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山东省鲁西监狱在罪犯中实行的“刑释后短期生活保障”制度,是一项新生事物,它与监狱其它罪犯改造措施相比具有鲜明的特点,“刑释后短期生活保险”制度具有四种功能,中国特色监狱人道主义的体现功能,罪犯改造积极性的调动功能,监狱秩序良性发展的促进功能,社会治安综合治理的推动功能,但若作为监管改造的一项措施在其它监狱中推广实施还需具备一定的条件。  相似文献   

监狱工作贯彻落实“首要标准”,在理论上有许多课题需要研究,在实践中有许多工作需要开拓创新。基层监狱民警的“真心”、“狠心”、“耐心”就是落实“首要标准”,提高改造质量的基本条件;基层监狱民警对服刑期间罪犯提出改造指导性意见以及对即将刑释罪犯提出谋生就业意见,就是落实“首要标准”,提高改造质量的重要途径。  相似文献   

据1月25日《华西都市报》报道,四川女子监狱为调动罪犯的改造积极性,今年春节将对近百名罪犯采取“奖假”制度,让她们能够与家人团聚。能够享受如此“待遇”的条件有二:一是改造表现一贯好;二是原判有期徒刑已执行二分之一以上刑期。对符合“条件”的罪犯,监狱方面将按一定比例对其实施“奖假”,假期长短根据罪犯家庭住址而定,一般为三至五天,最长不超过七天。报道还称,“去年春节”监狱就已经为110名罪犯实施了“奖假”。对于监狱“为了调动罪犯的改造积极性”而采取的“奖假”改革举措的良苦用心,显然是无可非议的。然而,监狱作为刑罚的执…  相似文献   

鲁兰 《法学家》2000,(3):71-76
尽管我国1994年颁布的《中华人民共和国监狱法》明文规定:“国家保障监狱改造罪犯所需经费。监狱的人民警察经费、罪犯改造经费、罪犯生活费、狱政设施经费及其他专项经费,列入国家预算。”但是,凡了解中国监狱经费来源的实况便很清楚,国家不仅从建国之初将“监狱经济创收”的重任赋予监狱机关,就连《监狱法》实施后,除干警基本工资和罪...  相似文献   

“惩罚改造”不能作为监狱基本价值的全部内容,“惩罚改造”和“罪犯人权保障”的有机统一,才完整构成中国监狱的基本价值,才符合依法治国和依法治监的要求。罪犯的人权保障不仅只反映罪犯和监狱的关系,它实际上反映的是社会全体成员相对于国家的法律地位。注重人权保障才能使监狱法制具有良法的品性。  相似文献   

监狱环境建设,既指硬环境建设,包括自然环境、生态环境、建筑环境,也指软环境建设,包括执法意识、文明管理等。围绕监狱硬环境建设这一主题,要正确评价监狱“硬环境”对罪犯改造的影响,审视目前监狱环境建设的不足,探索环境效益和罪犯改造效益的和谐统一,从而揭示人和自然协调的深刻内涵,进而达到提高罪犯改造质量的目的。  相似文献   

关系犯是与监狱或监狱警察有某些利害或利益关系的罪犯。从实践上界定,关系犯可以分为两类,一是与监狱有利益或利害关系的罪犯,即“与公型关系犯”;一是与监狱人民警察个人有利益或利害关系的罪犯,即“与私型关系犯”。“与私型关系犯”在改造群体中具有相对的隐蔽性,能够得到干警“弹性执法”的好处,还有些干警在管理和使用上分开为关系犯提供方便,在减刑、假释等方面公开提供优惠条件;“与公型关系犯”在改造群体中具有公开性,他们往往以对监狱有贡献自居,向监狱讲条件要好处。“关系犯”改造意识普遍淡化,应当给以充分的重视。  相似文献   

“把刑释解教人员重新违法犯罪率作为衡量监管工作的首要标准”,是中央领导提出的一个具有时代意义的实践命题。坚持“首要标准”,有助于提升监狱工作的社会地位和职能作用。理解“首要标准”,应重点把握三个关键点:刑释人员重新犯罪的原因是多方面的,但改造质量是一个首要环节;把刑释人员重新犯罪率作为衡量监狱工作的首要标准,是法律赋予监狱的职责;刑释人员重新犯罪率是衡量监狱工作的首要标准但不是唯一标准。落实“首要标准”,要切实把改造人放在监狱工作的第一位,不断提高改造质量,努力把罪犯改造成为守法公民。其中要尤为重视“改造人”和罪犯改造质量评估问题。  相似文献   

