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公安部部署全国公安机关从2005年5月至年底开展一场打击“两抢一盗”(街头“两抢”、入室盗窃、盗抢机动车) 犯罪的专项斗争。公安部要求,要通过这一仗,破获一大批案件,打掉一大批犯罪团伙,依法惩处一大批犯罪分子,坚决遏制“两抢一盗”犯罪活动的高发势头,进一步健全和完善打击、防范和控制“两抢一盗”犯罪活动的日常工作机制,切实提高公安机关驾驭社会治安局势的能力。为此,要抓好五个方面的工作:  相似文献   

对“两抢一盗”犯罪的再认识打击和预防“两抢一盗”犯罪的能力,直接决定着公安机关驾驭社会治安局势的能力胡锦涛总书记指出,加强执政能力建设具体到公安机关, 就是要提高“四个能力”,即:维护国家安全的能力,驾驭社会治安局势的能力,处置群体性事件的能力,服务经济社会的能力。一个地方公安机关驾驭社会治安局势的能力,主要取决于四项指标:一是刑事发案的总量是否平稳;二是大要案、恶性案件发生了多少;三是看打击和控制犯罪的能力强弱;四是  相似文献   

2005年,大庆市公安局以警务改革为动力,毫不动摇地坚持严打方针,充分发挥多警种合成作战优势,综合运用多种措施手段,多方挖掘打击工作潜能,始终保持了对命案、黑恶势力犯罪、“两抢一盗”犯罪和毒品犯罪等刑事犯罪活动的凌厉攻势和高压态势,有力提升了打击犯罪整体工作水平,取得了较好成绩。全年共破获刑事案件14276起,百名民警破案数同比上年提高了41.4%;抓获犯罪嫌疑人5286人,其中抓逃1086 名,百名民警抓逃数同比上年提高了33.4%;移送起诉3260 人,劳动教养377人,百名民警诉教数同比上年提高了24.2%。综合打击工作以及侦破命案专项行动、打击“两抢一盗”专项斗争成绩均名列黑龙江省第一。  相似文献   

当前“两抢一盗”犯罪呈高发态势,成为严重危害社会治安、危及民生安稳的突出问题。通过调研禹州市“两抢一盗”发案情况,分析犯罪的动向和成因,制定针对性的防范措施,建立起全方位的社会治安防控体系。  相似文献   

2002年以来,广东省江门市公安局新会分局逐步探索出一条以“巡警战略”为先导,以“科技强警”为依托,以“人本战略”为保障的专业化精确打击工作新路子,化被动为主动,使发案逐年下降,辖区治安面貌焕然一新。2002年当年即比上年刑事发案下降25.4%,破案率提高14.3%;2003年以来,呈现刑事发案稳中有降、打击力度逐年增强的良好态势。2001年,新会区刑事发案达到历史高峰,“两抢两盗”(抢劫、抢夺、盗窃机动车、入室盗窃)占发案总数的70%,群众没有安全感。面对严峻局面,分局党组经过调查研究认为,随着犯罪因素增多和犯罪多元化,出现了案件总量多、跳跃式和大跨度流窜作案多、智能化和专业性犯罪多,特别是“两抢两盗”案件成为突出问题,而我们墨守陈规沿用原来的  相似文献   

刑事政策的核心是防止犯罪,终极目的是为了维持社会秩序,实现社会的和谐发展。刑事政策的价值主要表现在对刑事立法、司法以及与之相配套的社会管理方面因适应新情况所进行的调整,可以弥补法律的不足,有利于及时有效地打击和预防犯罪。抢劫、抢夺、盗窃(简称"两抢一盗")犯罪案件因其常发性和对群众人身财产安全、社会秩序的破坏,一直被作为我国立法和司法打击的重点,但近年来"两抢一盗"犯罪案件的发案率及在全部刑事案件中所占比例却呈现不断上升的趋势。笔者认为,有必要从刑事政策的角度来深入思考"两抢一盗"犯罪的应对措施,完善相应的刑事立法、司法、执行和社会政策,从而提高打击和预防"两抢一盗"犯罪案件的准确性和有效性,为构建和谐社会提供基础治安保障。  相似文献   

