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金融诈骗犯罪初探糜方强今年6月30日,第八届全国人大常委会第十四次会议通过了《关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定》(以下简称《决定》),对惩治金融诈骗犯罪作出了新的规定。本文试就金融诈骗犯罪的内容及法律适用中存在的问题作些粗浅的探讨。一、金融诈骗犯罪的内...  相似文献   

金融行政违法与金融犯罪是有区别的危害金融管理秩序的行为。我国新(刑法》已专章规定了金因犯罪的刑事法律责任,为司法机关制裁金融犯罪,维护正常的金融秩序提供了法律依据。但在现实经济生活中,除了金融犯罪行为以外,还有大量的违反金融法律、法规尚未构成犯罪的行为。今年2月,国务院发布施行的《金融违法行为和处罚办法》,为追究金融行政违法的行政法律责任确定了重要的行政法规依据。该办法的适用范围涉及到以下几个方面的问题。一、《金出违法行为处罚办法》的适用主体根据《金融违法行为处罚办法》第三条的规定,有权适用该办…  相似文献   

金融犯罪的危害、特点与金融机构内控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金融犯罪具有不同的类型和特点。金融犯罪构成对金融秩序的危害,必须加强金融机构内控,以作为“外防”的基础,使之有效地控制金融犯罪,维护金融秩序。  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心,金融业发展状况关系到现代国家的经济发展,从而影响到政权的稳定。然而,随着金融市场的快速发展,骗取贷款罪作为一种常见性金融犯罪正日益威胁和破坏我国金融管理秩序,其直接或间接导致和加剧我国金融秩序的混乱,进而可能诱发我国金融领域系统性风险。与此同时,无论是刑法理论还是金融制度都在面临着变革,对如何理解金融机构的内涵、外延以及日益多变的新型金融机构表现形式问题;如何理解传统刑法理论与刑法新理论关于犯罪本质、犯罪构成的观点交融背景下,骗取贷款罪法律适用方面的问题,都需要我们进行更深层次的探讨与研究。  相似文献   

江苏省破坏金融秩序犯罪的基本情况和特点根据八届全国人大常委会第十四次会议颁布的《关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定》(下简称《决定》)的精神,破坏金融秩序犯罪以金融票据、信用证、信用卡、保险诈骗为主,还包括伪造变造金融票证、严重扰乱金融秩序、伪造货币以及银行和其他金融机构工作人员的职员犯罪等。从江苏省的情况来看,当前破坏金融秩序犯罪主要有以下几种类型:1.金融票据作骗。这类诈骗的主要手段有:假称国外财团或个人给我国提供低息贷款或资助,骗取银行部门提供出具有关证明、存款单以及信用证、担保函、承诺书、委托书等资信凭证,然后持上述凭证骗取资金;利用作废的、伪造的银行汇票、  相似文献   

郭泽强 《河北法学》2005,23(7):7-10
一般讲,金融犯罪是指发生在金融活动中,违反金融管理法规,破坏金融管理法规,依法应受刑罚处罚的行为。我国刑法主要按照行为方式的标准将金融犯罪分为两类,是一类以诈骗方法实施的金融犯罪,即刑法分则第三章第五节的“金融诈骗罪”,另一类是以其他方式实施的金融犯罪,即刑法分则第三章第四节的“破坏金融管理秩序罪”。其中,金融诈骗罪成为近年来金融犯罪研究的重中之重,甚至可以讲金融诈骗罪是金融刑法的灵魂。然而,学界及实务界的同志对金融诈骗罪的一些问题尚未达成共识,一定程度上影响了金融诈骗罪的司法适用效果,本文拟对其中几个疑难…  相似文献   

全国人大常委会1995年6月30日通过的《关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定》(以下简称《决定》),是惩治伪造货币和金融票据诈骗、信用证作骗、非法集资诈骗等破坏金融秩序的犯罪,维护金融秩序,保障市场经济健康发展的重要法律,该《决定》是对刑法的重要修改和补充.本文拟就其对刑法的修改、补充谈点个人认识.一、《决定》对涉及货币的犯罪行为进行了如下的修改和补充(一)扩大了犯罪对象《刑法》第122条规定的伪造国家货币罪和贩运伪造的国家货币罪,其犯罪对象仅限于人民币.随着对外  相似文献   

