规定但危害严重的民族、种族和宗教犯罪。  相似文献   

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