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目的探讨使用油墨法捺印赤足迹样本的稳定性;方法用图像处理方法得到油墨赤足印的轮廓,计算机软件测量特征尺寸,用统计学方法分析数据;结果特征尺寸偏差≤4mm;结论油墨捺印方法能够稳定、客观地反映足迹特征。  相似文献   

当前,检验借据、契约等票据上指印的案件较多,笔者在受理一起经济纠纷民事案时,发现票据上的指印为彩色(红色)复印指印,是当事人曾在其他票据上捺印过的指纹,被转印于这张借据上.因此,在检验鉴定时应特别注意区别彩色复印指印.通过制作若干枚实验样本进行实验,现将区别复印指印与捺印指印的检验方法介绍如下:1 纸张上有无翘起的纸纤维 将复印指印与捺印指印分别置于立体显微镜下观察,复印指印处的纸张没有纸纤维翘起;而捺印指印多为印油印泥等形成,有一定的液体性质,因此,捺印指印处有较多纸纤维翘起.  相似文献   

近年来,利用足迹破案的主要工作平台——足迹查询系统已在全国各地公安机关广泛应用,足迹查询系统大多采用省、市、县三级运行模式,具体地说:省、市级公安机关设立现场足迹库和犯罪嫌疑人捺印足迹库,并各自提供给下级单位进行查询比对;县级公安机关设立远程客户端,主要功能为录人现场足迹和犯罪嫌疑人捺印足迹,并能把这些足迹发送到省、市级足迹库中进行查询比对。  相似文献   

江澜 《刑事技术》2007,(1):14-15
目的研究薄膜拓印指纹的特征和检验方法。方法利用塑料薄膜在纸张上进行了120次指纹拓印实验,然后比较拓印指纹和正常捺印指纹。结果成功转印出较清晰的拓印指纹41枚,发现了纸张上拓印指纹的常见特征。结论通过特征分析可以对薄膜拓印指纹进行检验。  相似文献   

研究利用静电压痕仪检验光敏印章伪造指印的可行性,探究光敏印章伪造指印与手指遗留指印的静电压痕检验结果差异。以同一枚指纹为模板,分别制作8种不同光敏印油的盖、捺印指印样本及8种不同印台印油的捺印样本,用静电压痕仪对遗留5 d样本的正反面进行检验,并初步考察不同遗留时间(最长30 d)对检验结果的影响。结果表明:1)光敏印油捺印样本正面经静电压痕检验后,形成的痕迹对指印纹线的表现能力强于光敏印章盖印样本,但弱于印台印油捺印样本;2)静电压痕仪检验后的部分印台印油捺印指印,形成了超出红色印油范围的黑色补充纹线;3)光敏印油盖、捺印样本经静电压痕仪检验后,印痕周围均出现光晕状痕迹;4)静电压痕仪检验后,少数光敏印章盖印指印周围出现不完整章面印痕;5)对样本背面进行静电压痕检验,光敏印油盖、捺印样本均可显现出明显指印印痕,且边缘出现明显光晕状痕迹,印台印油捺印样本背面痕迹不明显;6)样本遗留30 d时,仍然能够依据上述5条实验现象对三类样本进行区分。静电压痕检验一定程度上能作为纸张上光敏印章伪造指印的有效检验方法之一,但还需就遗留时间、印油种类、盖印/捺印力度、章体新旧程度等因素对检验结果的影响...  相似文献   

指纹比对,是公安机关在办理刑事、治安、交通等案件中常用的确定或排除嫌疑人的重要途径,有的指纹在活体上提取,但也有一些指纹需要在尸体上获得。所以,从尸体上捺印指纹,是公安系统法医在日常工作中经常遇到的一项工作任务。捺印的效果如何,直接影响日后的比对。从尸体上捺印手印关键是解决尸僵给捺印带来的困难。以往从尸体上捺印手印常用的两种方法是:一是用外力克服法,破坏尸僵。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深入,各种经济往来越来越多,有关民事、经济纠纷案中涉及的指印鉴定也越来越多.人民法院鉴定部门受理的指印检验鉴定案件,与公安、检察机关有所不同,其检材有自身的特点:1、指印捺印者对象明确.捺印者都是签订合同、契约、立借据的双方当事人或人民法院询问笔录、庭审记录的当事人.而公安、检察机关提取现场指印后,还需要寻找嫌疑人.2、指印遗留客体均为纸张.因为合同、契约、借据、询问笔录、庭审记录的载体均为纸张.3、指印多数为红色印油捺印.在民间因取得方便而被广泛使用的基本都是红色印油,而要取得捺印专用油墨则较为困难.红色印油有附着不均匀、印油易在纸张上扩散的缺陷.4、指印大多模糊不清、压缩变形、残缺不全,通常不出现中心花纹.  相似文献   

