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论高等教育评估中的顾客满意度测量   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
通过对高校现有评估方式存在缺陷的分析,提出在高等教育大众化的今天,高等教育要突出质量意识和服务意识,进而提出高等教育评估中应该引入顾客满意度测量,并对顾客满意度的基本理论模型进行了阐述。通过对国外高等教育评估中应用顾客满意度测量技术的概况评述,指出了顾客满意度测量在我国高校评估中应用的意义;最后提出在我国高等教育评估中应用顾客满意度指数模型的建议。  相似文献   

顾客满意度研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨萌萌 《学理论》2008,(18):89-90
顾客满意成为当前国际、国内竞争的一个焦点。顾客满意度的测评是当前企业界和学术界一个非常重视的课题。研究顾客满意度模型的发展历程,分析其优缺点,为构建我国顾客满意度指数体系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

政务服务中心在政务服务改革中发挥重要作用,相关议题得到较为广泛的关注。探究公众信任、感知质量、公众满意及持续使用意向间的逻辑关系与作用机理,不仅能促进政务服务中心提高服务质量,还有利于政务服务改革的顺利推进。在构建研究模型的基础上,开展实地调研,利用结构方程模型对研究假设进行检验。结果表明,公众信任显著正向影响政务服务中心信息质量、系统质量与服务质量;相较于累积满意度,各维度质量对特定满意度的影响更为显著;特定满意度和累积满意度均显著正向影响持续使用意向;同时,服务经历、年龄、服务次数在不同显著性水平上影响持续使用意向。研究结果为政务服务中心服务质量的持续改进提供理论依据与数据支撑。  相似文献   

新型农村社会养老保险制度满意度影响因素实证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从参保农民视角评价新型农村社会养老保险制度满意度现状和影响因素是推动地方政府深化完善该制度需要解决的问题,然而学界对此问题的研究还不够深入。本文在对美国顾客满意度模型(ACSI)修正的基础上,结合中国实际,构建了新农保参保人满意度模型;以陕西省彬县为例,依托实地调研和获得问卷的数据,运用结构方程模型(SEM),实证分析了陕西省彬县新农保参保人满意度的现状和影响因素。发现:新农保参保人整体满意度介于一般和满意之间,满意度还有很大提升空间;养老金待遇水平、地方政府经办服务能力对参保农民满意度有直接正向影响,政府支持对参保农民满意度有间接正向影响;参保期望、参保人抱怨对满意度有负向影响,新农保的抱怨处理机制亟待完善。由此,提出了提高政府新农保经办服务能力和养老金待遇水平、建立动态的参保农民养老金调整机制等完善新农保制度的建议。研究对进一步完善我国新农保制度、保障和改善农村居民生产生活具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

高等学校是培养高级人才的摇篮与基地,而人才的培养主要通过教学活动来实现。在当前时代背景下,高校教学质量问题不断凸显,一所高校的教学质量直接决定该校的社会地位、名望声誉、未来发展。对大学教学质量的准确把握是政府宏观决策的基本依据之一,同时,也是政府在大学与民众(特别是求学者)之间扮演合适角色的基本条件和手段。近几年高校教育的各项改革都把教学改革作为核心,也尤其重视教学质量及其评估。教学活动作为直接面对学生的、第一线的活动,就必须重视学生对于教学质量的感知与评价。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,顾客满意的重要性就得到了学术界和实业界的普遍重视。在竞争日益激烈的今天,服务企业要想与顾客建立更加稳定长久的关系,就必须以顾客需求为中心,提高其满意度。以沈阳"根发艺"美发名店作为调研对象进行分析论证,旨在为服务企业从顾客满意度方向提升管理质量提供一定的借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

石猛 《学理论》2014,(3):215-216
教育质量,是高等教育发展的核心内容。随着我国经济社会的快速发展,高等教育实现了跨越式发展,教育质量问题也越来越成为关系高校生存与发展的决定因素。建立适合我国国情的本科教育内部质量保障体系,是我国当前高等教育发展的重要任务之一。阐述了高校内部教学质量保障体系的内涵与构建,分析了现阶段高校内部教学质量保障体系普遍存在的问题,并提出了完善高校内部教学质量保障体系的一些建议。  相似文献   

