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随着全球化的深入发展,民间组织在全球治理中的作用不断加强,在这一趋势下,开展各国民间组织之间的交流与合作,对于探讨和解决全球性问题具有非常重要的意义。而当前全球性金融危机的爆发和蔓延,以及目前地区和全球安全形势的不确定,使得各国之间,特别是力量在不断上升的发展中国家之间有了更明确、更紧迫的合作议题。  相似文献   

东亚地区不仅有复杂的海洋传统安全问题,还面临日益凸显的海洋非传统安全威胁,这既给东亚地区的政治与安全形势带来挑战,也为区域内政治安全合作提供了机遇。当前,东亚海洋非传统安全治理呈现两个重要特征:一是部分海洋非传统安全领域形成了国内治理责任、地区性协调合作机制、国际技术性多边合作机制三个层面的治理结构;二是某些领域形成海洋非传统安全及其治理的区域性多边国际公约,对全球性海洋安全治理机制进行"填补"或"具体化"适用,为东亚国家在海洋非传统安全治理中的协调与合作提供了法律基础。中国是东亚海洋非传统安全治理进程的重要参与者,在"一带一路"倡议背景下,中国应积极扩展东亚海洋非传统安全治理的合作空间,推动东亚海洋非传统安全治理持续深化。  相似文献   

正全球化在给人类带来巨大好处的同时,也带来越来越多的全球性挑战。作为国际社会共同应对全球性挑战的途径,有效的全球治理要求在国际事务中处于主导地位的国家承担起牵头与协调的责任,要求国际社会特别是主要国家间的充分协商和积极务实的合作,要求相关国家在合作中抵制国内政治的干扰。依据上述标准衡量,第二次世界大战结束以来,特别是冷战结束以来,国  相似文献   

冷战结束后,参与全球治理体系的行动者或利益攸关方呈现多样化态势,全球治理体系更加复合。然而,在各种因素作用下,现有全球治理体系近年来却面临日趋严重的挑战甚至危机。在全球治理体系中发挥重要作用的一些国家,如美英,正在退出一些全球治理机构或对全球治理有重大影响的地区性组织;全球性公共产品供给短缺并未得到根本改善;竞争影响了世界大国在全球治理中的合作,导致全球治理体系愈加复杂。挑战同时也是机会。中国积极参与全球治理,加大了对国际公共产品的贡献。展望未来,世界各大国在全球治理问题上的协调合作及其成效将决定21世纪世界的和平与发展。  相似文献   

正以结构性改革提高世界经济的中长期增长潜力,凝聚各国的结构性改革共识,制定结构性改革路线图是中国举办G20峰会最重要的贡献之一。G20会议作为一种国际经济合作协调模式,本质上是各国政治、经济力量博弈的结果。随着全球经济的货币化,以及国际资本流动的自由化,国际金融秩序的改革逐渐成了政治和经济议题的中心。  相似文献   

近年来,全球化和全球治理格局遭遇系统性震荡,传统安全和非传统安全叠加发酵,热点、难点问题交替升温。在此背景下,金砖国家加强政治安全合作既是金砖机制建设的应有之义和经济合作的内生要求,也是金砖国家重构公平合理国际新秩序、主张国际新安全观、维护国际安全格局的现实需要。全球治理体系因解构与建构而导致失序和失衡,金砖政治安全合作的内外挑战前所未有。为应对各种挑战,金砖国家政治安全合作需要妥善处理内部的利益纠葛,不断创新思维、设立新平台,助推金砖机制建设行稳致远。  相似文献   

全球政治的新发展对国际关系产生了三大全局性影响,涉及人类生存的全球性重大问题上升到各国政治议程的前列,全球力量中心正从欧美开始向其他地区转移,全球性的"政治兴奋和活跃"继续扩散,从而对全球治理能力提出更高要求。但是现今的国际多边机制无论在充分性、有效性还是合法性上都存在日益严重的"能力赤字"。改革国际多边机制的呼声持续高涨。同时,中国在参与国际体系变革的多边外交进程中,面临日益上升的发挥"领导"和承担"国际责任"的压力,需要我们在多边外交中不断适应变化了的国家身份定位,在战略规划和布局上加强统筹地域和领域的多边机制,有机结合近期和长远目标,并在多边外交实践中丰富发展和谐世界理念。  相似文献   

全球治理是指各国各方通过共商的方式形成一套制度和执行机制,解决彼此以及国际社会共同面临的问题.当今世界,各国的命运已经紧密联系在一起,任何国家都无法独善其身.一国的发展与外部世界互为条件,全球性问题如果不能得到有效解决,会波及很多国家的内部发展.因此,全球治理的质量与各个国家休戚相关.然而,当今世界的全球治理体系还存在诸多问题,尤其是在百年未有之大变局下,全球治理面临的问题和挑战更为突出.习近平主席在多个外交场合提到当今世界面临"四大赤字",其中之一就是治理赤字.这个治理赤字既针对国内治理,也针对全球治理.只有更深层次地把握当今全球治理面临的问题和挑战,才能更有针对性地对其改革给出有效方案.  相似文献   

