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加快建立农业立法体系吴晓琴1993年7月2日,全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国农业法》、《中华人民共和国农业技术推广法》。“两法”的颁布实施,标志着我国以法治农进入了一个新的阶段。同时,对保障农业持续、稳定、协调发展,提供了强有力的法律依据,为进...  相似文献   

美、加、日农业保险立法的比较与借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要研究了美国、加拿大、日本等几个典型国家农业保险立法的背景、内容及其变化 ,希望通过比较和分析 ,对我国农业保险立法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

国外循环经济立法比较分析及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
循环经济法作为调整因循环经济活动所形成的社会关系的各种法律法规和法律渊源,并不是某项循环经济法规,而是指有关循环经济的各种法规所形成的体系。本文在对德国、日本、美国的循环经济立法理念、立法模式和立法体系进行比较分析后,得出我国应该以建立循环型社会为立法理念,以先制定综合法后制定专门法为立法模式,并在完善我国的循环经济立法同时,建立《循环经济促进法》为我国的综合法。  相似文献   

国发〔2006〕30号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:基层农业技术推广体系是设立在县乡两级为农民提供种植业、畜牧业、渔业、林业、农业机械、水利等科研成果和实用技术服务的组织,是实施科教兴农战略的重要载体。长期以来,基层农业技术推广体系在推广先进适用农业新技术和新品种、防治动植物病虫害、搞好农田水利建设、提高农民素质等方面发挥了重要作用。面对新形势、新任务,基层农业技术推广体系体制不顺、机制不活、队伍不稳、保障不足等问题亟须解决。根据《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强农村工作提高农业综合…  相似文献   

本文从财政投入和金融信贷两个方面分析得出,我国的农业投资现状一方面表现为农村的资本持续吃紧,用于农业部门的资金缺口巨大;另一方面农业金融体系的规模正在收缩,农业金融正日逐远离农业和农村。在此基础上,文中认为,农业自身的局限性以及财政投资与金融投资过程中暴露的问题使得对农业投资立法规范成为必然。最后,本文考察借鉴了美国、日本等发达国家的先进农业投资立法经验。  相似文献   

国外农业补贴立法对中国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发达国家通过建立系统的农业补贴立法体系保护本国农业和农民利益,其补贴方式呈法制化、刚性化、多样化,补贴渠道逐渐向直接补贴过渡。借鉴外国农业补贴立法经验,为发展我国农业经济,应建立我国农业法律救济体系,完善农业补贴的预算编制、审批制度,加速农村金融立法,完善农业保险法律制度。  相似文献   

德国是世界上继美国、中国、俄罗斯和日本之后的第五大能源消费国。其自然资源相对贫乏,大部分依赖进口。德国一直注重通过法律手段对能源产业、能源供需制度进行调节和监管。目前,德国已形成了以《能源经济法》为基本法,由煤炭立法、石油立法、可再生能源立法、节约能源立法、核能立法、生态税收立法等专门法为中心内容的能源立法体系,对我国的能源立法具有较大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

面对生态环境损害频繁发生,美国、欧盟和日本较早地开始尝试用法律的手段来救济生态环境损害。以美国的《超级基金法》、欧盟的《环境损害责任指令》和日本的《公害防治法》为代表的生态环境损害责任立法在救济生态环境损害的司法实践中发挥了重要作用。对美国、欧盟、日本生态环境损害责任立法进行考察,为我国将来制定生态环境损害责任法律制度提供启发,为我国生态文明建设的法治道路提供借鉴。  相似文献   

日本的中小企业立法相当发达,体系完善,对中小企业的促进措施效果显著。本文在分析日本中小企业立法概况的基础上提出我国应当借鉴日本中小企业立法的经验完善我国的中小企业立法,对我国中小企业进行全面的扶持和促进。  相似文献   

由于农业属于高风险行业,农业生产者多处于弱势的地位,美国在反垄断法中排除了在农业特定领域的垄断行为对于竞争规则的适用,其目的是为了追求农业生产效率和保障农业生产分配的公平正义.对于美国农业垄断豁免制度立法和司法判例的研究,可以给我国完善农业垄断豁免制度很大的借鉴.  相似文献   

An article by Joubert, Picon and McIntosh (1981) is found to contain several serious methodological flaws. A second analysis using a similar data set suggests that these methodological problems may have caused them to draw erroneous conclusions regarding the effects of social structural variables on prison admission and release rates.  相似文献   

The premise is that technology gaps have an important impact on the economic life of nations and also have political consequences. Expressions of concern about the technology gap between Europe and the United States have become steadily less frequent in the recent years. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether some of the lessons that can be drawn from the European technology gap of the '60s contribute to the understanding of the present United States-European technology exchange controversies. This is accomplished by (1) reviewing the European arguments, (2) trying to find out how revelant they have proven to be after a few years, (3) investigating better ways to assess the impact of technological differences with reference to current United States arguments about technology export, and (4) attempting to derive some conclusions on policy implications of transferring technology. It was concluded that important policy decisions have been made and are still being made by technology importing countries with little analytical background on the cost and advantages of achieving a technological capacity. In addition, policy decisions by technology exporting countries are most likely to be made with little knowledge of the real phenomena involved.  相似文献   

科斯定理是从经济效益的角度来分配权利的,它的"拍卖式"法律价值取向贯穿于美国土地制度与财产制度的发展历程.在与科斯定理相关的"牛吃麦"案例上,美国初始选择了"圈出"规则,后又转向"圈入"规则,其规则的变动始终遵循着"经济效益最大化"原则;而英国自始至终选择了"圈入"规则,早期是为了维护公共财产利益,之后是为了维护私有财产利益,在这过程中,"权利保护原则"是其不变的宗旨.科斯定理纯粹从经济效益的角度来解释有着相同法治渊源与传统的英、美两国在"牛吃麦"案例上所适用规则的差异性,欠缺历史维度的法律分析.  相似文献   

This article argues that the similarities and differences in the approaches and outcomes of the Canadian and United States cases on hate speech are reflective of the similarities and differences in two basic worldviews-communitarianism and liberalism. The article briefly explores the two views, sets out the Keegstra and R.A.V. cases and concludes that the approach in Keegstra reflects a communitarian philosophy while the approach in R.A.V. reflects the liberal philosophical position.  相似文献   

This book is devoted to current problems in the working of the organs of government and administration of the United States, the functioning of the mechanism for the development, adoption, and implementation of its political decisions, and the interrelation and coordination of the actions of various links in its governmental machinery. It is a thorough investigation of questions of public law in the United States. The author makes clear the distinguishing features of the development of the governmental mechanism in the USA during the present period, the internal processes occurring in the political system of the imperialist state, and the contradictions inherent in it. Chetverikov directs the reader's attention to a number of issues in the present development of the system of governmental administration in the USA that have been inadequately treated in the Soviet legal literature. They include the rising political role of the bureaucracy and the tendency for it to elude control by the higher authorities, including the president; the unique character of the present stage of the fusion of the government machinery and the monopolies; the formation of a "triple alliance" made up of permanent bureaucracy, monopolist "interest groups" (consisting of lobbying organizations exercising "influence" favorable to the monopolies on government bodies), and the working machinery of Congress; the inflation of the governmental machinery and its "monopolist degeneration."  相似文献   

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