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将真印文扫描后用彩色喷墨打印机打印的方法伪造印章印文,目前有上升趋势。结合一宗具体案件,研究该种伪造印章印文方法的特点与鉴定要点,供同行参考。  相似文献   

近年来关于扫描彩色喷墨打印伪造印文案件的检验报道不少,但把整个文件作为伪造对象的案件报道不多,现将扫描录入彩色喷墨打印伪造金融凭证的检验特点介绍如下。1案例资料2002年9月9日,武汉市某电子技术有限公司将日期为“2002年9月3日”、编号为0003730、价值3500万元的“企业注册资本(金)入资专用存款证明”第三联(红色联)送建行武汉市某支行验资时,工作人员发现“存款证明”上“中国建设银行武汉市某支行客户部”公章印文可疑,遂要求对该公章印文进行鉴定。检验对“存款证明”第三联上的公章印文与样本公章印文比对,印文特征反映较好,个…  相似文献   

目的利用激光显微共聚焦拉曼光谱仪对文书中常见的红色墨迹材料进行表征,研究该方法对红色墨迹材料的区分能力。方法在785nm激发波长,50倍物镜条件下,对49种红色印文,以及9种彩色喷墨打印和13种彩色激光打印的红色墨迹材料进行拉曼光谱表征。结果通过对71种墨迹样品的谱图进行分析,可以发现,红色印文墨迹、喷墨打印红色墨迹及激光打印红色墨迹的拉曼光谱间均存在差异,同时,拉曼光谱可将这三种墨迹材料分别进一步区分。结论显微共聚焦激光拉曼光谱可对红色墨迹材料进行有效表征和区分。这一方法可对红色印文墨迹进行识别,并且可实现对伪造印文文件的鉴别。  相似文献   

先将真实印文用扫描仪扫描后输入计算机,经过图像处理后用彩色打印机打印,从而伪造印章印文是近年来出现的一种新的、仿真程度较高的伪造印章印文方式.司法鉴定实践表明,这类伪造印文趋于专业化、技术化,且伪造的印文与真实印文相似度较高,依据传统的鉴定依据和方法难以鉴别真伪,甚至可能误导鉴定人员的判断.因此,本文指出,用色谱法对盖印印文和打印伪造印文的成分检测分析,从二者的溶剂和色料成分差异来判断其真实的形成方式,为科学的检验鉴定工作提供借鉴和依据.  相似文献   

介绍了利用数字图象处理技术剪贴伪造文件、变造签名、彩色打印伪造原始印文和签名等三种伪造文件的方法及其特点.数字图象处理技术能够克服许多传统伪造方法的"缺点",使伪造的文件达到较高的逼真度.讨论了数字图象处理技术的滥用引发的新问题.  相似文献   

一、印章印文的伪造方法。主要有以下几种: 1.单字组合法伪造印章,就是用单个的铅字或雕刻成的单字,按一定顺序印在文件上,或者将有关单字组合固定成活字印章,然后盖印到文件上。 2.漏印法伪造印文,就是用蜡纸等覆在真印文上,按真印文的样子用针尖在蜡纸上戳成小孔组成的文字线条,然后用油或油墨漏印成伪造的印文。 3.描绘复印伪造印文,就是把伪造文件复在真印文下边,然后再加修描。 4.部分伪造印文,就是利用真印文或真印文的一部分,经过加工改造成伪造印文。  相似文献   

当今的社会,科学飞速发展,各种新方法、新技术不断涌现,犯罪分子所采取的新的犯罪手段更是令人防不胜防。日前,我们成功地检验了多起利用打印机伪造印文进行巨额金融诈骗的案件,现就此类伪造印文的特点进行讨论。伪造印文所采用的复印机有全色复印机、双色复印机、单色复印机。伪造印文所采用的打印机是各种类型的激光打印机和喷墨打印机。复印或打印伪造的印文都是将原印文用墨水或墨粉转印到伪造文件上,与真印文相比它们都具有下述特征:(1)图文印迹平实、无抑压盖印痕迹复印或打印的印文是用墨水或墨粉喷涂在纸张表面形成的,纸…  相似文献   

利用激光刻章机雕刻、光敏印章机制印伪造印章印文是近年来出现的一种新的、仿真程度较高的伪造印章印文的方法。鉴定实践表明,这类伪造印章印文趋于专业化、技术化,且伪造的印章印文与真实印章印文的相似度较高。依据传统的鉴定依据和方法难以鉴别真伪,因此从该类伪造方法对其特点和鉴定依据、方法要点进行研究,尤其是对伪造形成方式及特点的研究,有助于科学的鉴定其真伪。  相似文献   

