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Marxist human rights thought has realized an epochmaking change in human rights thought and has distinguished itself from capitalist human rights thought with its distinctive character.Marxist human rights thought has a humanistic character,starts from human nature and its essence,regards human rights as an important means to realize the all-round development of human beings and the fundamental proof of human liberation.Marxist human rights thought is characterized by being people-centered,and expresses the desire of the masses,with the proletariat as the main body,to realize a better life through the guarantee of human rights.Marxist human rights thought has a practical character,is based on practical materialism,advocates that human rights are derived from the social practice and promotes social practice toward civilization and progress.Marxist human rights thought has the character of rule of law,guides legal governance to the rule of good law,and lays the guarantee fot human rights on the foundation of substantive rule of law.  相似文献   

公民、权利、道德及范式转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“公民”曾与古希腊城邦文明联系在一起,是西方政治文明的核心概念之一,其本质规定在于公民个体的社会主体权利,包括平等自由在内的公民权利是民主存在的前提,也是公民道德人格养成的必要构件。中国公民权利时代的到来是与公民社会相关联的,正在成长的公民社会与社会主义市场经济和民主法制以及道德范式转换相互联系,互为条件,是现代化的社会转型的四位一体的任务。  相似文献   

自然法从古希腊伊始,至今一直是法律思想领域的一柱栋梁,它历经西方社会各大学派的吹捧或是抨击,从兴盛到没落再到复苏,不得不说它是西方法律文明史上不可或缺的重要学说。它奠定了西方法律人权、民主、分权等观念的基础,它的超然、实然、应然的内容层次也为现代法律制度的构建提供了一定的价值标准。对它在西方法律文明史上的地位研究,有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

对于领事保护的推动,就融合有政治与人权双重因素。当然,这一双重因素的影响又是随着历史的发展而有所不同的。尽管世界最早的领事保护实践可以追溯至古希腊城邦时期,而中国最早的领事保护实践却只能追溯至晚清时期。当时的清政府迫于内外压力,逐步转变对华侨的"叛民"、"罪民"和"弃民"等观念,从而展开了"立约保护"、"领事机关的调查与交涉"等形式(甚至还包括军舰巡航等军事方式)的领事保护。晚清政府领事保护的发展是与其华侨观念及政策的转变密切相关的。清政府华侨政策和领事保护的变化,根本上还是以巩固和发展清朝的统治为出发点的,政治因素在其中居于主导地位。这也就是"家国一体"型国家的局限性所在。  相似文献   

Given the dilemma facing legalization on environmental rights, it is necessary to re-examine the nature and function of environmental human rights under the theoretical system of basic rights. Its justification approach follows a logical chain from a rights-based approach to basic rights. The difficulty in legalizing environmental rights reflects the disputes over the basis for environmental law. Reconstructing the right-based approach in environmental law can justify the rights-oriented path to the environmental rule of law. The basic rights system with human rights as the core can explain the constitutional environmental human rights. As the basic rights not enumerated in the Constitution, the environmental human rights have such functions as the right of self-defense, the right to benefit, and institutional, organizational and procedural guarantees due to its dual nature of subjective right and objective law.  相似文献   

《坛经》与《忏悔录》美学思想对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章立明 《思想战线》2002,28(1):50-53
《坛经》与《忏悔录》作为东西方宗教文化名作之一 ,其中包蕴着若干的审美思想 :《坛经》中具有可引申以资中国古代美学发展的思想论断 ;《忏悔录》则把艺术审美与宗教信条相结合 ,树立起基督教美学权威。比较两书的美学思想 ,强调心性的作用及与各自文化背景中的人学思想密切联系是其相同之处 ;不同的美学传统思维模式以及佛教、基督教教义中对美本质的不同认识又是导致差异性的原因所在。  相似文献   

