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惩治跨国贩运妇女儿童犯罪的现状、困境及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡巍 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):28-32
针对贩运妇女儿童犯罪日益猖獗和不断呈现出来的跨国有组织犯罪的发展趋势,各国有必要以联合国打击贩运人口的补充议定书为基础,建立打击贩运人口犯罪的国际合作机制,以有效遏制这类严重侵犯人权的犯罪,保护被贩卖的妇女、儿童的合法权益。  相似文献   

近年来,贩卖人口犯罪在全球引起了广泛关注.在美国政府的敦促下,澳门开始重视其境内的贩卖人口犯罪问题,并于2008年通过了《打击贩卖人口犯罪》法律.将澳门《打击贩卖人口犯罪》法律与《联合国打击人口贩运议定书》进行比对,可以看出澳门打击贩卖人口犯罪的本地立法完全体现了国际法“追诉贩运者、保护被害人、预防犯罪”的宗旨要义,是列于世界先进水平的.但起诉率低、入罪率低的司法现实却警示着澳门地区在打击贩卖的进程中仍然任重而道远.通过进一步完善《打击贩卖人口犯罪》法律,加大执法力度,促进官方与民间实体合作,推动警民合作等努力,澳门的反贩卖行动应该会取得更加瞩目的成绩.  相似文献   

《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其议定书解析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》是当前国际社会打击跨国有组织犯罪的重要法律依据,公约附属的三项议定书则针对贩运人口、偷运移民和贩运枪支等跨国犯罪的制裁进行了全面的规范。公约和议定书在协调各国法律的基础上,强调国际刑事司法的一般准则,并提出了一系列崭新的构想和制度设计。本文在回顾公约及其议定书制定过程的基础上,对公约与议定书的相互关系,公约所确定的国际刑事司法准则,以及特定的跨国有组织犯罪问题进行了详细的解释与分析。  相似文献   

商标淡化是一种严重侵害驰名商标权利人权利的侵权行为,我国目前在法律中有包含对驰名商标予以反淡化保护因素的条款,但是并没有明确表明是对驰名商标的反淡化保护,而且在理论界也有不同的看法,认为我国的驰名商标反淡化保护异化严重,不应该适用淡化理论。本文拟从比较方法入手对我国驰名商标的反淡化保护进行分析研究,从而对驰名商标的反淡化保护提出一些建议。  相似文献   

21世纪的今天,环境问题日益成为一个全球性威胁,作为生物多样性大国的法国也难以独善其身。一方面,环境犯罪类型广泛且不分国界,其范围包括从珍稀物种贩运、过度捕捞到非法伐木和倾倒危险废弃物;同时,贩运珍稀物种的走私路线,也经常被用来贩运武器、毒品和人口,以及造假、腐败、洗钱甚至是谋杀等犯罪活动。换句话说,环境犯罪不仅仅是环境犯罪,它经常与其他犯罪活动同时发生。据估计,环境犯罪每年产生1100至2810亿美元的非法利润。  相似文献   

反酷刑政策与罪犯人权保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩克芳 《法学论坛》2007,22(2):49-57
酷刑严重侵犯人权,是国际社会公认的严重犯罪之一.从历史的角度看,反酷刑政策产生和发展的内在动因是人权意识的觉醒和人权运动的兴起.随着人权保障的国际化,反酷刑日益成为国际社会关注的重要内容,因而联合国通过一系列的国际人权公约来禁止酷刑,并建立了反酷刑的国际监督机构.就我国来说,国内有关法律,如宪法、刑法、刑事诉讼法、监狱法和其他相关法律大都有反酷刑的内容或规定,但是,这与国际人权公约的有关规定相比仍存在着差距.本文在分析原因的基础上,提出进一步完善我国反酷刑措施的基本思路.  相似文献   

荆长岭 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):78-87
自中国实行改革开放、开始融入全球化以来,跨国贩运人口活动就与跨国非法移民、偷渡现象混杂在一起,不断蔓延。经过长期坚持不懈的努力,中国的综合治理策略已取得明显成效,跨国非法移民、偷渡和贩运人口活动已在很大程度上得到了遏制,案件总体上呈下降趋势。中国未来还应实施综合治理具体化战略,加强长效工作机制建设;修订、完善国内立法,使之与国际接轨;深化出入境管理体制改革,提升案件侦办力度;积极推动国际执法合作向执法一体化发展。  相似文献   

王淑珍 《行政与法》2006,(12):126-127
本文基于对我国《反不正当竞争法》严重滞后于社会发展现实的认识,主张构建我国不同法律协同运作内容完整、协调统一的《反不正当竞争法》法律体系。文章阐释了现行《反不正当竞争法》的缺陷,并提出对《反不正当竞争法》修改的立法建议。  相似文献   

