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张传玺 《法学研究》2020,(3):192-208
秦及汉初律令对逃亡犯罪的规定繁复而成体系。逃亡大体可分为一般逃亡和犯罪后逃亡二类。在刑罚适用上,一般逃亡的刑罚因逃亡者身份不同而各异,犯罪逃亡的刑罚是以本罪刑罚为基础,叠加亡罪刑罚后加以确定。在处理程序上,吏、民的一般逃亡不导致审判和追缉程序,刑徒或特别身份人逃亡的,区分亡罪刑罚轻重,分别适用审判并通缉的“论,命之”程序和审判并命令其出现、领受刑罚的“论,令出、会之”程序。犯罪逃亡的,以本罪刑罚为基准,分别适用“论,命之”和“论,令出、会之”程序,后一程序中未按规定领受刑罚的,以刑罚已执行时逃亡来论断其刑。在不同类型逃亡犯罪及司法程序的不同阶段自出的,有处以笞刑、本罪之刑减一等或本罪之刑叠加亡罪之刑后总减一等等不同减刑效果。  相似文献   

Recent theoretical extensions of threat theory have posited that Whites frequently view Blacks as a criminal threat because of stereotypes linking race and crime. Several studies have found indirect support for this hypothesis and have shown that the percentage of neighborhood residents who are Black is positively associated with the perceptions of victimization risk and fear of crime by White residents. To date, however, little research has investigated whether, as theory would suggest, this relationship is either a consequence of or is contingent on Whites holding stereotypes of Blacks as criminals. In this article, we address this issue by examining whether racial typification of crime mediates or moderates the relationships between static and dynamic measures of neighborhood racial composition and the perceptions of victimization risk by Whites. The results offer mixed support for the threat hypothesis and show that racial typification of crime conditions the relationship between perceived changes in neighborhood racial composition and the perceptions of victimization risk by Whites, but neither explains nor influences the association between static measures of racial composition and the latter. The implications of the findings for threat theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

An underlying assumption in the nationwide policy shift toward transferring more juveniles to criminal court has been the belief that stricter, adult sentences will act as either a specific or general deterrent to juvenile crime. With respect to general deterrence—whether transfer laws deter would‐be offenders from committing crimes—it is important to examine whether juveniles know about transfer laws, whether this knowledge deters criminal behavior, and whether juveniles believe the laws will be enforced against them. The current study is one of the first to examine juveniles' knowledge and perceptions of transfer laws and criminal sanctions. We interviewed 37 juveniles who had been transferred to criminal court in Georgia, obtaining quantitative as well as qualitative data based on structured interviewed questions. Four key findings emerged. First, juveniles were unaware of the transfer law. Second, juveniles felt that awareness of the law may have deterred them from committing the crime or may deter other juveniles from committing crimes, and they suggested practical ways to enhance juveniles' awareness of transfer laws. Third, the juveniles generally felt that it was unfair to try and sentence them as adults. Finally, the consequences of committing their crime were worse than most had imagined, and the harsh consequences of their incarceration in adult facilities may have had a brutalizing effect on some juveniles. The implications for general and specific deterrence are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以大陆刑法理论为研究依据,对毒品犯罪的若干刑罚现象作了分析并认为,没收毒资、制毒工具等是大陆刑法对物的保安处分;对不满16周岁和患有精神病的犯罪嫌疑人进行政府收容教养或强制治疗是对人的保安处分措施;《刑法》第356条是毒品犯罪的常习犯规定,当该规定与《刑法》第65条发生实体竞合时,可以合并适用两个条款;以“顶风作案”等藉口处罚行为人,在大陆刑法理论中找不到任何依据,不应予以提倡;毒品数量应当是毒品的纯量。  相似文献   

