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目前,加工贸易涉及我国大部分产业,在利用外资、引进技术和科学管理方式方面发挥了重要作用。长期以来,我国加工贸易分散经营的模式给海关监管造成了极大不便,同时也给走私犯罪分子提供了可乘之机。加工贸易走私犯罪数量有逐渐增多趋势,单位案件涉案价值是各种走私犯罪中最大的。受金融危机的影响,加工贸易走私犯罪案件又有新的变化,呈现出了新的特点。为了能更有效地打击犯罪,为社会主义经济建设保驾护航,对加工贸易走私犯罪案件侦查对策的研究也就显得尤为迫切和重要。  相似文献   

我国经济不断发展,日新月异,与经济相关的走私犯罪也瞬息万变。而对走私犯罪的现状与发展趋势的认识和了解是构建走私犯罪防控体系的前提,也是实务部门打击走私犯罪的任务。本文就走私犯罪的现状及其形成原因和走私犯罪的发展趋势三个方面进行论述,以探讨我国走私犯罪的实际情况。  相似文献   

Despite repeated crackdowns, over the past two decades corruption in China has become steadily more ‘intense’ as the amounts of corrupt monies and the number of senior cadres implicated in corruption have increased dramatically, leading many to view China's ‘war on corruption’ as half-hearted and ineffectual. In this article, I analyze the efficacy of China's campaign-style anticorruption strategy using a combination of formal modeling and empirical data. The analysis suggests that while this sort of strategy may succeed in keeping corruption ‘under control’, it is likely to do so by deterring low-level corruption, but not high-level, high stakes corruption, and may encourage inflation of the size of bribes. The article thus concludes that campaign-style enforcement may have actually contributed to the ‘intensification’ of corruption.  相似文献   

This article studies human trafficking and smuggling in China. For more than a decade, Sinologists and observers have already recognized the ever-growing phenomena of human trafficking and smuggling in China. Firstly, this article examines the causes, nature, and impact of human trafficking and smuggling. Secondly, this article pays special attention to the human trade in the two most seriously affected Chinese provinces, namely Fujian and Yunnan. Thirdly, this article discusses the efforts by both the Chinese authorities and NGOs to tackle human trafficking and smuggling. Nevertheless, it concludes that there is still a very long way to go before China can manage these issues. This article is significant because human trafficking involves prolonged exploitation of men, women, and children, which is going to haunt the Chinese for a very long time. While Chinese societies have appeared to become modernized, human trafficking has constituted a ‘contemporary form of slavery’.  相似文献   

毒品走私是“全球性”的难题,与青少年犯罪、恐怖袭击并称为三大公害。文章阐述了当前我国毒品走私面临的国内外形势,分析了当前毒品走私犯罪活动的手段和特点,有针对性地提出了打击毒品走私犯罪活动的侦查方法。  相似文献   

贪污犯罪历来为社会大众所不齿,其严重危害一直备受古今各国所关注。我国是社会主义国家,贪污犯罪更加为我国的基本制度所不容,因此,贪污犯罪的查办工作十分重要。本文从分析贪污案件查办的必要性入手,提出侦查贪污犯罪应当遵循依法侦查、实事求是、迅速及时、重证据不轻信口供等四个原则,然后归纳了贪污案件侦查中常用的方法,对贪污案件的侦查作了初步研究。  相似文献   

在侦缉走私案件的实际工作中 ,常常碰到因主要犯罪嫌疑人难于缉拿归案而导致案件不能破获的情况。经调查分析 ,造成主要犯罪嫌疑人难于缉获的原因有如下五个方面 :案件移交制度不完善 ;侦缉部门战斗力不强 ;对走私案件的处理不恰当 ;走私犯罪分子反侦查伎俩提高 ;群众法律意识不强。要改变这种状况 ,各级领导高度重视是前提 ;提高侦查人员素质是基础 ;加大侦查追缉力度是关键 ;建立健全规章制度是保证 ;充分宣传发动群众是法宝。  相似文献   

