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Jong-Ho Jeong 《当代中国》2014,23(86):330-350
This paper explores why Zhejiangcun's Wenzhou migrants and Wangjing's Chaoxianzu migrants were able to maintain and actively restructure their settlements in Beijing while Beijing's other migrant settlements either disappeared or were forced out from their original locations. Highlighting the role of the Wenzhou model in Zhejiangcun and that of the transnational ethnic ties in Wangjing, this research illustrates how certain rural migrants emerged as a new social group by utilizing their cultural capital based on native-place and ethnic ties and newly found economic power. The present study examines the urban space of Zhejiangcun and Wangjing where alternative sources of economic power and social networks were created and utilized and therefore offers a unique perspective by locating a specifically-founded ethnographic analysis within the general debate on the restructuring of post-reform urban space.  相似文献   

有序推进农业转移人口市民化是当前的社会目标,也是解决好"三农"问题的重要方向。分析新生代农民工的婚姻家庭问题可以找到市民化的可能突破点。由于社会流动、婚姻挤压、双重边缘人的身份尴尬、婚姻策略的盲目调整等方面的原因,新生代农民工婚姻家庭表现出传统与现代的融合特性,丰富了婚姻内涵的同时又带来了很多的社会管理难题。因而以婚姻家庭为突破口,对新生代农民工进行分层化、专门化研究,探索在新型城镇化和市民化的进程中如何缓解成婚难问题,改变婚姻迁移循环式流动的窘境,减轻抚幼赡老维持家庭的经济压力,是当前新生代农民工研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

Hong Liu 《当代中国》2005,14(43):291-316
Emerging at the turn of the twentieth century, overseas Chinese nationalism played an important part in the evolution of the overseas Chinese community and modern history of China. It is generally held that overseas Chinese nationalism had died out and had become ‘a historical phenomenon’ by the 1950s, when the China-centered allegiance of the overseas Chinese was replaced by a local-oriented identity. The fundamental change of the Chinese diasporic communities over the last two decades, however, has put this conventional wisdom into contestation. This essay is concerned with the emergence of the xin yinmin (new migrants) and corresponding manifestations of a reviving overseas Chinese nationalism since 1980. It is divided into two main parts. The first is empirical, examining the rise and characteristics of the new migrants, who are composed of four main types: students-turned-migrants, emigrating professionals, chain migrants, and illegal immigrants. The second section is conceptual and comparative, looking at the manifestations and limitations of the reviving overseas Chinese nationalism and placing them in a historical perspective. It also considers the embedded tensions between nationalism and transnationalism and the strategies employed by both the Chinese state and new migrants in tackling these tensions. I argue that there are complex reasons behind the re-emergence of overseas Chinese nationalism. From overseas, it is a by-product of the formation of sizeable new migrant communities, particularly in the West. As the first-generation immigrants who have extensive links with the homeland, they remain culturally, and often, politically, attached to China (as a nation-state and/or site of transnational imaginary) and are concerned greatly with Chinese matters. Through such intermediaries as Chinese-language newspapers, websites and TV programs, they form a borderless and imagined greater China that is bound by both the ideas of sovereignty and transnational culture. From the mainland, a series of policies relating to the Chinese overseas facilitate the connections between China and its population overseas, thus providing a potential ground for the revival of overseas Chinese nationalism. I argue that the key agendas of this reviving overseas Chinese nationalism are China's economic prosperity, cultural regeneration, and national unification. This nationalism, furthermore, is characterized by its reactive nature and embedded contradictions with the simultaneous process of transnationalism, which in turn reduces the centrality and intensity of nationalism. As a result, it is unlikely to constitute a unified ideology or a movement with centralized leadership such as that in the 1930s.  相似文献   

