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曹岩 《法制与社会》2013,(7):242-243
网络的快速普及给公众提供了广阔的言论平台,拓宽了信息传播的广度和深度。网络在给人们带来更多表达自由之时,也产生了很多问题,而我国目前仍缺少相关法律对网络言论自由进行有效规制。我们应充分认识网络言论立法的必要性与紧迫性,从立法原则、立法形式、及配套法律等方面借鉴国外网络言论立法经验,完善我国网络言论立法。  相似文献   

互联网的迅猛发展导致网络言论自由问题显得日益严峻和突出,如何将网络言论纳入法制的轨道,乃是理论界和实务界亟待解决的课题。一些发达国家这方面的立法相对成熟,颇具比较完备的网络言论自由的保护以及规制体系,这对建立健全我国网络言论的法律规制体系具有不菲的借鉴意义。这就需要探讨美国、德国网络言论自由保护的立法模式,比较分析其相关法律规制的内容和特点,他们立法方面的成功与可取之处,为我国完善网络言论自由法律规制体系提供启示。  相似文献   

网络规制立法不仅应该接应当今的政治、社会环境,而且应该触及网络规制的文化、道德和技术本性,不仅要提高网络规制立法的自洽性,同时也要注意立法对网络规制效能的建设。具体来说,其一,在立法体系上,应尽快制定《中华人民共和国互联网管理法》,使之成为我国网络规制的基本法,并以该法为核心,建立起由法律、法规、  相似文献   

网络空间中的言论自由具有较传统言论自由更高的价值,因此在对其进行规制的时候也应更为谨慎。然而我国在规制网络言论自由的时候不仅存在立法层级不高的问题,而且采取了比规制传统言论自由更加严厉的做法。要改变这种现状,就必须在改变立法理念、完善立法技术的基础上,以法律的形式对网络言论进行规范。  相似文献   

公民恰当行使网络言论自由权是现代宪政精神的体现,但是当前网络言论自由权限制的缺位带来了权力滥用的严重后果.如何在保护网络言论自由和多元化的同时对网络言论中的违法现象进行有效的规制,是网络立法需要解决的重要问题.本文主张网络立法要实现全方位和明晰化,在给出互联网言论规制的原则性指引的同时,更要将网络言论自由与网络言论暴力的界限尽可能地具体化.在实体层面,网络言论自由应以不侵犯法律所保护的正当利益为边界,在形式上则应当结合网络平台的特殊性对禁止性言论作出列举式规定.如此才能为网络言论自由提供良好的法律保障,充分发挥言论自由的积极效应.  相似文献   

新时代背景下规制网络失范言论需要刑法的积极应对。对网络失范言论的刑法规制应当首先在规范层面厘定刑法所禁止的失范言论与未禁止的失范言论,在现有的刑法体系中思考网络言论型犯罪的治理思路。在立法层面,对网络失范言论的规制需进一步扩宽治理范围,完善对虚假信息的规制样态,同时也需注重对网络空间言论寻衅滋事司法规则与立法规则的衔接;在司法层面,需坚持言论犯罪治理的谦抑性,注重言论犯罪认定标准的类型化,创新言论犯罪的办案机制。  相似文献   

在过去的2013年,我国政府结合运动式治理、立法活动和舆论工作对网络言论进行了全方位的治理。互联网的急速发展为中国带来一个前所未有的公共言论平台,促进了公民监督权的行使,带动了中国的法治发展。2013年的互联网言论治理的三部分内容都与公共言论密切相关。其中,"两高"所发布的《网络诽谤解释》着力于对公共言论进行刑事规制,包括对诽谤官员的刑事规制和对政治言论的刑事规制,但是其中的一些做法虚化了宪法所保障的公民监督权。公民监督权是我国法治发展的内在动力之一。进一步理解公共言论的法治内涵,落实公民监督权,是我们对公共言论进行合理规制的前提。  相似文献   

高哲远 《法制与社会》2013,(34):269-270
近年来,网络谣言问题日益严重,对社会影响日益扩大,亟需通过法律规范对其进行规制.目前,主要以刑法和行政法对网络谣言问题进行处理,但囿于当前法律规范存在一定不足,未能很好应对网络谣言问题,需对相应法律规范进一步完善.在以法律规制网络谣言问题时,应对坚持“罪刑法定”和“比例原则”等法律原则,同时应加强立法工作,完善和明确应对网络谣言的法律规范,使得治理网络谣言有法可依.  相似文献   