Advancement in the field of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) changes not only our society but also crime. It opens more opportunities for crime and draws people into committing crime, leading to an unprecedented growth in the crime rate. On the other hand, it has also been applied to criminal justice. Crime fighters use the ICTs to control crime and gain efficiency in their policing efforts to service the community. This has led to more effective police work. As both criminals and police benefit from ICTs, these new technologies create new pitfalls for both criminals and law enforcement. Use of technologies by criminals represents challenges and risks to the crime fighter and vice versa. This triggers a crime race and raises notable social concerns on the adverse use and potential abuse of ICTs. Proactive territorial-based regulations, although called for, do not always provide solutions. The borderless nature of ICTs may not allow for rigid regulations and instead challenges the principle of criminal laws. As such, international laws and regulations combined with reliance on technologies are crucial to counter the crime race.  相似文献   

身份犯及其相关概念辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李希慧  杜国强 《现代法学》2005,27(2):115-121
身份犯是指刑法规定的以行为人所具有的特定身份作为犯罪构成要件或量刑情节的犯罪。身份犯不同于亲手犯和不作为犯,身份犯是以犯罪主体是否具有特定身份为标准对犯罪进行分类的结果,亲手犯是根据实行行为是否可以和主体相分离而对犯罪所作的一种分类,不作为犯则是以实行行为的表现形式为标准划分的一类犯罪,三者既有区别,又有联系。  相似文献   

对本可以判处死刑立即执行的贪污受贿犯罪分子实际判处死刑缓期两年执行的,同时决定死缓期满减为无期徒刑后的终身监禁,既不是执行"死刑"之"重",又不是减为可进一步通过减刑、假释使实际服刑期变得相对比较短的一般"无期徒刑"之"轻",既实现了罪责刑均衡,又实现了震慑其他潜在的贪污受贿犯罪分子的一般预防目的,还能够遏制司法腐败实现司法公正,对贪污受贿犯罪行为进行精准的打击。终身监禁单独设在贪污受贿罪里,正是考虑到贪污受贿罪的特点和国家的刑事政策而作出的,不仅具有很强的针对性,而且在刑罚轻重的"度"上把握到位,体现出刑罚制定和适用的精准性。从刑罚精准性的视角分析,终身监禁不违背罪刑法定原则、罪责刑相适应原则和刑罚效益原则,具备刑罚正当化根据。  相似文献   

刑罚目的应该是“一般预防”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖洪 《现代法学》2007,29(3):169-175
刑罚的目的是刑法学界乃至社会学界永恒的话题,在刑法学界,对刑罚目的的认识有三种观点:报应论、一般预防论和特别预防论,但是,没有哪一个学说能够真正告诉我们刑罚的存在究竟意欲何为?刑法的目的等同于刑罚的目的,刑法的目的是保障包括犯罪人在内的全体公民的基本人权,要实现这一目的,必须要减少犯罪。通过对不同类型人的犯罪可能性进行分析可以发现,要实现最大化的减少犯罪,量刑的基准必须是以犯罪的成本大于收益且刚刚大于收益为足矣。因此,“一般预防论”应该是刑罚的目的。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from the first study of female prisoners' self-reports of criminal activity. Using the criminal career paradigm to frame the analysis, self-reported estimates of crime participation and frequency rates were examined for eight felony crimes. Important similarities between women and men were found in overall patterns of crime. Specifically, a small proportion ofboth women and men described committing a large portion of the total crimes reported. These data also suggest that women and men are similar in violent crime participation — a finding that varies from the current literature. Once active in a crime type, women and men committed assault, theft, and forgery at significantly different rates; no gender differences were found in the annualized frequency rates of burglary, robbery, motor vehicle theft, fraud, and drug dealing. However, although statistical differences were not found in the overall frequency of drug dealing, specific patterns of drug dealing reflected considerable gender variation, with a larger proportion of the female sample committing very frequent (daily) drug dealing activity. The findings reflect the value of the criminal career paradigm for the study of gender differences. Future research should include largescale quantitative designs that allow detailed analyses of correlates of the distinct criminal career dimensions.Points of view are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.This research was funded in part by the National Institute of Justice, Grant 87-IJ-CX-0048.  相似文献   