从国家理论的历史发展看,积极国家观与消极国家观共同演绎了国家理论进程并交互影响着国家实践发展。积极国家观倡导的个人与国家的和谐、个人权利与公共利益的统一、反对国家中立的价值取向、重视国家能力的积极作用等精神具有重要的时代价值。因此,在金融危机的背景下,从历史与现实的维度对积极国家观的发展与价值进行理性反思,对于现代国家发展有着重要的理论意义与现实价值。  相似文献   

古希腊哲学中的灵魂问题初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴松 《思想战线》2001,27(1):1-7
在古希腊哲学中,从泰勒斯、毕达哥拉斯到赫拉克利特、德谟克利特,再到柏拉图和亚里士多德,都对灵魂问题进行了阐释,分别赋予灵魂概念以物质、精神、运动、认识论和主体性的意义,并以灵魂问题为切入点,在人类认识史上开启了哲学基本问题的研究,从而使灵魂问题成为古希腊哲学中一个重要的基本问题.  相似文献   

The founding of People's republic of china marked the start of a completely new historical development stage for human rights in the county.The founding of the People's republic of china has had a profound impact on the development of human rights in contemporary china.The People's republic of china defined the socialist nature of the development of human rights in contemporary china, shaped the new concept of equality in chinese society, determined the direction of human rights development that attaches importance to the protection of economic and social rights, and established the idea of advancing human rights development from the overall perspective.  相似文献   

宪法与人权有着密切关系 ,人权是宪法的灵魂和核心内容 ;宪法是人权思想的产物 ,是人权保障书。实施宪政即是实现人权。人权与宪法的关系可从其产生、普及、社会化、新的发展时期四阶段加以认识。  相似文献   

from the view of human rights hermeneutics, the interpretation of the human rights subject can be understood as the philosophical foundation of human rights.as the rights of "ego" and "another", human rights will be rid of the supreme power of the "God" and "nation", while it dooms the dilemma of solipsism and hegemony.as the right of "the Other", human rights will correspond to the reality of political pluralism, however that theory appears to be too deconstructive and may lead to human rights nihilism.By accepting the continuity between individuality and community, a more feasible and non-exclusive approach is to adopt the idea of "Self" to better understand the nature of human rights, thus avoiding extreme human rights universality and relativism.  相似文献   

尊重和保障人权已明确写入新刑事诉讼法的基本任务之中,但要在刑事法治领域真正做到惩罚犯罪与保障人权并重,则必须在刑事立法、刑事司法、刑罚的执行三个环节融入人民群众普遍认可的常识、常情、常理,在刑事立法时将常识、常情、常理抽象到各刑事法条款中,在刑事司法时将常识、常情、常理还原到具体的案件中,在刑罚的执行环节将常识、常情、常理融入到各种行刑中,从而在刑事法治领域彻底实现尊重和保障人权。  相似文献   

The practice of international human rights has led to the development of the political notion of human rights in contemporary times and triggered the theoretical reflection on "what are human rights " The natural rights view, which is based on human nature, regards human rights as universal moral rights owned by everyone against all others.holding a different perspective from the natural rights view, Raz, the representative of the political notion of human rights, bases his view on the political function of human rights in restricting national sovereignty in international practice and defines human rights as the legal rights enjoyed by everyone against the country since the end of the World War ii, which should be enforced by fair and reliable international institutions.Unavoidably, Raz's concept of human rights has been subject to questioning and criticism by natural right theorists.The controversy around Raz's concept of human rights shows that: on one hand, the Western academic circle has not readied a basic consensus on the understanding of human rights based on international human rights practice; on the other hand, it deeply reveals the theoretical need for the international community to reach a basic consensus on international human rights practice in the historical context of the changing international legal order.  相似文献   

中国传统“天人关系”思想至《易传》而综其大成.它是中国古代“天人合一”和“人为贵”思想的统一.其要义是:在人与自然的关系上既主张人依赖自然,尊重自然,又反对把人彻底等同干自然;既注重人异于自然的主体能动作用,又反对人凌驾于自然和肆意妄为的主宰自然.这对近代以来人与自然关系的极端认识会起到补偏救弊的作用.  相似文献   