计算机打印法伪造印文的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机的日益普及,给人们的生活带来极大的方便,但同时也产生了一种新的犯罪,这就是计算机犯罪.本文通过一起实际案例,介绍运用计算机打印法伪造印章印文,以计算机为工具进行犯罪案件的识别和检验.1 案情简介1997年6月至1998年6月北京市某房屋管理修缮工程公司存在建设银行某分理处的巨额存款被人转走.北京市公安局立为特大金融票据诈骗案,开展侦查,随后将有关材料递交检验,要求确定38张中国建设银行转帐支票及建行结算业务收费凭证和空白凭证领用单等文件上的“北京市某房屋管理修缮工程公司财务专用章”和“张京来印”印文的真伪.经检验,发现上述检材中的可疑印文不是用印章直接盖印形成的,而是用扫描仪将真印文直接扫描到计算机中,然后再用彩色喷墨或激光打印机打印伪造形成的.  相似文献   

伪造印文检验一例石磊1995年7月,笔者受理了一起诈骗案的印文检验。案中被告人将偷来的省、市、县三级控办的真实印文制成印模,伪造小汽车控办证6份,诈骗现金20余万元,被骗单位持假控办手续进行挂牌落户时,有关部门均未察觉,其作案手段的伪装之巧妙,欺骗性...  相似文献   

The appearance of hard human tissue after thermal damage permits certain conclusions to be drawn with regard to fire parameters. In addition to morphological destruction, the change in color of dental tissues like enamel, dentine, and cement is also important. We studied teeth extracted from 330 human males and females under well-defined time and temperature conditions. Using the DIN and RAL color indexes, the color phenomenon was evaluated on the basis of the amount of glowing obtained when the teeth were heated. It is easiest to determine the color change in cement, as no calculus or hindering plaques are on the root surface. In addition to this, destruction of the tooth root takes place only during extreme combustion conditions. Determining the dentine color is more difficult and is possible only after the enamel splits. Also, the different dentine thicknesses hinders the observation of color. When the enamel was tested, it was found that the differences in color caused by high temperatures are unimportant. Moreover, the enamel burst into small particles. The effect we observed regarding the anthracite lustre using low temperatures was typical, and the best results were obtained in dental roots with eight color scales. All three dental hard tissues have in common that the variations in color appear regularly and successively according to ascending temperature or duration of time: natural dental color, black, brown, blue, grey, white, and pink. In these processes, the temperature and combustion time are inversely proportional to the velocity of color change. The literature is discussed that deals with temperature- and time-dependent color phenomena of dental hard tissues destroyed as a result of thermal damage.  相似文献   

目的通过彩色文件上的图文特征鉴别喷墨打印机的品牌。方法在体视显微镜下观察采用不同喷墨机理的惠普、佳能和爱普生三大品牌喷墨打印机打印的彩色图文。结果通过对彩色图文上六种墨迹形态特征的比较,发现三大品牌喷墨打印机打印的彩色图文存在明显差异。结论依据这六种特征对三大品牌的喷墨打印机进行鉴别。  相似文献   

The use of ortho- and para-phenylenediamine (OPD & PPD respectively) for the enhancement of fingerprints in blood has been investigated. Optimal pH conditions and H2O2 concentrations have been determined using UV/Vis spectroscopy. Both OPD and PPD are effective and less hazardous alternatives to the presently used 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) for the development of blood fingerprints, especially on porous surfaces. The orange color of OPD and the purple color of PPD offer alternative colors to the brown color of DAB and the light green color of ABTS for standing out against particular backgrounds. Both OPD and PPD can be used after ninhydrin treatment, but the reverse is not the case.  相似文献   

Clothing color and style are significant factors in impression formation in first-time dealings with strangers. Four common police uniform color schemes are evaluated for their influence on seven scales of impression formation with a sample of 737 citizens in a Midwestern city. Consistent with the previous literature, the all black color scheme was viewed most negatively on six of the seven scales. The light blue shirt and navy blue pants color scheme created the most positive impression on all seven scales. The implications of these findings for police-community relations and department uniform selection are discussed. Author Note: Richard R. Johnson is a doctoral candidate in criminal justice at the University of Cincinnati and a former police officer. He holds a B.S. in criminal justice from Indiana University and an M.S. in criminology from Indiana State University. Communications may be sent to 20 Ridge Dr., #208, Fairfield, OH 45014  相似文献   

魏森 《河北法学》2008,26(2):103-108
颜色商标是指用于指示不同产品和服务提供者、不受固定的外在轮廓限制的单一颜色和颜色组合。颜色商标的形式审查应特别关注申请人是否明确申请将纯粹的颜色注册为商标,以及在以颜色组合申请注册时,是否说明了不同颜色的比例和分布方式。实质审查的重点是显著性审查和功能性审查。  相似文献   