传统的油墨捺印方法是在纸制捺印卡片上让被捺印人的手蘸取油墨,进行平面和滚动捺印,许多年来一直被基层侦查和技术部门所沿用,但是存在以下问题,导致捺印指纹存在严重的质量问题。(1)侦查人员没有经过严格的技术培训,不掌握指纹捺印技术要点。(2)夏季人体汗、油脂分泌旺盛,冬季低温干燥,人体汗液油脂分泌少,油墨易凝固;女性和年龄较小者的指纹纹线细浅;重体力劳动者指纹纹线被严重磨损;干皮肤者指纹汗液少,油墨粘附难。  相似文献   

防止茚三酮溶液扩散纸张字迹的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭剑 《刑事技术》2002,(1):20-21
目的 解决茚三酮溶液在显现手印同时对纸张上字迹产生扩散作的问题;方法 分别采用茚三酮丙酮溶液,茚三酮氟利昂溶液,茚三酮石油谜溶液,茚三酮庚烷溶液作比较。结果 钢笔字迹用4种溶液均不易扩散;纸张上其它成份字迹用后两种方法显现手印时可有效保存纸张上文字原貌。  相似文献   

现场勘查中,我们经常遇到水中浸泡的无名尸体,这类尸体有的是被害后投入水中,有的是溺水死亡。由于水的长时间浸泡,尸体腐败,头面部呈巨人观状,无法辨认。能提取尸体的指纹这对查找尸源,侦破案件是十分重要的。然而,水中浸泡的尸体手指表皮大多已油脂化,手指皮肤表皮与真皮脱落,形成了人手表皮手套,按正常捺印指纹的方法是无法捺印出理想的指纹的。实践中,我们根据有关资料的介绍,采用人手表皮手套反向捺印的方法,取得了较好的效果。具体分三步进行:第一步用剪刀、镊子在尸体手上将表皮镊住,剪下要捺印的部位,放入托盘中。用酒精棉球擦去表皮上的水分,晾至半干状态。同时记录是哪个指位。第二步准备好捺印的油墨、纸张,用剪刀剪去指甲将表皮翻转过来,沾上油墨捺在纸上,即可捺出皮肤内侧的纹线花纹。第三步将捺印出的纹线花  相似文献   

In forensic intelligence-gathering, footprints have been shown to be valued evidence found at crime scenes. Forensic podiatrists and footprint examiners use a variety of techniques for measuring footprints for comparison of the crime scene evidence with the exemplar footprints. This study examines three different techniques of obtaining two-dimensional linear measurement data of dynamic bare footprints. Dynamic bare footprints were gathered from 50 students from a podiatric medical school using the Identicator® Inkless Shoe Print Model LE 25P system. After obtaining 100 bilateral footprints from the participants, the quantitative measurement data were collected by using three different measurement techniques: (i) a manual technique using a ruler (direct technique); (ii) an Adobe® Photoshop® technique; and (iii) a GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) technique. The seven Reel linear measurement methodology was used for producing measurements using these three techniques.This study showed that all the mean bare footprint measurements on the right and left feet obtained using the direct technique were larger than those obtained using GIMP and Adobe® Photoshop® images. Differences were also observed in measurements produced using GIMP software and Photoshop images. However, the differences observed in the three techniques used for bare footprint measurements were not found to be statistically significant. The study concludes that there are no significant differences between the three measurement techniques when applied to two-dimensional bare footprints using the Reel method. It further concluded that any of these measurement techniques can be used when employing the Reel methodology for footprint analysis without significant difference.  相似文献   

Footprints may be present at crime scenes as physical evidence. This pilot study compares two-dimensional measurements of bare and sock-clad footprints to determine if significant differences or similarities exist. Dynamic footprints were collected from 30 males and 20 females between the ages of 20 and 61?years old (mean of 28.2?years) using the Identicator Inkless Shoe Print Model LE 25P system. A midgait protocol was employed for obtaining footprints. The fifth and sixth footprint of gait were collected for the right and left foot, respectively, in both sock-clad and barefoot trials. The footprint measurements between sock-clad and bare footprints were compared. The results did not indicate any significant difference (p?>?.05) between bare and sock-clad foot length measurements for right or left feet. Significant differences were seen for the width measurements between bare and sock-clad footprints. These findings have forensic implications, particularly in criminal cases where it is unclear if a footprint impression is from a sock-clad foot or a bare foot. This study shows that such a determination is generally not necessary when utilizing two-dimensional measurements for length comparison between a bare and sock-clad footprint. However, if width measurements are being evaluated, the distinction between bare and sock-clad footprints should be considered.  相似文献   

