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翻译的忠实性问题伴随着翻译史的发展而不断被提出。传统译论在这个问题上 ,从文本内部出发 ,要求译者全面忠实地再现原文文本。而这种认识忽视了忠实这个概念本身具有的模糊性 :忠实于原作者和出发语还是忠实于本国读者和目的语。并由此引出了有关翻译策略与方法 ,如再现原文形式还是原文内容 ,采用归化还是异化 ,直译还是意译的方法的争论。本文认为要正确理清这些矛盾 ,单埋头于文本本身是难以道明的 ,还必须拥有一种宏观的外部的视角对翻译进行分析。因为翻译活动是人的一项有目的的实践活动 ,译者的主体性是不容忽视的。忽视翻译的目的…  相似文献   

对比分析《中华人民共和国节约能源法》的中方译本和美方译本发现,中国译者和美国译者在法律文本的词、句、语篇等各个层面均采取了不同的翻译策略或手段,足以突显法律文本翻译中译者的主体性。主体性的发挥要受到政治、意识形态、文化等因素的影响,而立法文本翻译中译者所扮演的主体性角色反过来又会促进或影响翻译目的的实现。  相似文献   

译入语读者相对于源语读者出现的认知空缺构成了文学翻译中叙事理解与重构的最大障碍。译者要对译入语读者的认知框架作出有效预判,以便选择适当方式对认知空缺进行补偿,从而保证读者对叙事的连贯解读,并体现翻译的认知建构价值。对翻译再叙事进行连贯性与忠实性评估,可保障译文中认知空缺的建构性补偿获得认知叙事上的信度和效度。本文将认知叙事学的相关理论引入翻译研究中,试图探究读者对文本进行叙事解读时的认知机制,从而为文学翻译中的认知补偿提供合理的解释力。  相似文献   

词汇对等与否是译者进行翻译时面临的一大挑战,本文从词汇的特征、意义、对等物、及其翻译策略出发,提出译者应具备一定的翻译能力,考虑源语与目的语中词汇法律用途的语境层面与语用层面,以实现最优交际效果.  相似文献   

世界知识产权组织广播版权条约受质疑 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)版权与邻接权常设委员会6月上旬于日内瓦讨论了《关于保护广播机构条约》的建议文本,但是民权组织抨击该条该建议所设想的那样以有形形式固定下来。另外,该建议禁止未经许可解码任何广播机构已编码的节目信号,践踏了版权法允许的消费者的合  相似文献   

众所周知,译者学术背景和生活阅历的殊异,翻译政策和标准的不同,在很大程度上左右了译者的翻译行为、选材标准和翻译策略。1983年美国民间学者赤松翻译的《寒山歌诗集》,是该诗集在英语世界出现的第一个全译本。译者对于源语文本的细腻考证、散体化翻译策略的确定以及译本加注手段的运用为寒山诗在英语世界的传布、接受与经典化奠定了坚实的基础,使中国文学史上的边缘诗人寒山和及其名下的那些寒山诗在国际汉学界、比较文学界和翻译界都赢得了巨大的文学名声。  相似文献   

目的以法律语言学为视角,通过测试语用、语篇语义以及语篇信息文本特征值对文本作者的判别能力,探究短文本作者鉴别或同一认定的方法。方法采用实验、语篇分析和统计的方法,对4位作者的28篇微博(每人7篇)共11种组合形式(二人组、三人组和四人组)逐一进行了文本特征值的测试和文本作者的判别分析。结果从语用、语篇语义学以及语篇信息领域抽取的5个特征值的不同组合对4名作者的所有11种判别组合都能进行显著区分,判别正确率达到85.7%~100%。结论基于4位作者微博文本的判别分类器已经建立并可以继续推演用于其他短文本作者的鉴别分析。  相似文献   

网络晒客的传播学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年流行的网络"晒客"以分享为目的,通过丰富的文本编码意义,加强了公民间的信息互动,并成为一种新兴舆论监督方式。  相似文献   

