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政府购买养老服务的公共政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养老服务供需矛盾推动了养老模式的变革,政府购买养老服务实现了治理理念和服务模式的创新。政府购买养老服务政策要实现预期效果,离不开公共财政的投入、社会各方的支持,需要养老服务市场的培育、非政府组织的发展,也需要老人及其家庭转变养老服务消费观念。  相似文献   

中国政府为改善农民工就业和生活环境提供了一系列公共服务,但这些服务却长期存在供给不足、效率低下、质量不高、效果不佳等问题。为此,各地政府不断创新公共服务供给模式,其中政府购买农民工服务模式不仅有效提升了农民工服务的供给水平,而且促成了农民工政策的积极转型及其治理效能的充分发挥。中国政府与学界应当以购买服务为视角,加强对农民工政策及公共服务的基础研究和实践探索,同时联合社会各界力量大力培育服务农民工的社会组织,扩大农民工服务购买目录并提高供给质效,加强和完善对购买服务模式的评估监督,从而切实构建农民工服务的社会治理格局,充分满足农民工群体对公共服务的多样化需求。  相似文献   

政府购买公共文化服务作为一种国家社会治理创新的模式,是在相关理论与实践的跟进推动下产生和发展的。近年来,伴随我国文化事业的改革力度不断加强,公共文化服务供给的社会化步伐亦不断加快,无论是在数量还是质量方面都有了较大的提升。由于起步探索时间较短,政府购买公共文化服务在政策引导、模式选择、绩效评估等方面仍存在薄弱环节,难以适应当前文化领域供给侧结构性改革的需要。因此,在对当前政府购买公共文化服务的价值必要性和所面临的现实困境进行系统分析的基础上,以供给侧思维为引领来探讨政府购买公共文化服务在我国的提升与推进路径具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

作为政府转变文化职能的政策工具,政府购买公共文化服务可以满足民众多元化与个性化的文化需求,但也存在诸多风险。从公共文化服务链视角分析,发现其在需求链、供给链、治理链与评估链上分别存在购买内容偏差风险、逆向选择和垄断风险、寻租风险与评估形式化风险。为此,需采取针对性的治理策略:科学分析与精准定位公共文化需求,构建服务受众文化需求矩阵;促进文化类社会组织发展,营造竞争性的购买环境;完善购买合同管理制度,建立责任追究机制;建立购买服务绩效评估机制,引入第三方评估。  相似文献   

政府向非营利性组织购买服务是当前政府实行简政放权和治理变革的实践尝试和制度设计,更是加强公共服务供给能力、加快社会事业转型的重要路径选择,对当代中国政社关系的调整与社会治理体制的转型意义重大。本课题以地方政府购买非营利组织服务情况的实际案例为基础,剖析非营利组织参与社会服务的结构性原因及其相关政策的探索过程,梳理本土社会服务供给的流程建构过程,以期对社会治理体制改革与政府购买服务政策设计的合理化、规范化和科学化提供参考。  相似文献   

在全面深化改革的背景下推动政府购买服务,是政府转型的必要要求——有利于提高政府绩效和政府能力,也有利于推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。当前政府购买服务面临的困境主要有:(1)政府购买在制度化、竞争性和独立性等方面还没有做到位;(2)政府购买服务的评价和监督体系不完善;(3)社会组织能力有待提高;(4)政府购买主体和承办主体对政府购买服务仍然心存疑惑。实践证明,当前通过政府购买服务来达到提升政府公共服务能力和工作效率、降低服务成本、解决权力寻租问题的目的,还有很多工作要做。  相似文献   

本文借鉴物品和服务的连续体思想及政府角色的相关理论,通过对行业协会服务属性和政府供给公共服务方式的分析,结合我国政府与行业协会合作提供服务的现状及各地实践,论证了政府购买行业协会服务的内在机理。进一步指出政府购买行业协会服务的改革实践对我国的借鉴意义,以创新政会合作新形式,推动政府与行业协会关系的重新定位,促进政府职能转变,推动公共服务供给的多元、优质、高效及行业协会的健康发展。  相似文献   

政府购买社会组织服务在扩大公共服务供给规模、降低公共服务供给成本、提高公共服务供给质量和效率等方面有积极作用。目前政府向社会组织购买社会服务存在规制、机制等缺陷,社会组织自身也存在服务能力和水平缺陷。要从建立健全相关制度、建立完善相关机制、培育和扶持社会组织的发展等途径,推动政府购买社会组织社会服务向规范化、程序化和制度化发展。  相似文献   