目的探究鞋内底足迹的显出情况及可能影响显现效果的因素,寻找有效的鞋内底足迹显现方法。方法收集PU材质的皮鞋鞋垫、EVA材质的运动鞋鞋垫、解放牌胶鞋鞋垫共144只,用多波段光源法、茚二酮法、茚三酮法三种方法分别对穿用时间为一周、一个月、三个月、六个月的鞋内底足迹进行显现,按照显现方法、材质、穿用时间进行分类讨论并对数据进行统计和分析。结果采用多波段光源法、茚二酮法、茚三酮法分别成功显出15、14、19例,有效显出率分别为31.25%、29.17%、39.58%,PU材质、EVA材质、解放牌胶鞋三种材质分别成功显出15、23、10例,有效显出率分别为31.25%、47.92%、20.83%,穿用时间为一周、一个月、三个月、六个月的检材分别成功显出3、6、13、26例,有效显出率分别为8.33%、16.67%、36.11%、72.22%。多波段光源法、茚二酮法、茚三酮法对鞋内底足迹显出率的影响,其差异无明显统计学意义;EVA材质运动鞋鞋内底足迹显出率高于PU材质皮鞋鞋内底足迹显出率,高于解放牌胶鞋鞋内底足迹显出率,并且差异具有统计学意义;穿用时间长的检材显出率高于穿用时间短的检材并且差异具有统计学意义。结论鞋内底足迹的显现效果与鞋内底材质、穿用时间因素有关,多波段光源法、茚二酮法、茚三酮法均能对鞋内底足迹有效显出。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(3):406-413
Ghosting is the phenomenon that exists when a footprint has a lighter area around the tip of one or more toes or a shadow-like area at the back of the heel. To date, ghosting has been considered primarily a finding of dynamic (walking) footprints, rather than static (standing) footprints. The prevalence of ghosting in static footprints is unknown, and research on its presence in static and dynamic footprints from the same participant is sparse, as are studies on its occurrence in different geographic populations. This study is among the first to evaluate the occurrence of ghosting in the static and dynamic footprints from a particular individual with participants in two geographic populations.A combination of both inkless and ink footprint collection systems were used to obtain a total of 206 bare footprints from 103 adult participants from the United States and India. The data comprised 103 static and 103 dynamic footprints.Ghosting occurred significantly in static footprints, though less frequently than in dynamic footprints. Ghosting in static footprints was seen most often at the first toe, followed by the third and second respectively. This aspect appeared least at the heel. In dynamic footprints, it occurred most at the first toe, followed by the second and fourth toes, and then the third toe and the heel. The prevalence of ghosting in footprints from the United States and India differed in their locations, notably at the first and second toes in the static footprints and at the heel in the dynamic footprints.  相似文献   

Analysis of footprints can reveal very important clues which can be used as forensic evidence in crime scene investigation. Apart from giving idea about the bare foot morphology and individualistic characteristics, the footprints are also indicative of the body size of the person. The present study is an attempt to establish the correlation between footprints and body weight of individuals. The sample for the present study consists of 50 male subjects ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. The subjects belonging to Gujjar caste were randomly taken from a village near Chandigarh city in North India. Three kinds of bilateral footprints were taken from each subject. First, the footprints with the subject's normal weight were taken, the footprints were taken when the subject holds 5 kg weight in his hands, then the footprints were taken when the subject holds 20 kg weight in his hands. In this way, the present study analyses 300 bilateral footprints obtained from 50 individuals. Nine measurements were taken on each footprint using precise and defined landmarks. The measurements of these three kinds of footprints were compared with each other and t-test was employed to see the significant variation. Some of the measurements of the footprints were altered significantly when the subject was subjected to 20 kg weight. However, there is no significant change when the subject holds 5 kg weight in his hands. Body weight was also estimated using regression method from the measurements of these three kinds of footprints. The utility of the study in offences like sexual assault, homicide, theft, burglary, mugging, stealing, shoplifting, dacoity, etc. has been discussed.  相似文献   