姚静 《刑警与科技》2014,(21):149-151
“安防也来了个‘小苹果’” 科技发展,日新月异.近日,让各行各业翘首期盼的H.265也低调地来了,苹果发布支持H.265编码解码的iPhone6.其实,对于科技爱好者来说,H.265并不陌生,早在两年前爱立信就推出了首款H.265编解码器.使用H.265编码解码的一个巨大优势是仅需目前主流编码视频一半的比特率,就可提供同等质量的视频.有专家称,“在带宽非常宝贵的移动视频通话领域,采用H.265编码解码会带来很大的优势”,但更深层次地来看,H.265影响的不仅是视频通话,其所属的视频领域更几乎是影响着世界,对于安防来说,其“无所不能”超低码率必将成为未来安防监控的主流.  相似文献   

文学翻译的目的何在?仅为了向读者介绍作品的故事情节,还是通过阅读这些作品,让读者了解名著中所包含的深刻思想内涵以及原文作者的本意?大凡严肃的译者都以后一种目的为追求.尤金·奈达提出"翻译,即译意",这句名言明确了翻译的使命所在.因为原文作者的本意是译作的根本.离开了这一根本,译者的创作就表现出一种随意性,就会造成原作意义的流失.  相似文献   

This paper aims to make an anti-canonical reading of the avivak?itavācya-variety of dhvani conceptualized by the ninth century Sanskrit literary critic ānandavardhana in his seminal work Dhvanyāloka. In this paper, I argue that avivak?itavācya-dhvani opens up a signifier to new significations that are not conventionally associated with it through a process of deterritorialization. In any language, convention functions as a structuring mechanism upon a signifier by clearly demarcating a rigid semantic ambit for it. By the term ‘conventional semantic ambit’, I mean the boundary of signification set by convention for each signifier. The primary problem associated with the imposition of a definite territory upon a signifier is that it prevents an individual signifier from representing any new significations that are not conventionally attached to it. For example, in the conventional semantic ambit, the word ‘cat’ cannot represent the idea of a ‘dog’. In the act of mapping a fixed territory for each signifier, convention also structures the individual-user of the language by forcing him or her to confine to a specific plan of dealing with signifiers. Thus, the individual user of language within a conventional semantic ambit is rendered absolutely passive, as s/he has nothing new to contribute or create, other than reproducing an always-already existing plan of functioning. It is precisely this structuring tendency of convention that gets challenged in ānanda’s avivak?itavācya-dhvani. Such a mechanism is definitely a liberating experience for both the signifier and the individual-users (both the author and the reader or speaker and listener) of the language who are forced to accept the signifiers in a specific fashion. Along with the exposition of avivak?itavācya-dhvani’s resistance to a signifier’s conventional semantic ambit, this paper also aims to conceptualize the figure of the reader that avivak?itavācya-dhvani anticipates for itself.  相似文献   

王丹阳 《金陵法律评论》2007,(2):143-147,153
文学翻译的过程同时也是创作文学作品的过程.文学翻译的性质决定了文学翻译的核心问题是努力做到全面实现译文的文学功能,即原文文学意境的传达,或者说原作文学效果的再现,译者应当把完善译文的文学功能作为自己的主要目标.因此,创作文学作品是文学翻译的根本任务,而译文则是作者和译者共同写作的结果.  相似文献   

形式主义的"创造/模仿观"重视文学作品中故事的构建方式,让读者关注叙事技巧、版面设计、文字游戏、特殊句式等形式特征,对文学翻译具有特殊的启示意义。它让文学译者摒弃传统"重意轻形"的翻译方法,关注原文的叙事技巧,努力传达原文的文字游戏、版面设计等形式特征,实现译文在形式与内容上与原文的对等。  相似文献   

文学意义问题在西方现代文论中占有非常重要的地位。本文分析了作者意图、作品意图和读者意图等文本意义存在的三个层面,阐述了这三个层面之间的关系,指出文学意义的实现依赖于作者、作品和读者之间的综合作用,对任何一方的忽略或过分强调,都不可能对文学意义有完整的理解。  相似文献   

In many, especially English, defamation cases,the court often speaks of ``the average reader',``the reasonable reader' or similar concepts,which does not refer to any flesh-and-bloodreader of the defamatory text, but is a type ofconstruct of what the court thinks would be thenormal reaction of a person to an allegedlydefamatory text. This concept is compared to asimilar phenomenon found in literary theory inthe persona of the implied reader, created bythe (implied) author as having a given set ofvalues which will lead to an appreciativeinterpretation of the literary work. The papercompares the parallel concepts in the twofields.  相似文献   

