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在法医实践中 ,一切和死因有关的问题都要求做出合理的解释。2 0 0 1年彭某 ,男 ,4 5岁 ,某公司经理 ,被人绑架后两天在一居民楼下发现其尸体。技术人员经过现场勘验发现 ;现场有多量血迹及捆绑用的包装绳 ,死者头部有钝器暴力损伤但系非致命伤 ,双手及脚有被捆绑痕迹 ,认定死因为高坠致胸腹内脏破裂死亡。死者家属认为彭某系被殴打后失去行为能力 ,应该是被人抛到楼下摔死的。因此本案便涉及到两个问题 :第一 ,头部受伤后是否有行为能力 ?第二 ,高坠形成是被人抛到楼下摔死还是自己形成 ?高坠死亡和生前入水窒息死亡在法医实践中一般都只鉴…  相似文献   

作者通过总结我室法医尸检复核鉴定案件,结合有关文献复习,对目前法医尸检工作中存在的问题进行了讨论,鉴于我国法医机构重叠,发展亦不平衡,本文窥见一斑提出一些看法。 1 损伤与疾病、医源性因素共存的鉴定 绝对致命伤与条件致命伤的鉴别,在法医病理诊断中常被忽视。损伤与死因的因果关系研究是法医学鉴定中最重要的课题,亦是审判人员对被告人定罪量刑的主要依据之一。  相似文献   

法医毒理学的主要任务是从生物检材中分析毒(药)物,并且推断毒(药)物浓度对死亡或行为能力的作用程度,结果解释是法医毒理学的最终目的。现代法医毒理学主要包括死后法医毒理学、滥用药物筛查和行为能力影响三个方面,由此探讨在进行结果解释时的诸多影响因素。进行法医毒理学的结果解释时应非常慎重,充分了解案情和调查结果,充分考虑毒(药)物的毒性、生物检材、药代动力学、体内再分布、药物交叉反应等多种因素,才能对案件作出较为准确的结果解释。  相似文献   

向平  沈敏 《中国司法鉴定》2011,(2):53-56,68
法医毒理学的主要任务是从生物检材中分析毒(药)物,并且推断毒(药)物浓度对死亡或行为能力的作用程度,结果解释是法医毒理学的最终目的。现代法医毒理学主要包括死后法医毒理学、滥用药物筛查和行为能力影响三个方面,由此探讨在进行结果解释时的诸多影响因素。进行法医毒理学的结果解释时应非常慎重,充分了解案情和调查结果,全面考虑毒(药)物的毒性、生物检材、药代动力学、体内再分布、药物交叉反应等多种因素,才能对案件作出较为准确的结果解释。  相似文献   

没有导致死亡的损伤,称为非致命伤。这类损伤只要原、被告双方明确,事实清楚。一般不需要侦查,多数由人民法院直接管理。法院受理后,大都需要法医对人体损伤的程度作出科学的分析和鉴定。因  相似文献   

杀人案件现场分析(以下简称现场分析)一直是我国公安机关法医的一项重要工作。大约1997年前后,公安部物证鉴定中心举办了多期法医现场分析培训班,开始探讨、介绍和普及现场分析方面的知识和经验。2001年,公安部物证鉴定中心组织召开了首届全国杀人案件法医现场分析交流会,开始有系统、  相似文献   

<正> 非致命伤严重程度的评定往往关系到案件的定性、以及影响到正确量刑。由于目前刑法中对这方面的规定不够具体,出版的法医著作或专论中对非致命伤的程度分类不统一、甚至混乱,致使司法人员对损伤程度的评定难以掌握、以至案件处理出现偏差。本  相似文献   

应对尸体非致命伤作出鉴定王剑司法实践中,法医仅对活体的损伤程度作出属重伤、轻伤、轻微伤的鉴定,而对于尸体大都是判明死因,推断致伤物、死亡时间等,同时对尸体上其他非致命伤作出描述;并不鉴定这些非致命的损伤程度。这种做法给处理数人伤害一人或数人互殴致人死...  相似文献   

Fei G  Yan JJ  Qin FM 《法医学杂志》2007,23(1):44-45
法医现场勘查是公安法医检案的一个组成部分,与痕迹现场勘查各有侧重。本文通过室内、野外、运动空间三类现场初步分析了法医现场勘查的要点。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实 1999年 12月公安部“宜昌会议”精神 ,帮助法医工作者掌握现场勘验取证的前沿技术和最新方法 ,提高法医现场勘验取证业务水平 ,从而对各类人身伤亡案件作出准确判断 ,对较疑难案件能够准确地为上级法医部门进一步鉴定分析提供勘查、取证和初检的所有材料。公安部五局委托中国法医学会 ,年内举办三期法医现场勘验取证技术“两新、三化”(取法医新技术、新方法 ,现场勘验取证程序化、规范化、标准化 )培训班。培训班将聘请具有高级职称的知名法医专家、教授讲课 ,学习结束时进行考试。经考试合格者 ,颁发中国法医学会《继续教育证…  相似文献   

