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正北京市惠诚律师事务所成立于1998年,2002年改制为合伙制大型综合性事务所。过去数年间,惠诚律师在知识产权、招投标、金融证券、房地产、国际贸易、法律顾问等业务领域均取得了优秀的业绩。目前在上海、天津、南京、沈阳、西安、郑州、南通、昆山、常州、济南、东莞、宜宾、成都、武汉、深圳、苏州设有16家分所。优惠的分配比例,遍布全国的服务网络,高标准的内部管理,不断开拓的业务领域,期待您及您的团队加盟。  相似文献   

连续多年,民国研究已成庙堂江湖的显学、热学,举凡教育、文化、政治、经济、军事、名媛、名士,几被搜罗一空,但滋味难辨。盖因作者爱自说自话,叙史当演义作,一厢臆想中复活历史,其中人物、事件虽活泼、毕肖,文学想像的成分泛滥,难免泥沙俱  相似文献   

德华  李平 《检察风云》2007,(15):20-22
以"老窖"、"国窖"蜚声中外的中国著名酒城四川省泸州市,它的城西新区原是华阳乡飞跃三队一片寂凉的农用土地,经过近十年的开发,现在已经变得光彩斑斓、气象万千:街道纵横交错、宅区星罗棋布,广场、商场、宾馆设施齐全,博物馆、图书馆、展览馆巍然屹立,商业、餐饮业、娱乐业蒸蒸日上.蓦然回首这片土地的变迁,真有沧海桑田之感.  相似文献   

志丹县城市管理局以科学发展观为统领,按照构建环境友好型社会和和谐社会的总体要求,以保障民生、改善民生为己任,紧紧围绕"工商兴县、产业富民、城镇带动、项目支撑、科教奠基、跨越发展"的经济社会发展战略,为构建富裕、文明和谐的新志丹和创建省级卫生县城,省级文明县城为目标,着力推进管理人性化、服务精细化、运作市场化、建设人文化的城市管理模式,努力创建平面整洁、立面规范、空间协调、动态有序、安全舒适、文明和谐的优美人居环境,为把志丹建设成为生态大县、文化明县、经济强县、和谐志丹、魅力志丹做出了"城管人"的贡献.  相似文献   

百岁堂俱乐部以人体之液酸碱平衡理论为指导,以预防为主,调理为辅;健康自主.和谐幸福为宗旨,引进目前最先进、最流行、科技含量极高的韩式汗蒸馆,利用电气石的神奇功效,与我国首家专业销售碱性食品的企业——草汁堂国际连锁店有机地结合起来,为寻求健康、美丽、快乐的人们,特别是饱受慢性疾病(高血压、糖尿病、中风、痛风、心脑血管疾病)的群体,提供了一个集体验、学习、分享、交流、交友的良好环境;为有志于健康事业的有识之士提供一个最佳的创业平台;也是人们工作之余,为缓解工作、生活等压力而放松、减压、健身、娱乐的好去处。在这里,您可获得健康知识和养生之道,这里的专业人员还为您及家人做一生的健康规划。在这里,通过体验、学习人体体液酸碱平衡理论,懂得了疾患的根源,使人们不再惧怕疾病,找到养生和健康的终极方案。  相似文献   

城市是现代文明的标志,是物质文明、政治文明、精神文明的重要载体,是一个地区政治、经济、文化中心。安全、有序、畅通、文明的道路交通秩序,整洁、干净、美化的城市环境,是广大人民群众的呼声,也是整个地区社会文明进步的要求。  相似文献   

多年来,一些群众信访不信法,信大领导不信小干部的现状,使湖北省恩施州一度成为全省信访重灾区. 恩施土家族苗族自治州建立于1983年8月19日,位于湖北省西南部,是全省唯一的少数民族自治州,辖恩施、利川两市和建始、巴东、宣恩、来凤、咸丰、鹤峰六县,包括土家族、苗族、侗族、蒙古族等29个民族,少数民族人口占总人口的54%.  相似文献   