我国农业保险的法律规制现状与立法的预期利益凸显了《农业保险法》立法的必要性。《农业保险法》的基本原则为:政府适度干预、合理补贴、强制保险与自愿保险相结合。我国未来的《农业保险法》至少应包括三方面的内容:农业保险合同制度、农业保险经营管理制度和农业保险责任制度。  相似文献   

从有害网络言论的社会危害性来看,部分危害严重的网络言论有刑法规制的必要。但必须从罪刑法定原则的要求、公民言论自由权的保障要求、网络言论的危害程度要求划定其处罚边界。两高《关于办理利用信息网络实施诽谤等刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》具有积极意义,但其也在一定程度上违背了罪刑法定原则的要求,存在着侵犯公民言论自由权的危险,而且其关于网络言论型诽谤罪“情节严重”的细化规定也不尽合理。  相似文献   

屈茂辉 《中国法学》2014,(2):123-141
在我国当前的立法体制下,除宪法和一些基本法律外,同一主题的国家立法和地方立法大量存在,上位法与下位法之间实际起作用的是哪一层级制定的规范性文件,值得探讨。国有土地上房屋征收补偿制度为2011年新建立的制度,以此为对象分析上位法与下位法内容相关性,颇具典型性。基于现有数据,在形式上分析立法结构,在内容上把上位法与下位法的法律文本从征收主体、征收范围、征收程序、补偿范围、补偿标准、强拆规定和法律责任等进行解构对比,发现:下位法重复立法现象严重;上位法被严重架空;无立法权的地方政府颁布的规范性文件客观上与有立法权的地方立法具有同一的效力;有立法权限的省级立法不太活跃;实际起作用的是市、县级地方政府制定的规范性文件。地方立法的乱象亟待规范。  相似文献   

在网络规制过程中,既要实现秩序与安全又要保障公民的言论自由.以言论自由保护为视角观察我国网络规制立法存在的问题会发现,目前,在网络规制立法领域存在立法层级低、立法主体混乱以及立法程序欠缺民主要素等问题.本文分析了网络规制立法的必要性以及存在的问题,并提出了相关的解决思路.  相似文献   

刘想树 《现代法学》2012,34(3):132-142
最密切联系精神是现代化的冲突法立法之特质。我国《涉外民事关系法律适用法》将最密切联系规则仅定位为兜底救济规则,其内因包括我国强调立法、控制司法的大陆法系传统,冲突规范的硬性约束,涉外司法的划一要求,法律适用的稳健考虑,以及司法任务的简化。但由此也导致无法优化选法结果、无法缓解制度缺陷、无法矫正不当管辖,以及无法调整涉外识别等功能残缺。应尝试通过司法能动的原则化方案,参鉴欧盟最新立法,把最密切联系规则激活成为理性实施我国国际私法的灵魂力量。  相似文献   

In April 2003, the face of Canada's youth criminal justice system changed considerably. The Young Offenders Act (YOA) was repealed and the substitute legislation, the principle-laden Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), came into effect. It is not an entirely new act but was designed to build on the strengths of the YOA and address its weaknesses. The biggest criticism of the YOA was its lack of clear legislative direction; through the numerous principles and additional provisions, the YCJA proposes a remedy. The focus of this article is on two areas of the Act in particular, extrajudicial measures and sentencing, as these areas experienced the most change in the process of reforming the legislation. Specifically, these sections of the Act are analyzed in relation to four of the perceived problems under the YOA, all of which tie into the lack of clear legislative direction. If the provisions contained in these segments of the YCJA are adhered to in the manner and sentiment intended and if the principles are made a priority, then 1) the rate of youth incarceration in Canada should decrease, 2) the courts should no longer be overused, 3) there should be proper distinction between various degrees of seriousness of crimes, and 4) there should be more consistency in youth sentences across the country.  相似文献   

