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Last year, the international community gave particular and systematic attention to the development of the "China factor", and various countries adjusted policies on China accordingly with far-reaching strategic consideration. The relations between China and the current world system have witnessed a change from partial and loose contacts to structural and systematic relations.I. Last year,the "China factor",as an impor- tant influencing concept,entered the language of the international politi…  相似文献   

Brazil is the largest developing country in the Western Hemisphere, and China is the largest developing country in the world. The bilateral ties between them could have an impact upon the South- South relations and the emerging new world order. The two countries announced the formation of a Strategic Partnership as early as 1993. As a matter of fact, Brazil was the first country to have a strategic partnership with China. Since then, relations between the two countries have been developing rapidly, covering almost all areas.  相似文献   

The next 5-10 years will be a pivotal period in which China will implement its " 11 th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate its construction of " a moderately prosperous society." It will also be an important period for Russia's resurgence. Sino-Russian relations are therefore facing new challenges and will be steadily developing. Under these new circumstances, clearly defining China's national interests in Sino-Russian relations will be an important prerequisite of ensuring the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and of safeguarding China's peace and security. For the foreseeable future, China's national interests in Sino- Russian relations will be the further consolidation of mutual trust between the two countries and increasing Sino-Russian security cooperation so as to maintain peace and security in China 's northern border areas. As the two countries are both in a phase of social transformation, they can nevertheless learn from each other throughout this process. China will continue promoting diversity of cultures and the multi-polarization of world. China should also exploit Sino-Russian economic cooperation and try to frame a joint strategy with Russia in order to achieve common development and prosperity. Consequently, the two countries will be able to march forward side by side along the path of economic reforms and structural adjustment." In the 21st Century, China and Russia not only need to maintain a good neighbor relationship and guarantee their joint security, but also build a closer cooperation in their common development.  相似文献   

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War II and the victory of the Anti-Fascist War. The WWII is an unprecedented disaster for humanity and, however, it can never be guaranteed that world wars will not break out again in the future. Just as wars can be classified as cold wars and hot wars, peace can also be defined as cold peace and real peace. Cold Peace, as an unstable state in the international relations, may bring misleading perception of peace, where peace is taken for granted, and potential crises may lead to international conflicts/ wars. This is clearly reflected in concerns of western scholars as exemplified by what is called Kissinger’s Worry and Haass’s Question. This paper approaches the question from a strategic and historical perspective and draws the following three conclusions: 1) historically, it takes a long time for people to realize the negative impacts of wars; 2) currently, we are in a dangerous stage of cold peace in terms of international security; 3) the Sino-US and Sino-Japanese relations will be crucial to the major power relations that affect China’s the national security in the future. China should find ways to deal with the two major relations and play its role in maintaining the world peace.  相似文献   

The relationship between China and the United States is the most important bilateral relations in the world. Though being the most complicated relationship, it has been managed as the most successful one in the world. In terms of population, territorial size, overall national strength and international status, both China and the United Sates are big countries with great influence in the world arena. The nature and value of such a relationship between major powers exceeds that of pure bilateral relations. China-U.S. relations not only have a close bearing on the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also are of vital importance to world peace, security and development.  相似文献   

The coming five or ten years is a crucial period for China in building a moderately well-off society in an all-round way.The maintenance of a stable external environment during this strategic period of opportunity depends, in a great degree, on the stability of Sino-US relations. At present, the bilateral security relations are the bottleneck for the development of the overall Sino-US relations, mainly because a mutual trust between China and the US in the domain of security has not been established. The bilateral security relations that remain unstable for a long time will have a negative influence on the overall Sino-US relations, or even jeopardize the realization of their national interests.  相似文献   