近年来,破坏金融管理秩序和金融诈骗犯罪案件的数量在逐年增加,危害后果越来越严重。各地法院在充分发挥刑事审判职能,运用刑罚严惩严重破坏金融管理秩序和金融诈骗的犯罪分子,维护金融秩序,防范和化解金融风险的过程中,遇到了大量的新情况和新问题。为此,最高人民法院下发了《全国法院审理金融犯罪案件工作座谈会纪要》(以下简称《纪要》),对于目前尚无明确司法解释、司法实践中又亟需解决的法律适用问题,提出了明确、具体的处理意见。  一、关于单位犯罪  单位犯罪的认定。  《纪要》根据刑法第三十条和最高人民法院《关…  相似文献   

《关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定》对货币犯罪的补充和修改万选才1995年6月30日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过了《关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定》(以下简称《决定》)。其中,第一条至第五条对《刑法》第一百二十二条所规定的货币犯罪进...  相似文献   

关于破坏金融秩序罪的几个问题侯国云1995年6月30日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第14次会议通过的《关于惩治破坏金融秩序犯罪的决定》(以下简称《决定》),对各种破坏金融秩序的犯罪作了详细的规定。本文拟就《决定》中的一些问题作些阐述和研究,以求有...  相似文献   

Judith Van Erp 《Law & policy》2013,35(1-2):109-139
Enforcement against corporate offenses is increasingly carried out by specialized regulatory agencies. These often use publicity as a regulatory tool, in the expectation that disclosure of sanctions will invoke the threat of reputational damage and broadcasts a moral message about desired behavior. This article investigates how media represent administrative offenses in the Dutch financial market, in terms of punitiveness for offenders and in terms of the message about the wrongfulness and harm of offenses. Media coverage of administrative fines is messy in several senses. First, adverse publicity is unpredictable and disproportionally affects small firms in comparison with large, professional firms. In addition, it is also messy in terms of its contribution to the prevention of corporate misbehavior. Media do not unequivocally disapprove of financial market offenses. Rather than clarifying the demarcation line between right and wrong, media describe financial market behavior as a grey zone where differences of opinion can exist over whether certain behavior constitutes an offense. More than a publicity sanction or moral message, media was found to frame offenses by retail banks and capital market firms in terms of the power struggle between firms and the regulatory authority.  相似文献   

近年来,我国活跃的刑事立法中呈现出法定最高刑为一年有期徒刑以下(含拘役)的微罪类型,这在我国刑罚结构明显趋重的刑法体系中显得尤为特殊。我国刑罚附随后果的严重性和广泛性,使微罪在司法适用中受到了质疑,其中最为明显的当属醉酒驾驶型危险驾驶罪。微罪的正当性建立在法益保护原则以及比例原则的基础上。在立法设计方面,微罪入刑应当严守“非实害犯”的界定,并以故意这一主观要件对刑事可罚性予以限制;同时应配置轻缓化的处遇措施,注重与行政处罚的衔接。在司法适用方面,微罪一律起诉、一律判刑的思维不可取。为实现个案公正,应当充分发挥现有刑事诉讼制度框架内的相对不起诉制度功能,并激活我国《刑法》第37条定罪免刑条款,以达到微罪的轻缓化处罚效果。  相似文献   

Data on 552 child maltreatment cases in South Korea involving convictions, including child physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect, were analyzed in order to compare 259 offenses committed by male offenders with 293 offenses committed by female offenders. Relative to cases involving female offenders, male offenders both had a higher number of criminal convictions and were more likely to have previously abused their victims. By contrast, female offenders were more likely to have had financial difficulties, while their victims were significantly younger compared to male offenders. Male offenders were more likely to strike the victim, either manually or with an instrument, particularly a blunt instrument, whereas female offenders were more likely to pinch or bite their victims. The findings can aid social workers and medical personnel in recognizing the signs of child maltreatment and identifying at-risk children more effectively, helping to employ timely interventions and prevent the reoccurrence of child maltreatment.  相似文献   

条款的模糊性是《TRIPS协议修正案》最主要的缺陷。WTO成员方可以任意解释《TRIPS协议修正案》,从而造成各WTO成员方实施《修正案》的措施不一致,WTO成员方也可规定一些不利于《TRIPS协议修正案》实施的国内措施,给《TRIPS协议修正案》的实施带来了很大的困难。明确和完善有关条款,限制WTO成员方任意解释权力,推动《TRIPS协议修正案》的认可和实施确有必要。本文建议在TRIPS协议末尾增加第74条至第84条,以作为TRIPS协议的第八部分  相似文献   