In forensic image processing, it is often important to be able to separate a feature from an interfering background or foreground, or to demonstrate colors within an image to be different from each other. In this study, a color deconvolution algorithm that could accomplish this task is described, and it is applied to color separation problems in document and fingerprint examination. Subtle color differences (sometimes invisible to the naked eye) are found to be sufficient, which is demonstrated successfully for several cases where color differences were shown to exist, or where colors were removed from the foreground or background. The software is available for free in the form of an Adobe Photoshop-compatible plug-in.  相似文献   

Laser detection of latent fingerprints on a white paper has been performed, previously. Ultraviolet fluorescence from various kinds of printer toner and ink used for home printers were measured to study fluorescence imaging of fingerprints on a color-printed white paper. The experimental system consisted of a nanosecond pulsed tunable laser and a cooled CCD camera. Excitation wavelengths are 230 and 280 nm. Fourteen printers consisting of three color laser printers, three color inkjet printers, five monochrome laser printers, two monochrome copy machines, and a color copy machine were tested. Toner and ink of most printers exhibited fluorescence in the region from 360 to 550 nm. In most cases, clear fluorescence images were obtained by time-resolved imaging with a band-pass filter and 280-nm excitation. However for toners from laser color printers that showed strong fluorescence, better results were obtained with 230-nm excitation. Latent fingerprints on a photograph page and a black-character page of a newspaper were also imaged.  相似文献   

Abstract: Literature regarding bone color is limited to determining location of primary and secondary dispositions. This research is the first to use bone color to interpret the sequence of events surrounding body disposition. Two scenarios were compared—bones buried and then exposed on the ground surface and bones exposed then buried. Forty juvenile pig humeri with minimal tissue were used in each scenario with an additional 20 controls to determine if decomposing tissue affects bone color. Munsell Color Charts were used to record bone color of surface and 2.5 cm cross‐sections. Results reveal five main surface colors attributed to soil, sun, hemolysis, decomposition, and fungi. Fungi on buried bones suggests prior surface exposure. Cross‐sections of strictly buried bones are identical to buried then exposed bone, stressing the importance of bone surface analysis. Cross‐sectioning may help verify remains have been exposed then buried. Decomposition of excess tissue creates minimal color staining.  相似文献   

Color determination of soil evidence is often done by visual comparison to soil color charts. A handheld spectrophotometer was tested with representative materials for its suitability for forensic soil characterization. Instrumental colorimetry provides accurate colorimetry with ~10-fold better precision than a soil color chart. The minimum sample size for accurate color determination was between 0.02 and 0.04 mg of fine soil for the specific instrument tested. Reporting colors in the L*a*b* space permits quantification of ΔE00, a measure of perceptible color difference, could enable objective quantification of small color differences and thresholds for forensic soil comparisons. A ΔE00 greater than ~ 3.5 to 6 likely indicates disparate soil sources in a forensic comparison, in the absence of confounding factors like sample alteration. Despite the superior precision of instrumental colorimetry, this approach is inappropriate for samples which are mottled at an inseparable scale, attached to a substrate, or too small for instrumental measurement.  相似文献   

目的根据已知的HIrisPlex-S色素推断SNP复合检测体系,在中国人群中进行色素表型推断及体系的适用性研究。方法基于SNaPshot平台,构建包含2个复合扩增检测体系的41重SNP色素特征推断体系41-Plex。使用来自中国7个不同地域人群的200个无关个体DNA样本进行体系的准确性测试。通过人工表型分类读取眼睛及头发颜色;通过色素测量仪检测皮肤颜色,并计算个体类型角(individual typology angle,ITA)的数值对肤色进行分类。随后,使用在线推断模型(https://HIrisPlex.erasmusmc.nl/)进行每个样本的色素表型推断并计算准确率和受试者工作特征曲线下面积(the area under the receiver characteristic operating curve,AUC),根据对实验室参与者实际肤色表型的视觉认知,对手臂和脸颊ITA肤色分类标准进行了不同的调整并分别计算AUC值。结果该体系对棕色眼睛颜色推断准确率为97%,对黑色头发颜色推断准确率为100%。在尝试多种肤色分类方法后,得到相对较高的AUC值为:白肤色0.831、中间肤色0.661、深肤色0.641和较黑-黑肤色0.768。结论41-Plex色素推断体系可初步应用于中国人群色素表型推断及疑难案件样本检验中,为案件提供侦查线索。  相似文献   

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