近年来,淮滨县法院坚持开展严打治斗争,从案件受理情况看,"两抢一盗"犯罪在案件数量、犯罪人数上均有所下降,特别是严重危害人身安全的抢劫犯罪有了较大幅度下降,为我县的社会治安稳定作出了应有的贡献。在审判实践中,我们发现当前"两抢一盗"犯罪呈现出一些新的特点,为此进行了原因分析,并提出防范和打击的建议和对策。  相似文献   

自2005年公安部部署全国开展打击“两抢一盗”犯罪专项行动以来,安徽省公安机关积极克服警力少、保障弱、任务重等困难,加强领导,紧扣重点,狠抓落实,稳步推进,连续两年跻身全国专项行动先进单位行列。  相似文献   

盗、抢机动车辆犯罪是公安机关打击的重点之一,在打击的同时要对车辆进行检验。目前急需解决的问题是如何判断发动机号码、车架号码是否被更改过,以及更好的显现出原号码,为今后打击盗、抢机动车辆犯罪案件中发挥技术支柱重要作用。  相似文献   

罗素君 《法制与社会》2012,(23):120+125
“两抢”案件多发,危害大.近年来,“两抢”案件呈现出未成年人犯罪率高,流动人口和无业人员是主要犯罪群体,团伙犯罪多等特点,有管理不规范、侦破难度大、群众法律意识不强等六个方面的原因,应当从加强市场管理、加大打击力度、加强法制宣传等方面入手有效防范打击“两抢”案件.  相似文献   

The past decades in the United States have been characterized by a widening in the distribution of wage income. While much research has attempted to uncover the causes of these earnings trends, much less is known about their impact upon social and economic factors. This study examines evidence for links between changes in distribution of wage income and criminal activity. Using extreme bounds analysis in conjunction with ordinary least squares regression, the study shows that robust results linking wage inequality and crime are obtainable across a rich set of model specifications for the violent crimes of murder and assault. No evidence is found linking wage inequality with the crimes of robbery and burglary. Results are inconclusive for larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft, and forcible rape. These results should be viewed as a first stage in examining the link between wage inequality and criminal activity. Research into the specific behavioral complexities underlying these relationships should be considered to affirm these results.  相似文献   

冯金成 《政法学刊》2008,25(3):126-128
当前我国仍处于刑事犯罪高发期,严重影响社会治安稳定的各类犯罪仍经常发生。为有效保证人民的生命和财产的安全,必须将现代电子、通信、信息技术、微型计算机技术和多媒体技术及其产品应用于防劫、防盗、防暴、电视监控、出入口控制、周界防范等以安全技术防范为目的的系统,即安全技术防范系统,以预防和打击犯罪、维护社会治安。  相似文献   

何家弘 《中国法律》2010,(4):23-27,73-81
官员腐败是一种特别令民众痛恨的社会现象。其本质与盗窃、抢劫等犯罪并无差异,而且是借助官员手中权力实施的,因此对社会危害更大。一个人偷偷地把他人的钱财拿走了,据为已有,那是盗窃;一个官员利用职权把大家的钱财拿走了,据为己有,那就是贪污。一个人以暴力相威胁,让他人把钱财交给自己,那是抢劫;一个官员以职权隐含的暴力相威胁,  相似文献   

This article presents 10-year trends (1998–2007) on some common crimes: homicide, assault, rape, robbery, car theft, domestic burglary and drug offences. In addition, a few less common offences in police statistics, such as money laundering, corruption, offences against computer data and systems are discussed, even though trends of these crimes are not available. Trends are shown from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, where significant sociopolitical changes have occurred. Although police data actually describes more the recording practices of the officials than the amount of crime, police data is highly valuable for research purposes. Most countries continuously collect information about police activity, and the police is mostly the starting point for proceeding with a case in the criminal justice system. In the USA, all common offences recorded by the police have decreased during the recent years. In Europe, property crimes, homicide and robbery have decreased in most countries, but violence and drug crimes have increased. According to the crime victim surveys, the increase in assault cannot be explained by the increasing reporting activity of victims; the increase seems real. The level of crime differs considerably in different areas: for instance, homicide is most common in Eastern Europe, but assault is much higher in Western Europe.  相似文献   