余罪自首成立要件解析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
成立余罪自首的主体为被采取强制措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和正在服刑的罪犯。认定余罪自首的重点不在于犯罪人是否被剥夺了人身自由 ,而在于交代的是否是“余罪”。余罪自首成立的客观要件为“如实供述司法机关还未掌握的本人其他罪行” ,无论该罪行与司法机关已掌握的或判决确定的罪行属同种还是异种 ,只要其可以单独构成犯罪 ,就应认定为自首。  相似文献   

Ample research exists on the relationship between mainstream constructions of racialized images and perceptions of criminals. Fewer studies, however, have assessed the influence of political rhetoric in the construction and the mobilization of images of criminals as the “racial other.” This study employs a qualitative content analysis guided by an intersectionality framework to answer the questions: to what extent Presidential rhetoric influenced images of criminals; and how was colorblind language used to facilitate this process? The examination of Presidential speeches related to crime policies, given from 1969 to 1996, revealed that criminal activity was primarily articulated as being committed by “young Black impoverished males.” Through the use of colorblind strategies, race, while not explicitly referenced, was the most salient dimension of the imagery of criminals depicted in Presidential rhetoric.  相似文献   

论继承性共犯   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
继承性共犯,是指在先行为人已经实施了犯罪的手段行为或者结合犯的前一犯罪之后,以共同的犯罪故意单独或者帮助先行为人实施犯罪的目的行为或者结合犯的后一犯罪的犯罪人。继承性共犯只存在于两种犯罪形态中:一是由手段行为和目的行为结合而成的犯罪,二是结合犯。对继承性共犯应确定与被继承性共犯同样的罪名。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):298-313
This study examined the correlates of distance to crime in a sample of 412 prison inmates in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. The study focused on crimes of theft and included a spatial analysis of the crime scene and the place of residence of the prison inmates. The data show a high clustering of criminals in a few neighbourhoods surrounding the old downtown area. Also, 38.8% of the sampled criminals committed their crimes in the same neighbourhood where they lived. Regression analysis revealed two independent and positive correlations of distance to crime: the monetary gain of the crime and if the prison inmates' intimate partner was also in jail. These findings suggest that, aside from the monetary rationale in the distance to crime function, the neighbourhood and family contexts deserve further research for a better understanding of criminal behaviour in Mexico.  相似文献   

Although the governments of the United States and Japan differ markedly in racial ideology, official crime statistics in both nations reflect political arrangements which marginalize minority populations. In both nations, official crime statistics reveal more about the attempts of majority populations to label minority populations as a criminal class than about variations in criminal behavior across racial populations. While there is no racially pure Black population in the United States, there is a “black” category within official statistics, and the statistics are used to justify crime control policies which have a disparate impact on the diverse peoples who are socially‐perceived as Black. While there are undeniably non‐Japanese populations in Japan, there are no racial categories for them in official statistics which define them out of existence; except where crime statistics are concerned, so that the police can monitor the criminality of “foreigners.” In both societies, official categorization of race in crime statistics implies that crime is a minority problem; government statistics reinforce official ideology that crimes by “foreigners” and “black violence” are the real threats to civil society.  相似文献   

This article shows how easy and valuable is to interview offenders, when the information of crime or criminals life is needed. There is no need to use just authorities information that is often very one sided and focused on solving single crime or personality behind the committed crime. During this study I interviewed 15 persons and one group of 6 persons. The 21 interviewees represented 14 different groups active in the 1990s in Finland and cross-border criminality. The interviewed persons were selected for equal representation of four different criminal backgrounds. The types of crimes that Finns typically commit across borders (from abroad to Finland) include: (1) different kinds of smuggling (spirits, tobacco and drugs), (2) trafficking in prostitutes and organising their work (procuring) in the country. From Finland to foreign countries, Finnish criminals primarily, (3) handle stolen goods (fencing), (4) money laundering. The persons selected to be interviewed were still committing or had recently committed these types of crimes. There are only a few empirical studies made on professional criminals. It is amazing how similar the findings of these are, even though the three studies—British, American and the present—reflect different social conditions and different decades. On occasion it feels that the place and time of study are irrelevant, as if you are reading and analysing just one study. From the research point of view it is interesting how such similar findings are possible. None of the 14 groups that I studied were able to fulfil the 14 variables of organised crime, that I required for a group to be classified as an organised crime group.
Mika JunninenEmail:

刑事程序法以证据来证明犯罪事实,刑事实体法以犯罪事实符合犯罪构成要件来认定犯罪。构成要件与诉讼证明以犯罪事实为纽带紧密关联,相互影响。犯罪构成要件通过对犯罪事实的勾勒和形塑决定证明方向,划定证明范围,依据不同要件的分类影响证明责任的分配。诉讼证明对犯罪构成要件的影响主要是通过实践中惯常性的证明困难倒逼犯罪构成要件就其结构和具体要素作出必要的调整和修正。引入绝对责任和客观处罚条件、构建阶梯型罪名、设立抽象危险犯、建立推定制度以及通过刑法解释合理缩减证明范围,将主观要件类型化为若干客观情节都是刑法为了满足证明的需要就犯罪构成要件作出的完善。  相似文献   

崔海英 《犯罪研究》2010,(5):109-112
美国犯罪预防领域出现了一种新思维,即与贼易位思考。为使工作富有成效,犯罪分子知道的,警察至少也应该知道。一个高效率的犯罪预防警官必须在犯罪、威胁因素和解决方案等宽广的领域里知识渊博,见多识广。获悉罪犯怎么作案是预防他们犯罪的最基本的方法,像贼一样思考问题是预防犯罪的根本。  相似文献   

The relationship between crimes and arrests is one of the central issues in deterrence theory. There are several conceptual difficulties in attempting to assess whether arrests deter crimes or the number of crimes determine the number of arrests. These problems are compounded when rates are used to measure both variables. The issue is whether criminals respond to arrests or the police respond to changes in crime. The present analysis compares regression results when the variables are measured both as rates and raw numbers for three offenses: homicide, robbery, and burglary. The results indicate that arrests follow crimes. This suggests the need to reexamine some studies that argue that criminals’perceptions of arrest rates are an indication of deterrence.  相似文献   

女性犯罪心理研究现状及趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王海燕 《政法学刊》2005,22(1):41-43
近年来,在世界范围内女性犯罪的比率迅速上升,女性犯罪的类型也呈多元化的趋势。然而,由于传统上男性一直是犯罪的主体,对女性犯罪的研究因此受到了忽视。开展女性犯罪心理研究不仅是国际女性犯罪形势发展的客观需要,同时也为公安侦查、审讯、抓捕各个工作环节以及对女犯的司法改造工作提出了新的课题。研究的不足之处主要体现在研究的类型上。一般的经验型的理论研究较多,而系统的理论研究和实证性的研究较少;单一犯罪类型的研究较多,而不同犯罪类型间的比较研究较少;单一因素与犯罪行为的关系研究较多,而多种因素与犯罪行为之间的关系研究较少。应用研究与实证研究是女性犯罪心理研究的主要研究趋向。  相似文献   

Much has been learned about the relationship between sanction threat perceptions and criminal activity, yet little remains known about the factors that are associated with sanction threat perceptions. Moreover, because most researchers had studied deterrence within the context of street crime, even less is known about the factors that relate to sanction threat perceptions for white-collar crime. This study used data from a national probability sample to examine whether the determinants of perceived sanction certainty and severity for street crime were different from white-collar crime. Using robbery and fraud as two exemplars, the findings indicated that while public perceptions of sanction certainty and severity suggested that street criminals were more likely to be caught and be sentenced to more severe sanctions than white-collar criminals, respondent's perceptions of which type of crime should be more severely punished indicated that both robbery and fraud were equally likely to be perceived ‘on par.’ Additional results indicated that the correlates of certainty and severity were more similar than different, but that the results differed according to whether respondents were asked about the punishment that white-collar offenders were likely to receive as opposed to what they should receive.  相似文献   

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