肖建琴 《学理论》2011,(17):230-231
近年来随着高校不断扩招,高等教育教学质量受到了社会普遍关注,特别是成人高等教育的教学质量。要想提高成人高等教育的教学质量就必须对教学提出一定的质量要求,而判断教学是否达到质量要求的最好办法就是进行评估。  相似文献   

朱转云 《学理论》2013,(8):301-302
高校辅导员是大学生日常思想政治教育和学生事务管理的主要组织者、实施者和指导者。面对日趋多变的社会形势和多元化的学生素质,辅导员工作压力较大,工作满意度有待提高。作为当前国际上流行的组织给予员工的新型福利项目,在高校中实施和运用员工帮助计划(EAP),能够有效提高辅导员工作满意度。从管理理念、竞争机制、心理咨询培训、专业人才培养、职业生涯管理等方面就如何构建辅导员EAP服务模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文在分析和借鉴企业客户关系管理中顾客满意度(CSI)理念的基础上,结合时代变化对政府变革的新要求,着重深入剖析了影响公众满意度的若干要素,不仅提出了评价公众满意度的方法、步骤和模型,同时给出了评价公众满意度的指标体系并用模糊综合评价法对其进行了数量分析。其目的旨在使服务型政府能够协同提供高效率和无缝隙化的公共服务,变革政府思维方式,使之完成从追求公共管理的过程化向追求公共服务结果质量化的转变,最终在为公众提供良好服务的同时提高公众对党和政府的满意度与忠诚度。  相似文献   

Using data from two telephone surveys of New York City residents conducted during 2000 and 2001, this article employs the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model to examine the drivers—and behavioral consequences—of overall satisfaction with local government services. While the ACSI model has been widely used to analyze customer satisfaction in the private sector and, more recently, in the federal government, it has not been tried in a local government context. Applying the ACSI model to New York City, we find the perceived quality of public schools and especially the police, as well as road conditions and subway service, are the most salient drivers of satisfaction, but the significance of each service varies across income, race, and geography. For all groups in the city, overall satisfaction drives both trust in local government officials and intentions to move out of the city. Advantages and limitations of using the ACSI model to assess the quality of local government services are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the federal government's success in implementing and providing high-quality service through e-government, something that has received very little attention. We define quality from the perspective of the end users of federal agency Web sites, as measured through customer survey data. Using data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index, we compare the performance of federal agency Web sites across a range of relevant variables with a private sector equivalent, e-business Web sites. Our findings suggest that federal e-government Web sites are not yet, in the aggregate, providing the same level of quality as their e-business counterparts. We also find significant variability among federal agencies. We discuss the implications of these findings for e-government performance measurement, performance benchmarking, and the market-centered theories of administrative reform that are driving e-government and similar transformations of government practice.  相似文献   

以佛山市 A 区为个案,对如何测量中国县(区)层级的政府治理绩效进行实证探索。在借鉴世界治理指标(WGI)的基础上,构建了一个本土化的地方政府治理绩效指标体系,对 A 区政府的治理绩效水平进行量化评估,并且通过构建一个多元回归模型深入挖掘影响其总体治理水平的相关因素。结果表明:公众对于 A 区政府的总体治理水平处于“一般”到“比较满意”之间;在六个维度的治理绩效中,公众满意度最低的是“腐败控制”和“法治”,最高的是“政府稳定和暴力避免”和“政府有效性”;除了“管制质量”和“政府稳定与暴力避免”之外,其他四个维度的治理绩效对 A 区政府的总体治理水平都具有显著影响,其中,“政府有效性”对总体治理水平的影响最大。  相似文献   

