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冲突是政治社会中不可避免的现象,政治与冲突有着不可分割的内在联系。因此,如何在冲突中寻求稳定与和谐构成政治生活的主题。而构建有效的政治冲突调控机制就成为政治体系的关键。  相似文献   

冲突是人类社会不可避免的政治现象.人类政治生活中冲突的客观性注定了和谐社会并非是没有冲突的社会,社会冲突功能的两面性决定了和谐社会是冲突与合作共存的社会,现代化转型的特殊场景决定了和谐社会必然是在不稳定中寻求稳定的社会,构建制度化的冲突调控机制是和谐社会建设的必由之路.  相似文献   

国家与社会的重叠以及尚未完善的利益分配体制塑造了社会转型时期中国的治理情状,也描绘出贯穿改革开放进程始终的制度变革线索,这使当下中国的社会冲突具有了国家色彩与政治敏感色彩,刚性的纵向问责制又会使相关治理主体人为地放大这一色彩,部分消解了社会冲突对于改革绩效与路径选择的重要评判功能。与此同时,改革开放的政策创制已渐从经济与政治层面过渡到社会生活层面,于日常生活中初露端倪的政治意识驱使人们夸大收益不平等的主观感知,寻求政治对话以维护现实权益渐成民众的自觉行为。当这种行为遭遇体制路径的狭窄与承接载体的缺失时,必然引发"对话"的经常性冲突与"生活的政治"。这一方面决定了社会冲突的客观常态性,另一方面也表明其具有的非颠覆性的表征。另外,以消解特定社会冲突事件为旨归的应激式改革必然呈现碎片化、短期性的形貌,难以建构并固化为系统性的社会政策以及富有张力和一定外延的社会行为,这从决策方式与民主主体两个方面模糊了社会冲突与民主改革的线性指向性关系。因此,不能过度解读社会冲突与政治体制改革的关联进而放大民主政治建设对于治理社会冲突的功能。审慎而理性地认知其非线性关系是根本消解社会冲突的必要过程,更是系统深化政治体制改革的题中要义。  相似文献   

黄毅峰 《行政论坛》2011,18(5):16-21
冲突是政治社会中不可避免的现象,政治与冲突有着不可分割的内在联系。因此,如何在冲突中寻求稳定与和谐构成政治生活的主题。而构建有效的政治冲突调控机制就成为政治体系的关键。一个有效的政治冲突调控机制应该以动态的政治稳定作为目标定位,以民主政治理念作为价值基石,以制度化运行机制作为路径选择。唯有这样,国家的长治久安才有希望得以实现与维系。  相似文献   

社会冲突作为政治生活中不可避免的社会现象,由于社会.的复杂性,其产生的根源显然也各不相同。对此,西方政治学界大量学者都曾进行过深入探讨,从不同视角出发给出了不同解释路径与解释逻辑,主要包括资源分配说、权力斗争说、群体行动说、社会分层说、信任缺失说、价值冲突说等六大流派。  相似文献   

利益集团与社会分层是政治学中两个重要概念,在理论上对它们进行比较,就能在实际政治生活中更好地协调不同社会集团和社会各阶层的利益,也能促进政治体制改革的顺利发展。性质比较社会主义初级阶段的改革开放,使社会各种群体、各个阶层之间的关系会不断地从冲突摩擦到重新调整。在这个过程中,由于利益分配关系的不平衡性,必然形成群际之间的矛盾冲突,如干部群体与其它社会群体  相似文献   

社会冲突作为政治生活中不可避免的社会现象,由于社会的复杂性,其产生的根源显然也符不相同.对此,西方政治学界大量学者都曾进行过深入探讨,从不同视角出发给出了不同解释路径与解释逻辑,主要包括资源分配说、权力斗争说、群体行动说、社会分层说、信任缺失说、价值冲突说等六大流派.  相似文献   

政治冲突是人类政治生活中固有的普遍现象。现代化意味着利益的重新分配与调整,将不可避免孕育政治冲突的产生。政治冲突具有不同的类型和功能。不同类型和强度的政治冲突对现代化将产生不同的价值与功能,既构成对政治体系的强大压力,又是实现政治系统动态平衡与稳定的重要动力,推动现代化的进程。  相似文献   

党内政治生活科学化是中国共产党作为马克思主义政党的必然要求,是全面从严治党的应有之义,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要基石。但新时代党内政治生活面临着个体价值取向与党的价值取向的冲突、资本逻辑与共产党逻辑的冲突以及党组织的稳定性与流动性的冲突三个方面的现实挑战。提高党内政治生活科学化水平,必须构建先进的党内政治文化、和谐的党内关系、完善的党内制度体系和严格的党内长效运行机制。  相似文献   

政治是对人们之间冲突的解决。一个理想的社会是不存在冲突的社会,但当冲突不可避免时,政治文明的进步就表现为不断寻求更公平的冲突解决方式。在现代条件下,这就表现为建立和完善集体决策的政治与协议的政治。同时,虽然在某些时候我们的行动可以不考虑公平的要求,但这些行动必须以将我们与冲突者的关系重新纳入公平框架之中为目的。公平意味着冲突中的各方不能自行充当其他人的裁决者,而必须让制度来裁决他们间的冲突,集体决策的政治与协议的政治就是建立这种制度的两种方式。  相似文献   

1957年2月,毛泽东在最高国务会议上做了《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》的报告。如何结合半个世纪的风风雨雨和变化着的实际,站在新世纪的制高点上,认真研讨与审视毛泽东的人民内部矛盾学说,是一个具有重要理论与实践意义的课题,同时也是一个颇有争议和难度、极具挑战性的课题。本文论述了毛泽东人民内部矛盾学说的贡献与局限,分析了毛泽东正确处理人民内部矛盾的思想未能在实践中落实的原因,提出逐步用“社会矛盾”的概念替代“人民内部矛盾”的表述,分析了现阶段社会矛盾的主要表现和特点,阐述了构建和谐社会是当代中国的新主题,并进而认为,从50年前提出正确处理人民内部矛盾,到今天提出构建社会主义和谐社会,体现了国家政治生活主题的变化和党的执政理念的升华。  相似文献   