Security relations are crucial in China-Japan relations.Since the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands by Japan in 2012,mutual trust between China and Japan has been declining,and bilateral security relations have reached a low point.China-Japan security relations are typified by ongoing dispute over the Diaoyu Islands,lack of mutual trust exacerbated by various actions by Japan,and the delay of China-Japan security dialogues.The evolution of China-Japan security relations derived from the Diaoyu Islands dispute is clearly beyond the scope of the dispute itself,with deep-rooted internal and external factors.In the near future,China-Japan security relations will face more challenges than opportunities.China should take measures,including enhancing mutual trust in politics and security between the two countries,to impose necessary pressure on Japan to change course,to win over neighboring countries so as to avoid pretext for Japan's intervention in regional issues,and to strengthen interpersonal communication and understanding between people of the two countries in order to stabilize security relations.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in today's world. It not only relates to the overall interests of both sides, but also has an important influence on peace, security and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. In the foreseeable future, China-U.S. relations will definitely be upgraded to the world's most important bilateral  相似文献   

China, the United States and Japan are all nations of crucial importance in the Asia-Pacific region. They exert a decisive influence on the evolvement of strategic structure in the region in the twenty-first century. To a certain extent the world future will depend on the three countries as well as the development of their mutual relations. The  相似文献   

Recentyears have seen accelerated divisionof developing countries, which has greatly affected world balance of power, interest patterns, North-South relations and the respective country's own future. Research on this subject will prove to be practically important for assessing the strategic trends in the world's "great transformation and adjustment", defining China's international identity and sharing China's developing opportunities, meeting challenges and achieving peaceful development and win-win results with other countries.  相似文献   

对于处于战略防守方的中国而言,越是要向外拓展软实力,就越是要重视挖掘自身的凝聚力。凝聚力与软实力本来就是一体两面的,均源于文化自身的吸引力,尽管其着力点不同,却共同决定了一个国家的精神潜力。应当注重从外人的眼光来反思中国的历史文化传统,因为对中国是凝聚力的东西,对外人往往就是软实力。中华民族延续不断的历史,其“衰而又兴”的凝聚力,正是中国最柔韧的软实力。国家统一与地方文化多元发展的和谐共存,其“和而不同”的凝聚力,正是中国最亲和的软实力。即使共同经历的灾难,也会不可思议地加深各族人民之间的凝聚力,因为正是处在一个命运共同体中,才会同甘共苦,共同期待未来。但是,从“协和万邦”古老理念到倡导“和谐世界”新国际安全观,并不一定意味着皆大欢喜的和平红利,也可能带来不确定性危险,因为对西方而言,这可能意味着道德和意识形态层面的挑战。中国的文化软实力,不应只是怀柔感化作用的代名词,还应包含和体现敢于力抗强者、主持正义、维护公正等精神内涵与道德形象,当然,这就更需要自身具备坚不可摧的凝聚力。  相似文献   

Since thoughts about the future cannot help but enter into our planning of policy, the International Relations community should make it an aim to help systematize these thoughts. One way of doing this is by developing a methodology for scenario building. Much extant work on scenario planning shares a key weakness that is well known in traditional socioeconomic planning, namely a tendency to reify current trends. In order to break with this tendency, this article sets out an approach that we call perspectivist scenario building. We also try to illustrate the points made and demonstrate the value added for planners by reflecting on our own experience in participation-oriented scenario work with Norwegian bureaucrats and politicians in the framework of a broad-scoped national scenario project for the Norwegian Government in the period between 1998 and 2001, called Norway 2030.  相似文献   

Anti-globalization trends are in play in the US and Western Europe where electorates are recalcitrant to allow immigrants into their societies,national sovereignty is sought in certain geographic areas,and the national mood seeks to suppress newly rising countries' trade and development.The continuation of economic downturn in Western countries is reinforced by their internal wealth gap and external competition.As capitalism's demand for profit is now being critiqued along with the emergent profit prospects to be delivered by pending technological progress,the temper of the times could temporarily slow down but not reverse globalization.Timely discussions about reform of international economic order and about an effective national development model should seek sustainable solutions for healthy,stable globalization and development of the world economy.  相似文献   

爆发于2003年3月20日的美伊之战,是冷战结束后又一次规模较大的局部战争,也是一场影响世界全局的战争。此次战争是美国在21世纪之初依据其"先发制人"的国家安全新战略而主动挑起的,是美英联军在未得到联合国安理会授权的情况下发动的旨在推翻萨达姆政权的战争,对国际形势和国际关系全局及其走向产生了重大的影响,围绕着伊拉克战争,大国之间的关系在重新分化组合。受其影响中俄经贸关系必将出现新的变化。  相似文献   