The measurements of feet and footprints are especially important in forensic identification, as they have been used to predict the body height and weight of victims or suspects. It can be observed that the subjects of forensic-oriented studies are generally young adults. That is to say, researchers rarely take into consideration the body's proportional changes with age. Hence, the aim of this study is to generate equations which take age and sex into consideration, when stature and body weight are estimated from foot and footprints dimensions. With this aim in mind, we measured the stature, body weight, foot length and breadth, heel breadth, footprint length and breadth, and footprint heel breadth of 516 volunteers (253 males and 263 females) aged between 17.6 and 82.9 years using standard measurement techniques. The sample population was divided randomly into two groups. Group 1, the study group, consisted of 80% of the sample (n = 406); the remaining 20% were assigned to the cross-validation group or Group 2 (n = 110). In the first stage of the study, we produced equations for estimating stature and weight using a stepwise regression technique. Then, their reliability was tested on Group 2 members. Statistical analyses showed that the ratios of foot dimensions to stature and body weight change considerably with age and sex. Consequently, the regression equations which include these variables yielded more reliable results. Our results indicated that age and sex should be taken into consideration when predicting human body height and weight for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

When found at crime scenes, footprints may be evidentially valuable and can assist with the identity of a perpetrator based on their features and/or measurements. Footprints can be either static (made while standing) or dynamic (made while walking). While extensive research has been performed on the linear measurements obtained from static and dynamic footprints, research on the comparisons between the contact area of static and dynamic footprints in the forensic context are limited. The present study compares the contact area of static and dynamic bare footprints to determine if statistically significant differences exist between the two. Static and dynamic footprints were obtained from a sample of randomly-selected 461 Jatt Sikh adults (230 males and 231 females) of Indian origin between the ages of 19 and 32 years. The footprint contact area was calculated from each footprint (excluding the toes) using a PedoGRID® sheet. No statistically significant differences were observed between the contact area of static and dynamic footprints for each foot among males and females. However, statistically significant differences between both the sexes were found in the footprint contact areas of both footprint types. The right dynamic footprint contact area was found to be the most predictive measurement for classifying and estimating sex from a footprint’s contact area. The study has implications in the analysis of footprints recovered from crime scenes.  相似文献   

氨基黑显现常见客体上潜血足迹研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的研究氨基黑显现潜血足迹所适用的常见客体。方法选择14种常见客体,制作潜血足迹样本,用氨基黑进行显现。结果浅色非渗透性客体的效果优于其他客体。结论氨基黑可以很好的显出某些渗透性客体和非渗透性客体表面的潜血足迹。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(5):432-437
Ghosting is a phenomenon that has been identified in dynamic (walking) footprints. There is sparse research on the occurrence of ghosting; however, due to the forensic value of footprints and their use in other scientific fields, the phenomenon of ghosting warrants further study. Ghosting can be used to determine if a footprint is static (standing) or dynamic, which can help forensic investigators create a sequence of events at a crime scene. Furthermore, this can help in footprint comparisons from this determination, as “like versus like” comparisons of dynamic or static footprints can be made. The purpose of this research was to determine the prevalence and locations of the ghosting phenomena in dynamic footprints.136 dynamic footprints from 68 volunteers were collected using an inkless collection system. Each footprint was visually inspected for ghosting as well as examined using software.Ghosting was present on at least one location in all footprints. The highest prevalence occurred at the tip of the great toe, followed by the second digit and the heel. To a lesser extent, ghosting appeared at the tips of the other three digits. Ghosting often occurred at two or more areas in a given footprint.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):649-656
A two-dimensional linear measurement approach for footprints, herein referred to as the “Reel Method,” has been shown to be valid and reliable when used on bare footprints, however, few measurement approaches have been examined on sock-clad footprints. The present investigation examines the validity and reliability of the Reel Method as a two-dimensional linear measurement approach for use on sock-clad footprints.A walking, mid-gait footprint was collected from 30 volunteer participants using the Identicator Inkless Shoe Print Model LE 25P system. The width of the ball of the foot, calcaneal width, and distance from the most posterior aspect of the heel to the most distal aspect of the first toe were each measured and compared between and within three raters. The statistical analysis demonstrated high reliability of the Reel Method among these three raters. The data were found to be normally distributed, and measurements were consistent between and within raters. 95% Intraclass Correlation coefficients, 95% Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement and 95% Standard Error of Measurement determined high statistical agreement between and within raters, demonstrating that the Reel Method is reliable and thus valid for the linear measurement of sock-clad footprints.  相似文献   

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