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机动侦查权是检察机关侦查权力不可或缺的一部分。从保留必要性来看,监察委员会的调查权和公安机关的侦查权均不能取代其法律监督的宪法地位。修订后的《刑事诉讼法》对检察机关机动侦查权的适用范围做出了限缩,机动侦查权在司法活动中运用的频率偏低。其原因是,检察机关机动侦查权在修订后的《刑事诉讼法》的相关规定要求下存在适用边界不明、启动程序繁琐、机关职权划分不明等问题。在明确《刑事诉讼法》对机动侦查权的功能定位是适时监督、寻求个案正义的前提下,通过划分机动侦查权适用的具体范围、简化机动侦查权的启动程序、确立检察机关启动机动侦查权的主导地位等路径对检察机关机动侦查权进行完善。  相似文献   
随着移动通讯事业的迅速发展,开车使用移动电话的人越来越多,与移动电话相关的交通事故也随之增加。本文总结了移动电话对驾驶者的影响和与移动电话相关的交通事故发生的危险因素,并阐述了目前降低与移动电话相关的交通事故发生采取的措施并提出预防相关交通事故发生的对策。  相似文献   
目的 研究社区老年抑郁症患者的中医证候学特征临床,为抑郁症的临床治疗和健康保健提供依据。方法 采用多阶段随机抽样方法,抽样调查上海市浦东新区5个街镇25个村居委会55岁以上常住人口,筛查老年抑郁症,再对抑郁症患者进行中医体质辨识和辨证分型,考察其中医体质类型、证型、临床分型的关系。结果 抽样4 600例,回收有效问卷4 047份,筛查出抑郁症患者519例,其体质类型以气郁质、阳虚质、气虚质最多,分别是122、99、99例,此3类体质占抑郁症总数的61.66%,其次是平和质、阴虚质、血瘀质、痰湿质、湿热质、特禀质,分别为94、37、26、18、17、7例。中医证型以肝郁气滞型最多,为141例,其次是肝郁脾虚型、心脾两虚型、肝肾阴虚型,分别是132、77、59例。结论 老年抑郁症多为“情志之郁,因郁而病”,初起以气滞气郁为主,多为实证,久则由实转虚,导致脏腑气血阴阳亏虚。  相似文献   
中国老年人健康状况的性别差异及其影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用中国2002年老人健康状况调查资料,在控制其它相关因素的情况下,对中国老年人健康状况的性别差异进行统计验证和原因分析。分析结果表明,中国女性老年人口的健康水平明显低于男性老年人口,不利的后天社会环境是其主要原因,其中低下的女性社会经济地位的影响最显著。本文还在原因分析的基础上提出改善中国女性老年人健康状况的对策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the new ways to navigate family power dynamics among Muslim youth in contemporary Uzbekistan. Migration of labour from Uzbekistan increased rapidly in the 2000s. When young workers began to experience the freedom of making their own decisions in their everyday lives after migration, they became uncomfortable with the elders of the household making decisions on everything from daily chores to serious matters concerning their families. Youth who continued to live in Uzbekistan also expanded their areas of self-determination, such as in choosing their spouses, by securing private space through the use of mobile phones. The mobile phone can be an effective tool to improve the position of young wives, who tend to have the lowest status in the husband's family. Thus, the existing hierarchy or classical patriarchy in Muslim families can be navigated, challenged and circumvented by the use of mobile phones among the youth today.  相似文献   
Increasingly, Android smartphones are becoming more pervasive within the government and industry, despite the limited ways to detect malicious applications installed to these phones' operating systems. Although enterprise security mechanisms are being developed for use on Android devices, these methods cannot detect previously unknown malicious applications. As more sensitive enterprise information becomes available and accessible on these smartphones, the risk of data loss inherently increases. A malicious application's actions could potentially leave sensitive data exposed with little recourse. Without an effective corporate monitoring solution in place for these mobile devices, organizations will continue to lack the ability to determine when a compromise has occurred. This paper presents research that applies traditional digital forensic techniques to remotely monitor and audit Android smartphones. The smartphone sends changed file system data to a remote server, allowing for expensive forensic processing and the offline application of traditional tools and techniques rarely applied to the mobile environment. The research aims at ascertaining new ways of identifying malicious Android applications and ultimately attempts to improve the state of enterprise smartphone monitoring. An on-phone client, server, database, and analysis framework was developed and tested using real mobile malware. The results are promising that the developed detection techniques identify changes to important system partitions; recognize file system changes, including file deletions; and find persistence and triggering mechanisms in newly installed applications. It is believed that these detection techniques should be performed by enterprises to identify malicious applications affecting their phone infrastructure.  相似文献   
本文基于温岭市横峰老年协会实例,探讨老年协会参与农村社区行动背后的动力机制。一方面,要营造鼓励老年协会社区参与的环境条件,建立和完善政府对老年协会组织的监控和鼓励机制;另一方面,老年协会应提升自身内部治理能力,建立和完善老年协会的自治、自律机制,使老年协会的发展及其社会资本的积累,能够有效推进农村民间组织朝着当好地方政府和"村两委"参谋助手的方向发展。  相似文献   
由于特殊的文化传统和历史背景,香港是我国安老服务起步较早、发展较为完善的地区,在老年服务方面形成了一套制度完备、设施相对健全的体系。随着经济的迅猛发展,内地已逐渐步入老龄化社会,而安老服务仍处于起步阶段,在很多方面并不健全和完善。通过介绍香港完善的安老服务体系和特点,同时结合内地的现状,借鉴香港的成功之处,提出建立以社区居家养老为主的养老模式,同时调动社会各方力量,为内地的长者提供更好的安老服务,使长者能够生活的更加稳定和幸福,同时促进社会的更加和谐和稳定。  相似文献   
老人帮助已婚儿女承担家务劳动,不能简单地被视为一种代际互惠。第一,在代际及性别权力关系改变与工业社会变迁相互作用的背景下,这种传统意义上的代际互惠发生了改变。第二,代际互惠观念背后隐藏了一些意识形态,它们与工业化进程中家庭功能外移之间存在矛盾和冲突。文章在父系家庭和工业社会变迁的理论框架下,从代际和性别权力关系的视角,着重分析了城市双职工家庭中,在第一个孩子出世到上小学之前这段家庭生命周期内,祖父母特别是祖母协助双职工家庭中的儿子和儿媳承担育儿及其他家务工作这一现象,探讨了在经济力量改变社会性别和父权制家庭关系的背景下,老年女性的福利遭到削减、家庭面临工业化挑战、社会政策被期待做出调整等相关问题。  相似文献   
随着我国人口老年化的加剧,作为人口占多数的农村养老问题也受到更多的关注。由于家庭结构变化,中国家庭4-2-1模式的普遍存在,传统家庭养老面临巨大挑战,新型的农村社区居家养老应运而生。但由于法律建设的不健全,农村社区养老在实践中面临困境。要解决这一问题,就要基于法律的思维,构建完善的农村社区居家养老模式。  相似文献   
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