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本文案例启示:浙江温岭虐童案中幼儿教师虐童的行为不构成寻衅滋事罪、故意伤害罪、侮辱罪或虐待罪。由于现行刑法没有规定相关的虐童犯罪行为,使得虐童行为不能得到应有的惩罚。要解决这一问题,较为可行的办法不是在刑法中增设"虐待儿童罪",而是应对虐待罪的立法予以完善,并将此类行为纳入虐待罪进行规制。  相似文献   

“天价过路费”案使得时家三兄弟中有两个要坐牢。案件背后,却隐藏着一段兄弟情深的故事。  相似文献   

食品安全问题的频频曝光引起了社会各界的广泛关注。《刑法修正案(八)》对刑法第一百四十四条生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪进行了修改:降低了入罪的标准及加重处罚情节的门槛,取消了单处罚金的刑罚和罚金比例的限制等。然而本罪相关概念、罪过形态及类罪归属等问题仍存争议,阻碍了此类案件转入刑事程序的进程、认定和处理。本文围绕真实案例,对相关问题进行浅析,尝试厘清本罪的相关概念、罪过形态及类罪归属等,希望能够对现实工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

自2015年起,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部三家联合开展集中打击拒不执行判决、裁定等犯罪行为的专项行动.然而,就在这样的大背景下,内蒙古自治区通辽市却发生了一起不可思议的“拒执案”:有人称,当地一名顶着政协委员光环的企业法人代表因涉嫌拒不执行判决、裁定罪,被监视居住.令人诧异的是,在被监视居住期间,该人居然可以自由通信、任意出行,甚至还出席了内蒙古自治区“两会”.2016年1月31日,《法律与生活》杂志社特派记者赶赴通辽市,就相关情况进行采访.  相似文献   

介绍了一起非法行医罪及由此引发的5起非医学需要胎儿性别鉴定案的调查取证经过,并就非法行医罪的特征、判处、非医学需要胎儿性别鉴定案的认定和一事不再罚等相关问题进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

传销或变相传销与合法正当经营方式的界限、传销或变相传销中非法经营罪与集资诈骗罪的界限、传销型非法经营罪违法所得该如何认定等问题一直都是司法实务中的难点问题。本文结合李柏庭非法经营一案对这些问题进行探讨,以期对司法实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

一、习水嫖宿幼女案中行为人犯罪性质的争议习水嫖宿幼女案审理过程中,司法机关人员面对本案的主要定罪量刑问题曾解释说,对嫖宿者以嫖宿幼女罪起诉是为了更严厉地打击违法犯罪,因为嫖宿幼女罪的量刑起点是5年,相对于强奸罪的量刑起点3年更高。对袁荣会以容留、介绍妇女卖淫罪提起公诉的解释是:很难有证  相似文献   

<正>唐朝大诗人李白才华横溢,他一直有“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的远大政治理想。公元756年,年近花甲的李白投靠永王李璘成为其幕僚,以此实现自己的政治抱负,却没想到短短一个月之后,永王谋反,李白受牵连流放夜郎。李白是否参与了谋反?他被判了什么罪?这件事情给李白带来了什么影响?李白,大唐盛世的狂士与歌者,为人狂放不羁,恃才傲物。自从在浔阳登上永王李璘的楼船,他的理想和抱负在一个月内就被迅速燃尽,他就像被命运扼住了喉咙,四顾茫然,惊恐无措。  相似文献   

谋反罪是维护专制统治的核心法律制度,其通过吸取文化的不同质部分,整合和创生出专制法律文化,形成了以谋反罪为中心的伦理、政治、制度规则体系。这些规则体系通过整合规则和不同的社会关系,实现了家庭伦理、政治伦理、法律制度基本原理的合一,全方位地维护专制制度,并形成了有效率的谋反罪制度实现方式。  相似文献   

