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The following case study investigates the contract enforcement institutions that enable German customers to purchase software in Asia and Eastern Europe. The case study shows that nation‐states are hardly able to generate a legal “shadow” for cross‐border business relations. The same holds true for the so‐called New Lex Mercatoria. Instead, economic actors create their own informal mechanisms. Relational contracts and reputational networks are nowadays far more effective due to developments in the field of information and communication technology. Overall, the importance of formal contract law in international trade is even smaller than is assumed by the classic theory of relational contracts.  相似文献   

改革开放三十多年来,"严打"、"普法"、"社会治安综合治理"以及"社会管理综合治理"等方式可以看作是国家对基层社会进行治理的探索.十八届四中全会提出"推进基层治理法治化"吹响了全面依法治理基层社会的号角.作为拥有执法人员数量最多的基层执法机构,处在社会矛盾解决第一线的派出所的法律实施依据、方法和技术理应为基层社会治理提供法治资源和法治路径.浙江省K派出所的案例、做法和制度有力地诠释了派出所的法律实施契合基层社会治理.派出所法律实施所展现出来的四大法治功能是推进基层社会治理法治化的桥梁.派出所应从人口管理、行政执法、刑事司法、服务社会、走群众路线、严格遵守程序原则和善于运用非正式制度性因素等方面来为基层社会治理法治化提供理念支持和行动榜样.  相似文献   

三段论推理在法律论证中的作用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
司法三段论这一近代以来占主导地位的法律推理模式,当今的法学家对其提出了诸多批判,法律方法论亦由此从总体上实现了向法律论证理论的转换。但是,三段论推理本身的合理价值依然应当予以承认。在法律论证中,形式方法仍然具有无可替代的作用。法律论证的逻辑有效性对于实际的论证活动依然是个比较重要的评价标准。足见三段论推理在法律论证理论中具有重要意义。可以说,演绎模式的说理规则表达了对于法律论证最低限度的理性要求。在事实与规范相互对应的法律适用观念下,三段论推理继续在法律论证,尤其是在内部证立当中发挥作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the rules and practices of waiting in line as a system of informal order, showing that despite its reputation for drudgery, the queue offers rich insights about social norms and the psychology of cooperation. The article begins by investigating the implicit customs of physical waiting in line, uncovering the surprisingly complex unwritten rules (and exceptions) that give queues stability even in the absence of legal governance or state enforcement. Yet the prevailing norms literature typically explains informal order by reference to close‐knit groups that can impose sanctions on violators of extralegal rules. This raises a puzzle: Why do queue norms repeatedly produce informal, yet reliable, order among total strangers unlikely to interact again? This article answers this question by looking to social‐psychological research showing that people tend to be strong reciprocators rather than selfish utility maximizers. This model makes sense of both our tendency to defer to line norms as well as the disproportionate sanctions with which defectors from these norms meet.  相似文献   

黄茂钦 《现代法学》2007,29(1):31-37
从本源上看,经济法的道德性来自对企业的社会责任伦理、公平交易伦理、经济行政责任伦理、可持续发展伦理以及公平分配伦理等社会经济伦理的法律提升。而一旦现实的经济伦理道德进入经济法领域,就使得经济法表现出独特的、鲜明的道德性特征。具体而言,经济法的道德性表现在经济法律规范的价值内涵、经济法对社会中各种利益的价值判断标准、经济法的非强制性和经济法对社会生活发挥能动作用的形式等方面。  相似文献   

我国当前民间借贷的特点、问题及其法律对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当前民间借贷市场已经进入高级阶段,资金供需两旺,并具有迅速走红网络经济的发展趋势。然而,民间借贷相关立法滞后,市场监管缺位,司法主导突出,整个市场呈现出产生发展的内生化、投资主体的多元化、交易形式的电子化、法律规则的零散化、法律地位的尴尬化以及裁判结果依赖指导性解释等特征。民间借贷组织的主体地位问题、民间借贷合同的效力认定问题、民间借贷利率的法律管制问题、网络借贷平台的风险控制问题以及民间借贷交易的信息监测问题等日益突出,加强监管立法和监管机构主动执法,依法规范民间借贷行为,严厉打击高利贷,已成为金融生态建设中民间借贷法律规制的必然选择。  相似文献   

The key twin objectives of pension and retirement system are income security and consumption smoothing for members and their family (heirs). Accordingly, pension funds worldwide devise laws that preserve and improve these key objectives. Laws that failed to take into account these objectives not only impose extra financial burden on the pension system, but also may pose undesirable social and economic effects. In this respect, economic analysis of pension laws would help lawmakers to make workable and implementable laws. Generally, economic analysis of law seeks to answer two basic questions regarding legal rules: what are the effects of legal rules on the behavior of relevant actors? And are these effects socially desirable? This paper examines the pension law of Iran’s civil servant pension fund (CSPF) for female heirs in light of the afore-mentioned key objectives of pension system, and from social justice point of view. The results from the analysis reveal that this does not only adhere to social justice and pension system’s main purpose, but also it imposes economic and social costs. The weak side of the law also creates financial burden on the pension fund, the young generation (paying pension benefits to the considered heirs from its contribution) and the public at large. The study also shows that life time payment of pensions to heirs by CSPF encourages late or informal marriages hence defecting acceptable social norms and may increase informal labor supply, creating a further problem in the labor market. The study thus recommends the need for reforming the existing law and rules of CSPF for female heirs.  相似文献   

