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战后,拉丁美洲的社会经济结构发生了深刻变化。许多拉美国家已从半封建半殖民地社会进入发展中资本主义社会,还有一些拉美国家正在开始这种过渡。与此同时,这一地区政治进程的发展也取得了重大突破:资产阶级现代政治思潮取代封建专制主义而成为社会的统治意识;民族资产阶级基本上取代大地主、大资产阶级而在国家政治生活中发挥主导作  相似文献   

更新思想的问题不是近年才提出的,但是拉美和加勒比海地区面临严重的困难,要求我们以极大的精力去完成这项任务。为什么要更新思想?最重要的原因是拉美的经济思想落后于事态发展,因为从各国国内发展进程来看,社会结构和权力关系发生了深刻变化,而这种变化对资本积累产生了极大的影响。我认为,再生产资本,即增加收入、就业和发展生产力的资本积累方式,已不适应各国社会发生的结构性变化。近几十年来技术进步的巨大成果,大多集中到受益阶层的  相似文献   

20世纪日本无论在经济上还是在军事上都曾出现过"大起大落"。在20世纪即将过去的世纪之末,创造过战后经济增长奇迹的日本却又陷入了战后空前的经济衰退。与此同时,战后执政长达38年之久的自民党在经过1993年的分裂之后,又呈现出保守政治从"裂变"转向"聚变"的迹象。可以认为,本世纪最后3年日本政治经济正在继续发生深刻的变化,而且这种变化将会对日本在21世纪走什么道路留下深刻的影响。本文主要对1998年日本政治经济形势作一些回顾与分析,在此基础上对1999年日本政治经济形势作一些展望。  相似文献   

日本与东盟的经贸合作在日本对外经济合作中占有优势地位。随着东盟地位和作用的提升,东盟和日本的经贸关系从依赖发展为相互依赖。近二十年来,在内外多重因素的影响下,日本与东盟的经济相互依赖关系发生了深刻变化。本文旨在通过发展态势、国别结构和评价三个方面对日本与东盟经济相互依赖关系的变化进行研究,对双边关系中的敏感性和脆弱性进行比较分析。  相似文献   

朱子学在日本江户时期急速兴起的原因及其特色   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
日本朱子学从原来的一种文化修养转而作为一种伦理道德和思想文化在江户幕府时期急速兴起有其深刻的社会背景。而且日本与中国和朝鲜高度集权的中央官僚统治不同,具有容纳了相对独立的子系统和严格的职业等级分工的结构特色。这种结构特色要求朱子学解决具体的“问题”而不是钟情于抽象的“主义”。因此,日本朱子学被具体诠释成日本社会各个层次乃至庶民的不同伦理文化,而呈现出多样性和庶民化的特点。  相似文献   

从20世纪后期开始,国际关系正经历一场缓慢而深刻的变化,与此同时,中国也开始在国际社会的这种变化中和平崛起。对于这些新现象,中国学者发掘自身文化资源,参考西方先进理论,提出了"国际社会共生论",试图对这些新现象做出解释和提供解决之道。本文从社会学视角出发,以全球治理为切入口,从变迁、结构和话语等几方面具体探讨国际社会发生的种种变化,并论述"国际社会共生论"在解答变化和解决问题上的价值与意义。  相似文献   

在几经周折之后,细川内阁提出的政治改革有关法案于今年1月29日在众参两院获得通过。至此,在日本议论达6年之久的政治改革终于有了结果。政改法的通过在日本国内外引起广泛关注。日本舆论界普遍认为,以政改法的成立为转机,由自民党下野、8党派联合执政的细川内阁成立而开始的日本政界改组将进入第二幕。这种趋势发展下去,最终将导致日本政治体制发生重大变化。  相似文献   

自本世纪三十年代起,拉丁美洲国家开始进入了一个经济迅速发展和社会急剧变革的时期。半个多世纪来,这些国家的经济结构、社会结构和阶级结构都发生了深刻变化。在这一系列变化中,中间阶层的壮大,  相似文献   