This conceptual study proposed that university service quality is of significant influence in guaranteeing education tourist's (edu‐tourist) satisfaction, recommendation intention, and repurchase intention. The study considers the universities as tourism markets that attract edu‐tourists and put forward that the level of service quality provided by institutions can influence on the satisfaction of edu‐tourist and their post‐behavioral intention in an educational tourism context. This paper analyzed several previous studies and discussed service quality factors affecting edu‐tourist's satisfaction and behavioral intentions using various databases such as social sciences and psychology. The theoretical framework of the means‐end approach was used to evaluate service quality dimensions. The findings revealed the most significant factors affecting edu‐tourist's perception of service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. Overall, the campus facilities perceived to be the most prominent factor in satisfying edu‐tourists. Recommendations for future research relating the crucial determinants of service quality in influencing consumers' behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing discourse on the potential of e‐government to transform the operations of public sector institutions, thereby improving public services. It does so by conceptualizing public service quality into efficiency, economy (cost reduction), customer satisfaction, and service accessibility and draws on qualitative data from the Ghanaian narrative for illustration. As previous studies have demonstrated, this study also affirms the potential of e‐government in improving public services delivery by increasing efficiency, reducing the cost of operations, expanding access to services, and achieving customer satisfaction. Yet, there remains a repertoire of challenges such as weak ICT infrastructure especially in towns and villages, incessant power outages and illiteracy, which are drawbacks to fully harnessing the benefits of e‐government in Ghana. The study recommends that these challenges should feature prominently in e‐government policies to increase the chances of solving them.  相似文献   

With globalization and the marketization of higher education, the relationship between higher education institutions (HEIs) and students is becoming more complex. As the cost of higher education increases, the expectations of students have not only changed dramatically but, combined with heightened competition in the market, it is clear that the balance of power has moved towards the students. Operating across this new landscape, HEIs are facing a different set of opportunities and challenges. In order to survive, differentiation through service innovation is imperative to achieving success in attracting and retaining students. While this has been voiced by a number of authors, until now, there is a paucity of empirical research examining the impact of service innovation in higher education on individual customer outcomes. This paper explores the links between service innovation and well‐being and the mediating roles of perceived service quality and customer engagement within the higher education context. The research is timely as previous studies have not taken into consideration the mediating roles of customer engagement between service innovation and customer well‐being. Yet, unless customers are engaged and participating in the service innovation process, or satisfied with the service innovation, the innovation may not lead to the desired customer outcomes. HEIs cannot afford to ignore the expectations of their primary customers (students). Hence, this conceptual paper seeks to develop a conceptual model of how service innovation leads to student/consumer well‐being and the mechanism through which perceived service quality and customer engagements affects this process.  相似文献   

城市居民住房满意度及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
让居民对其住房感到满意是建设和谐社会的一项重要内容。与一般商品的消费不同,居民对其住房满意与否不仅涉及到住房的品质和价格,还涉及到与此相关的外部环境,如小区环境、物业管理以及配套设施等因素。基于"适当性-重要性加权"模型,本研究从一个较为全面的视角探讨了城镇居民住房满意度水平的影响因素。研究发现:(1)住房的面积、住房的品质、小区环境以及物业管理等因素对居民住房满意度有着显著的影响。不过,这些因素的影响不及居民的家庭成员人数和对经济负担的主观感受等因素,更不及住房相关的公共配套设施对居民住房满意度的影响;(2)公共配套设施因素中的次类因素,如基础教育、医疗卫生以及生活服务设施等,对居民的住房满意度都有显著的影响。  相似文献   

The expectancy disconfirmation model has dominated private‐sector research on customer satisfaction for several decades, yet it has not been applied to citizen satisfaction with urban services. The model views satisfaction judgments as determined—not just by product or service performance—but by a process in which consumers compare performance with their prior expectations. Using data from a New York City citizen survey, this study finds that citizen expectations, and especially the disconfirmation of expectations—factors that previously have not been considered in empirical studies of the determinants of citizen satisfaction—play a fundamental role in the formation of satisfaction judgments regarding the quality of urban services. Interestingly, the modeling results suggest that urban managers should seek to promote not only high‐quality services, but also high expectations among citizens. Additional implications for research and public management practice are discussed. © 2004 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Satisfaction with democracy is driven by the two mechanisms that affect citizens’ income: the market and the state. When people consider that the levels of economic growth and redistribution are sufficient, they are more satisfied with the performance of democratic institutions. This relationship is moderated by personal income: since low-income citizens are more sensitive to changes in personal economic circumstances than high-income citizens, they give more weight to economic perceptions and opinions about redistribution. In this paper evidence is found of this conditional relationship in survey data from 16 established democracies. The results offer a rich characterisation of the state and market-based mechanisms that affect satisfaction with democracy.  相似文献   

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