“城市新移民”公民权的缺失及回归探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏昕 《中国行政管理》2012,(5):46-50,97
本文通过研究中国现代化进程中移居城市的农民工群体———城市新移民的公民权缺失与回归,旨在探析此群体公民权实现的方法和途径。运用马歇尔的公民权分类,主要从公民身份和社会变迁视角研究农民工到城市新移民的身份变化和在此过程中公民权的缺失,由此分析并得出公民权缺失的主要制度原因是户籍制度这一基本结论,并进一步探析了实现公民权的路径和方法,即必须消除社会排斥现象,保障城市新移民与城市原有居民享有同等的公民权,顺利实现该群体的城市融入。  相似文献   

基于山东省四地市210个有效样本,从政治观、价值观、婚姻观三个层面分析了青年农民工群体的思想道德状况,发现部分青年农民工政治理论素养不高,但对国家的发展持乐观态度;热爱祖国,但对“爱国主义”有所质疑;信仰多元化,部分人信仰缺失;追求物质利益同时看重家庭;为人处世能够考虑他人感受,以道德良心为行为准则;择偶时看重对方的人品、性格、才华等内在条件;大龄青年的性观念比较传统,低龄青年农民工性观念比较开放;对待离婚的态度比较宽容。  相似文献   

本文以"性别化年龄"这一概念解析四川一家大型酒楼的"大姐"和"小妹"这两个有一定差异的打工者群体在劳资关系中所处的不同地位.重点在于探讨性别与年龄如何成为女性农民工看待自己工作及处理劳资关系的认知基础和行动源泉.所谓"性别化年龄"指涉及年龄问题的社会性别建构.这时候的年龄问题已经不是一种简单的生物事实,而成为一种复杂的"社会事实".对那些自认并被别人称为"大龄"的打工妹群体而言,这一社会事实往往充当着一种对集体意识和集体行动的限制.对那些所谓"小龄"打工妹群体来说,性别化的年龄尺度常常可以作为工人与老板博弈的空间而存在.  相似文献   

与其他学者观点不同,在马克思看来农业劳动价值萎缩是资本诞生后工农业和城乡分离必然带来的结果。立足马克思的劳动价值理论分析,农业劳动价值萎缩必然带来的是农民经济收入减少以及由此造成的收入不可预期,而这与影响农业体面劳动的关键因素是一致的,据此农业劳动价值萎缩和农业体面劳动困境之间存在着深刻的关联逻辑。当代中国农业劳动价值和体面问题主要表现在农村青壮年不断外流、农民工返乡从事农业生产积极性低、农村老弱留守抗风险能力低等方面,事实上这些表现与家庭联产承包无法有效匹配市场、劳动力与市场脱钩、涉农企业利润压缩以及家庭社会伦理因素密切相关。新时代要破解这一难题需要坚持农业劳动价值和体面劳动双重治理的思路,在宏观层面全面深化农村经济体制的市场化改革,在中观层面需要从农村基础设施、企业和媒体角度不断优化涉农环境,在微观层面需要全面加强农民教育不断激发农民的主体性意识。  相似文献   

China's dizzying economic achievement is not mirrored in its labor rights protection record. Migrant workers in particular do not enjoy rights commensurate with their contribution to the economy. The pervasive infringement of labor rights and the failure of the official protective system have jointly created a niche for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). This article investigates the grassroots migrant labor NGOs in the Pearl River Delta region, an area which has seen unprecedented increases in labor disputes both in terms of quantity and intensity. Making extensive use of in-depth interviews and participatory observations, it examines the strategies and tactics NGOs use for survival and growth in a hostile external environment. This article reveals that administrative illegitimacy and resource shortage have been the two key challenges for grassroots NGOs; in order to survive, they have developed a series of strategies to enhance legitimacy and explore resources. In the meantime, however, antagonistic thinking still drives the government's response to grassroots organizations unless the latter can skillfully balance political ideology and actual operation. Yet, overall, most NGOs still managed to survive despite various difficulties. Reciprocity and mutual trust are of critical importance to peaceful coexistence, if not cooperation, between the state and the grassroots. The building of long-term healthy labor relations in China necessitates more liberal thinking and collaborative governance.  相似文献   