现代海盗犯罪呈现出装备精良、劫掠海域广泛、作案目的与手段复杂多变等特点以及集团化、军事化、网络化与国际化等发展态势.目前国际反海盗合作还不够深入、对于海盗的认定分歧严重、反海盗的法律制度尚不健全.为此,建立具体规范的长效机制,推动全方位的反海盗国际合作,完善相关法律制度,加强国际司法合作就更显得有其现实紧迫性.  相似文献   

行业协会的反竞争行为及其法律规制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
侯雪梅 《行政与法》2005,(6):115-117
由于行业协会以充分维护本行业的共同利益为目的,因此行业协会具有天然的反竞争倾向,应当成为我国竞争法所规制的主体。行业协会的反竞争行为有多种表现,包括对非协会会员的反竞争行为、对行业协会会员的反竞争行为以及行业协会之间的反竞争行为。我国法律对行业协会反竞争行为的规制严重滞后,必须尽快加强相关立法,包括《行业协会法》与《反垄断法》。  相似文献   

中小微企业科技创新人才法律保障机制是指从法律上为生产规模较小、从业人员和营业收入较少的企业进行科技创新活动的人才提供保障的机制。我国虽然在《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》、《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》等法律法规和政策中对中小微企业科技创新人才法律保障机制进行了初步规定,但还是面临着缺乏专门立法、立法位阶不高、操作性不强、激励机制不完善等困境。美国完善的法律体系、英国的激励机制等值得我国借鉴。我们应该从清理和整合现有法律、法规政策、制定中小微企业科技创新人才保障法、完善人才激励机制和科技服务体系等方面完善中小微企业科技人才法律保障机制。  相似文献   

我国慈善事业发展的法治困境及路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨思斌 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):106-111
我国慈善事业的快速发展凸显了对法治规范的迫切需求。以法治理念观之,我国慈善领域存在立法层次低、专门性法律缺乏、现行制度对慈善事业限制过多以及政府与社会的权界尚未理清等问题,造成慈善事业公信力普遍弱化、法律激励慈善捐赠的功能没有充分实现等困境。在法治理念的指引下进行慈善法律制度的重构是走出慈善事业发展困境的路径选择。  相似文献   

All fifty states and the federal government have passed laws to combat human trafficking, but we know little about their effectiveness. Using data from investigative case records and court files for 140 human trafficking cases in 12 U.S. counties and qualitative interviews with law enforcement, prosecutors, and victim service providers, we examined the characteristics of and challenges to investigation and prosecution of human trafficking cases under new state and federal laws. We found that few human trafficking cases are identified by local law enforcement, most cases forwarded to state prosecution are sex trafficking cases involving U.S. citizens, and state prosecutors overwhelmingly charge human trafficking offenders with other, lesser crimes. The legal, institutional, and attitudinal challenges that constrain prosecution of human trafficking are similar across study sites despite varying types of state antitrafficking legislation. Study results suggest prosecution of human trafficking cases is challenging. If new laws are to be effective, then local law enforcement and prosecutors should work collaboratively and adopt proactive human trafficking investigative strategies to identify both labor and sex trafficking cases. There is social benefit to holding traffickers accountable, but more emphasis should be placed on policies that identify and serve victims.  相似文献   

Human trafficking for criminal exploitation is one of the lesser-known forms of human trafficking. The failure of the criminal justice system to identify the victims of this type of trafficking can lead to a failure to take the victim-centred approach to trafficking espoused in the international legal instruments that regulate the matter, an approach that emphasises the protection of victims and respect for their rights. In light of earlier findings of the existence of unidentified victims of human trafficking for criminal exploitation in several European countries — the UK, Ireland, Spain, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands — a qualitative study was conducted, consisting of 37 in-depth interviews with practising criminal justice professionals and victim service providers in Spain. Because undetected victims of human trafficking for criminal exploitation are usually treated as offenders, the main aim of this research with professionals was to determine the causes of the criminal justice system’s failure to identify the victims of this specific form of trafficking in order to prevent them from remaining hidden victims.  相似文献   