最高人民检察院日前发布3个指导性案例,对检察机关办理编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息刑事案件加强指导,特别强调依法从严打击“诈弹”威胁民航安全犯罪。据悉,3个指导性案例分别是李泽强编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息案,卫学臣编造虚假恐怖信息案,袁才彦编造虚假恐怖信息案。案例明确了编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪中“编造行为”和“故意传播行为”的关系,“严重扰乱社会秩序”“造成严重后果”的判断标准以及本罪和他罪的关系等问题。  相似文献   

A new statute, “Hiding New and Old Fugitive Slaves of Manchus,” was added to the first version of the Qing code in 1647, and this statute surprisingly regulated that any offenders would be excluded from any amnesties. This is especially noteworthy because, according to both Ming and Qing codes, only severe crimes, such as treason and rebellion, were excluded from any amnesties. Previous scholars have not considered why the statute excluded any amnesties, nor have they analyzed how this amnesty policy was implemented in practice. This article contends that the exclusion did not arise from Manchu tradition. Instead, it was an exceptional response to the norms of amnesties in the Ming and Qing codes. Because the fugitive problem, involving slaves of Manchus fleeing from the banner system, endangered Manchus’ interests, the Qing court was compelled to exclude fugitive criminals from amnesties. However, the Qing court did not strictly apply the amnesty policy of this statute. Criminals in fugitive cases were sometimes pardoned because of amnesties during the Dorgon regency period. Dorgon, Shunzhi, Oboi, and Kangxi all initially excluded those harboring fugitives from amnesties, but later changed their amnesty policies in this regard. Even though the crime of harboring fugitives became a permanent symbol of Manchu rule and was recorded in every emperor’s enthronement edict from Kangxi to Xuantong, the Qing court gradually came to accept norms concerning amnesties as practiced in Han society and treated fugitive cases as ordinary court cases during and after the Kangxi emperor’s reign.  相似文献   

Fabre  Cécile 《Law and Philosophy》2020,39(4):427-461

Treason is one of the most serious legal offences that there are, in most if not all jurisdictions. Laws against treason are rooted in deep-seated moral revulsion about acts which, in the political realm, are paradigmatic examples of breaches of loyalty. Yet, it is not altogether clear what treason consists in: someone’s traitor is often another’s loyalist. In this paper, my aim is twofold: to offer a plausible conceptual account of treason, and to partly rehabilitate traitors. I focus on informational treason, as the act of passing secret intelligence to foreign actors without authorization. I argue that informational treason is sometimes justified, indeed morally mandatory; even when it is morally wrong, its beneficiaries are sometimes justified, indeed obliged, to make use of the intelligence thereby provided.


As of 2012, the Russian State Duma passed a string of repressive laws on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), surveillance, and high treason. Under this “new authoritarian” regime, a growing number of Russians are investigated by the security services or put on trial for high treason. NGOs face selective prosecution and surprise inspections. While we know how lawyers use legal mobilization in democratic regimes where they can expect courts to be fair, legal mobilization remains understudied in regimes moving toward authoritarianism, where authorities pass repressive laws but enforce them erratically. Drawing on interviews with Russian lawyers, this article examines how lawyers represent two victim groups of state coercion: Russians under investigation for treason and prosecuted human rights NGOs. By examining how lawyers make strategic choices while coping with unfair courts, the random enforcement of laws, and shrinking resources, this article argues that state coercion does not deter lawyers from legal mobilization at domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights. Instead, repressive laws push lawyers to reinvent their everyday practices to counter repressive legislation and conviction bias in the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

我国行政审判中调解制度的改革与完善   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国行政审判中的调解制度不仅在立法上存在矛盾 ,而且在法律适用上也有冲突。因此 ,本文从调解适用范围、适用原则以及调解模式等四个方面出发 ,提出了改革和完善我国行政审判中的调解制度之设想。  相似文献   