我国正处于社会转型期,这一时期犯罪形势不容乐观,而此时刑法修正案(八)却将我国原有的68项死刑罪名减至55个,取消了包括走私文物罪、金融凭证诈骗罪、信用证诈骗罪等共13个经济性非暴力犯罪的死刑,也使其他国家看到了中国对于死刑和人权问题的重视.基于我国的法律文化传统以及当今的社会现实,死刑作为一种极端的刑罚手段存在也是具有相对合理性的,因此当前我国应在限制死刑这一价值取向的基础上,进一步探索我国刑罚制度的构建.  相似文献   

近年来,我国在打击受贿犯罪方面做着积极的努力。2005年10月27日,我国立法机关以全票批准加入《联合国反腐败公约》。2007年9月13日,我国正式成立国家预防腐败局。但是,这些仍未能遏制住我国受贿犯罪的发展势头。据NGO"透明国际"2012年12月5日发布的2012年度全球清廉指数排名,在176个国家和地区中,中国列第80位。这样的位次反映出我国的腐败问题仍较严重。因而,我们有必要从受贿犯罪的特点入手,对受贿犯罪频发的原因进行分析,并在此基础上探讨应对之策。  相似文献   

Kilkon Ko  Hui Zhi 《当代中国》2013,22(79):35-55
The relationship between fiscal decentralization and corruption is highly controversial but insufficiently tested with respect to China. This article empirically tests whether fiscal decentralization aggravates corruption in China's local governments. To acquire more robust results, we employ multiple corruption and fiscal decentralization measures and collect data for 31 provinces from 1998 to 2008. Fixed effects panel models estimate the impact of fiscal decentralization on corruption after controlling for gross regional product per capita, the relative wage in the public sector compared to the private sector, political leadership changes, education levels, law enforcement and the number of NGOs. Our findings suggest that China has experienced a trend towards fiscal recentralization rather than decentralization in the 2000s. We also find the moderating effect of the level of law enforcement on corruption: fiscal decentralization in local governments with strong law enforcement deters corruption but the opposite relationship is found when their law enforcement is weak. The implication of our research is that a sound legal system and political will are prerequisites for successful fiscal decentralization.  相似文献   

Zhiyue Bo 《当代中国》2000,9(25):467-487
This study attempts to reveal the political dynamics of economic reforms in China through an analysis of the case of Beijing. As anywhere else in China, Beijing experienced rapid economic growth from 1978 through to 1994. During this period, Beijing's GDP increased four times; Beijing's foreign investment amounted to $26.1 billion and the number of foreign enterprises reached 10,196; and Beijing's people increased their income by a factor of 10. In the meantime, however, as in other places in China, Beijing witnessed more rampant corruption than ever in the history of the People's Republic. The world was shocked in 1995 by the news that a senior vice mayor of Beijing committed suicide and that the party secretary—a politburo member—was first placed under house arrest and then faced criminal charges because of corruption. The attack on Beijing by the center revealed another dynamic in the particular case of Beijing, that is, a strong capital can hardly coexist with the center. The strong capital may defy the power of the center, but the center has to control the capital to command the whole country. The struggle between the center and the capital resulted in the defeat of the capital, as was the case in the Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

走私的本质是研究走私行为和走私罪的一个重要的基础性问题,只有认识走私的本质,才能真正认识走私,才能有效控制走私。走私罪作为破坏社会主义市场经济犯罪的类罪之一,其本质是与犯罪的本质不可分离的。文章着重分析了走私的自然本质、法律本质和社会本质以及相互间的内在联系,对于建立和完善反走私方面的法律法规具有一定的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

我们党历来高度重视反腐倡廉工作,特别是在革命、建设、改革的重大历史关头和关键发展阶段,更是高度自觉地把反腐倡廉工作摆在非常重要的位置。建国以来,我们党针对不同时期出现的新特点,不断在实践中探索反腐倡廉工作的有效途径,逐步形成了比较系统的反腐倡廉工作经验,主要有:坚持惩治腐败同经济建设紧密结合;坚持党的领导同依靠群众紧密结合;坚持制度建设同解决突出问题紧密结合;坚持思想政治教育同查处大案要案紧密结合。  相似文献   

2002年12月28日,全国人大会常委会通过的《刑法修正案(四)》,对走私犯罪的部分条款进行了修改,使走私犯罪的规定更为系统。然而认识上的分歧导致司法运作不一,违背了法律适用的统一性。本文以走私普通货物、物品罪为研究基准,就走私犯罪类罪司法实践中的间接故意问题进行分析,以求正确认定该类犯罪。  相似文献   