"全球性地区治理"或"全球主义观照下的地区治理"是为了解决如何走出当前全球治理困境而提出的新观念或新议题,其要义是在全球主义的观照下,各国际行为体在地区层面就某个或某些议题,或者就整个地区的全面合作问题,开展政策协调、构建制度性联系或者组织地区共同体等活动,旨在先行实现世界各个地区的治理和善治,最终达到全球的治理和善治。这种新观念的理论基础是全球学和全球国际关系学,其实践基础则是统筹全球治理与国家治理关系的现实需要。实现这种全球性地区治理,需要不断完善其研究议程,推动其从观念到政策实践的转变。国际关系学界对地区主义和地区治理的传统研究重视制度分析和规范分析,而比较地区主义还重视政策扩散分析。对互联互通政策方案在亚洲地区合作中的扩散过程和扩散机制进行的分析,进一步证明,像互联互通这样的全球性地区治理方案,具备统筹协调全球治理和国家治理互动关系的优势,是非常可靠可行的全球治理实现路径。  相似文献   

传统的全球治理模式主要是霸权与多边主义的结合,是由美国等西方发达国家主导的以国际组织为载体的治理。冷战结束后尤其是2008年金融危机后,由于全球性问题的凸显以及国际权力结构的变化,使得传统治理模式遭遇"治理赤字",非正式与私有化治理模式逐渐受到国际社会的广泛关注。非正式治理模式是世界主要国家就应对全球问题进行平等协商的非正式制度安排。私有化治理模式是非国家权威以市场为导向建立的治理体系,主要在环境保护与气候变化等领域发挥作用。新治理模式的灵活性、操作性强的优势弥补了传统治理模式的不足,因此在全球治理中发挥着积极作用。虽然新的治理模式也存在缺陷,但其在未来全球治理中的作用将进一步提升。全球治理模式的转型对中国而言既是机遇也是挑战,中国需要处理好新旧两种治理模式的关系,并推动全球治理朝着公平和民主的方向发展。  相似文献   

Mass destruction     

How international organizations influence the domestic politics and foreign policies of states is often ignored in the study of international cooperation. This article develops an approach focusing on how states may influence the international agenda, which then shapes the position‐taking opportunities and constraints politicians face as they try to maintain their domestic political positions. This article is a preliminary exploration of how agenda setting works, what kinds of agenda‐setting strategies are available, and under what conditions agenda setting matters. Aspects of past secessionist crises will be used to clarify the discussion. The interaction between domestic position taking and international agenda setting will then be applied to the current crisis in Yugoslavia to determine why Greece, in particular, has been more influential than one might have expected.  相似文献   

姜跃春 《国际展望》2012,(1):26-33,47,115
"跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定"作为美国重返亚太地区的重要战略之一近年得到国际社会广泛关注。日本作为东亚区域合作的重要国家在东亚区域合作政策上采取何种立场在很大程度上反映出日本大国外交的趋向。野田新内阁已经明确表示参加TPP谈判。日本热切参加TPP谈判的主要意图是重振日本经济,在地区问题上纠偏中美关系,制约中国在地区合作进程中的影响。参加谈判可能给日本国内政治带来分裂,也将对东亚地区合作进程带来影响。  相似文献   

张超  吴白乙 《国际展望》2022,14(2):19-35
安全概念及其适用范围是国际关系学界长期以来争论的焦点之一。冷战结束后,传统安全的边界被打破,非传统安全领域议题越来越多地占据国家安全和国际关系议题的中心地位。国家行为体追求绝对安全状态和无节制扩充安全议题,可能造成资源的错配和浪费,导致国内政治的保守化和国际交往的封闭趋向,最终反而不利于实现安全目标,从而掉入“泛安全化陷阱”。当前,国际上少数国家表面上以“国家安全”为由干扰国际合作,实则推行单边主义和保护主义政策,对全球多边主义秩序规则、国际合作、大国关系造成严重冲击,其消极影响不可低估。党的十八大以来,中国的安全体系和能力建设取得了重要成就,形成了总体国家安全观的理论体系。作为新兴大国,中国同时面临复杂的安全形势和较大的发展压力。中国应以总体国家安全观为指导,理性平衡好安全与开放、发展之间的关系,审慎塑造安全议程,防止落入“泛安全化陷阱”。同时,中国在国际上应坚决反对滥用安全概念的行为,在新兴全球性议题上高举合作旗帜,推动经济全球化和国际关系民主化的持续发展,积极推动国际安全治理机制改革和创新,为构建人类命运共同体凝聚广泛共识和作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