英美等发达国家向社会组织购买服务具有购买服务范围广泛、购买服务模式以协作伙伴关系为主、法律体系健全、购买机制完备等特点。相比较而言,我国政府向社会组织购买服务存在购买范围较为局限、购买模式以非竞争购买为主、法律体系和购买机制还不完善等问题。未来我国政府向社会组织购买服务的范围应根据服务特性与社会组织能力等因素确定,建立政府与社会组织合作供给服务模式,完善政府购买服务的相关法制、机制设计。  相似文献   

政府购买公共服务是政府提供公共服务的一种新理念、新方法,它有利于实现政府职能的转变,有利于提高公共服务的供给效率,也有利于促进社会组织的发展。积极推进这项改革,需要树立服务型政府理念,健全政府购买公共服务制度,完善监督和评估机制,促进社会组织的发展,同时也需要为其营造良好发展环境。  相似文献   

地方利益冲突已是我国社会矛盾的一大焦点。建设好地方服务型政府,有效化解地方利益矛盾是加强社会管理创新,实现社会和谐稳定的理性选择,是我国政府转型的重要价值取向。目前我国地方服务型政府构建面临诸多困境:"服务为民"理念缺失;公共服务市场化滞后,公共服务供给效率偏低;政府部门利益与社会公共利益不协调;政府绩效管理评估机制不健全等。重塑"公民本位"、"服务为民"服务理念;推进公共服务市场化改革,提升地方政府服务供给水平;健全公民有序参与机制,防止公共权力异化;健全地方政府绩效评估机制;实现"政府本位"回归"社会本位";提高公务员综合素质,建立地方服务型机关等是建设地方服务型政府的基本发展理路。  相似文献   

由于生产要素的跨区域流动以及政府某些行为的外部效应,地方政府辖区间衍生了大量公共服务协作提供问题。这些问题依靠单个地方政府往往难以解决,必须寻求毗邻地区地方政府的集体协商与合作治理。地方政府间公共服务协商提供是指由各地方政府、部门或其他社会参与者构成的协商主体,围绕一定的合作议题,运用一定的协商手段,协商提供公共服务。长三角地区地方政府间公共服务合作走在全国前列,探索其协商提供公共服务所取得的经验,可为其他地区提供参考。  相似文献   

地方政府是公共服务提供的主导者,公共服务的均等化已经成为我国在新世纪的重要战略目标。10年来,地方政府公共服务支出增长速度非常快,一个地区公共服务支出总量和经济发展水平密切相关;公共服务支出占一般预算支出的比例基本变化不大,地方政府间存在模仿性策略行为;国家的转移支付,对西部地区均等化起到很好的作用,但是对于中部和东部来说,作用不明显,甚至有“劫富济贫”的倾向;从区域分析来看,四大区域公共服务均等化进一步加强,东部与东北地区公共服务优势缩小,西部地区得到改善,中部地区一直处于不利地位。因此,迫切需要建设公共服务型政府,加大公共服务投入,优化支出结构;建立以公共服务产出为导向的转移支付制度;增强中央政府公共服务供给责任,以基本需求战略为核心,建立公共服务全国最低标准;整合市场与社会的力量,形成多元化供给的格局。  相似文献   

Abstract: Canadian local governments continue to rely on private contractors to produce services for their residents. A key expectation for those who contract out services is that unit costs will be lower than the costs incurred if public crews and equipment produced the same service. A principal reason for expecting lower costs is the assumption that private contractors are exposed to competition that induces companies to operate with mixes of capital, labour and technologies that are more efficient. This article compares public and contracted private production of residential solid‐waste collection in 327 local governments across Canada. Three complementary hypotheses that are grounded in the theory and research on local public economies are tested. The findings generally support contracting‐out as a way to reduce unit costs, although substantial public‐private differences occur only in communities less than 10,000 population. Further, where communities have divided up their residential solid‐waste collection between public and private producers, overall costs are lower than national averages, and contracted companies are substantially less costly than their public counterparts in the same local governments. Finally, in communities that have contracted out this service, the competitiveness of the bidding practices affects unit costs. Local governments that bid the service competitively enjoy a cost saving compared to those that renew their contract with the existing company.  相似文献   