The time-honored traditional Chinese minben(people-based) thinking has rich implications for human rights. The concepts of min and minben are much in line with their contemporary counterparts of "human" and "people orientation". Upholding the belief of "people as the foundation of states", minben advocates the fundamental political status of the people, and requires leaders to implement "people-oriented" policies. Its encapsulation of the theoretical foundation and basic requirements for the protection of human rights enabled it to promote the protection of people's livelihoods and civil rights in ancient China. Its sublimation in contemporary China has had, and will continue to have, a far-reaching impact on the development of human rights in China.  相似文献   

Marx and engels' great ideology contains rich thought on human rights. Based on the class structure and social development in their lifetimes, the two founders of Marxism profoundly revealed the essence of human rights. They revealed the historical process, class essence and hypocrisy of the bourgeois human rights, and expounded the important principle that human rights are always subject to economic and social development. The Marxist of human rights theory emphasizes that even in a capitalist society, the proletariat should not abandon its efforts to strive for human rights, and that the proletariat should use human rights well to improve their survival and development conditions as well as the advancement of the society as a whole. In the localization process of Marxism in China, the Marxist view on human rights has been further developed and innovated in China, and the socialist human rights theory with Chinese characteristics has been formed, which is used to guide the development of China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

服刑人员的人权保护问题是国际社会普遍关注的焦点问题。由于服刑人员的人权具有权益主体的特殊性、人权的不完整性和人权内容的特定性等特点,在对其人权保护方面尚存在诸多问题,亟待监狱及其监狱人民警察在对服刑人员人权保护方面,树立正确的思想观念,完善其人权保护的法律规范,进一步加强其人权保护的监督制约机制,不断提高监狱人民警察的执法水平,使服刑人员这一特殊群体所享有的法定人权切实得到有效保护。  相似文献   

Human dignity is the fundamental concept of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and serves as the theoretical backbone for the international human rights system. Chinese culture has an excellent tradition of treasuring the dignity and value of people. The provisions on dignity in the Declaration can find their historical origins in traditional Chinese culture. The dignity of people has a supreme status and value in traditional Chinese culture. Chinese "etiquette" culture has a long tradition of respecting the dignity of people.Achieving benevolence through etiquette is the basic way to protect human dignity. Etiquette in ancient China was constrained by inequality and historical limitations, but it also had the elements of respecting or honoring others, and had the practical function of respecting, maintaining and achieving human dignity. The effective implementation of etiquette requires the fulfillment of people's basic needs. Progressing from xiao kang(moderate prosperity) to da tong(great harmony) is the process of approaching the human rights standards of human dignity and equal rights that all nations and all peoples should strive to achieve.  相似文献   

At present, the value revealed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is under attack, and the consensus on human rights value is experiencing division globally,which asserts that "human rights can only be provided by paradox". The root of this is that" reason ",the metaphysical nature of human rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,is infinitely magnified while the " spirit " is ignored. History and philosophy show that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights entails the Confucian ethical " spirit ".At this time,this potential factor is gradually emerging in the course of world history and became a force to bridge the global division of human rights values. The significance of Confucian ethics " spirit " to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights lies in: from the perspective of " spirit ", its holistic view, bridging individual rights and collective rights; its relational view focuses on the realization of human rights and transcends the " paradox of human right; progressing from the value consensus to common action, so that in the process of judging the progress of human rights in the world, we consider not only the value consensus, but also the common action.  相似文献   

法治的理念来自于古希腊时代,但是此后历经各思想家的讨论而有多种解读,其中包括亚里士多德、戴雪、富勒及拉兹等。而中国学者也有自己的观点。法治是良法在实践中居于至高无上的统治地位,有四个层次。法治的基础是社会力量相互之间的均衡与制约。  相似文献   

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