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二战初期,英属马来亚华人就已展开轰轰烈烈的抗日救亡运动,支持中国抗战。英属马来亚印度人则主要通过举行罢工等较为温和的方式,希望英国殖民政府给予他们公平合理的地位和待遇。日据时期,马来亚华人开展富有成效的抗日武装斗争。马来亚印度人则通过与日本人的合作,借助日军的力量,掀起了一场较有声势的独立运动,希望推翻英国人在祖籍国印度的殖民统治。从民族主义和身份认同的角度考察,二战时期马来亚华人与印度人的政治活动既有共同点和相似性,更有明显的不同和差异。  相似文献   

兴起于十九世纪的印度民族主义意识为自治和独立运动提供了坚实的理论基础,这些思想的提出者、传播者和社运动的领导人大都是西方教育培养出的知识分子,印度的西方教育又是在英国殖民政府捉进下建立发展起來的,这种逻辑上的联系表现出具有殖民地经历的后发达社会走向现代化时代的一种文化特征。在印度的历史条件下,工业化挫折等经济因素能从根本上解释民族主义发展的动因,而西方教育则能解释发展得以实现的直接推动力。  相似文献   

以工业化为特征的现代化是近代各国发展所追求的首要目标,印度的这个过程却由于英国的殖民统治而不能得到正常合理的进行。十九世纪后期接受西方教育的印度知识分子通过分析与认识印度愈益加深的贫困与不发达状况,对英国的殖民政策加以抨击,发展成熟了包括民族自治在内的民族主义思想,促进了印度民族独立运动的发展。一十九世纪上叶的印度知识阶层对英国宗主国和殖民政府抱有极大幻想,以为通过殖民制  相似文献   

一、印度劳工流入马来亚马来亚半岛和印度之间的接触可以追溯到前基督时代。然而在英国殖民统治之前,马来亚半岛的印度人数量并不多。直到19世纪晚期,随着英国人在马来亚半岛的稳固,印度人才逐渐增多。而印度工人大量涌入马来亚,与橡胶种植的兴起密不可分的。英国人于18世纪始控制马来半岛。从1786年莱特首登槟城至1895年的《邦咯岛协约》,英国人势力一步步地从马六甲海峡延伸到内陆的马来州属①。通过律政司制度,英国逐渐控制整个马来半岛及新加坡,并开始了对马来亚的经济掠夺。除了利润丰厚的采矿工业,英国殖民当局对发展出口型农业十分热…  相似文献   

20世纪中后期,全球经历了—次民族主义的复兴浪潮。从加拿大魁北克省分离运动到巴勒斯坦建国运动,从苏联解体和东欧剧变引发的民族独立运动到北爱和平运动,民族主义在全球化的知识背景中展示了一幅多样化图景。虽然全球化时代的这些运动都可以被简约为全球背景下的某种“地方性知识”,但更重要的是,正是这无数个丰富多彩的地方性知识结构才构成整个全球化过程,全球化过程所遵循的逻辑也恰恰就是“地方性知识”的竞争合作。印度教民族主义就是这样一种历史现象。自20世纪70年代以来,印度的一个突出变化就是印度教民族主义逐步在现代性的全球…  相似文献   

(一)印度民族主义运动兴趣的历史背景和哲学、社会政治思想的特征。十九世纪末至二十世纪初是‘自由’资本主义向帝国主义过渡的完成时期,也就是资本主义走向腐朽和没落的时期。英国是在占有亚非殖民地,特别是在最后征服印度以后成为庞大的帝国主义国家的。在十九世纪最后三十年代,英国开始对印度进行资本输出,他们在印度开发了为他们侵略服务的运输、金融、种植园等行业(据1914年第一次世界大战前统计约占全部投资的百分之九十七),但阻挠印度基础工业的建立和发展。外国资本的输入,一方  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,各国民族独立运动风起云涌,殖民制度开始土崩瓦解。在马来亚、沙捞越和沙巴,反对英国殖民主义统治的斗争日益高涨。经过长期不懈的努力,由马来亚各州组成的、受英国殖民者控制的马来亚联合邦终于在1957年8月31日宣布独立。 在首都吉隆坡默迪卡体育场举行的隆重的独立典礼上,马来亚联合邦的邦旗冉冉升起,联合邦的邦歌《我  相似文献   