The essay seeks to single out, describe, and analyze the main semiotic features that compose the fundamentalist understanding of authoriality. Given a definition of authoriality as the series of semiotic dynamics that induce a reader to posit a genetic relation between an author and a text, the fundamentalist authoriality is characterized as displaying six main traits. First, centrality of the written text: in order to postulate a perfect coincidence between a transcendent intentio auctoris (intention of the author) and an immanent intentio lectoris (intention of the reader), fundamentalist exegetical and juridical hermeneutics must be anchored to a stable message, canonized into a written verbal text or into a corpus of written verbal texts. Second, fundamentalist authoriality rests on the assumption of the immutability and mono-centrism of the religious semiosphere that irradiates from the written text. Third, literalism, infallibility, and non-contradiction are attributed to the relation between the written text, its exegetical hermeneutics, and the pragmatic normative orders to which it gives rise. Fourth, fundamentalist authoriality rules out any potential duplicity of the operations that ‘extract’ meaning from religious texts. Fifth, the assumption of the immutability of the religious text leads to exclusion of any operation that might alter the form of both its expression and content, hence to stigmatization of translation. The sixth feature of fundamentalist authoriality encompasses all the previous ones: in fundamentalism, a religious text is not actually a text anymore, but a mirror, whose passive reflection of the exegete’s mind undermines the semiotic nature of the relation between the reader and the text.  相似文献   

Legal translation is viewed as “a category in its own right” (Weston in An English reader’s guide to the French legal system. Berg, Oxford, (1991, p. 2). It is a kind of translation of the language used for specific purposes (Zhao in J Transl Stud 4:28, 2000). Legal translation requires accuracy in relaying the substance of the message, while respecting the form thereof as well as the genius of the target language (Zhao in J Transl Stud 4:19, 2000; Sarcevic in New approach to legal translation. Kluwer Law International, Hague, 1997, p. 52). As generally accepted worldwide, precision is deemed of paramount importance in legal translation. With this in mind, the present paper deals chiefly with the concept of how legal translation can correctly be tested in order to ensure precision and validity for application and implementation. The paper will argue that the main goal of legal translation and the major criterion against which the precision of legal translation should be tested is to reproduce the same legal effect in the target text as that conveyed in the source text regardless of the method(s) used in the translation process.  相似文献   

法律解释者的主体性取决于作者、文本和读者等多种制约因素的互动。作者的权威性和体制性安排确保了文本的经典化和读者的信仰面向。文本权威的建立伴随着读者对作者权威的认同。读者在信仰作者和认同文本权威的方式之下去理解、解释和应用,反过来又强化了文本权威以及对作者的信仰。法律解释者主体性的妥当安置,应吸收后现代解释学的合理成分,反对其过度的诠释;应借鉴圣经解释学"解经"和"释经"的二过程法,适当回归古典解释学。  相似文献   

从翻译美学的角度论小说翻译中人物语言的审美再现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小说是通过塑造典型人物形象来反映现实生活的一种文学体裁。人物形象丰满与否,直接取决于人物个性化的语言。能否准确传译人物语言便成了小说翻译的关键。翻译过程中,译者应本着审美等值的原则努力再现小说中人物语言的审美价值。  相似文献   

DAVID DUARTE 《Ratio juris》2011,24(2):112-139
Assuming that legal science, specifically with regard to interpretation, has to provide the tools to reduce the uncertainty of legal solutions arising from the use of natural languages by legal orders, it becomes a central matter to identify, in this limited domain, the spectrum of semantic variation (and its boundaries) that language brings to the definition of a norm expressed by a norm sentence. It is in this framework that the present paper, analyzing norm sentences as a specific kind of speech act, examines the relation of the legal order to natural language rules, the limits of linguistic uncertainty, and alternatives of meaning as distinct possibilities of norms covered by the text (that are, because of this, still within what literal meaning is). Considering interpretation just as the linguistic decoding process, the reverse of the process of creating norm sentences, the paper also argues that subjects not connected with the relation between norm sentences and norms (mainly, normative defeasibility) are analytically distinct and should be removed from the field of language.  相似文献   

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