在社会转型的大背景下 ,俄罗斯的学术界与政治之间的关系表现出明显的互动特征。这种互动集中反映在两个方面 :一是大量知识分子弃笔从政 ,二是许多政治家跻身学术界。参政的俄罗斯知识分子可以分为“思想家”、“改革家”和“服务者”3类 ,而政治家“回归”学术界的形式则有著书、执掌科研院所、获取学位和职称等等。笔者认为 ,从学术向政治的流动规模远大于政治对学术的回归 ,这反映出俄罗斯社会对知识及其现实价值的认同 ,在社会转型进程中发生了深刻变化。更为重要的是 ,这两种互动倾向都在深刻地影响着转型期俄罗斯社会政治和科学的发展。  相似文献   

在东亚新兴工业化国家与地区现代化进程中 ,社会随着经济发展而发生了深刻变化和结构变迁 ,现代阶级与阶层的形成、发展和壮大是社会发展的重要标志 ,其中具有重要意义的是现代产业工人阶级、受过教育的中间阶级和企业家阶层的成长壮大 ,社会结构渐趋合理。同时 ,整个社会的富裕程度、教育水平和城市化水平也不断提高 ,为社会的稳定和经济的进一步发展奠定了稳固的基础。  相似文献   

东亚国家行政改革之比较--以90年代中、韩、日为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东亚经济和社会的发展 ,在很大程度上得益于政治—行政体系 ,形成了具有特色的东亚行政模式。东亚各国政府在大力推动现代化的同时 ,也面临着自身革新的任务。 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,中国、韩国和日本等国掀起了强劲的行政改革浪潮。由于中、韩、日的历史和国情不同 ,关于改革的目标及原则、范围与层次以及改革成果等方面也有所不同 ,而有可资借鉴之处  相似文献   

Cambodian leaders have confounded the efforts of the international community to promote rule of law. Over the past decade the Cambodian government has introduced a series of legal reforms and overseen an increase in the use of legal proceedings including defamation lawsuits against opposition politicians and members of civil society. These reforms and practices, as well as the role of the judiciary in relation to each, may be better understood through elite perceptions of the rule of law in Cambodia. Comprehending the rule of law as it is understood by the ruling elites offers better insight into the trajectory of legal development and the obstacles to Western ideals for legal reform. This article situates Cambodia within the context of illiberal democracy and examines how a thin rule of law has evolved, focusing on defamation law as a legal and political strategy of control. While the international community has pressed Cambodia to carry out liberal legal reforms for some time, the article will outline the obstacles facing reformers and the competing desires of Cambodian leaders embedded in the patronage based political order.  相似文献   

当"万国公法"在近代日本逐渐为"公法"及"国际法"概念替换之际,美国人为了达成"门户开放"的对华政策而寻求同盟时,向日本人提出了伸张"亚洲门罗主义"的建议。这一建议暗合了日本的扩张意图,为日本不断利用"公法"张扬"亚洲门罗主义"提供了口实。可以说,20世纪30年代初成立的伪满洲国是这一建议带来的最大成果。然而,在伪满洲国承认问题上,"亚洲门罗主义"达到顶峰的同时又背离了"公法"。  相似文献   

Frank Foley 《安全研究》2013,22(3):435-478
This article seeks to explain why two states faced with a similar terrorist threat, perceiving it in a similar way, and drawing the same broad implications for their counterterrorist investigations, have nevertheless put in place significantly different types of organizational reforms in response to that threat. The study shows that although France and Britain have embraced a common preventive logic in the face of Islamist terrorism, the changes that they have made to the coordination of intelligence, law enforcement, and prosecution in that context have differed because of contrasting organizational routines and interinstitutional conventions in the two states. An analysis of the British and French cases shows that law enforcement can be preventive but that western states are likely to pursue different ways of bringing security agencies and the law together to prevent and prosecute terrorism. The organizational and institutional factors that give rise to such divergent practices have important consequences for the ability of a state to develop a coordinated operational response to terrorism and convict terrorist suspects of crimes in a court of law.  相似文献   

