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钱文荣 《和平与发展》2009,(1):3-7,72-79
2008年重大国际事件频出:美国大选结果标志美国国内政治生活“新时代”的开始:金融危机沉重打击了现行国际金融体系,美国主导国际事务的能力进一步削弱;20国集团峰会凸显发展中新兴大国的作用,再次表明发展中国家成为推动多极化国际体系和秩序改革的主力军;俄格军事冲突严重影响大国关系和地缘政治格局。所有这些重大事件表明,世界多极化趋势不可阻挡。  相似文献   

To the extent that a grand strategy can be discerned in the first year of the Obama Administration, its defining features are not a break from the past but continuity. As the President himself has analogized since taking office, crafting grand strategy is like parallel parking. He has only been able to make changes to grand strategy around the margins since a number of existing commitments limit his freedom of action. This article first identifies the structural determinants of grand strategy, pointing to the international distribution of power, American bureaucracy, and public as the key sources of strategic constraint and opportunity. It then shows how shifts in these factors—comparatively less U.S. power, an overstretched military organized around counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an American public weary from an aggressive grand strategy—produced a shift in grand strategy that predated the 2008 election and that remains consistent with the current strategic setting. It is for these reasons that the 2008 “change” election has produced considerable continuity in American grand strategy.  相似文献   

试析2008年大选后的美国对外政策走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国总统大选在即,从候选人当前辩论的焦点看,两党政策主张既有一定差别,也有趋同迹象。从外交方面看,美国单边主义外交政策将会进一步收敛,对外(特别是同盟国)协商与合作将会得到加强。美国对华政策取决于其国家利益的需要,中美关系发展的内在动力将会主导双边关系的发展,不会因美国总统的更迭而发生逆转。  相似文献   

With year four of the Iraq War under way, this article focuses on the sources, patterns, and effects of fatalities. It shows how trends in fatalities correlate with nine distinct phases since the war's inception and analyzes in detail the last two, which prevailed during year 3, ending March 19, 2006: the Iraqi election cycle (which encompassed the election of the National Assembly, establishment of the transnational government, drafting of the Constitution, approval of the Constitution, and the election of parliament) and the start of U.S. efforts to disengage from the conflict. U.S. intentions to scale down its involvement while increasing Iraqi self-sufficiency have been hampered by the persistence of fatalities inflicted by the insurgency, which bifurcated its efforts during year 3, matching hostilities toward U.S. troops with organized civil strife involving Iraqis. Ultimately, only the Iraqi people and their new government can defeat the insurgency and bring U.S. involvement in the war to an end.  相似文献   

2008年美国大选在即,经济问题仍将是选民的首要关注点。美国的政治版图和力量格局正在经历新的调整,党派政治分裂的局面难以改观。这种政治生态中的两极化与选民期待的“超越党争”的大选气氛相互交织,将会对美国政府的未来政策以及美国对外关系走势产生重要影响。  相似文献   

HOLLY BRASHER 《政治交往》2013,30(4):453-471
This abstract addresses the divergent views that political scientists and members of Congress have about the role of issues in congressional campaigns. The scholarly perspective is based on the assumption that issues and policy are relatively unimportant in the relationship between members and their constituents. In contrast, the political parties in Congress devote a substantial amount of time and attention to developing an effective issue agenda for the campaign season. The research presented in this article is a systematic study of U.S. Senate candidates' campaign messages that assesses the impact of the parties' agenda setting efforts during the election year session. The parties' efforts are compared with mass media, major legislative accomplishments, and party issue ownership as alternative sources of agenda setting in campaigns. The results of this study indicate that Senate candidates do emphasize certain issues in their campaigns and that the contentious election year issues associated with party strategy along with major legislative accomplishments are the issues that the candidates are likely to discuss.  相似文献   

Whiletheyearof2004haswitnessedastablesitua-tionintheworldasawhole,theinterlockedunilat-eralism,hegemonism,terrorismandregionalhotspotshaveneverceasedmakingtroublesthathavecontinuedtostartletheworld.AroundtheU.S.presidentialelection,theU.S.foreignstrategyandthedevelopmentoftheMiddleEastsituation,theworldhasundergonearapidchange,withtheinter-nationalrelationsmakingdrasticrestructuringandtheworldsecuritybeingseriouslyimpaired.Incon-trastwiththeturbulenceinsomepartsoftheworld,politicalpartiesinv…  相似文献   