LAUREL BOSSEN 《当代中国》2007,16(50):97-116
Recently much attention has focused on the rising tide of rural to urban migration in China. Some of this migration is inter-provincial, and some is merely a shift to the nearest big town or city. Much less is known about the effects of long-distance marriage between rural areas. This type of migration does not entail a shift to urban household registration, nor does it involve adaptation to city living. Distant rural migration is a phenomenon that often includes risk-taking women who marry into distant regions seeking a better life, or better opportunities, compared to their natal village. Yet these migrants typically remain farmers. Based on fieldwork in rural Henan and Yunnan I discuss cases of village women and men who had married at great distance from their natal kin. I observe some of the effects of family separation and social strategies adopted by migrants in rural settings. Much as urban migrants often face a world of uncertainties, those who migrate long-distance to other rural communities face a world of strangers with little legal or social protection.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告将"乡村振兴"提到了战略高度,在重视城乡融合的基础上推行农业农村优先发展。除吸引优秀人才返乡创业、返乡就业外,中国的乡村振兴战略还必须调动农村现有劳动力的积极性和创造性。但中国长期以来的工业化和城市化进程已经使流动人口与留守人口现象发生了很大的变化。流动人口的急剧增长和留守人口相对减少相辅相成。农村留守妇女在总体数量上已经大大减少,留守地也从农村转向乡镇乃至县城。概言之,现阶段的农村留守妇女是经过长期市场和政策筛选后的"剩余"群体,她们面临着更为沉重的照料负担、更为严峻的婚姻危机和更难启齿的疾病困扰。农村留守妇女的这些新特点和突出问题需要得到政府更有的放矢的关注和干预,使她们能够更好地参与到乡村振兴中来。  相似文献   

生活在城市边缘的女民工,她们抱着不同的理想来到城市,其工作和生活状况虽各有不同,但多处于社会的下层,但她们中的一部分人不向生活低头,通过不懈努力和奋斗,找到了自己生存和发展的空间,为家庭和谐和社会稳定做出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   

在对安徽省新生代农民工访谈和调研的基础上,探讨新生代农民工维权保障在政治认同中的作用。由于城乡二元结构导致的分野,使新生代农民工在身份定位上、权益保障上、利益诉求表达渠道上遭遇众多尴尬、困惑和迷茫。为此,应高度重视对新生代农民工维权的保障,采取积极有效的政策和措施,从法律制度建设和政府行政效率提升入手,不断创新维权保障路径,增强安徽新生代农民工的政治认同。  相似文献   

Godfrey Yeung 《当代中国》2001,10(26):125-154
Based on 26 case studies, this paper investigates the socio-economic causes of the inflow of FDI and its policy implications in Dongguan. The favourable factors for foreign investors in Dongguan can be categorised under the Dunning's OLI (ownership, locational and internalisation advantages) framework. This paper argues that factors other than policy incentive, such as sub-contractual and pseudo integration, are playing more important roles in attracting the inflow of FDI and maintaining the high level of economic growth in Dongguan. This finding questions the effectiveness of policy incentives, such as tax-breaks, implemented by the Government as a means to attract FDI in Dongguan. The existence of 'Chinese crony capitalism' calls for further improvement in the implementation of laws and regulations in Dongguan and the reduction of bureaucratic red-tape by the central and local governments.  相似文献   