骆军 《中国公证》2009,(6):42-44
认知是对感觉输入的变换、减少、解释、贮存、恢复、使用的所有过程,它通过对表象的分析、判断和信息的加工、集成,以达到还原事实本来面貌的目的,注重的是对问题的归纳、分析、渗透、综合,认知是判断的前提和基础.  相似文献   

志丹县交通运输管理站现有干部职工64人,担负着全县各类车辆576台的管理、运输等任务.近年来,该站在县委、县政府的正确领导下,紧紧围绕县域经济大局,以行业管理为主导,以队伍建设为主线,充分发挥行业规划、协调、监督、服务四个职能,文明执法、优质服务、内强素质、外树形象,规范客、货、修三个市场秩序,突出客运、货运行业安全管理,有力地推动了全县交通运输工作再上新台阶.  相似文献   

一年来,在党中央的坚强领导下,最高人民法院新一届领导班子,立足国情、解放思想、开拓创新,坚持党的事业至上、人民利益至上、宪法法律至上的工作指导思想,坚持为大局服务、为人民司法的工作主题,一手抓执法办案,一手抓队伍建设,实现了指导思想、司法理念和作风建设的与时俱进,各项工作取得了新进展、新成效。全国法院的广大干警,在审判任务较重和人员经费不足的条件下,认真践行社会主义法治理念,忠实履行宪法和法律赋予的职责,立足审判、服务大局,恪尽职守、甘于奉献,为保障经济发展、维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

刘芳 《政法学刊》2014,(3):120-124
公安学术期刊的特色就是以特色栏目的创建为基础,突出优势学科、选定研究方向,策划重点选题,展开学术争鸣。通过集中优质资源,办好特色栏目,更好地引导公安学术研究向纵深发展。为此必须以特色化为办刊理念,以优秀的编辑团队为主体,以高水平的学术成果为支撑。  相似文献   

The paper examines how the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applied to the development of AI products and services, drawing attention to the differences between academic and commercial research. The GDPR aims to encourage innovation by providing several exemptions from its strict rules for scientific research. Still, the GDPR defines scientific research in a broad manner, which includes academic and commercial research. However, corporations conducting commercial research might not have in place a similar level of ethical and institutional safeguards as academic researchers. Furthermore, corporate secrecy and opaque algorithms in AI research might pose barriers to oversight. The aim of this paper is to stress the limits of the GDPR research exemption and to find the proper balance between privacy and innovation. The paper argues that commercial AI research should not benefit from the GDPR research exemption unless there is a public interest and has similar safeguards to academic research, such as review by research ethics committees. Since the GDPR provides this broad exemption, it is crucial to clarify the limits and requirements of scientific research, before the application of AI drastically transforms this field.  相似文献   

Venture philanthropy presents a new model of research funding that is particularly helpful to those fighting orphan diseases, which actively manages the commercialization process to accelerate scientific progress and material outcomes. This paper begins by documenting the growing importance of foundations as a source of funding academic research as traditional funding from industry and government sources decline. Foundations are known for their innovative techniques and we consider the evolution of the ways that foundations fund academic research and form partnerships across academia and industry. We examine the example of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the development of the drug Kalydeco® as a demonstration of the principals of strategic foundation funding. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation adapted to a venture philanthropy model and took an active role in drug development, stewarding the commercialization process from funding basic scientific work in academic institutions, to making an equity investment in a start-up firm. We conclude by evaluating the advantages and disadvantages to venture philanthropy for the academic researchers, industry partners, foundations, and universities and consider an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

魏建国 《北方法学》2014,(2):117-131
当下中国法学研究学术性不强的原因主要在于法学研究者自身,因此需要将视线转向学术本身。基于学术史方法是学术最基本方法的判断,可以发现中国法学研究学术性不强的原因在于学术史方法的缺失,这使得中国法学研究中的学术性与非学术性混淆不清;法学难以确立自己学科的独立地位;法学研究中引证混乱并难以发挥学术评价功能;法学研究中学术传统西化倾向严重。而当代中国法学研究学术性完善之路在于:实用标准与学术标准的适度分离,确立学术的独立性与学术评价的独立标准;增强对学术重要性的认识;加强学术史意识,强化学术规范;自觉推动法学学术传统的中国化。学术性、学术史方法并不是我们对法学研究的更高要求,而只是提醒我们在法学研究中首先要回到学术研究的基本方法然后再谈其他方法。  相似文献   