Local governments are constantly disturbed by land finance about the supplying effectiveness of basic public services. With the steady deepening of the financial reform, this disturbance has reverse effect on the local government reform process. Through literature review of existing land finance and public service, this research constructs the relational theory model of land finance and product supply of basic public services, in order to theoretically interpret the relations between land finance and economic or non-economic public service products, for better distinction. With the aid of random and fixed effect model regression analysis, this paper clarifies the significant impact of land transfer and financial autonomy for the supply of basic public services. Furthermore, with the robustness test, it is found that increasing land finance basic public service provision would generate negative external tropism. Therefore, we suggest proper adjustment of the relationship between the central and local land fiscal configuration, optimizing the structure of land tax, enhancing fiscal autonomy of local governments, and promoting the reform of land finance, for the effectiveness of basic public service provision.  相似文献   

府际合作组织形式的松散化和低制度化成为制约地方政府进行深层次合作的一个重要因素。通过地方政府的权力让渡而成立的区域协调董事会制度不仅能够使得地方政府的合作机制稳定化,而且还能够参与某些区域内公共问题的治理和公共产品的提供,从而促进地方政府之间的深层次合作。  相似文献   

网络舆论的日益发展和兴起给地方政府带来了新的挑战和考验,网络舆论引导成为地方政府面临的新课题。尽管地方政府非常重视网络舆论引导,但在重视程度和引导效果方面依然存在差距,普遍存在网络舆论引导效果不彰的问题。因此,不断增强地方政府网络舆论引导性的有效性是各级地方政府亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The New Public Management emerged in the 1980s, and with it, alternative service delivery (ASD) mechanisms, which removed service delivery from the public bureaucracy and separated policy making from policy implementation. Most western governments implemented measures including privatization or contracting out of service delivery to the private sector. By the mid‐1990s, many governments started reversing ASD policies and sought new ways to deliver services, leading to a mixed model approach to service delivery, which combines the benefits of the public and private sectors. We examine the adoption of the model in the Canadian municipalities of Hamilton and Ottawa to determine if and how it enhances competition, cost‐savings, efficiency, effectiveness, and good governance in the delivery of public services, during an era of fiscal constraint. Our findings indicate the model is better in enhancing the five variables when compared to solely public or private services delivery.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper argues that the study of public administration needs to be reoriented to assist governments, in particular our public services, to meet new challenges. The paper suggests that our public services are facing nothing short of a crisis situation. Public bureaucracies are under attack everywhere, even at times by the political masters they seek to serve and by those who in the past urged governments to intervene in the economy. The Westminster model that underpins the work of our public services is also being transformed in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways. In addition, governments everywhere are being pressed to do more with less and public servants are being asked to manage government operations more efficiently. The paper suggests that, as presently constituted, our public administration programs in Canadian universities are of limited help to public administrators. Policy issues dominate the agenda of our public administration programs far too much. The paper calls for a return to the work of the pioneers of Canadian public administration. It also calls for new studies in public management and suggests ways in which this could be accomplished. Sommaire: Cet exposé soutient qu'il faut réorienter I'étude de I'administration publique pour aider les gouvernements, et plus particulièrement les fonctions publiques, à relever de nouveaux défis. L'auteur avance que les services publics font face à une crise. Partout, les bureaucraties publiques font I'objet d'attaques, aussi bien de la part des politiciens qu'elles s'efforcent de servir que de ceux qui ont autrefois incité les gouvernements à intervenir dans I'économie. Le modèle de Westminster, qui sous-tend l'activité de nos services publics, subit lui aussi des transformations tantôt subtiles tantôt radicales. De plus, les gouvernements sont partout contraints à faire davantage avec moins de ressources, tandis que les fonctionnaires sont poussés à assurer les activités gouvernementales avec une plus grande efficacité.  相似文献   

Several Canadian and international scholars offer commentaries on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for governments and public service institutions, and fruitful directions for public administration research and practice. This second suite of commentaries considers the challenges confronting governments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in the decades to come with an increasingly broad lens: the need to understand and rethink the architecture of the state given recent and future challenges awaiting governments; the need to rethink government-civil society relations and policies to deliver services for increasingly diverse citizens and communities; the need for new repertoires and sensibilities on the part of governments for recognizing, anticipating, and engaging on governance risks despite imperfect expert knowledge and public skepticism; how the COVID-19 crisis has caused us to reconceive international and sub-national borders where new “borders” are being drawn; and the need to anticipate a steady stream of crises similar to the COVID-19 pandemic arising from climate change and related challenges, and develop new national and international governance strategies for fostering population and community resilience.  相似文献   

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