随着刑事立法的日趋活跃,采“分则立法模式”的竞合条款日益呈现“立法肥大症”,可考虑将竞合条款(尤其是想象竞合从一重处断条款)进行总则化改造。就新增竞合条款的理解与适用而言,作为想象竞合表征的从一重处断条款,其适用关键是“一行为”与“数法益”的判断;新修正的我国《刑法》第229条第2款,标志着立法者对牵连犯现象的进一步肯认,其适用以客观上存在牵连关系、主观上具备牵连意图为限;新增的数罪并罚条款(第280条之二第3款),则存在修正程序与实体内容两方面的瑕疵,应将其视为想象竞合数罪并罚的“拟制规定”加以适用。  相似文献   

Using social disorganization, broken windows, and routine activities theories as guides, this study considered how perceptions of crime in the neighborhood influenced business owners' decisions on the use of various crime prevention (guardianship) strategies. The analysis revealed that perceptions of a crime problem were influenced by the presence of disorder. Drug offenses and vandalism were particularly tied to disorder with drug offenses more often related to guardianship strategies than other offenses. In addition, several strategies were used as prevention measures counter-intuitively for crimes not affected by these strategies, suggesting the need for increased awareness and training for business owners on effective guardianship strategies.  相似文献   

Sex offenses, particularly those against children, have always been viewed negatively in society. A large portion of these offenses are committed by children against children. Most state legislatures focus on punitive measures when dealing with juvenile sex offenses, yet few place treatment on equal ground. Treatment has been shown to be effective in reducing the rate of recidivism of juvenile sex offenders. Juvenile sex offenders that participate in treatment have shown lower recidivism rates than adult offenders or untreated juvenile sex offenders. This Note advocates that states adopt legislation based on a successful statute in Colorado that creates a sex offender management board consisting of a multidisciplinary treatment team for juvenile sex offenders' treatment while requiring parental involvement in treatment as “informed supervisors” when the team deems it appropriate.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Sex offender treatment on juveniles has been successful in reducing recidivism, as juveniles are more receptive to treatment than adults.
  • Supervision and treatment of juvenile sex offenders would be more effective if parents or guardians are involved in the juvenile's sex offender treatment.
  • States should adopt legislation based on the Colorado model that creates a sex offender management board and multidisciplinary team to supervise the treatment of juvenile sex offenders and requires appropriate parental involvement in the treatment as “informed supervisors”.

This study, which used a prospective as well as a retrospective methodology, examined the criminal records of 30 child molesters prior to, and up to 10 years after an index event of sexual abuse for which they were convicted: 73% had convictions for other offenses, 60% had convictions for offenses other than sex offenses, 50% had convictions for property offenses, 27% had convictions for offenses involving violence, and 23% had convictions for drug offenses. Offending levels for nonsex offenses were significantly higher than the general adult male population. Any theory concerning the dynamics of sex offending against children needs to account for the level of nonsex offenses committed by child molesters.  相似文献   

As part of the penal code revised in 1969, the Federal Republic of Germany increased its reliance on fines, including the introduction of day-fines, in lieu of short-term imprisonment for minor offenses. The previous trend toward the use of fines was accelerated by the requirement that courts order imprisonment only in exceptional cases. Traffic cases were particularly affected. The qualities of the offense and the absence of previous offenses, rather than an individualized study of the offender, continued to be the dominant criterium influencing the choice of a fine. The chief effect of day fines was higher amounts applied to the more affluent defendants; the amount of the fine appeared to have no effect on subsequent recidivism. For first offenders, fines were superior to imprisonment in avoiding reconviction. Day-fines were no more effective (but not less effective) than imprisonment in the instance of traffic offenses. Fines were superior to other sanctions for petty property offenders but not for career thieves.  相似文献   

GEORGE W. KNOX 《犯罪学》1981,18(4):481-501
Recent studies of the police have tended to stress the small role played by the police in the discovery and detection of offenses, and correspondingly, the dependence of the police on the public. The article focuses on the difficulties faced by the police where offenses occur in private or, at least in low-visibility areas, and suggests six strategies that the police use in order to overcome this initial disadvantage, strategies which in many cases may be sources of controversy .  相似文献   

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