One hundred and fifteen unselected autopsy cases of death from thermal effects and/or fire between 1990 and 1999 were analyzed with regard to time of death, signs of vitality at the scene of the fire, the manner and cause of death, and the extent of soft tissue loss. The cases represented approximately 6% of all autopsy cases at the Institute of Legal Medicine responsible for a catchment area with approximately 700,000 inhabitants. In 23 victims suffering burn injuries, death occurred during initial medical care or clinical treatment. The causes of death were primary respiratory arrest due to smoke poisoning or delayed shock caused by thermal injuries to the skin. Death occurred at the scene of the fatal event in 85 cases: eight cases exhibited no thermal effects; the cause of death in one of these cases was polytrauma incurred in a leap from a height; in seven cases there was poisoning due to smoke inhalation. The remaining 77 cases were characterized by signs of intensive thermal and/or fire effects. Clear signs of vitality (carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) in blood, inhalation and/or swallowing of soot) were found in 84.7% of the victims dying at the site of the fatal event. Of the 13 victims showing no signs of vitality at the scene, a cause of death could be determined in only seven cases; death in the other six cases remains unexplained. Quantification of the soft tissue loss revealed a possible correlation with the temperature and time course of heat exposure.  相似文献   

Four cases of fatal dog attacks are reported in 3 children aged 6, 10, and 11 years and in an infant aged 3 weeks. The cases were all characterized by extensive and mutilative stripping of soft tissues from the face and scalp, progressing to decapitation in the infant. The attacks were highly focused, involving 2 dogs in all but 1 case, with the area of trauma localized to the craniofacial region. The injuries resembled those found after postmortem animal depredation. The involvement of more than 1 dog may account for the severity of the injuries due to "pack" behavior. Deaths were due to exsanguination, air embolism, and decapitation. Necropsy examination of the attacking dogs revealed tissues from the victims in 2 of the animals' stomachs. These cases demonstrate the vulnerability of infants and young children to fatal dog attacks, with an unusual concentration of severe injuries to the head regions. Necropsy of the canine assailant, with collaboration between pathologists and veterinarians, is an important part of such investigations as it may provide information helping to establish the identity and ownership of the animal, along with trace evidence confirming that the dog was involved in the attack.  相似文献   

目的 研究美国马里兰州涉及电子武器(电击枪)死亡案件的特点,探讨其法医学鉴定要点.方法 收集2004-2009年美国马里兰州法医局鉴定的涉及电击枪死亡案件13例,案件均经详细的现场调查,尸体进行系统解剖,并进行全面的毒(药)物检测及组织病理学检验.从一般情况、电击枪类型及接触方式、毒物检测结果、死亡方式、死亡原因等方面...  相似文献   

目的对高坠案件进行统计分析,为相关鉴定研究提供参考。方法收集上海市浦东地区最近十年来记录有坠落距离的246例高坠案件,对人体损伤的特点进行比较分析。结果自杀高坠的高度显著高于意外高坠的高度(25.70m:13.98m);所有高坠中,头部损伤概率较高(75.2%),颈部损伤概率较低(6.5%);意外高坠的头部损伤概率高于自杀组(89.4%:75.2%)。结论意外高坠的死者比自杀高坠的死者更缺乏四肢对于头部的保护;过低的颈部损伤发现率提示国内法医工作者应该更加重视在高坠案件中的对于颈部损伤的检查。  相似文献   

In cases of acute fatal child abuse, certain injuries, including cutaneous blunt force trauma, skull fractures, subdural hematomas, intra-abdominal hemorrhage, and retinal hemorrhages are common and well described in the pediatric and forensic literature. These gross findings at autopsy, when taken into consideration with scene investigation and interviews with caregivers, may indicate both a clear manner and cause of death. In such cases, the discovery of additional pathologic changes attributable to older abusive injuries helps support a conclusion of death due to inflicted trauma. We discuss four cases of fatal child abuse in which acute blunt force abdominal trauma was the cause of death. In each of these cases, careful examination with proper sectioning and microscopy of select abdominal tissues revealed that the acute tissue trauma was superimposed on a background of older, healing injury. This older trauma was characterized by classic histologic elements of tissue repair, including fibroblast proliferation, early scar formation, increased vascularity, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages. Iron and trichrome stains were used to confirm the presence of hemosiderin and fibrosis in all four cases, but the recognition of fibroblast proliferation and a reactive vascular pattern was best seen on routine hematoxylin and eosin stains. The gross and microscopic autopsy findings, along with available investigative information, established the diagnosis of chronic physical abuse.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight non-fatal cases of TV related injuries were noted in San Diego in the 2 years prior to September 2008. We reviewed the scene, witness reports, past history, and autopsy findings from three fatal cases and distinguished them from abusive head trauma. The recent literature was also reviewed. Our fatal cases resulted from TVs falling on small children and causing severe head injury. The literature review showed increasing injuries and deaths relating to TV tip-over, TV stands and dressers. Most of the fatalities were head injuries in small children. The reporting methods may not be complete or accurate. Some authors in the literature review suggested preventive measures so as to decrease these injuries. Forensic scientists should become familiar with these injuries and measures so that they may communicate effectively with their communities.  相似文献   

