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张新海 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):103-106
警务模式是警务工作效率的关键,信息时代道路交通安全管理警务模式应因地制宜,建立以交通管理社区警务模式和信息主导警务模式并重,以信息主导警务模式为发展目标的当代警务机制。在交通安全管理实践中需要树立信息化理念,提高信息应用水平;突破技术难题,加快警务相关信息的大融和;创新警务管理机制.提升警务行动效率。  相似文献   

论美国社区警务的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏菲 《河北法学》2005,23(12):124-129
美国的社区警务理论研究成熟、实践经验丰富,是包括中国在内许多国家学习的对象。对美国社区警务产生的背景、主要理论依据、实践内容及评估评价做了细致而深入的分析。以期对我国社区警务建设提供一些新的认识与视角。  相似文献   

在国内国际的新形势下,开展跨区域警务合作成为许多国家的重要选择.在国内,为了抓紧整治社会治安问题、实现警力资源的充分利用,我国开展了多种跨区域警务合作.目前,中国跨区域的警务合作效果比较明显,但是仍有许多值得注意和提高改进的地方.在国际上,中国的力量越来越明显,彰显出了人口大国的风范.特别是作为一名公安大学生,更应该针对外在的形势并针对自身的特点,努力为国家警务合作作出应有贡献,努力成为一名合格的公安大学生.  相似文献   

余小琴 《政法学刊》2000,17(3):62-64
警务公开是当前公安队伍建设的必然选择。只有明确警务公开的意义、内容及保障,使民警对警务公开有一个全面的了解和认识,才能切实提高民警的执法水平。  相似文献   

魏琪 《政法学刊》2008,25(3):111-114
目前,我国的警务工作范围模糊、摊子太大,不仅使科学的警务模式不能正常地落实和运行,反而容易在推进警务改革的过程中造成新的浪费。公共警务工作目标的定向与定质,以及警务监控管理体系的集约化是公共警务发展的必然趋势。为此,提出了关于公共警务风格统一化,公共警务项目模块化.基层派出机构微型化和公共警务工作正规化等思考。  相似文献   

社区警务实践对非洲来说陌生也不陌生,因为在欧洲殖民主义出现在非洲之前,传统的非洲政治社会就一直致力于维持社区治安。欧洲殖民主义用疏远人民的殖民警察取代了非洲的社区警务模式。这种疏离在后殖民时代的尼日利亚继续存在,警务工作缺乏人民的参与。这种缺乏人民合作的情况产生了严重后果,即尼日利亚警察部队无法全面应对尼日利亚的各种安全挑战。尼日利亚政局总体平稳,但因社会、部族、宗教和政党矛盾引发的械斗、骚乱等群体性事件时有发生。随着尼日利亚现代社区警务的发展,社区成员与警方的合作对国内安全稳定至关重要。  相似文献   

随着视频监控系统、拍照手机、行车记录仪、执法记录仪等录影设备应用的普及,特别是移动网络、大数据和云计算技术的发展,视频技术已经成为新的社会治理手段和管控模式。视频监控系统已经广泛应用于社会治安防控、侦查、消防、交通、警卫、内保、指挥、督察等公安机关各个专业警种的警务工作中,视频警务已经发展成为一种新的警务模式。视频警务是视频技术在警务中的应用以及相应的警务模式。无论从实践还是理论方面,我们都应该建立视频警务概念,并探究其内涵和外延,为更新警务思想和改革警务模式注入新的理念,并为视频警务相关的课程和专业建设打下理论基础。  相似文献   

公安机关深化情报信息主导警务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧美国家在20世纪90年代开始探索信息化时代新的警务运作方式。经过10余年的探索,这种新的警务模式在英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等国家推行,实践效果显著。本文试对我国公安机关情报信息主导警务的现状进行分析,提出深化此项警务战略的措施。  相似文献   

近年来,围绕如何建立现代警务机制,我国警界在广泛借鉴欧美警务改革经验基础上,做了大量的理论探索和具体实践,取得了一定成效。目前,对现代警务机制虽然仍没有形成一个绝对权威的概念表述,但对其应该具备的基本内涵已有比较统一的认识,即现代警务机制具有“七化”:即执行理念现  相似文献   

一、肯尼亚社区警务出现的背景21世纪警务原则建立在认识到警察不再是社会法律和秩序唯一守护者的基础上。肯尼亚治安环境动态变化这一性质使警务工作成为一项复杂的职责。为了让肯尼亚国家警察局能充分应对这一挑战,肯尼亚迫切需要不断采取能够满足人民现在和未来新出现的安全需求的警务战略。  相似文献   