陶文钊 《和平与发展》2012,(1):32-36,68,69
2011年国际局势中的许多事态对美国的中东外交政策形成新的挑战。西亚北非的动荡和变局可能导致中东地缘政治版图重新绘制,对美国未来的中东外交必将带来许多变数;美国一巴基斯坦之间发生的事态可能对奥巴马政府的反恐战略及南亚战略提出新的挑战;巴勒斯坦不顾美国阻挠申请加入联合国,使美国与穆斯林世界的关系面临新的考验。这些挑战今后有可能进一步发酵,对美国全球战略产生影响,其中包括对奥巴马政府"-3前高调进行的“重返亚洲”形成牵制。  相似文献   

美俄关系是世界上最重要的大国关系之一。美国弱俄、抑俄政策是冷战时期对苏“遏制”战略的继续,意识形态的对抗贯穿美苏和美俄关系的发展过程。近些年来,美俄不断形成相互挑战之势,今年俄格军事冲突又导致美俄对抗势头加剧。但两国不会回到冷战时代,非敌非友的两国关系将会长期保持。  相似文献   

萨本望  尚鸿 《和平与发展》2009,(1):11-15,26
奥巴马在布什政府对外政策使美国深陷战略困境、美国经济濒临衰退边缘、选民普遍思变的情势下高票当选美国总统。美国大选年历来也是美国共和、民主两党及战略研究界围绕美国政府内外政策展开的辩论年。作为2008年美国大选年和大辩论的结果奥巴马入主白宫,必将对美现行外交政策进行大变革。总的趋势将是:从单边主义走向多边合作,从先发制人和滥用武力趋向谈判对话与和平磋商。  相似文献   

Barry R. 《Orbis》2007,51(4):561-567
Since the Global War on Terror (more recently termed the Long War) emerged as the centerpiece of U.S. grand strategy in 2001, the post–Cold War U.S. debate has narrowed significantly. Essentially three alternative strategies now compete for pride of place. Two are variants of a “primacy” strategy; one is a variant of “restraint,” sometimes termed “offshore balancing.” All three strategies take globalization as a given and as a positive development. None specifically connects U.S. military power to globalization. To the extent that globalization can be argued to have negative consequences, restraint offers a different remedy than either version of primacy. This article offers a brief characterization of globalization and speculates on its positive and negative results. The three grand strategies that remain visible in the U.S. public policy debate, and their suggested remedies, are then discussed. Finally, the U.S. military strengths and weaknesses are evaluated in order to gauge which strategy's remedies are most feasible.  相似文献   

President Bush's surge strategy intends to use the might of the U.S. military to establish secure conditions in Iraq under which the promise of political progress will be realized. The U.S. military used this approach in the past when the U.S. Fallujah Offensive of late 2004 established security for the Iraqi Election Cycle in 2005. But the promise of political progress for insurgents was not fulfilled in 2006 upon formation of the Maliki government, and they resorted to extreme levels of violence in response, killing 1,080 U.S. troops during the 12 months ending September 2007, more than in any other comparable period. In the second half of Year 5, from September 2007 through the fifth anniversary of the war on March 19, 2008, U.S. forces in cooperation with Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias helped improve security conditions once again. But unless the surge's promise of political progress is fulfilled, the patience of the insurgents and militias is likely to dissipate and violence will increase once again in Year 6.  相似文献   

1954年日内瓦会议结束以后,美国开始关注老挝国内局势的发展,将老挝看作其在东南亚防御共产主义影响的重要缓冲地带,积极扶植符合其利益要求的代理人上台。美国为确保老挝保守势力取得1958年补充选举的胜利投入了大量的援助。尽管如此,选举结果却违背了美国的初衷,暴露了美国对老挝政策的先天不足。  相似文献   