公安边防部门的重要职能之一就是打击偷渡犯罪,在侦办偷渡案件过程中证据的收集至关重要。然而实践中却不同程度存在着证据收集不及时、不全面,忽视痕迹性证据的收集,缺乏对电子证据的收集能力等问题。因此,公安边防部门只有不断的增强证据意识,充分利用科学技术,发挥痕迹性物证的作用,提高偷渡案件的证据收集水平,才能有效打击偷渡犯罪,维护社会稳定,维护我国在国际上的良好形象和声誉。  相似文献   

检察院作为我国的公诉机关,法律赋予了其对贪污贿赂等职务犯罪的自行侦查权,但是,在司法实务中,检察院的办案过程往往屡屡受到不当干涉。究其原因是因为缺乏相应的配套制度和工作机制致使检察院无法在办案过程中做到应有的独立性。而廉政公署却以其超然的独立性在香港的法制进程中贡献了举世瞩目的力量,这给了我们检察院某些改革的思考。  相似文献   

贪污贿赂犯罪是我国社会发展的毒瘤,当前我国贪污贿赂案件侦查工作仍存在一些不足。此次刑事诉讼法的修改为贪污贿赂案件的侦查工作提供了难得的发展机遇,同时又提出了严峻挑战。从总结当前贪污贿赂犯罪出现的新特点入手,探究侦查工作开展所遇到的困难,以侦查实践为根本落脚点提出解决对策,可以在一定程度上给予实务工作者启发。  相似文献   

走私普通货物、物品罪是走私类罪中与人们日常生活关联性最大,也是最受人们关注的一种犯罪。走私普通货物、物品罪属于经济犯罪,其发案与我国当前的经济发展水平息息相关。我国加入世界贸易组织之后,贸易制度越加完善、透明,关税水平逐步下降,贸易壁垒有所消除,在这样的背景下,走私犯罪案件越来越少,其牟利空间越加稀薄,但查获犯罪风险却飞速上涨。因此,走私普通货物、物品罪的犯罪对象、定罪标准、量刑尺度等问题需要从立法上不断加以完善。  相似文献   

Haiyang Yu 《当代中国》2014,23(90):1174-1187
This article examines the emergence of distorted memories of Imperial China. Through popular online sites and media, populist nationalists have obtained exaggerated yet extremely sensational knowledge of Chinese history, which portrays Imperial China as benevolent, strong and more advanced than the western world. Based on these distorted memories, they blame all diplomatic controversies on other countries—western nations for their imperialist exploitation and especially neighboring countries for their ungratefulness to the Chinese empire. Due to the declining appeal of communism, as well as the corruption and isolation of official academia, the Chinese government is under heavy pressure to follow the distorted memory and restore China's historical glory.  相似文献   

Ling Li 《当代中国》2011,20(68):1-20
Unlike most current academic studies on corruption in China, which focus on the theme of how political, economic and social environments have caused corruption at the macro-level, this paper takes a micro-view. It concentrates on the question of how corruption, notably bribery, takes place between a briber and the bribed. Moreover, it examines what exact role guanxi-practice plays in corrupt exchange and, more importantly, why it constitutes a critical element. Through in-depth case-studies derived from extensive fieldwork, this paper comes to the conclusion that the micro-level operation of corruption in China is not due to some haphazard aggregation of sporadic acts but follows certain rules and codes of conduct, which should be seen as an informal institutional mechanism facilitating the contracting process of corrupt exchange. This paper also demonstrates that guanxi-practice embodies such rules and codes of conduct. Such conduct purports to remove the legal, moral and cognitive barriers impeding the contracting process of corrupt exchange by grafting a corrupt agreement upon a social setting, in which risk of exchange safety is controlled, and moral costs and cognitive dissonance are reduced. Therefore, this paper contends that the causality link between guanxi-practice and corruption is the inverse of the view held by many. It is not that the participants of corruption are compelled to corrupt conduct because of the existence of the guanxi-practice, but on the contrary, these participants adopt guanxi-practice as an alternative operating mechanism that facilitates corruption.  相似文献   

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