别尔嘉耶夫的整个理论是建立在对客体化世界观批判基础之上的,他认为时代的危机源于客体化。他认为客体化是外化,是堕落,是精神对自己的异化。客体化的特征表现为客体对主体的异化、普遍性对个性的吞噬、必然性对自由的先在和无个性的个体理解。他认为人的类思维特征倾向于客体化,倾向于凯撒王国而非精神王国。客体化以及伴随着它的异化之所以发生,就是因为人们不去寻求上帝王国,而是寻找奴役人的凯撒王国。所以,别尔嘉耶夫认为,要想摆脱客体化世界对人的奴役,必须要改变人的错误的意识结构。  相似文献   

苏东剧变结束了二战以来的雅尔塔体制,也结束了冷战秩序。震荡之后,世界在经济和科技的发展带动之下,开启了真正意义的全球化大门,不再有两个阵营之间的固定壁垒,取而代之的是世界上的任何国际行为主体间都有了交流与合作的自由。国际社会体系的这种重大而深刻的变革对世界新秩序的形成造成了极大的冲击,各种力量重新调整彼此之间的关系,探索自身发挥影响所能达到的限度,寄希望于在新的世界秩序中占据有利地位。正是在这样一个格局转变的时刻,国家对于利益的追求方式也在做出新的选择。  相似文献   


Tim Parks has included Haruki Murakami among the group of authors writing ‘dull global novels’, a perception that is in part the result of an exclusive focus on English-language translations of Murakami. By turning attention to translations in other languages, this essay reveals a more nuanced and complex picture, showing that depending on where and by whom he is translated, Murakami in fact emerges differently than in English, and arguing that his writing is perhaps not so ‘dull’, after all. After briefly describing the history of Murakami translations in North America, the essay examines the history of translations in East Asia, using the example of greater China, where the two main translators, Lai Ming Chu (Taiwan) and Lin Shaohua (China), produce strikingly different versions of his writing. The essay then goes on to trace the main patterns of Murakami translation in Europe and into some Middle Eastern languages and Persian. In Europe there is a gradual shift away from indirect translations through English toward direct translations from the Japanese, and a greater degree of collaboration among translators. The essay analyzes the effects of these changes, offering a few examples from Murakami’s latest novels.  相似文献   

俄与欧盟关系中的能源因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯经济加入世界经济一体化的进程 ,在很大程度上取决于其与欧盟的相互关系。欧盟既是俄的贸易伙伴 ,也是俄经济的主要投资者和信贷者。目前 ,能源合作已成为俄罗斯与欧盟贸易往来的最主要方面。对于欧盟来说 ,天然气比煤、石油、电能等能源更具竞争力  相似文献   

尼泊尔是我国的友好邻邦,经济发展较为落后,同时也正因为如此,尼泊尔对我国希望进军南亚的企业来说是个巨大市场。中尼之间经济具有较大的互补性,双边经贸合作存在较大的发展空间。本文主要介绍尼泊尔的贸易管理制度和投资管理制度以及中尼经贸合作的现状和影响双边经贸合作的因素等,供有关部门和企业参考。  相似文献   

America’s diplomacy towards Europe has passed through two broad historic phases. A first, isolationist phase, determined in part by America’s need to maintain its domestic multinational consensus, was replaced, after World War II and under the Soviet threat, by a policy of hegemonic engagement. The Soviet collapse opened a new era forcing a reinterpretation of America’s role in Europe and the world. Four different narratives have emerged: triumphalist, declinist, chaotic or pluralist. If a unipolar American role seems unlikely to persist, American decline is all too possible. A new hegemonic replacement seems unlikely, which makes the pluralist narrative plausible and desirable. This multipolar world will require an adaptation of the Western alliance and a new way of thinking about interstate relations. Confederal Europe, for its experience in bargaining and conciliation, might have much to offer to the new plural world order.  相似文献   

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