监狱工作的人性解读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
监狱工作的人性功能主要是“剥夺依赖功能”、“限制参与功能”和“强化适应功能”等。但具体到不同制度的不同国家.由于统治阶级的指导思想不同,对监狱追求的价值取向也不尽相同、有些国家注重报应性惩罚,强调“剥夺依赖功能”,而不太注意其他功能;而有些国家,如我国监狱,则对上述三个功能都十分重视,并力求在此基础上,努力提高罪犯个体适应社会关系的能力与素质。为了更好地发挥监狱改造罪犯的功能,要努力完善监管设施,严格落实干警的全程管理,适度控制罪犯的生理需要。创造条件,使罪犯有机会参加积极的社会活动。教育内容要贴近实际,注重对罪犯良好行为的养成。  相似文献   

监狱是对罪犯进行惩罚和改造的专门机构,罪犯刑满以后是否重新犯罪是体现监狱改造职能体现的一个重要方面。笔者就现在刑释人员的状况和监狱对改造罪犯的现状提出在服刑人员中设置“特种社会保险”的设想,构思如下: 一、“特种社会保险”是关系社会长治久安的大问题。 (一)目前,社会对刑释人员社会安置帮教的现状: 我国《监狱法》第三十七条规定了对刑释人员的社会安置和生活保障,近几年来在国家法律  相似文献   

The emotions shame and guilt may represent a critical stepping stone in the rehabilitation process. Often referred to as "moral" emotions owing to their presumed role in promoting altruistic behavior and inhibiting antisocial behaviors, shame and guilt provide potentially exciting points of intervention with offenders. In this article, we describe current psychological theory and research that underscores important differences between shame and guilt. We note parallels between psychologists' conceptions of guilt and shame, and criminologists' conceptions of reintegrative and disintegrative shaming. We summarize recent research investigating the implications of these moral emotions for criminal and risky behavior, with special emphasis on the handful of studies conducted with actual offenders. We conclude with a discussion of implications for treatment in criminal justice settings.  相似文献   

As recorded in the Analects, Kongzi (Confucius) held that using punishment to influence ordinary citizens will do little to develop a sense of shame (chi 恥) in them. This term is usually taken to refer to a sense of shame described here as “autonomous,” understood as a predisposition to feel ashamed when one does something wrong because it seems wrong to oneself, and not because others regard it as wrong or shameful. Historically, Confucian philosophers have thought a great deal about the habits and character traits necessary for someone to have a sense of shame that is truly autonomous. The article looks at their views on this matter and shows how they help to articulate the hypothesis that coercive punishments undermine or work at cross-purposes with the cultivation of an autonomous sense of shame. It then uses this analysis to explicate Kongzi’s proposal that governing people by cultivating a sense of shame is to be preferred to governing by threat of punishment. It concludes by weighing its merits as a view about effective governance, observing that its strength and plausibility depends on whether we take the threat of punishment to be direct or indirect.  相似文献   

刑法学发展至今貌似精巧,但理论构造似乎离生活常识越来越远,使得理论与公众的规范感觉、认同感觉之间的分歧很大。刑法研究无论走何种道路,可能都面临需要重新思考的问题:在我们的生活当中,哪些是常识性的东西,亦或哪些是生活经验上特别值得重视的东西。刑法学回归常识主义,要重视两个问题:一方面,刑法本身对社会有什么益处?或者刑法的社会功能究竟是什么?另一方面,刑法学回归常识主义,是否有可能性?亦即使刑法学和生活常识接近,或者尽量回归生活常识、尽量让公众能够去认同是否有可能?如果有可能,则其出发点或者基点是什么?常识主义刑法观对于欧陆刑法学会给予特别关注,强调跨文化的刑法趋同性,肯定了通过刑法保护社会中通行的规范关系的重要性。  相似文献   

This study of 550 jail inmates (379 male and 171 female) held on felony charges examines the reliability and validity of the Test of Self Conscious Affect -Socially Deviant Version (TOSCA-SD; Hanson & Tangney, 1996) as a measure of offenders' proneness to shame and proneness to guilt. Discriminant validity (e.g., vis-à-vis self-esteem, negative affect, social desirability/impression management) and convergent validity (e.g., vis-à-vis correlations with empathy, externalization of blame, anger, psychological symptoms, and substance use problems) was supported, paralleling results from community samples. Further, proneness to shame and guilt were differentially related to widely used risk measures from the field of criminal justice (e.g., criminal history, psychopathy, violence risk, antisocial personality). Guilt-proneness appears to be a protective factor, whereas there was no evidence that shame-proneness serves an inhibitory function. Subsequent analyses indicate these findings generalize quite well across gender and race. Implications for intervention and sentencing practices are discussed.  相似文献   