How do differences in the implementation of regulation impact market behavior? I propose a theoretical framework to understand this impact as part of the process of embedding market participants through the institutionalization of legal consciousness within a field of action. I use this framework to understand the impact of the difference in the implementation of securities regulation in Ghana and Fiji. In Fiji, where the regulatory agency is more present and process‐oriented, brokers operate with a greater orientation toward formal rules. In Ghana, where the regulatory agency is distant and auditing, brokers rely on explicit enforcement of floor‐based norms. Conceiving of legal consciousness as an emergent feature of a field of social action advances the understanding of how legality is institutionalized, since the emergent structure shapes the orientations, behavior, and relations of actors within the field.  相似文献   

董淳锷 《北方法学》2014,8(5):48-59
为了促进公司法实体规则的实施,立法者除了需要重视法律责任和惩罚措施的运用之外,还应当建立各种激励机制,即以经济利益的给付、道德声誉的褒奖、相关权利的优先享有以及法律责任的豁免为手段来促使公司及其参与人主动遵守法律。因为激励机制在解决"共益权行使的集体行动问题"以及"义务规则的非标准化问题"等方面具有不可替代的作用,而且激励机制的运用还有助于把公司法的公共实施转化为私人实施,进而降低法律实施的成本。  相似文献   

王裕根 《河北法学》2021,39(1):2-14
通过法律规制平台经济的过程,其实质是在治理平台经济发展带来的负面性问题。借助法律多元主义理论视角分析平台经济发展的制度供给,会发现国家法律与平台规则共同构成平台经济发展的制度约束与保障,同时也是平台治理的重要制度资源。任何一项制度资源的投入会随着制度实施的环境条件以及制度执行者的价值观念变化而产生制度成本与效益的边际效应,这就为国家法律与平台规则的功能范围设定了制度边界,因而需要优化配置制度资源的投入和组合。而国家法律和平台规则的互嵌性,以及国家法律与平台规则在服务于平台经济创新发展的目标耦合性,也就决定了国家法律和平台规则之间存在制度合作的空间。因此在平台经济治理中,通过审慎评估国家法律在平台经济领域的实施效果,有效吸纳平台规则的治理优势,优化政府监管执法资源投入,可以有效形成合作治理的平台经济秩序。  相似文献   

民事合同与商事合同在当事人认定、交易结构的繁简、"名""实"相副与否、"穿透"合同关系的允许与禁止、合同瑕疵的容忍抑或矫正、商业逻辑的地位及作用、坚守"正位"抑或"错位"处理"火候"把握等方面存在差异.认识、重视和研讨之,目的 和意义之一是,在法律适用时必须顾及商事合同的特殊性,不得僵硬地套用关于民事合同的规定.目的 ...  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展 ,法律制度也需要不断更新 ,需要不断补充新的内容。法律借鉴、吸收不同种类的社会规则如习惯、教规、道德规范等是一件十分正常的事情。在调整对象、调整方法等方面 ,法律与上述规则存在着明显的不同 ,但这并不意味着双方的对立或冲突。多元的法律状况只是特定历史时期的产物。  相似文献   

Futures markets play an important role in shifting risk and facilitating exchange. Yet despite their growing importance economists do not yet possess a satisfactory theory of the evolution and growth of futures markets.1 In the law-and-economics literature there is an assumption that parties will seek to specify their obligations completely or else rely on the terms implied by contract law.2 The idea that institutions will develop to deal with contractual problems (including the inefficiencies of contract law) has only recently been explored.3 Futures contracts are contracts designed to separate one aspect of exchange that is particularly susceptible to enforcement problems-price volatility. It does this in a way that allows little scope for the intervention of the formal legal rules of contract law since trading in and the resolution of disputes concerning futures contracts are governed by the rules of the exchange. In fact, many futures contracts, especially the newer varieties, may well be deemed wagering contracts and hence null and void under the usual rules of contract law.4In this article the structure of organized futures contracting will be examined to see how it deals with the enforcement problems that arise when exchange is subject to the risk of price volatility.5  相似文献   

Robert Alexy defines law as including a claim to moral correctness and demonstrating social efficacy. This paper argues that law's social efficacy is not merely an observable fact but is undergirded by moral commitments by rulers that it is possible for their subjects to follow the rules, that the rulers and others will also follow the rules, that subjects will be protected from violence if they act in accordance with the rules, and that subjects will be entitled to legal redress if others act violently towards them otherwise than in accordance with the rules. Alexy is correct in his conclusion that a system of norms that is not by and large socially efficacious is not a valid legal system, but wrong insofar as he follows legal positivism in distinguishing this aspect of law's validity from law's claim to moral correctness.  相似文献   