A criminal libel trial in 1911 set the monarch against one of his subjects. Edward Mylius repeated a rumour that accused King George V of marrying Queen Mary when – secretly – the King had previously married someone else and had three children. The criminal charge, the process used to bring the issue to court, the advice to the King of the relevant ministers (including Winston Churchill as Home Secretary) and the trial itself stretched the boundaries of fairness. The legacy of the trial created a lingering problem. Can the monarch ever be required to face the direct scrutiny of examination by being required to appear as a witness in his or her own court to support a personal complaint?  相似文献   

张晋藩 《现代法学》2012,34(1):3-19
由于司法关乎社会秩序与国家的安定,中国历代统治者对其都十分重视,力求公正。但司法渎职现象仍时有发生,断罪不如法、出入人罪、受赇枉法、请托枉法、挟仇枉法、滥用酷刑、淹禁稽迟等是其主要表现形式。为了克服司法渎职,历代也都采取了各种措施,包括制定相关法律、重视法官人选、进行司法监察等。就总体来说,这些措施都无法从根本上杜绝司法渎职的出现,但是古代的经验对于今天仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The clinical forensic examinations conducted at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Hanover Medical School between 1999 and 2008 in cases of suspected sexual abuse of children were evaluated retrospectively and analysed with regard to their legal outcome. In total, the study included 223 children (172 girls, 51 boys) with a median age of 8.6 years. In 34 children (15.2%), forensically relevant diagnostic findings due to anogenital injury and/or detection of semen were recorded. Perpetrators were convicted more often when they were not a member of the victim's family. In cases with victims aged seven years or older, conviction was more common. The study shows that medical findings can best be preserved by an immediate clinical forensic examination. Suspected sexual child abuse can often not be proved by medical examination results, but in some cases diagnostic findings are not mandatory for conviction.  相似文献   

王延  徐俊  程昱  唐晖  吕俊  高亮 《刑事技术》2020,(2):197-200
对交通事故中的漆片检材进行同一物质比对时,某些情况下难以提取到单一的油漆碎片而是两辆车的油漆混合在一起,给物证比对带来困难。红外差谱技术具有辨别混合物中不同成分的功能,因此可应用于交通事故中混合油漆检材的比对检验。本文对一起交通事故的漆片检材,分别用三种方式提取、制样,用红外光谱仪进行分析,借助红外差谱技术对谱图进行处理,排除混合油漆的干扰。处理后得到的谱图与样本的谱图进行比对,结果显示两者主要官能团吸收峰位置、峰型、峰强度基本一致,可出具比对一致的结论。针对混合油漆检材的比对检验,红外差谱技术可提供支持。  相似文献   

污染物总量控制保障措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幸红 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):69-71
总量控制是以控制一定的时段内一定区域中“排污单位“排放污染物的总重量为核心的环境管理方法体系,虽然我国相 关法律法规中作了初步规定,但仍存在一些问题,必须完善总量控制法律制度。  相似文献   

The clarification of a suspicion of poisoning at all times poses a problem to the forensic toxicologist, when a narrow margin of therapeutic safety and a low dosage coincide as in cases of digoxin poisoning. Statistical methods may serve as an aid. The post mortem digoxin concentration in the tissues of heart, kidney, liver and in blood of 45 patients who had received therapeutic daily doses and of 13 cases of fatal poisoning are compared. After logarithmic transformation of the individual concentration values a two modal distribution is obtained. There is one concentration calculated with equal probability of being classified to "therapeutic or toxic", as well as the probability of observing the "critical" concentrations of 400 ng digoxin/g cardiac tissue, 500 ng/g kidney and 250 ng/g liver after therapeutic dosing. Using the discriminant analysis each of the cases clearly falls into one of the two collectives "therapeutic" and "toxic", when taken as a separate observation. Concentration data of fatal poisonings taken from the literature are as successfully classified as the analytical results of some exhumed bodies under suspicion but not poisoned. As expected the power of discrimination increases with the number of parameters. Because of the relatively slow body distribution of digoxin the blood taken from peripheral vessels is of most important evidence.  相似文献   

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