传统荣辱观对社会主义荣辱观的建树有着积极的借鉴作用。儒学荣辱观把“耻”即“羞恶之心”提到一个关系国家存亡的绝对不可轻视的高度。儒学荣辱观以“诚信”为荣,“虚伪”为耻;以“先义而后利”为“荣;”以“先利而后义”为耻。重温传统荣辱观,明义利之辨,对于端正我们的价值取向,有着十分积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

刑法解释的常识化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
王钧 《法学研究》2006,(6):102-112
条文解释的常识化和学理研究的经验化,是我国刑法学发展过程中出现的一个显著特点。刑法学中的所谓“常识化”大致有两种不同的表述形式:一是刑法解释上的“公众认同”,二是所谓的“社会相当性”。刑法解释常识化是实现法律认识统一性的基础,是实现刑法公正与效率有机结合的重要条件,也是实现刑法目的的重要手段。但是,运用常识化方法解决法律适用问题,必须面对的问题是如何协调该方法中内在的矛盾关系,即常识与专业之间的关系、科学解释与效力解释之间的关系。在我国目前的刑法解释中,需要走出将生活常识等同于专业知识、以感性经验替代科学理论的误区。  相似文献   

The emotions of shame and guilt have recently appeared in debates concerning legal punishment, in particular in the context of so called shaming and guilting penalties. The bulk of the discussion, however, has focussed on the justification of such penalties. The focus of this article is broader than that. My aim is to offer an analysis of the concept of legal punishment that sheds light on the possible connections between punishing practices such as shaming and guilting penalties, on the one hand, and emotions such as guilt, shame, and perhaps humiliation, on the other. I␣contend that this analysis enhances our understanding of the various theories of punishment that populate this part of criminal law theory and thereby sharpens the critical tools needed to assess them. My general conclusion is that, in different ways, all of the theories we encounter in this area can benefit from paying renewed attention to the nature of the connection between the state’s act of punishing and its expected or perceived emotional effect on the individual. OB, JD, KM, FT, CEB, KKJ, ASP, JS, AD, NE and the SNF x2.  相似文献   

刑事案件事实认定是刑法司法活动的一项极其重要而又复杂的内容。刑事案件事实认定的常识、常理、常情化,是刑事案件事实认定符合经验法则的直接体现。运用常识、常理、常情可以对刑事案件的客观事实包括关键情节或重要情节和因果关系进行认定,也可以对刑事案件的主观事实包括罪过形式、犯罪倾向和犯罪动机等进行认定。刑事案件事实认定之所以应该常识、常理、常情化,是因为常识、常理、常情本来就是人们日常生活的行为规则或指引,故刑事案件事实认定的常识、常理、常情化能够在一种方法论和价值论中确保刑事案件事实认定以及以之为基础的刑事裁判的正当性。  相似文献   



The current work examined the association between low resting heart rate and perceptions of the costs and benefits of criminal behavior.


Data were gathered from a sample of students in introductory criminal justice classes. Perceptions of the costs and benefits of crime were measured in response to scenarios describing assault, theft and drunk driving.


Those with low resting heart rate perceived a lower likelihood of sanction and were less likely to anticipate a sense of guilt/shame should they commit assault during a confrontation. Those with low resting heart rate were also more likely to indicate that they would commit the act described in the assault scenario. Anticipated guilt/shame mediated the relationship between low resting heart rate and intent to engage in assault.


Low resting heart rate was related to estimations of the costs and benefits of offending. Perceived costs (anticipated guilt/shame) mediated the relationship between resting heart rate and intent to commit assault.  相似文献   

Recently there has been recognition of the cultural politics of emotion, that is, the ways in which emotions impact upon individual life experiences. Significantly, it has been shown how emotions can produce effects of power on and through the bodies of individuals. Despite this knowledge, the law and legal responses tend to minimise, obscure and deny the ways in which emotions, and in particular shame, impacts upon individuals. This article therefore argues that the lives of women who experience male violence cannot be fully understood without reference to the ways in which shame affects those experiences. It explores how shame operates as a gendered set of self-regulatory practices, which are also practices of male power in individual womens’ lives. In order to do this findings from a small scale qualitative study which used semi-structured interviews with women who have experienced violence are utilised, together with a Foucauldian theoretical framework. The article contends that an awareness and understanding of how shame affects the lives of women experience male violence can improve law and social policy responses to male violence against women.  相似文献   

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