肖菲 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):63-65
自由裁量权不仅体现于公安行政执法中,在公安机关及其侦查人员行使刑事职权方面同样体现出来。经侦民警战斗在与经济犯罪斗争的最前沿,正确行使刑事自由裁量权,对提高办案效率,有力打击经济犯罪,维护经济秩序具有积极作用。但同时,在各种各样因素的作用和影响下,也使得滥用刑事自由裁量权成为经侦民警刑事执法实践中亟待研究和解决的问题。  相似文献   

我国现行刑事政策反思及完善--以维护社会稳定为切入点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国的刑事政策是党和国家长期历史经验的总结 ,在社会主义革命和建设时期都曾发挥过重要的作用 ,但是 ,我国的刑事政策自身也存在着许多问题 ,需要进一步完善。刑事政策的制定应以维护社会的稳定为出发点 ,并以此对犯罪和犯罪人进行分类。面对日益严峻的社会治安状况 ,我国在今后较长时期内应采取“轻轻重重”的刑事政策。  相似文献   

The authors abstracted and studied information from the Daily Crime Information for the crimes of armed robbery, sexual offenses, theft outside dwelling, theft of motor vehicles, theft of bicycles, theft in dwelling and housebreaking for the year 1975. Frequency by time of day and day of week were determined and analyzed for statistical significance. Long term trends of selected crimes were also calculated. The authors advance explanations for the observed patterns.

The limitations of classification, ambiguity in terminology, etc., made comparison with other countries difficult. Comparison could be made only with Korea and the U.S.A. in respect to the crimes of housebreaking and theft of motor vehicles.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from the first study of female prisoners' self-reports of criminal activity. Using the criminal career paradigm to frame the analysis, self-reported estimates of crime participation and frequency rates were examined for eight felony crimes. Important similarities between women and men were found in overall patterns of crime. Specifically, a small proportion ofboth women and men described committing a large portion of the total crimes reported. These data also suggest that women and men are similar in violent crime participation — a finding that varies from the current literature. Once active in a crime type, women and men committed assault, theft, and forgery at significantly different rates; no gender differences were found in the annualized frequency rates of burglary, robbery, motor vehicle theft, fraud, and drug dealing. However, although statistical differences were not found in the overall frequency of drug dealing, specific patterns of drug dealing reflected considerable gender variation, with a larger proportion of the female sample committing very frequent (daily) drug dealing activity. The findings reflect the value of the criminal career paradigm for the study of gender differences. Future research should include largescale quantitative designs that allow detailed analyses of correlates of the distinct criminal career dimensions.Points of view are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.This research was funded in part by the National Institute of Justice, Grant 87-IJ-CX-0048.  相似文献   

陈凌 《政法论丛》2006,3(3):68-72
我国<刑法>第263条和第269条规定了抢劫罪必须具有"当场"性.以普通用语的规范化方法和刑法用语的相对性为视角,明确抢劫罪中"当场"的内在含义,并得出构成"当场"的几种情形.这对于以区分抢劫罪与其他相似的侵犯财产型犯罪有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

This study analyzes Interpol statistics on female crime for the 1963–1970 period for a sample of Western nations with the purpose of testing two popular explanations of female criminality. Six measures of female economic participation in society were correlated with female proportional involvement in overall crime rates, theft, fraud, murder, and robbery/burglary.

It was found that women's contribution to the overall arrest rate is neither directly proportional to their employment in the commercial work force, nor to the degree in which their jobs are comparable to those of males. The analysis of the crimes of theft and fraud provided support for the “opportunity” version of emancipation theory. Adler's “aggressive” variant of the emancipation hypothesis was only partly borne out by the data for murder and not supported for robbery and burglary.  相似文献   

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