The global sex panic around sex work and trafficking has fostered prostitution law reform worldwide. While the normative status of sex work remains deeply contested, abolitionists and sex work advocates alike display an unwavering faith in the power of criminal law; for abolitionists, strictly enforced criminal laws can eliminate sex markets, whereas for sex work advocates, decriminalization can empower sex workers. I problematize both narratives by delineating the political economy and legal ethnography of Sonagachi, one of India's largest red-light areas. I show how within Sonagachi there exist highly internally differentiated groups of stakeholders, including sex workers, who, variously endowed by a plural rule network—consisting of formal legal rules, informal social norms, and market structures—routinely enter into bargains in the shadow of the criminal law whose outcomes cannot be determined a priori. I highlight the complex relationship between criminal law and sex markets by analyzing the distributional effects of criminalizing customers on Sonagachi's sex industry.  相似文献   

金融衍生交易特别是场外衍生交易规则与传统民商法之间的冲突是大陆法系国家普遍存在的问题。衍生工具作为一种新的合同类型,与传统合同的显著区别在于"当前订约、未来履行",从中派生出特殊的履约风险、缔约风险等一系列新问题。对赌、显失公平等法律争议正是基于衍生合约本身的特性而产生;而通常被称为"衍生交易规则"的一整套制度实际上是市场自发创设的防范履约风险的安排。在此,场外衍生交易与场内衍生交易之间没有本质区别,英美法系与大陆法系需要应对同样的问题。通过还原衍生交易规则背后的法律逻辑,可以构筑一个以"合同"为中心的衍生交易法律问题的分析框架,容纳从合同效力、履行、缔约到信息披露、监管等一系列问题。以合同为主要处理对象的民商法应扩张自身的体系以容纳实践中产生的新合同类型,从而为整个金融衍生交易法律规则体系提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Most comprehensive discussions of the police acknowledge the inability of legal and bureaucratic regulations to determine officer behavior. Attention is turned instead toward the informal norms developed within the police subculture. These discussions, however, tend to overstress the chasm between the formal and informal. They also provide inadequate tools for understanding differentiation, conflict, and change within police departments. I address these shortcomings here by mobilizing a particular conceptualization of the term "normative order"—as a set of rules and practices oriented around a central value. Six such orders are crucial to policing: law, bureaucratic control, adventure/machismo, safety, competence, and morality. I illustrate the importance of each by drawing upon ethnographic observations of the Los Angeles Police Department, and explain how my conceputalization offers a comprehensive yet flexible means to understand the social world of policing.  相似文献   

This article explores the development of a cross-border dimensionto the delivery of urban water services as an arena for thesocial construction of global administrative law. When companiesfrom one country deliver water services in another country underdecades-long concession contracts, the ensuing political andlegal struggle engages one of the central strands of administrativelaw traditionally understood: the question of participationin decision-making processes that affect vital individual interests.Moreover, it does so in an arena that embeds public and privateactors in hybrid routines of both formal and informal participationat multiple levels of governance. Using Argentinian and SouthAfrican case studies, the article teases out in detail the interplaybetween international and domestic levels of the forms and processes(both formal and informal) that facilitate participation intransnational urban water services governance. The process ofsocially constructing global administrative law is centred initerative interaction between formal legal and informal politicalmodes of participation, especially social protest and politicalnegotiations. It is a process with two modes, political andtechnical, and the political salience of global administrativelaw is shaped first by differential capacities to deploy bothmodes, and secondly by the capacity to switch between nationaland international levels of governance.  相似文献   

叶竹盛 《法律科学》2013,31(3):15-23
主流观点认为,中国法治建设的最大动力和最大希望都来自对经济发展的追求,但是“中国难题”对此提出了挑战,其对非正式规则在中国经济发展中的正面意义的肯定,切断了法治发展的“社会基础论”的逻辑链条.非正式规则的流行及国家层面上的附和不仅弱化了自下而上推动法治变革的意愿,也同样阻碍了法治在“顶层设计”的突破.非正式规则虽然在一定时期内能够承担推动经济发展的功能,但是却可能造成多种法治缺陷,甚至可能使正式制度长期受到压抑,无法突破僵局.  相似文献   

法哲学中分配旨在实现形式正义,构成法律正义的理念。现代社会回应型法的出现使指向实质正义的再分配得以确立,当这种以变革的国家哲学为支撑的回应型法律规范逐渐增多并自成系统时,标志着对应于政府经济调节职能的理念中的经济法生成。它通过维护市场的形式平等以促进经济的效率与发展为工具性价值目标,要求政府积极作为确保应得权利的创造与之结合,旨在实现整体实质公平。  相似文献   

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