To identify what is needed to sustain local democracy we need a model of democratic government and an idea of the kind of social and economic context that is supportive of democracy. Local democracy requires a combination of a liberal democratic model of local government and the prerequisites of democratic stability: economic development, equality, political culture and the development of civil society. However, a number of factors, non-local as well as local, may undermine local government and local democracy, especially centralization, economic decisions, external conflicts, dependency on civil servants, the dilution of elected representation, formalistic participation, skewed representation, class conflict and official attitudes. However, democratic local government can contribute to economic development, the reduction of inequality, a democratic political culture and the development of civil society, thereby strengthening local democracy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of political socialization and life course on the ideological involvement of two cohorts of Norwegian men. Our main thesis is that socialization in a period dominated by political and social conflicts will produce a higher level of ideological involvement than socialization in a period with a low level of political and social conflicts. But the higher level of ideological involvement can be modified by the life course experiences of the cohorts. We are only able to discuss some aspects of this rather general thesis in this article, comparing two cohorts born in 1912 and 1932.  相似文献   

马克思主义利益视角的社会稳定及政府控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从利益的视角审视,社会不稳定的最大诱因是利益分化所造成的利益对立与利益冲突.政府维系和实现社会稳定最为有效的手段就是通过利益调控弱化和消解利益的冲突和对立.当代中国政府控制的主要任务是通过制度、政策以及思想政治教育等利益调控手段的综合运用,为中国的小康社会建设构筑一个良好的社会稳定机制.  相似文献   

China currently faces increasingly serious social conflicts. In the past, China's approach to resolving social conflicts was ‘social management’. Now, however, it is turning to the development of ‘social governance’. This change reflects the inability of government acting alone to recognise and to address comprehensively the type of social problems that require co-ordination of social forces. Our research identifies three dimensions of governance and provides a comparative framework allowing us to illuminate how social governance as conceived in China differs from that in Western countries. Under China's current conditions, the strengthening and development of social governance is a holistic process. Neither market-centrism nor state-centrism is pursued, and pure social-centrism is not the favoured direction of development; the path chosen is rather a state-led social pluralism. The implications we see for the Government are that it should first transform its own functions to achieve a substantially higher quality of public service. This would put it in a position to empower (civil) society to mobilise multiple and varied social forces to participate so that social conflict can be optimally addressed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Immigrants, who comprise a growing group in many European countries, are usually under-represented in the political process. Sweden's immigrant policy, with its far-reaching social and political rights, liberal citizenship laws and respect for cultural differences, is often regarded as an exemplary model of how to integrate immigrants in society. The 1975 electoral reform in Sweden gave immigrants the opportunity to become active in the democratic process by allowing foreign citizens to vote in local political elections. This article examines the political and organizational participation of immigrants. The findings indicate widespread and significant exclusion and under-representation of immigrants in political and organizational life. We argue that immigrant political participation is best understood in terms of a tension between individual characteristics and institutional and organizational factors. In particular, the long-term exclusion of large numbers of immigrants from labor related organizations is shown to be an important obstacle to their further social and political participation.  相似文献   

This article explores the political economy of reform under the technocratic government of Mario Monti. Unlike the technocratic governments of the 1990s, the Monti interregnum was an experiment in unmediated democracy, in which a government is actively supported neither by political parties nor by encompassing social groups. Italian political leaders adopted unmediated democracy because of the underlying interest group conflicts in the Italian political economy. Unmediated democrats such as Monti can impose bitter medicine on a stalemated society when it is in a stage of acute crisis, but the passage of longer-term reforms requires a social coalition to support those reforms beyond the critical stage of crisis. Thus the government implemented budget cuts, but liberalisation and institutional reform stalled in the face of opposition. Italy is unlikely to be durably reformed by a government that is not anchored to society through political parties or interest groups.  相似文献   

Schmitt  David E. 《Publius》1988,18(2):33-45
Northern Ireland is a bicommunal society in which Protestantsare numerically dominant; Roman Catholics constitute virtuallyall of the remaining population. On the island as a whole, Protestantsare heavily outnumbered; the Republic of Ireland (the "South")has a population that is about 96 percent Catholic. Social segregationof the two northern communities is relatively distinct, andthere is little crosscutting between groups that might lessenbicommunal conflict. A reciprocal relationship exists betweenthe social system and political structures. Northern Irish politicalinstitutions followed the Westminster model, which facilitatedthe political exclusion of Catholics and impeded social as wellas political integration. The bicommunal social structure hasimpeded the development of more accommodating political structures.Geographic issues and external linkages compound the politicalproblem. Northern Irish politics can be viewed as a "dual dyad"in which the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland arecritical components. Psychological dimensions of Northern Irishbicommunalism further exacerbate the conflict.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国开始了由计划经济向市场经济的转型,但是转型进程中,我们发现,政治国家的力量大大超越了公民社会的力量,公民社会一直被政治国家所湮没,因此,如何构建一个成熟的公民社会就成为当代中国社会转型的轴心,并将影响着中国现代化的进程与前景。本文基于当代中国公民社会现状提出:建构一个成熟的公民社会是中国社会转型的必由之路,而在当代中国公民社会的构建进程中,市场经济的建立和完善是基础,现代公司的塑造是核心,社会组织的发展是关键,宪政民主制度的确立是保障。  相似文献   

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