未婚怀孕现象在中国呈上升趋势,而且随着未婚同居的兴起,未婚怀孕越来越多地发生在同居伴侣中。本文通过分析来自35位有未婚怀孕经历(自己或伴侣)和30位正面临未婚怀孕风险的两类流动青年男女同居者的深度访谈材料,探讨了流动青年的同居怀孕意愿,以及导致或阻止他们在同居关系中怀孕的因素。研究发现,同居很大程度上增加了流动青年女性意外怀孕的风险,这种风险的增加往往是由于避孕时的疏忽大意和依赖有效程度较低的避孕方式所致,很少是因为缺乏避孕意识和知识。研究还发现,同居怀孕情况的增多部分取决于计划内怀孕的增多,同居关系特征、家庭期待和生育的年龄规范压力是影响怀孕意愿的关键因素,怀孕成为结婚准备过程中的一步,有时甚至是结婚前必要的一步。总之,在流动青年群体中,一种关于同居、怀孕和婚姻的联合决策模式正在形成,尽管这打破了组建家庭的传统顺序,但由婚姻来组织生育行为的社会规范并未被动摇。  相似文献   

Yang Li  Xi Yin-Sheng 《当代中国》2006,15(49):621-636
Women's land rights are one of the major issues of the rural land contract in contemporary China. Married women in relatively developed rural areas and under marriage misfortune have elicited much academic and public attention. However, less attention has been devoted to studying married women in traditional farming areas where they are still relatively poor. This paper focuses on women's land rights in their maiden village in traditional farming areas, and shows, based on an analysis of a case study combined with a questionnaire survey, that married women's land rights tend to be retained in their parent village with the implementation of new policy and land contract laws, but that they have almost no rights in their maiden families after marriage, due to the influence of traditional marriage notions and customs. Given the situation of the political and legal framework, it is necessary to further probe, by reviewing past practice and experience, how to ensure women's rights through restricted and specific land readjustment, which may be a realistic and valid approach.  相似文献   

Yixin Chen 《当代中国》1999,8(21):219-239
This paper examines why the socioeconomic life of China's Red Guards generation has been difficult in both Mao's time and in the post‐Mao reform era. It shows that Mao's Cultural Revolution destroyed the normalcy of society and prevented this generation from securing the life they expected. When reform moved China toward a market economy, their past misfortunes produced their present disadvantages. Their limited education disqualified them from the opportunities of employment and career promotion; their protracted sent‐down to the countryside postponed their marriage and normal social life; and their longtime economic hardships debilitated their market competitiveness. Mao's revolution made them ill‐prepared for the coming economic liberty, yet the post‐Mao reform, instead of compensating them for their distress, left them behind when it pursued market efficiency.  相似文献   

影响我国女性就业参与的因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王小波 《思想战线》2004,30(2):35-40
我国现有的女性就业水平、市场化与全球化进程以及劳动力市场供求与市场分割的现状构成了影响我国女性就业参与的宏观因素,同时,女性就业参与还受到家庭与自身的收入差异水平、女性教育与观念素质以及女性在婚姻、家庭与生育职责等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Since 1980 China's economic revolution has enabled more households to allocate labor to market‐related activities to earn more income. In 1992 an even greater surge in market economy growth took place when urban households began abandoning state‐related occupations and took their chances in the marketplace. The increase in consumer spending that followed reflects a new pattern of household spending for the first time in China since 1949: the share of spending for food relative to spending for other categories of goods and services is fast declining. This new trend, already strongly evident among high income‐earning households, is rapidly being replicated by other households as their incomes rise. During the 1990s new consumer patterns have emerged in the cities of the coastal provinces that strongly indicate that a consumer revolution is under way. This revolution has revived traditional gift‐giving between the Chinese people, thus facilitating the strengthening of their social, economic, and political ties and encouraging people to emphasize social and political stability.  相似文献   

A year ago, bosses at some companies in the Pearl River Delta in south China, a hub for exportoriented small and medium-sized enterprises, were forced to cut labor forces due to dwindling orders in  相似文献   

青年农民工的城市融入困境主要体现在工作、生活、交往和心理四个方面。为加快我国城市化和现代化进程,国家应制定相应的对策,积极引导青年农民工朝着正确的方向发展,同时,要妥善解决青年农民工面临的各种困难,满足他们在工作和生活方面提出的各种合理要求。  相似文献   

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