Although seat belts significantly reduce the extent and severity of injuries sustained by motor vehicle occupants, seat belts are known to be associated with chest and abdominal trauma. Less commonly understood are severe neck injuries caused by the use of two-point automatic shoulder harnesses without concurrent use of a manual lap belt. Such injuries may include cervical spine fractures, craniocervical dislocations and rarely decapitation. Recognizing patterned injuries caused by seat belts and the ability to correlate autopsy findings with the circumstances surrounding the death will allow for correct interpretation of seat-belt related trauma. The four cases described detail fatal neck injuries as a result of improper seat belt use in which an automatic two-point shoulder harness was used without a manual lap restraint. In two of the cases, the victims were decapitated.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1997 the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Hannover Medical School examined 17 fatal autoerotic deaths. The incidence for the Hannover region was 0.49 cases per million inhabitants per year. The victims included 17 men with an average age of 36.8 years; a peak in the age distribution was seen between 20 and 29 years. Twelve of the men were found by friends or family in a domestic environment, while other situations in which the victims were found included the victim's own car, a hotel room, a canal embankment, a public parking lot as well as the holding cell of the youth detention center. The men were of varying socioeconomic status and held a number of different types of jobs or still attended school. Five of the men were found completely nude, while five were only undressed below the waist. Four men wore women's clothes and two were fully clothed with exposed genitals. Besides women's clothes, other objects found at the scene included various types of sexual aids, including ropes, chains, metal bars, locks, sex magazines, condoms, plastic bags, rubber items, etc. In four cases blood alcohol levels between 0.1 and 2.5 per thousand (urine alcohol levels between 0.2 and 2.5 per thousand ) were found. Toxicologic examination revealed chloroform, ketamine, a propane-butane gas mixture in one case each, and in two cases cocaine and morphine. Causes of death included central paralysis after strangulation (seven cases), asphyxiation (4), subarachnoid hemorrhage (2), intoxication (1), hypothermia (1), left heart failure (1), and drowning (1). The history, findings at scene, and autopsy findings and, in individual cases, other investigations are of utmost importance to accurately reconstruct a fatal autoerotic accident.  相似文献   

Motor vehicle accidental injuries are a frequent cause of death among young children and adolescents. The goal of this study was to compare patterns of injury between three capitals (Budapest, Vilnius, and Tallinn). Information on 190 fatal traffic accidents (69 pedestrians, 14 bicyclists, and 107 motor vehicle occupants) between 2002 and 2006 was collected from databases of medico-legal autopsies. The role of victims in accidents, the location of injuries, cause of death, survival period, and blood alcohol levels were evaluated. One-hundred and forty-one (74%) victims had a passive role in traffic as pedestrians, passengers in cars, or public transport. In victims who died at the scene, the rate of head injury was higher than in cases who received medical treatment (odds ratio = 2.58, CI = 1.2-5.55, p = 0.0127). These results underline the importance of postmortem studies to examine the pathomechanism of fatal traffic accidental injuries and to provide information for the prevention of road traffic accidents against children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Infant and early childhood death caused by environmental hyperthermia (fatal heat stroke) is a rare event, typically occurring in vehicles or beds. The aims of this study were to describe the demographics, circumstances, pathology, and manner of death in infants and young children who died of environmental hyperthermia and to compare these cases with those reported in the literature. Scene investigation, autopsy reports, and the microscopic slides of cases from three jurisdictions were reviewed. The subjects in 10 identified cases ranged in age from 53 days to 9 years. Eight were discovered in vehicles and 2 in beds. When the authors' cases were grouped with reported cases, the profile of those in vehicles differed from those in beds. The former were older, were exposed to rapidly reached higher temperatures, and often had more severe skin damage. The latter were mostly infants and were exposed to lower environmental temperatures. Hepatocellular necrosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation were reported in victims who survived at least 6 hours after the hyperthermic exposure. The consistent postmortem finding among nearly all victims was intrathoracic petechiae, suggesting terminal gasping in an attempt at autoresuscitation before death. The manner of death was either accident or homicide. Recommendations for the scene investigation are made.  相似文献   

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