我国当前的监狱学研究在繁荣的表象背后潜藏着危机.主体意识匮乏、学术视野狭窄、研究方法单调、学术规范欠缺等问题,是束缚监狱学发展的突出问题,而这些问题的根本症结在于监狱学研究的封闭性.只有推行全方位的开放,包括研究意识的开放、研究主体的开放、研究内容的开放和研究方法的开放等,才能使监狱学走向良性发展之路.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a National Academy of Engineering consensus study that documents the contributions of academic research to the growth and competitiveness of five industries – aerospace; financial services; medical devices; network systems and communications; and transportation, distribution, and logistics services. Academic research has made substantial contributions in varying degrees to all five industries. These have ranged from graduates trained in modern research techniques, to fundamental concepts and “key ideas” out of basic and applied research, to the development of tools, prototypes, and marketable products, processes, and services. In network systems, there is a history of university involvement in serving as test beds for new networking concepts and in spawning firms. The academic medical center provides a distinctive environment for testing and incremental improvement of medical devices and for conducting essential clinical trials. In financial services, academic economics and mathematics research contributions have been important, in spite of the lack of a well-developed R&D infrastructure for the industry. Challenges and opportunities for enhancing academic research contributions are presented in the areas of regulatory research and innovation, service sector innovation, information technology, intellectual property rights, and the role and identity of the university.  相似文献   

西南政法大学“刑事诉讼法学”课程被评为国家精品课程。我们的经验是:秉承优良学术传统,注重优良作风传承;及时总结教学经验,积极开展教学科研;重视人才梯队建设,培养一流师资队伍;教学科研立足前沿,与时俱进开拓创新。  相似文献   

The paper elaborates and tests two hypotheses. First, that knowledge is not a homogeneous activity, but rather a bundle of highly differentiated disciplines that have different characteristics, both in terms of generation and exploitation, that bear a differentiated impact on economic growth. Advances in scientific knowledge that can be converted into technological knowledge with high levels of fungibility, appropriability, cumulability and complementarity have a higher chance to affect economic growth. Second, that academic chairs are a reliable indicator of the amount and types of knowledge being generated by the academic system. Hence the analysis of the evolution of the academic chairs of an academic system is a promising area of investigation. In this paper the exploration of the evolution of the size and the disciplinary composition of the stock of academic chairs in five Italian macro-regions in the years 1900–1959 provides an opportunity to understand the contribution of scientific knowledge to economic growth in each regional system. The econometric analysis confirms that advances in engineering and chemistry, as proxied by the number of chairs, had much a stronger effect on the regional economic growth than advances in other scientific fields. These results have important implications for research policy, as they highlight the differences in the economic effects of academic disciplines, and for the economics of science, as they support the hypothesis that academic chairs can be used as reliable indicators of on-going research activities in the different types of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

章程 《华中电力》2021,(2):196-207
《民法研究指引》一书作为日本民法研究方法的集成,在日本法学界受到极高重视,但此书诞生于20世纪末,其所介绍的论文写作方式与日本继受法学的阶段、司法实务以及学术研究的环境紧密相关。我国研究者借鉴日本法学的研究手法之时,应当立足于我国的学术生产方式进行功能性参照,发挥我国的后发与主体优势,将不同研究方式的功能进行精准定位,在凝聚研究共识、明确研究方向上深化努力。  相似文献   

目前学界关于规范与创新的问题存在着种种针锋相对的、矛盾的见解 ,以至于对之产生了合乎理式的困惑 ,而何以至此的症结恰在于 :学界有待对以下两个方面作深入探讨 :其一 ,我们的学术研究缺乏自己独立的学术品格 ;其二 ,尚未理顺学术规范和思想创新二者的关系 ,还没有确立学术品格的高境界 :学术规范和思想创新的有机统一。  相似文献   

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