郝诗楠 《国际展望》2021,(3):119-134,157
由于高科技或新技术本身具有一定的公共产品特性,并且决定着一个国家的综合国力,因此高科技的发展与一国内部政治及国家间竞争的关联度逐渐加大。一方面,企业利益进一步与国家利益重合,高科技跨国公司在开展跨国业务时愈发受到母国与东道国“政治正确”的规制;另一方面,在逆全球化背景下,国家对技术的理解形成了较为明确的技术主权观念,高科技跨国公司与母国之间的“捆绑”由此亦愈发明显。在此背景下,随着西方排他性技术同盟的形成,非西方的高科技跨国企业遭受打压的态势在中短期内并不会缓解,国家间、企业间的技术合作将极大受阻,全球技术进步的成本和门槛也将因此显著提升,最终影响人类的整体利益。对中国而言,一方面,要继续扩大开放,坚持技术多边主义,积极推动跨国技术合作;另一方面,仍需凸显技术进步过程中的国家角色,建构国家引导下的以高科技跨国企业为主体的技术创新体系,最终实现关键核心技术的自主可控。  相似文献   

The article seeks to explore the common ground between biopolitics, fashion, patriotism and nostalgia. Taking off from the Foucauldian notion of biopolitics as a control apparatus exerted over a population, I provide an insight into the modern construction of the Russian nation, where personal and collective sacrifice, traditional femininity and masculinity, orthodox religion, and the Great Patriotic War become the basis for patriotism. On carefully chosen case studies, I will show how the state directly and indirectly regulates people’s lives by producing narratives, which are translated (in some cases designers act as mouthpieces for the state demographic or military politics) into fashionable discourses and, with a core of time, create specific gender norms – women are seen as fertile mothers giving birth to new soldiers, while men are shown as fighters and defenders of their nation. In the constructed discourses, conservative ideals become a ground for the creation of an idea of a nation as one biological body, where brothers and sisters are united together. In these fashionable narratives, people’s bodies become a battlefield of domestic politics. Fashion produces a narrative of a healthy nation to ensure the healthy work- and military force.  相似文献   

《Communist and Post》2007,40(3):301-314
Throughout the past years, substantial discussions have dealt with the factors associated with ethnic conflicts such as institutional designs, group dynamics and the influence of external peacemakers. However, one area remains largely uncovered: this is how the domestic politics of a nation state shape minority issues from the same ethnicity in another country. In this paper we discuss the dynamics of Hungarian politics relative to the Hungarian minority in Romania, and identify factors that resulted in exporting domestic political contention to another country.  相似文献   

At the same time that comparative and international political scientists have been confronting the problems of analysing state behaviour under conditions of uncertainty, state-centred political scientists are attempting, somewhat belatedly, to deal with the increasing complexity and uncertainty which underpins modern governance. Yet despite similar research agendas these disciplines have continued to speak past each other. This article contends that policy transfer analysis can provide a context for integrating some key concerns of these disciplines. Further, we argue that the process of policy transfer should be examined through a structure and agency approach with three dimensions: global, international and transnational levels, the macro-level and the interorganizational level. This three-dimensional model employs the notion of a policy transfer network as a middle-range level of analysis which links a particular form of policy development (policy transfer), microdecision making in organizations, macrosystems and global, transnational and international systems. It is hoped that this approach will stimulate an empirical research agenda which will illuminate important policy developments in domestic and world politics.  相似文献   

Global frameworks for democratic development today tend to remain within a comparative lens where each country is treated as a sovereign capsule. This portrait eludes the political structures that accompany contemporary globalisation and set the conditions for domestic development. Notably, the comparative perspective eschews the hierarchical nature of states and influential non-state actors that impact democracy movements. Merging international relations theory and comparative politics and using the example of Uganda to illustrate, I create ‘the politics of dispensation.’ Like a doctor dispensing a pill to a patient, Uganda shows how susceptible a country can be to forces beyond democratic control.  相似文献   

This article argues that the concept of the “domestic security dilemma” can help us to better understand public opposition to government counterterrorism policies. It examines the concept of the “security dilemma” in international relations theory and argues that this concept can also be applied to the analysis of domestic security politics. The article explains that when the government takes actions intended to make people safer from terrorist threats, it often has the unintended consequence of heightening concerns about government oppression. Thus, counterterrorism represents a “domestic security dilemma”—a situation where security tradeoffs have consistently undermined anticipated security gains.  相似文献   

Humanitarian reconstruction after a large-scale natural disaster has become a key site of international politics; a site where global assumptions, relationships, and responsibilities are negotiated, solidified and questioned. While post-crisis response strategies and institutional practices have strong spatial and material characteristics, these are rarely considered as significant—either to the reconstruction effort, or to international politics more generally. This article identifies and examines the "auxiliary space" created by the everyday practices of international aid workers and asks whether its effects may lead to unanticipated and potentially transformative outcomes not only for the reconstruction effort, but also for global North-South relations at large. The article concludes that post-crisis reconstruction sites may offer both cautionary and emancipatory potential for the evolution of international relations.  相似文献   

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