China-U.S. relationship is the most important one between two big powers in the world today. It is both bilateral and global by nature. How to handle this relationship is closely linked with the fundamental interests of the U.S. and China, as well as peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region and even in the world. So, a profound examination of the nature of U.S. strategy toward China and its evolution over the years will help to fully understand the opportunities and challenges China will meet in the course of peaceful development.  相似文献   

日本民主党执政与美日同盟变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本政权更迭是亚洲格局发生重大变革的一个最新迹象。民主党在竞选中获胜表明了寻求"更加平等"的日美关系获得了国内民众的认可,这是民主党制定对美政策的国内背景。在国际层面,中国的实力地位已经发生了质的变化,这种变化在日美关系上必然要有所反映,民主党执政则在客观上为日美同盟变化提供了可能。民主党追求自主性的基本方式是构建东亚共同体和更多地参与联合国事务,这预示着:与自民党相比,民主党将更多地以亚洲身份和在多边框架下参与地区和国际事务,而非对美国的一味盲从。民主党对"自主性"的追求并不意味着同盟弱化,相反,在解决朝鲜核问题、防核扩散、能源和环境保护等方面,日美有可能继续加强协调以维持对两国都必不可少的同盟关系。  相似文献   

美国国防部发布的“中国军力报告”既是美国对中国军力的认知反应,也是美国拟定对华政策的重要参考依据。《2009中国军力报告》总体上缺乏新意,一方面反映奥巴马政府对华战略尚处于构建阶段,预示其将延续前任政府的对华政策;另一方面也表明中美关系的发展将处于相对稳定状态。然而,就报告出台的背景及报告本身的权威性而言,仍值得关注。  相似文献   

长期以来,台湾问题一直是影响中美关系正常发展的关键问题之一。然而,美国对华政策的基本取向始终是将台湾视为不享有主权国家之名的独立的“政治实体”。美国为了其亚太战略乃至全球战略利益考虑,不遗余力地为台湾“拓展国际空间”和制造“双重承认”创造有利的外部环境。正是由于美国的支持和纵容,台湾当局在处理两岸关系上,已经逐渐背离了“一个中国”的基本原则,其“台独”的反动嘴脸昭然若揭。  相似文献   

International relations scholars need to look beyond the national level because U.S. states and governors are increasingly important actors in world politics. One way to look at their international activities is by examining the ways in which U.S. states seek to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), just one research puzzle at the nexus of international relations and U.S. state politics, two fields that rarely talk to one another. After pointing out the gaps within theories from international relations and international political economy, this paper describes the evolving global roles of both U.S. states and governors and shows how U.S. states attract FDI through the use of their international offices and governor-led overseas missions. Empirical findings indicate that U.S. states' international offices and a higher level of economic interdependence help states attract FDI, and the paper argues that extension of institutional approaches from IPE may be valuable for future research about the international capabilities of subnational governments and their leaders.  相似文献   

贺喜 《拉丁美洲研究》2012,34(1):54-59,80
早在1970年智利总统选举期间,美国白宫就提出对即将上台的阿连德政府实施经济封锁。当阿连德入主莫内达宫后,经济封锁便正式成为美国干涉智利最重要的手段。白宫切断了阿连德政府获得国际贷款的来源,利用债务问题向智利施加压力,同美国企业界一起采取各种措施阻挠阿连德政府实施铜矿国有化政策。美国的经济封锁重创了智利经济,恶化了美智关系,加速了智利"社会主义道路"失败的历史进程。  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationship between economic exchange and grand strategy and explains why rival states exchange with each other. The theoretical debate among realists is defined, while a novel, yet classical, realist exchange theory is proffered and evaluated against the record of U.S.-Japanese exchange, 1918–41. In this particular case, the origins of Japan's oil dependency on the United States are detailed for the first time as is the U.S. policy toward Britain and the Netherlands that created this dependency. The article finds U.S. strategic coordination of Japan's economic vulnerabilities and their use advanced U.S. grand strategy leading into WWII. The article concludes that the July 1941 U.S. oil embargo against Japan was purposeful and the product of a larger policy arc from the early post-WWI period.  相似文献   

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