1933年日本退出国际联盟,原因概在于西方列强于伪满洲国的承认问题上投了反对票。日本的这一举动,无疑是对国际组织的强有力冲击。简言之,在日本侵略野心急剧膨胀的时段,国际联盟约束力的缺失与公法强制力的丧失,使得日本巧妙利用公法为一己之私服务,给今天的学界留下了耐人寻味的思考。  相似文献   

Japan-Vietnam relations have experienced remarkable progress as Japan is strengthening its strategic involvement in regional affairs,and Vietnam is advancing its domestic reforms and external balancing. It reflects their strategic consideration in response to China's rise but is to a large extent beyond the will of China.  相似文献   

This article reviews the structural problems of the political economies of Germany and Japan, their reduced competitiveness, industrial “hollowing-out” of corporate emigration, and their banking crises following past capital misallocations. To this, policy responses have been grossly inadequate as Japan resorted to massive public works programmes and Germany to an expanded welfare state—both entirely debt financed and unsustainable. These policy choices were the result of vested interests embedded in cartelized political structures and conformist public cultures, with growing tendencies towards collusion and corruption. Germany's and Japan's problems are compounded by societal value changes of an eroding work ethic and the rise of a hedonistic individualism, as evident, inter alia in catastrophic demographic data. As the political class and societies at large are still in a denial mode in both countries—after the September 2005 elections in Germany more so than in Japan—the much needed structural reforms are unlikely to be undertaken anytime soon.  相似文献   

This article examines the background to Japan's current refugeerecognition and protection regime in the thematic context ofburden-sharing. It considers recent legislative reforms andthe role of local NGOs with the aim of setting Japan's domesticprotection framework against the background of its internationallegal obligations. The analysis suggests that the policy andpractices of the Japanese government have resulted in the exclusionof many who seek to enter the country and that for those in-countrythere is inadequate state social and welfare provision. Thearticle questions whether Japan's significant financial contributioncan adequately discharge its international burden-sharing responsibilitiesand argues that the government has effectively shifted responsibilityfor protection and support to local NGOs. It concludes thatwithout further changes burden-shifting and not burden-sharingwill remain a predominant feature of Japan's approach to protectingand providing for asylum seekers and refugees in Japan.  相似文献   

In this article, a typology of reforms most suitable for Western democracies is built using two dimensions. These are the aggregative–integrative dimension and the indirect–direct dimension. Using a data set of reforms, consisting of 21 democracies, reforms in the last two decades are categorized as either pendulum, consensus, voter or participatory reforms. In the second part of this article, it is explored whether patterns of reforms follow mass-level cultural changes in four egalitarian societies. Following grid-group cultural typologies some of the patterns of democratic change anticipated are: that pendulum reforms are accompanied by changes towards a more atomistic culture, consensus reforms are associated with hierarchical societies, voter reforms are guided by accelerated individualism, and finally, that participatory reforms match increasingly egalitarian societies. This article concludes that these expectations have not been met. Elites are trying to restore the slump of the hierarchical culture and with it the consensus democratic model despite the resulting mismatch with mass cultures.  相似文献   

法治与现代化的关系问题是现代化理论中的重大问题。通过司法改革促进法治是当今拉美国家现代化的必然要求。在法治与政治的关系方面,法治为政治的有序运转提供保障,拉美国家正在通过司法改革推进政治的现代化和民主化。法治与政治互动反映出各国政治发展不同阶段的两种情况:司法政治化和政治司法化。在暴力和独裁逐渐远离政治的现代化进程中,法治必将发挥更大的作用。法治与政治的良性互动有利于现代化的推进。  相似文献   

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