马来亚同印度的接触,大概可以回溯至公元前的几个世纪,虽然还不能完全证实,但几乎已是定论①.从地理位置来看,马来亚与印度正好扼守孟加拉湾的两端,遥相直望.对季风规律的认识和运用使隔海相望的马来亚和印度之间通过海路建立联系成为可能.双边贸易、人员往来、文化的交流随之展开.对于马来亚印度人的研究,国内外一般多限于在英国殖民统治时期,很少关注英国殖民统治前的马来亚印度人情况.从历史上看,早期的马来亚印度人在马来亚的活动留下了不可磨灭的印记,并对马来亚社会产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

本文探讨了印度教对印度民族主义的负面影响 ,以及印度民族独立运动的领袖如何利用印度教来促成印度民族主义的形成、教派民族主义者如何利用印度教来为教派民族主义服务 ,并指出以印度教为基础的民族主义对印度社会的的双重作用。  相似文献   

战前 ,缅甸的民族独立运动已使英殖民当局难以招架 ,英国政府不得不向民族主义者许诺 ,在条件成熟时 ,英国将给缅甸自治 ,但这个许诺不过是一个遥遥无期的长把伞。欧战爆发 ,使英国政府无力顾及它在远东的殖民地 ,缅甸民族主义者再次看到独立的希望 ,但是 ,英国政府逆历史潮流而行 ,仍然采用欧战爆发前的殖民政策来对付缅甸的民族主义 ,特别是在太平洋战争爆发后 ,缅甸民族主义提出联英抗日 ,促进缅甸独立的政治主张遭到英殖民当局的拒绝 ,英国不顾已经变化了的国际形势 ,采取高压政策 ,大肆逮捕民族主义领袖 ,使缅甸民族主义者转向日本 ,以…  相似文献   

Fiji is a country consisting of 300 South Pacific islands, of which the largest is Vitu Levu, which includes the capital, Suva. The islands are home to 700,000 people, of whom 50% are Indian, 46% Melanesian, and the rest Chinese or European. The official language is English, and the major religions are Hinduism and Christianity. Literacy is 79% for men and 64% for women, whose status is generally low in this patriarchal society. Infant mortality is 27/1000 live births, but life expectancy is 70 years. The British began sending missionaries and manufactured goods in the early 1800s and annexed the islands in 1874 as a source of sugar, for which they expropriated the land and imported the Indians as agricultural workers. Sugar remains the largest export along with coconut oil, gold, and timber. Manufactured goods, food, fuel, and chemicals are imported, and the national debt is over $200 million. Foreign investment, mostly by Australia, is $13.2 million. Inflation is 20%; 200,000 people are unemployed, and poverty is general except for the urban elite. The Fijian dollar is worth US. 80. Independence, granted in 1970, replaced colonial control with military governments, currently that of Colonel Rambuka, who refused to allow a democratically elected government to take office. Faced with a declining economy and the political power of the fascist Taukei movement, the Indians, who had been the shopkeepers, craftsmen and bureaucrats during the later period of colonial rule, have been emigrating en masse.  相似文献   

中法战争前夕,越南对清朝的朝贡行为及其贡道受到法国殖民侵略当局的有意阻挠,中越官方往来几至断绝。此时,轮船招商局及其越南航线遂成为中越之间使者往来的主要渠道;轮船招商局在越南海防、顺安等地设立的分局,则又成为清政府及时了解越南现地实情的主要信息来源。轮船招商局成为中法战争前夕影响中越关系的重要媒介与因子。  相似文献   

沈燕清 《南洋问题研究》2006,33(4):71-76,87
鸦片税收专卖承包制一度被认为是华侨剥削印尼人民的罪证,19世纪末爪哇社会出现反鸦片风潮,殖民政府借机以鸦片公营专卖局取代了鸦片税收专卖承包制。本文作者指出,以公营代替私营,殖民者的最终目的在于从华侨手中夺过经济大权以获取更高的利润,华侨始终不过是荷兰殖民统治的工具。  相似文献   

