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省直管县改革是为适应经济社会快速发展而进行的行政层级调整,对于破除市管县体制藩篱、激活和增强县域经济发展活力、提高行政效率具有重大意义。实践中,市县科层结构"交错纠缠"、省级政府管理幅度偏大、市县资源依赖关系受到冲击等问题一定程度上影响了省直管县改革的推进,导致改革的政策红利未能充分释放。应从增加省直管县试点数量、推动市县科层结构扁平化、维护市县共生性资源依赖关系、引导市县从资源竞争走向差异化合作等方面着手构建并完善市县横向分治与合作机制,以推动省直管县改革取得更大成效。  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important means to address conflicts, support local development and build trust between businesses and civil society. Yet CSR often fails to live up to its ambitions and can even exacerbate conflicts between companies and communities. In this article we consider how changing CSR strategies over the past four decades between Brazilian company Vale to Norwegian company Hydro have fomented or mitigated company–community conflicts in Northern Brazil. We find that paternalistic and philanthropic approaches of Vale over time led to deep resentment and mistrust due to underdevelopment and environmental damages. Moreover, while Hydro’s more modern CSR strategies sought to deepen community engagement and build legitimacy, the company has struggled in addressing the legacies inherited from Vale and past and current civil society grievances. The case suggests that even forward-thinking CSR approaches are vulnerable to failure where they prioritise business risk over community engagement, neglect to account for past legacies in areas of operation, and fail to create a shared vision of future development. It suggests that EI companies should both understand and engage with their social and environmental impacts in the past, present, and future and create shared economic benefits in the short and long term in order to address social conflicts.  相似文献   
"河长制"全面实施以来,我国河流管理与保护成效显著。"河长制"确认各级河长在河流管理保护中的职责,通过对河长每年工作履职情况进行严格考核并实施严格追责等措施,促进了我国水环境和水生态质量的改善并向长久保持。在实践中,我国"河长制"面临着本质偏离、考核异化、多元共治欠缺的困境,使得河流治理容易出现短期、反弹等现象,影响了"河长制"的实效。为此必须通过明晰各级河长的责任,确保以责任驱动"河长制"工作;建立多层面的科学完善的考核指标体系;坚持多元共治,弱化对行政权力的依赖来优化"河长制"制度,保障"河长制"的长效化、法治化。  相似文献   
经济新常态下,预算绩效管理已不再仅是对支出效率评估的工具,而是成为了实现国家治理现代化的保障机制。全覆盖预算绩效管理作为构建预算绩效管理体系的重要组成部分,以目标导向为原则,一方面旨在弥补传统预算绩效中存在的问题,另一方旨在构建起包括一般公共预算绩效管理体系、其它政府预算绩效管理体系和解决政府与社会企业的"五种合作模式"存在的部分问题的预算绩效管理体系。为推动全覆盖预算绩效管理的践行,应积极推进全覆盖与全方位预算绩效管理格局紧密配合、与全过程预算绩效管理链条有机联动的路径机制。同时,弥补全覆盖预算绩效管理相关的法律不足、建立健全全覆盖预算绩效考评监督体系等相关配套措施的顶层设计,从而推进"绩效管理平面化"向"绩效管理立体化"转变、实现财政支出效率和预算绩效管理的战略规划目标。  相似文献   
基层治,则天下安。在新型城镇化纵深推进大背景下,对流动人口住处的疏解整治成为解决"大城市病"的必要手段,但实践中拆迁整治引发了"堰塞湖效应","堰塞湖效应"使得流动人口流入地社区演变成"堰塞湖"型社区。对此类社区的治安管理应革新以往防范式治安管理模式,有针对性地构建社区治安问题"审视→分析→反应→评估"的治安管理模式,根据"堰塞湖"型社区治安问题产生的原因及管理困境,形成一套从宏观到微观的逻辑严谨、运行有序的治安管理体系。具体可从树立"善治"和"共治"治安管理理念、促进流动人口社区融合和社区治安资源整合等方面入手解决"堰塞湖"型社区治安问题,以维护社区安全稳定。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2020,60(3):225-233
The technique of fire investigation is a forensic domain in which expertise and analogies play a central role. To learn how fire investigators use these analogies to support their work, we conducted an ethnographic study in a Swiss forensic police department. To propose a suitable knowledge-management strategy, we also evaluated the knowledge conservation and sharing within the department. Our results highlighted that actionable knowledge is registered mainly in the investigators’ memories of a few, very experienced, individuals. Without experience with fire-incident investigations, an agent generally requires help from a more experienced colleague, who will then use his memory to find a similar case, which can contribute to the solution of the ongoing one. The research also established that knowledge is exchanged orally during on-site investigations and that knowledge receivers are generally those who are present on the scene. Using these findings, we suggest building a case library to support the externalisation and sharing of knowledge.  相似文献   
“十四五”时期是我国从全面建成小康社会向基本实现社会主义现代化迈进的关键过渡期。基于数量和质量双重维度,采用趋势外推法预测未来经济增长潜力,未来十年中国的潜在经济增长率呈现明显下降态势,而经济增长质量潜力则出现显著上升趋势。“十四五”时期建设社会主义现代化国家的战略目标包括以推动高质量发展为基本导向、以提升国家核心竞争力为集中体现、以增进人民福祉为最终目的、以推进国家治理现代化为重要保障。在此基础上,“十四五”时期的战略重点是更加有力的创新驱动、更加优化的经济结构、更加完善的基础设施体系和更加现代化的发展道路。  相似文献   
位于黔东南山地地区的苗族聚落因其特殊的地貌形态和文化渊源,形成了各类与平原聚落不同的、极具特色的公共空间。论文通过文献研究与实地走访调查,总结黔东南苗族聚落中的公共空间类型与特色,并探究其由内在的文化联系而形成的序列结构。黔东南苗族聚落的公共空间可分为生产空间、交通空间和仪式空间三类,其中仪式空间最具特色。黔东南苗族聚落的公共空间布局灵活自由,形态因地制宜;各类公共空间为鼓藏节、招龙节等重要仪式活动提供场所,作为历史的象征连通古今;模拟历史演变的仪式活动串联起各类公共空间,形成连通村落内外、村落之间的公共空间序列,对民族文化的传承和构建起到积极作用。  相似文献   
Although several literature reviews have been published on public service motivation (PSM), none of them focused solely on Africa. Adopting a systematic review of the literature, we analyse articles on PSM scholarship in Africa published between 2005 and 2017. We found that authors in African PSM is consistently increasing with their research published in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals. The antecedents and consequences of African PSM are similar to those of Western countries. Finally, respondents of African PSM scholarship are skewed towards “managerist” and students’ perspective. We proposed agenda for African PSM research with four key interest areas.  相似文献   
在灾害事故应急处置过程中,处置人员往往没有做好对新闻媒体的管理工作,一是对新闻媒体疏于管理,二是对新闻媒体管得过死。从实践中存在的具体问题看,加强对新闻媒体的管理,应当转变观念。第一要转变对新闻媒体的看法,认识到新闻媒体的作用及其特征。第二要转变在灾害事故处置过程中对新闻媒体管理的重要性认识。  相似文献   
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