Since the adoption of the UN Trafficking Protocol in 2000, the predominant approach to combat human trafficking has been based on the criminalization of traffickers in conjunction with a concern for victims’ protection. However, few empirical studies considered the effectiveness of those measures, which makes it difficult to understand why criminal cases of human trafficking generally result in few convictions. In Portugal, recent legislative changes have made the legal framework on human trafficking more comprehensive, inclusive and convergent with European directives. The effects of the implementation of those legislative changes on investigation and prosecution are still overlooked. The present study analyses the discourses of justice system professionals that concern the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking. It examines and identifies the factors that, in their perspective, block the recognition of the typifying elements of the crime of human trafficking and create obstacles to the prosecution and conviction of those crimes. Our findings suggest that legislative advances recognized by the participants need to be accompanied by other changes, some of a more systemic nature and others that are more specific. An efficient criminal procedure should include better legal phrasing of the means of evidence of human trafficking that is supported by objective instruments for this to be considered valid; the centralization of proof that the testimony of the victim has to overcome; specialized professional training of an ongoing nature; an efficient cooperation between the various law enforcement agencies at the national and international levels, with public prosecution services and magistrates; a greater clarification of the condition of the special vulnerability of victims and an informed perspective regarding the global nature of the phenomenon of human trafficking, one that is also sensitive towards the victim (e.g., in relation to the victims’ vulnerability, illegal status, and their difficulties in terms of social and cultural integration).  相似文献   

Since 2003, state legislatures in the United States have been active in passing legislation aimed at combating human trafficking. To date, all states have passed laws that criminalize acts of human trafficking, though with significant variation in the penalty structure and associated legal provisions. This article examines what aspects of state human trafficking laws are most impactful at increasing the arrest and prosecution of human trafficking suspects. Using panel data on state laws and associated enforcement actions from 2003 to 2012, this study confirms that more comprehensive state laws that invest in antitrafficking resources are most strongly associated with human trafficking arrests and prosecutions. States that make legislative provisions for victim assistance, law enforcement training, statutory task forces, and mandatory reporting have higher antitrafficking criminal enforcement. The political environment in which state human trafficking laws are enacted also influences their enforcement.  相似文献   

Following the changing mentality, the efforts to find a common definition,concerning trafficking in human beings, focusing on the issue to harmonisethe national and international legal measures, legal instruments aiming atcombat-ing traffic in human beings, we are witnessing an important segmentof the process towards internationalisation and europeanization of criminallaw and criminal justice.  相似文献   

法律治理的最高境界是实现非强制性的法律激励。法律激励的场域存在于法律关系的实践之中。法律激励的实现模式主要包括三类六种模式:权利模式与义务模式、奖励模式与惩罚模式、助力模式与阻力模式。各种模式之间具有相互联系、互相辅助的关系。  相似文献   

Prostitution and commercialized vice have been variously prioritized as urban crime problems across U.S. history. In response, lawmakers have historically been guided by a prohibititionst view where people selling, buying or facilitating the sale of sex are considered to be immoral and criminal. In recent years, public concern about the trafficking of persons for sex has reframed prostitution and the expectations of government response. The U.S. federal government and all fifty states have passed legislation that is guided by an abolitionist view of prostitution where people who are forced or coerced to sell sex are redefined as victims. State, county and municipal police officers are now receiving training on how to identify human trafficking cases and investigators are being trained to investigate and prepare cases for prosecution. Despite these efforts under the new legal regime, confusion exists about how sex trafficking differs from prostitution and correspondingly necessitates different types of law enforcement responses. Adding to this complication is the fact that in many major cities the responsibility for identifying and eradicating human trafficking has fallen to the same group of investigators who are responsible for enforcing vice and prostitution laws. As a result, prostitution enforcement is expected to change as police increasingly focus on identifying sex trafficking victims. Using data on police arrests for prostitution from 1980 to 2012, we examine the impact of federal and state anti-trafficking legislation on the local enforcement of prostitution. Our findings inform debate about legal reform as a response to urban crime problems and illustrate the complexities of policy implementation and interpretation.  相似文献   

An estimated three million Filipinos are at high-risk of being trafficked at any given time, representing 3.1% of the total Philippine population. The paper illustrates that corruption is a central issue in facilitating and continuing human trafficking in the Philippines. It demonstrates that if human trafficking is to be significantly reduced, then corruption must be curbed. The paper consists of three main sections. The first section is an overview of the trafficking problem in the Philippines. It discusses the scope of the problem such as the recruiters and traffickers, tactics used by the recruiters, and current transport routes and methods. The second section discusses current tactics being implemented by the government, non-government organizations (NGOs), and the international community to restrict human trafficking in the Philippines. It also illustrates that government corruption prevents the current tactics from being implemented well and in order to combat government corruption one must begin at the municipal level. The third section presents the inner workings of government and corruption at the municipal level, shows how the corruption reduces economic opportunities and legal equality for the citizenry, and how the loss of those opportunities and equality encourages migration from home municipalities—thereby encouraging human trafficking.  相似文献   

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