This article argues that the current attention on indigenous institutions, and the ‘local’ more generally, in peace-building and conflict management bears similarities with colonial and post-colonial attempts at pacifying volatile borderlands. This will be illustrated through a historical case study of the Southern Philippine island of Mindanao, which has witnessed a recurring Muslim insurgency throughout different phases of its history. In an attempt to cope with these violent uprisings, both the American colonial authorities and the authoritarian Marcos regime, as well as a range of contemporary international NGOs, have endorsed traditional institutional avenues of informal mediation. The argument for the deployment of the local in state reconstruction and peace-building as propagated in current literature on hybrid peace should therefore be reframed as a reinvention of colonial governance techniques of indirect rule. It will hereby also be argued that the underlying rationale for this current deployment of local/traditional institutions of mediation and governance confirms and builds further upon a colonial framing of the non-Western other as incapable of modern, liberal democracy.  相似文献   

近代早期的葡萄牙既是信奉天主教的旧教国,也是最早向海外扩张的欧洲殖民国家。葡萄牙的宗教狂热决定了其在殖民活动中不可避免地受到了天主教的影响。本文以近代早期葡萄牙在东亚海域的殖民扩张为背景,从几个方面探讨了天主教的影响。  相似文献   

It is well-known that donors give considerably more foreign aid to former colonies than to countries lacking past colonial ties. Unfortunately, we know relatively little about why this is the case. For one, there is almost never a theoretical justification for the inclusion of colonial history in statistical models. For the other, the only explicitly made rationale by Bueno de Mesquita and Smith (2009) actually predicts an interpretational problem: colonial history not only increases a former colony’s saliency to the donor, but also has left deep marks on recipients’ social and political institutions today. Both aspects shape how much aid a donor transfers to the recipient. This leaves ambiguous the meaning of the routinely found positive, sizable, and significant coefficient of colonial history on aid flows. We solve the inferential quandary by using a decomposition approach from labor econometrics. Our results show that about 75–100% of the colony effect on foreign aid stems from the greater saliency that donors give to policy concessions from former colonies.  相似文献   


One of the most effective cultural tools used by the colonial governments in Africa to make their rule acceptable to African indigenous populations was film. In Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe) the colonial government created the Central Film Unit whose major aim was to teach Africans new agricultural methods. The response by Africans to this colonial initiative was mixed. Some welcomed and enjoyed the films and made use of the skills that the films popularised, but others were cynical and viewed these films as a tool to consolidate British white settler rule in Rhodesia. This article analyses six colonial films produced in the 1940s and 1950s. The article argues that through the use of colonial films, the Rhodesia government was able to persuade African communal farmers to adopt modern methods of farming. The irony of this is that the use of modern farming methods made it possible for the same colonial authorities to later blame Africans for the ecological disaster in the communal areas.  相似文献   

This article deals with the debate in the Permanent Mandate Commission (League of Nations), during the inter-war period about the best way to rule the dependant territories. It shows how a certain interpretation of the term “good colonial government” came to prevail through the idea of indirect rule, how this idea was seen as the best way to achieve a kind of democratic imperialism (similar to that looked for at the present time in Iraq by the Americans). It analyses the way the mandate system transformed the legitimacy of the colonial powers and the battle it triggered between France and Britain.  相似文献   

李延坤 《东北亚论坛》2012,21(2):123-129
"关东州"的日语教育始于日俄战争期间,随着租借期限的延长,其殖民教育政策及措施在不断地发展。到"九.一八"事变之前,其奴化教育体系已然成型,同时,为了长期维护日本的殖民统治,推进普及日语教育策略,还建立了奖励学习外语的"语学检定"制度。在《关东州人教育令》颁布后,奴化教育达到了顶峰,以实现对大连地区乃至整个东北进行文化侵略和殖民奴化教育的目的。  相似文献   

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