论我国环境管理体制立法存在的问题及其完善途径   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
我国现行的环境管理体制立法存在着立法体系不完善、立法内容存在交叉和矛盾、某些立法授权不符合科学管理的规律等问题。为此 ,我国应当加强对环境管理体制立法的研究 ,注意借鉴国外环境管理体制立法的经验 ,加快制定综合性的环境管理体制立法。应将各单行立法中关于环境管理体制的规定具体化 ,及时修订与实际不符的法律规定。在立法程序上 ,改变由管理部门起草立法的方式 ,遵循先立法后改制的原则。并且在立法中引入公众对环境管理机构的监督机制  相似文献   

In April 2013, the Defamation Act was passed, the culmination of a four‐year political campaign. The legislation is intended to ameliorate the ‘chilling effect’ of libel law on scientists, online commentators, NGOs, and others. This paper considers the main changes wrought: reform of the main common law defences, changes relevant to scientific discourse and online speech, and revisions that will impact on process. It identifies areas where there will be problems of interpretation for courts, and suggests that the Act will fail to provide clarity for publishers keen to assess the legality of their actions. The paper also contends that more attention should have been paid to remedies (in particular, the desirability of discursive remedies such as the right of reply). The question is posed whether the Act addresses the core problem with libel law: the juridification and over‐complication of public sphere disputes, and the attendant cost of embroilment in legal proceedings.  相似文献   

ERISA's board preemption provision has survived many challenges to its scope and effect. Now it may have succumbed in the face of a few statements tucked into the legislative history of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Language in the legislative history presents the view that the Act was meant to overturn ERISA preemption of state family and medical leave laws. The text of the FMLA contains no corroborating language to support that view. However, at least one court found the statements in the legislative history to be persuasive and ruled that under the FMLA, ERISA does not preempt state family and medical leave laws that regulate ERISA plans. If other courts follow that decision, there will be great implications to employee benefit plan regulation and administration. This article explores the court's decision and the relationship between the FMLA and ERISA preemption.  相似文献   

《行政许可法》对地方立法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘巍 《现代法学》2005,27(1):173-180
行政许可法颁布和施行的意义不仅仅局限于行政法治这一领域,而且以独特的视角为地方立法今后的发展提供了难得的参考。在地方立法理念上的变化体现为:平衡公益和私益,追求效益,立法应务实创新;对地方立法体制及立法技术的影响表现为:地方对行政许可设定具有很强的局限性,地方立法主体需重新认识和定位,注重以立法事项的性质确定立法主体,在权限上既赋予地方一定的专有立法权,同时对地方立法权进行一些具体的禁止作为补充,健全地方立法的具体内容,完善地方立法技术。即便如此,行政许可法仍对地方立法可能造成以下负面影响:首先是借行政许可法留下的可观的立法空间,扩大地方立法权;其次是由于行政审批改革与立法同步,立法中部门利益将会反弹。  相似文献   

In 1998, Congress passed a second law to regulate online content in the name of protecting children. Although the Child Online Protection Act is arguably a more narrowly tailored approach to protecting children from online indecency than the Communications Decency Act of 1996, the COPA still suppresses a large amount of speech that adults have a constitutional right to receive. This article explains the two laws, analyzes how courts have treated them and finds that while there are slight differences between the two laws, the courts have thus far held that these differences are insignificant compared to their shared constitutional defects. The article recommends that Congress stop attempting to enact laws that technology and parental control make unnecessary and that would harm freedom of expression.  相似文献   

New technologies permit online businesses to reduce expenses and increase efficiency by, for example, storing information in “the cloud”, engaging in online tracking and targeted advertising, location and tracking technologies, and biometrics. However, the potential for technology to facilitate long term retention of customers' personal information raises concerns about the competing right of individuals to the privacy of their personal information. Although the European Commission has recently released a proposal for regulation to “provide a data subject with the right to be forgotten and to erasure”, neither the OECD Privacy Guidelines nor the APEC Privacy Framework includes any requirement to delete personal information. While New Zealand includes a “limited retention principle” in the Privacy Act 1993, apart from one limited exception the privacy principles cannot be enforced in court. Taking New Zealand privacy law as an example, this paper examines the issue of retention of customer data, explains why this is a serious problem and argues that although it could be addressed by appropriate amendments to domestic laws, domestic privacy legislation may not be sufficient in an online environment. In the same way as other areas of law, such as the intellectual property regime, have turned to global regulatory standards which reflect the international nature of their subject matter, international privacy regulation should be the next stage for the information privacy regime.  相似文献   

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