This article considers the development, growth and significance of private policing in a wider context. Section one suggests that the rebirth of private policing is associated with - and, in effect, demands - a change in the conceptual framework with which policing is analysed. While section one addresses the conceptual context of private policing, section two examines its theoretical context by considering various explanations for the post-war growth of commercial security. Moving from specific to general accounts, it is suggested that two explanations - one based upon sociological accounts of the development of modern societies, the other on genealogical accounts of developing mentalities - provide a crucial context for understanding contemporary changes in policing and governance. In the next section, two of these changes - the growing influence of risk-based policing and the increasing significance of diverse patterns of governance - are considered in the context of the fragmented forms of security provision (commercial, municipal, civil and state policing) which are prevalent today. A short concluding section offers some final thoughts on how these arguments impact on the governance of policing. One of the implications contained in this article is that the re-emergence of private policing needs to be considered not only as a problem, but also as an opportunity to identify and address critical questions of contemporary governance.  相似文献   

Campus law enforcement agencies (CLEs) are critical components of the criminal justice system; thus, how they organize is of special interest. CLEs are thought ideal for community policing, a strategy requiring organizational change, yet little research exists on CLE organizations or their use of community policing. This study examines community policing within CLEs and how it impacts organizational structures. The data were gathered in a national BJS survey of CLEs. Results indicated that community policing was only significantly related to formalization. Contrary to community policing mandates, community policing was related to more written policies. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate police cadets’ endorsement of the law enforcement style and the community policing style of policing at a time when both styles of police practices have received significant attention in China. The data used in the analysis were collected from a national police university in China featuring a large sample of 900+ cadets. The first research objective concerns the dimensionality of sentiments toward the two styles of policing among police cadets. The second is the identification of key factors associated with these styles. The principal findings are that police cadets do see the law enforcement style and the community policing style as two distinctive conceptual dimensions. Moreover, different factors are associated with endorsement of each of the two styles of policing. Policy implications of these findings are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

In this paper we endeavour to isolate the top ten innovations and developments that have occurred in policing in the last thirty years. We consider that each of them brought about a new mindset, pattern or trend into contemporary police practice. We have focused our attention on the last thirty years because it is during this time that we have both maintained a keen academic interest in the field. While we have focused our attention on the way in which each has affected Australian policing, we are cognisant of the fact that many of them had their roots in other settings long before Australian policy-makers adopted or adapted them.  相似文献   

近十年来。针对公安警务体制机制存在组织结构不合理、管理体制不顺畅、警务指挥链条过长、警务绩效低下等问题。我国多地进行了警务改革探索,形成了压缩层级型警务改革、整合功能型警务改革、创新理念型警务改革三种警务改革模式。然而这些警务改革或多或少都存在对西方警务理念的误读与盲从。导致改革中出现了一定的“水土不限”现象。要使警务改革取得实效,必须在找准我国警务改革存在问题的基础上,做好西方“主义”的引入与调适,才能再造出适应我国的优质高效的警务模式。  相似文献   

胡新祥 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):25-29
为保障我国经济社会转型构建稳定的社会治安环境,各地根据公安部提出的要求,各地公安机关正大力开展以民意引领警务机制创新的活动,应以就民意引领现代警务在创新理念、公安科学决策、执勤执法、治安行政管理、公共安全危机应急处置、社会公共安全风险评估和网络警务机制的建设中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

钟云华 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):30-36
透过文本、话语实践和社会实践三个向度,我们发现建国以来20次全国公安会议警政文本的核心话语经历了革命→治安→服务→稳定的发展演变过程,其演进是建国后三代政治精英治国理政话语的基本反映和重要支持。警政话语及其实践的发展流变始终围绕着政治合法性展开,而决定政治合法性建构的核心因素是经济社会变迁,因此,自觉地吻合、满足经济社会需要是警政话语及其实践的首要规定性。  相似文献   


The two core elements of community policing are community partnership and problem solving (Rosenbaum, 1994). A major challenge that continues for proponents of community policing is developing and evaluating programs in areas with diverse ethnic groups. While many agencies have successfully developed community policing programs, empirical evaluations of community policing are scarce in areas that include a variety of minority groups. This research explores the effectiveness of community policing by examining citizen satisfaction with local police. Analyses are conducted with data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics on Criminal Victimization and Perceptions of Community Safety in 12 United States cities. The results indicate that Whites and Hispanics have the most positive perceptions of police, while Blacks, Eskimos, Asians, and Pacific Islanders have negative perceptions of police.  相似文献   

Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) is a multi-ethnic Caribbean nation currently experiencing problems with disorder and violent crime. In response, practitioners have considered the merits of introducing broken windows policing. This article examines the literature on zero tolerance policing, also known as ‘broken windows policing,’ and explores the dangers of potentially harmful interpretations of this approach, particularly in the context of racial and political conflict in a developing society. It also explores whether broken windows can be effective in T&T, where there is social unrest and declining public support for police. Based on prior research, it is suggested that broken windows policing, when incorporated with targeted problem-solving approaches, could be successful in reducing crime in the short-term. Several problem-solving strategies that were effective in New York City and other American cities are also recommended. It is suggested that community-oriented policing strategies designed to increase citizens’ trust and confidence in police be properly implemented before the adoption of any of these problem-solving strategies.  相似文献   

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